Last updated 2 years ago
The lack of guidance, support, building and networking opportunities in the Blockchain, Web3 & Crypto communities in Tunisia. These communities are full of talented people, but they are scattered.
Our solution is to provide a platform of like minded people who are eager to build, and solve problems in innovative ways. The governance of this program is fully decentralized & community driven.
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralize Impact.
Our solution is to provide a platform of like minded people who are eager to build, and solve problems in innovative ways. The governance of this program is fully decentralized & community driven.
Our team has years of experience and backgrounds in audit, consulting, business & IT development, and assisting national as well as international organizations in their digital transformation in favor of decentralization through blockchain and Web3.
In the context of the ongoing incubation program “Decentralize Impact”, we aim to allocate its goals into the goals of Cardano’s project Catalyst as to dedicate resources and energy to promote Cardano throughout the phases unfolding. More specifically, the program aims to create a new mindset, to set the foundation for a new perception of governance and entrepreneurship based on decentralization and to empower the existing ecosystem, currently operating in Tunisia, while building the tools and infrastructure to replicate it in North Africa.
This is a pioneer decentralized experience in North Africa for all stakeholders of the program (students, developers, entrepreneurs, mentors, investors, fund-seekers,…) by which we aim to initiate the DNA of an autonomous fully-decentralized ecosystem supported by a community that is constantly aware of decentralization and its effect on every project and business process.
By the end of the program, we aim to guide at least 3 teams of participants to put their business ideas into a realizable and scalable business model and guide them to find the proper investment through decentralized funding guiding them to the new model of the digital economy, and thus to numerous opportunities for business and technical development.
The program constitutes a stepping stone for the emergence of a decentralized ecosystem in the region. It aims to have an impact by giving big attention to the community-growth side, empowering it with keys and tools to be fairly governed and autonomous in the future. With such a foundation, the local ecosystem could evolve in a sustainable way.
To concretize the desired outcome, the methodology by which the program unfolds:
Sourcing phase:
This phase will be focused on creating interest around the project and marketing it to the local blockchain community. This will be achieved through various tools such as teaser videos, educational videos and events aiming to create community growth.
During the sourcing phase, the community will be incentivized to contribute to the program success and get rewarded through a tokenization process. By the end of the sourcing phase, one or more hackathons will be organized by Dar Blockchain in which the winning teams will qualify for the catalyst program.
Catalyst phase:
In this phase, we mainly focus on building the infrastructure of decentralized governance entities for the community in the form of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). Then, hosting teams with blockchain related ideas.
We will provide the teams with a nest to mature their ideas from a business point of view as well as technical feasibility and involve the community in the selection phase using a voting system. Community involvement is rewarded by the token.
Incubation phase:
In this phase, we will incubate 6 to 8 projects that have been voted on via the DAO. Incubation is a training and mentoring program that aims to help participants create advanced proof of concept, strengthen their community, gain access to industry experts, and confirm utility as a product market fit solution. Experts and mentors are evaluated by the teams, and rewarded by the community token.
Funding phase:
Incubated teams set a soft cap and hard cap for their funding needs. The program delegates the decision making of fund allocation to the community. Based on the following token distribution percentage, the community stakes their tokens to their chosen projects: 50% to the engaged community rewards, 20% to the experts and mentors, and 30% to the program partners.
The projects that reach their Soft cap, are funded.
