Last updated 2 years ago
Low active engagement and contribution from Eastern Africa region in Catalyst and Cardano ecosystem. To mention a few reasons could be language barrier and difference in timezone for online meetups.
In partnership with RFFXTZ Co Ltd create a physical hub in Dar es salaam to facilitate online and offline meetups and coordinate collaboration between local East Africa entities to Cardano Ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Hub In East Africa.
In partnership with RFFXTZ Co Ltd create a physical hub in Dar es salaam to facilitate online and offline meetups and coordinate collaboration between local East Africa entities to Cardano Ecosystem.
Registered business consultancy agency in Tanzania, Active contributors in Catalyst communities (Catalyst School, Sustainable ADA, GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH ), Catalyst PAs and referrers, Business developers, Community manager, Trainers, Fullstack developer, Funded proposer.
The current population of Eastern Africa is 467,554,544 as of Friday, June 17, 2022, based on the latest United Nations estimates. Eastern Africa population is equivalent to 5.71% of the total world population. The common language in ths region is kiswahili which we have already created Catalyst and Cardano resource with more than 10,000 words to serve this community as part of our fund 8 funded proposal.
RFFXTZ Co Ltd is a registered business consultancy company based in Tanzania with office located in Dar es salaam city. Dar es salaam is a business hub City serving all the countries in East Africa. The proposal aims to establish a center in Tanzania to help aid the mainstream engagement within the public policy space by shaping legislation and providing innovative policy alternatives for adoption of Cardano and blockchain at large.
This center will also serve as a hub for facilitation of Cardano ecosystem awareness campaigns and bridge for collaboration between local entities and the Cardano ecosystem.
It will also help provide the general public, mainstream media and engage stakeholders directly to build support and momentum for policy solutions for favorable legislation, reduce tax, and free-market environment that advances individuals' creativity and innovation in building on the Cardano Ecosystem.
To help aid the mainstream engagement within the public policy space by shaping legislation and providing innovative policy alternatives for adoption of Cardano and blockchain at large.
This center will also serve as a hub for facilitation of Cardano ecosystem awareness campaigns and bridge for collaboration between local entities and the Cardano ecosystem.
It will also to help provide the general public, mainstream media and engage stakeholders directly to build support and momentum for policy solutions for favorable legislation, reduce tax, and free-market environment that advances individuals' creativity and innovation in building on the Cardano Ecosystem.
The main risk would be the educational aspect, there has to be a way of convincing the legal and financial professionals that the projects are not a scam rather that they are real, in a way that motivates them to adapt and embrace.
The best way to overcome this risk is through educational outreach, 1 to 1 meetings or seminars, website, mass media, media and other outlets like social media platform, videos and audios. Also through support research and education about blockchain technology and blockchain governance. Foster skills, develop talent and stimulate innovation.
The Project will be of the duration of 10 months whereas:
It will be conducted by the main proponent of said project.
Throughout the year the center will serve as a Cardano hub that facilitate other Cardano ecosystem sustainable goals.
Total budget = 40000 USD
In the interest of challenge inclusivity and many of our partners' proposals, the budget has been revised down from 90000USD
Evans Kisanga
From Tanzania,
IdeaScale: @babaelliot
Discord: NYS#7565
Linked in :
Fullstack Web and App developer ( , )
Member and active contributor in Catalyst communities (Catalyst School, Sustainable ADA GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH), Catalyst Proposal Assessors
Name: Regina Makungu
From Tanzania,
Ideascale: @reginawills,
LinkedIn: ,
Degree in Accountancy and Finance, ACSI certified by CISS, Operations Manager , Trader in Financial Markets ,
Trainer at RFFXTZ COMPANY LIMITED on Financial Market and Blockchain Technology ,
Marketing expert and content creator
Member and active contributor in Catalyst communities ( GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH)
RFFXTZ Company Ltd
Registered company in Tanzania
Linked In:
Instagram: Rffxtz
This mainly depends with the delivered impact results of the project but also if there will be a need for us to tackle some other challenges that arise as we continue building a sustainable Cardano ecosystem, then yes we will return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding.
Mass adaption, participation and contribution to Cardano ecosystem in East Africa and Africa in general
Yes, this is a continuation of a previously funded proposal in Catalyst fund 8 ( Catalyst and Cardano resources in Swahili ). Now that resources available its time to bring them forward for utilization to the East Africa community.
1.No poverty. As the project will provide employment opportunities
4.Quality education enhanced by the free educational resources in the the hubs will offer
5.Gender equality through opportunity offering equal opportunity to any one who would like to be involved in this project
8.Decent work and economic growth through the impact of the project implementation.
9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10.Reduce inequality through the ecosystem Cardano offers equal rights to people of different social class, income gap or even ethnic groups when the project put a hub
17.Partnership for sustainable Development A well acclaimed partnership between the hubs and the Cardano Ecosystem.
Registered business consultancy agency in Tanzania, Active contributors in Catalyst communities (Catalyst School, Sustainable ADA, GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH ), Catalyst PAs and referrers, Business developers, Community manager, Trainers, Fullstack developer, Funded proposer.