Last updated 2 years ago
How can we bring participation from the population-dense and diverse ecosystem of South Asia by creating awareness and ease of onboarding?
This is the total amount allocated to Grow South Asia Grow Cardano.
South Asia is population dense and has very little awareness about Cardano. This is major participation that Cardano is missing out on.
Representation from Groups that are actively promoting and advocating for Cardano and building a strong community in the South Asian belt.
How many registrations in Cardano Project Catalyst from the South Asian countries?
How many active targeted communities are advocating for Cardano?
How many language-specific content and repositories were developed to create awareness about Cardano in South Asia?
How many proposals, proposal assessors and voters participated from South Asia in Project Catalyst?
How many developers were onboarded from these countries?
Asia being the largest continent with a dense population, it is ideal to divide them geographically and create targeted awareness about Cardano. The past challenges have focused on South East Asia and East Asia, Grow India Challenge, etc and it is about time we bring in participation from other South Asian countries. With other chains having a good foothold in countries like India, it is ideal to bring a large South Asia-focused community-building challenge for Cardano.
This challenge would be focused on community building and awareness creation about the Cardano ecosystem in South Asia.
The proposal can be focused on the following points but this is not an exhaustive list :
In the end, bringing in smaller communities from different countries and continents will create a stronger Cardano community and also show the world that Cardano is a truly borderless community that does not leave any part of the world behind.