Regulatory framework in certain blockchain use case
Lack of understanding of technology reduces confidence among participants
Ability to bring together a community on the DAO
Scalability of supported projects
Conversion toward decentralized decision making methods
Maturity of early Dapp users
Summer and holidays impact on project adoption
Integrate legal support
Educational videos and trainings
Community growth and management
Expert support
DAO implementation and testing
Partnerships with international blockchains
Adapting the calendar
15 Aug 2022: Community sourcing and marketing
15 Sept 2022: Ideation > Application on platform [ON] | Launching event
10 Oct 2022: Deadline and Application closure [OFF]
11 Oct 2022: Vote [ON].
30 Oct 2022: Vote [OFF].
31 Oct 2022: Winners announcement.
1 Nov 2022: Catalyst [ON]
4-6 Nov 2022: Catalyst bootcamp
9 Nov 2022 : Vote [ON]
16 Nov 2022 : Vote [OFF]
17 Nov 2022 : Winners announcement.
18 Nov 2022 : Incubation [ON].
27 Jan 2023: Incubation [OFF]> Vote [ON]
3 Feb 2023 : Vote [OFF]> Closing ceremony | Demo Day | Winners announcement
The following budget breakdown refers to the contribution brought to Gow Africa, Grow Cardano, comprising the sourcing activity to grow the Cardano community and educate them around its technology:
Educational videos: 9,600 USD
Set up key messages: 100 USD
Content research & schedule: 1,800 USD
Develop scripts: 3,400 USD
Shooting: 700 USD
Post-production: 3,500 USD
Deployment V1, V2, V3: 100 USD
Event organization, Digital Communication & PR: 15,640 USD
Event organization: 8,550 USD
Social media marketing: 2,600 USD
Public relations and sponsoring: 4,490 USD
Total: 25,000 USD
Graduated as a Certified Chartered Accountant, Mohamed has 9 years experience around consulting and entrepreneurship. He worked for 4 years in auditing and financial services with EY in Tunis and EY Paris. In 2017, he dedicated his full attention to the role that plays technology and innovation in favor of decentralization.
He co-founded Lightency in Paris, a Startup that tokenises renewable energy with a focus on the African market, and Dar Blockchain, a technology hub in Tunisia that supports organizations in their digital transformation and helps startups in their strategy of growth.
Jaafar is a Blockchain entrepreneur since 2017, CEO of, a crypto cleantech startup and co-founder at DarBlockchain. Previously, he co-founded Decentral Magazine, a crypto web magazine, where he worked as a crypto journalist.
He provided several consulting services for Blockchain and crypto related projects, in the field of Supplychain, Energy, Security tokens, Nfts & DFI. Before his entrepreneurship experience he worked in technical and business positions at Paris based startups; Ecovadis and TheBubbles company.
Graduated with a BBA in Business Administration from Tunis Business School with a major in Marketing, Zeineb had 4 years of experience working for NGOs and startups with a focus on strategic marketing and project management. With an optimal balance between big picture and detail orientation, her experience in planning, budgeting, evaluation, and monitoring experience continue to enrich the Dar Blockchain projects.
Global citizen and young graduate in Economics and Financial studies. Despite starting his career in late 2018, in Corporate Finance, Salmen has been a Financial Markets enthusiast for over 6 years. He later developed a deeper passion and focus in the Blockchain & Crypto Market. 2019 is when he first started investing both his time and money into various innovative and revolutionary projects in the industry.
Yes. This incubation program isn't a one-off event. We're currently on our first edition of the program and there will be many more.
The following metrics relate to the contribution relative to the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano F9 challenge, not to the actual KPIs of the incubation program:
2 Educational Videos
1 Conference
1 Webinar
1 Workshop
1 Virtual Hackathon
200-400 persons educated through (Workshops /Webinars/ Hackathon)
Our goal is to create a new mindset, to set the foundation for a new perception of governance and entrepreneurship based on decentralization and to empower the existing ecosystem in the region.
By the end of the program, we seek to guide at least 3 teams of participants to put their business ideas on the ground and into the market, and find and attract investors.
This is not a previously funded project in Catalyst but we've applied to Fund7 and 8.
IdeaScale link for the proposal in Fund7 :
IdeaScale link for the proposal in Fund8 :
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
Our team has years of experience and backgrounds in audit, consulting, business & IT development, and assisting national as well as international organizations in their digital transformation in favor of decentralization through blockchain and Web3.