Last updated 2 years ago
How do we help expand and grow the Cardano users in the Arabic speaking
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Arabia, Grow Cardano.
Arabic language is close to 4% globally with a majority of the people spread on
all continents. Including a support community is a must.
Identifying a category for the next Fund (10) would promote the arabic speaking
cardano members to propose ideas, documentation, videos.
Propose a 500,000ADA Fund category similarly to Africa / Asia / South
America. We have seen the Cardano Catalyst ideas promote regional access
with townhalls and other proposals. I wish to offer a similar structure for Arabic
focused projects.
The Arabic nations are a vast range of wealth and needs. They spread over
multiple continents and have their population immigrate and settle globally.
Exposing this group of Arabic speaking population to the tools that cardano
can offer will benefit them (money transfers and banking etc...).
In addition there is a percentage of very wealthy and open to invest in
ecosystems and future of the blockchain that I believe will gain access to the
cardano community through the Arabic support.
Overall the Arabic speaking population is a majority young (50% below the age
of 18). Therefore they will be the creative minds that will lead the future.
Offering them an access point into the cardano ecosystem I believe cardano
will thrive and help generate great minds.