Last updated 2 years ago
There is not a well defined process for on-boarding new African artists to Cardano, that includes proper considerations to barriers of entry into the Cardano ecosystem.
We are going to expand our current on-boarding efforts to include needs we've discovered during our current on-boarding efforts. This includes wallet setup, funding wallet, and minting artist's work.
This is the total amount allocated to COMPLETE African Artist On-Boarding.
We are going to expand our current on-boarding efforts to include needs we've discovered during our current on-boarding efforts. This includes wallet setup, funding wallet, and minting artist's work.
Dagwell- Plutus Pioneer third cohort. Extreme supporter of Cardano-Cli. Collaborated with several excellent Cardano projects in designing and minting native tokens.
KingBrownArtNft- African Artist who is currently being Onboarded
Nnadichristabel6- Newest African Artist Joining
There are no complete onboarding systems to engage with African Artists with the tools and resources to enable them to become engaged Cardano Members. Including reliable methods of communication.
Steps Already completed for Kingbrownartnft:
What is the Purpose?
The purpose is to create an effective onboarding strategy that leverages common obstacles preventing Africans from onboarding to Cardano. Creating a personalized onboarding plan that provides a budget to ensure the Artist's needs are met and can contribute to Cardano. The ecosystem we are building in Cardano is changing how and why we interact with each other. We are building technology that aims to provide everyone with a way to engage with our growing community. It's imperative that we remove as many barriers to entries as possible.
How will we implement the project?
Our earlier efforts relied on visiting different Twitter spaces in order to find possible artists. thanks to the work KingBrownArtnft and I have done, we already have our next candidate, Our program relies heavily on artists onboarding local artists who will face the same barriers we aim to remove. By ensuring our program starts and scales organically, our methods will tackle common issues faced by Africans in the area they live in. All of the progress will be tracked on the web pages created for each artist. Artists will have an area that allows them to discuss their work and preview their new collections. There will also be a dedicated channel in the Hardfork Kafe to create and develop a community setting.
What Will Be Created
Each Artist will create a portfolio of NFTs on Cardano. In some cases, a digital camera will be used to capture an Artists's existing work in other mediums. Whatever medium the artist uses, our job will be to integrate it into the existing Cardano ecosystem. Our main output will be engaged Cardano community members.
This proposal aims to build A stronger Cardano and Africa. By creating the necessary system to onboard Africans and ensure they are properly supplied and can bring Value to the Cardano ecosystem.
The ecosystem we are building in Cardano is changing how and why we interact with each other. We are building technology that aims to provide everyone with a way to engage with our growing community.
For Our Proposal, We have chosen to focus on three Main Phases
Introductory Period - First 30 Days
Assessment of Need First 60-90 Days
Stable and Growing First 90-180 Days
Hopes and Dreams
That the Artist involved will be a catalyst of change in their communities providing meaningful reform.
Developer Cost 4000
Designing and Minting Native Coins for Artists - 25hrs@$75.00 / hr
Designing/updating a Webpage to display Artist's work 25hrs@$75.00
Web Hosting Service 250/yr
Possible Artist Needs $2600/Artist
This total will change depending on how many Artists we are able to onboard, and what particular needs each artist will need to be successful.
Proposed Budget for each Onboarded Artist (Proposal will onboard 5 Artists)
Laptop 1@500
Materials to Produce art $500
Housing Costs $1000
Wallet funding $100
Cost of Shipping $500
Marketing and Community Bounties - 3000
Budget to offer bounties to the community for any unforeseen issues $1500
Budget for Artist giveaways $1500
Dagwell- Member of Plutus Pioneer third Cohort. I have had the pleasure to design and mint NFTS for several Cardano projects. I love the Cardano-cli. My experience ranges from creating governance tokens, linking physical objects to NFTs, creating websites embedded on tokens. I have a passion for allowing people to find and know their WORTH.
KingBrownArtnft - Nigerian Artist specializing in acrylic and medium.
Nnadichristabel6- Nigerian Artist and Psychologist. Recently published and sold her first pieces on Open Sea Twitter
Our intention is to create a robust network of African artist who have the necessary tools to train and onboard others. This will be a process that will continue to expand as we onboard new Artists. In the early stages our onboarding will be limited partly by resources to completely onboard several people. Our initial funding will better educate us on the cost we may face.
Our long term goal outside of funding is to create/utilize a bounty system for projects needing Artists, with the ultimate goal of creating a self sustaining career.
We will measure the number of original works the artist has created on Cardano. We will provide transaction Ids of how the funds were spent and if these resources made a positive impact on the lives of the artist.
We will also measure if the artist is able to complete the onboarding process and if it was pleasant.
A clear measure will be how many participants we were able to attract and if they are still active members in 6 months
We will also have a referral system to track how the network grew.
This is an entirely new proposal.
Dagwell- Plutus Pioneer third cohort. Extreme supporter of Cardano-Cli. Collaborated with several excellent Cardano projects in designing and minting native tokens.
KingBrownArtNft- African Artist who is currently being Onboarded
Nnadichristabel6- Newest African Artist Joining