Last updated 2 years ago
African Agriculture is late regarding blockchain technology information and payment system integration, especially in the Ghanaian Agricultural world.
To incorporate Ada payment systems into the Agricultural world for;
Using Ada coin.
And also create more adoption of Ada
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano and Agri Value Chain.
To incorporate Ada payment systems into the Agricultural world for;
Using Ada coin.
And also create more adoption of Ada
We are a group of colleagues with experience in the agribusiness value chain and agri-procurement services with 2 years of continuous engagement with farmers in the Agricultural sector. The team has been providing advisory services to farmers on good farming methods for yields.
“The proliferation of global value chains has come with significant power asymmetries between global buyers and local farmers, thus restricting farmers’ ability to reliably access profitable markets, effectively bargain with their trading partners, and diversify and upgrade their income-earning activities”
Also, from observations from Agric companies,
From observations from Agric companies,
The team has worked with Antika Company Limited, Heritage Seeds Company Limited, etc. Their form of doing business is normally with cash. Due to levies and taxes, the cash is subjected to high service charges when transacting with Mobile Money and other financial institutions. This reduces the value of the money. The players in the sector need a platform that allows for faster transactions and lower service fees.
Normally the farmer is always disadvantaged by the shortcomings of cash which are
Normally the farmer is always disadvantaged by the shortcomings of cash which are
The project will be in two(2) phases
Farmer to Farmer peer-to-peer transactions
this section will involve the following. Workshops, Online training sessions, and practical training sessions will aid the farmer to have a smooth usage of the yoroi wallet.
I. Knowing our Farmers: digitization in Agriculture starts with understanding the financial life of the farmer and then establishing a level of comfort for the usage of that new digital financial service. This will help put the Farmer's financial behavior at the center of digitization.
II. Build internal and external value proposition for Ada payments: Through a series of training for Farmers, a clear picture will be created for farmers on the use of Ada for transactions,
Farmer to Farmer.
Farmer to a market
Thus increasing the level of acceptance of Ada for payments.
III. Enable Farmers to spend their funds and access services digitally: just training Farmers won't be enough but making Farmers have an ecosystem where they can freely use Ada when and how they want to. At this point, Agritech society will create a physical Agri Input market that will accept Ada for payment of goods and services
iv. Sensitizing farmers on the value of Ada Payments using the yoroi App: This starts with developing materials eg. small Handouts, illustrative materials, media files like recordings, or short videos to explain how the Cardano payment using the yoroi wallet can be done.
The Market
Agritech society will create an ecosystem where farmers can freely use Ada for transactions, by creating an Agri input shop where farmers can buy inputs and pay with Ada. Farmers paying with Ada will be given a discount of 10 to 15% depending on the volume of goods bought and the type of goods bought. Discounts given to farmers will enhance a switch from the fiat system of payments to the Ada system of payment using the yoroi wallet.
“Agriculture in the 21st century faces multiple challenges: it has to produce more food and fiber to feed a growing population with a smaller rural labor force, more feedstocks for a potentially huge bioenergy market, contribute to overall development in the many agriculture-dependent developing countries, adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods and adapt to climate change.”
[Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:]
This project will help to solve issues related to,
Solution: Recruitment of 10 CBA's (community-based Advisors) from different parts of the Savana belt of Ghana can help translate to farmers the being given out, also instructional materials will be provided on simple steps to send and receive funds on the yoroi wallet.
Solution: farmers will be trained on how to obtain Ada through exchanges like Binance and also from Certified trade who trade in Ada eg Staff of Wada.
Solution: Advertisement through radio and TV stations, and social media outlets to create awareness.
The project is said to take five months to complete which has the following milestones
and Reporting
First Month
Recruitment will be based on the following
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Reporting to the Cardano team on the achievements of our various milestones, Problems encountered in the process and ways to solve them, and the way forward.
The project is projected to use in Ada, a total sum of $35,268 which will take care of the following budget lines.
Total: $4,015 in Ada
Total: $2,500 in Ada
Training and Workshops= 16,013 USD in Ada
Training Sessions in the Northern Region
Total: $3,815 in Ada
Training sessions in the Savana Region
Total: $4,065 in Ada.
Training Sessions in the North East Region
Total: $4,065 in Ada.
Training sessions in the Upper East Region
Total: $4,065 in Ada.
Training Sessions in the Upper West Region
Total: $4,065 in Ada
a. Post Emergence Chemicals= $3,000
b. Pre Emergence Chemicals =$2,000
c. Knapsacks: $700
d. Liquid and Solid Fertilizers= 3,00
e. Safety Clothing { overalls, Boots, Goggles}=$600
f. Recruitment and payment of Sales attendant = $1,000
Mohammed Munir Zakaria- Team lead
is a graduate of the university for development studies with a B.ed in Agricultural Science, over the years have been a chemistry tutor and a Lab Technician in Al Maktoum senior high from 2017 to 2020, and worked with Heritage Seeds Company limited as their Monitoring and evaluation officer and the founder of the Agritech Society which deals in integrating the best Technologies and methods in farming to maximize yield. Mr. Mohammed Munir will be our Team lead for this project
Issah Nantogmah Alhassan-Graphics and IT
Is a graduate of the university for Development studies with a Bsc in computer science, worked in MTN as a consultant from 2018 and Ghana civil evasion Authority as an IT supporter 2019-2020
Sulemana Mohammed Asheraf- Logistic supplies
is a computer science student at the Ck. Tedam university is located in the upper east of Ghana and has been a student of Mohammed Munir Zakaria at Al Maktoum Senior High and also a Mentee to Mr. Mohammed Munir in the field of Production of Vegetables.
Fuseini Mohammed - Organizer
Fussieni Mohammed has a degree in Integrated Business studies which was obtained at the University for Development Studies- Wa, he has worked with Innovation for Poverty Action(IPA) as a Data collector in the following projects,
Abukari Abdulai- Public Relations Officer: is a graduate of Tamale polythenic and has an HND in Accounting, he is worked with Heritage Seeds since 2010 and worked on projects with Agra, IITA, and is currently the Manager of the project for USAID in collaboration with Agra to strengthening the Ghana seed System. Mail:
Ghana Wada Hub: WADA local support lead and feedback for localization of technology
WADA gives voice and access to people of African heritage and interest by providing the tools to reimagine new socioeconomic models in a way that reflects local cultures, values and future aspirations. Although our focus is on Africa, WADA is an all-inclusive organization structured to provide seekers with providers. This is done with a focus on decentralization, self-organization, and distributive governance.
WADA has team members based in Ghana and northern Ghana nearby the project. The WADA team will help to design the solution and validate the solution is suitable for the local market as well as with relevant connections.
Yes, the Agrictech Society will return for funding because the project is said to cover the whole of Africa in terms of integration of payment systems in the Agricultural value chain using Ada as a legal tender in the value chain and yoroi wallet as the means of transaction for goods and services.
is a new Project
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG subgoals:
1.1 By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day
1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology, and financial services, including microfinance
15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought, and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world
5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life
We are a group of colleagues with experience in the agribusiness value chain and agri-procurement services with 2 years of continuous engagement with farmers in the Agricultural sector. The team has been providing advisory services to farmers on good farming methods for yields.