Last updated 2 years ago
We must utilise 100% of renewable energy made. Micro-production of electricity will become very important. Africa has huge potential for micro-solar but not the grid infrastructure: creating waste. locates surplus energy and connects power producers and power consumers. Micro-production of electricity can be accurately paid for using cNFTs and smart contracts maximising output.
This is the total amount allocated to Enabling microgrid transactions. locates surplus energy and connects power producers and power consumers. Micro-production of electricity can be accurately paid for using cNFTs and smart contracts maximising output.
SurplusMap is a team of experienced entrepreneurs and business people. We established the company from and have received previous funding from and Equinor Techstars.
You can see the full profiles of the team on our website: locates surplus energy and connects power producers and power consumers. This is super important if we are to meet any of the green energy targets and also empower those that have access to local resources to use them effectively.
We are struggling in the USA and Europe to utliise the full capacity of our renewable energy due to grid congestion and lack of infrastructure. This will only get worse as the production of electricity become more and more decentralised.
This problem is compounded in countries across Africa where the electricity grid is underfunded and needs huge investment.
Along with our platform for project development of new sites, building datasets to help in identification of resources we plan to use Cardano to enable a payment system for this micro production of electricity.
We plan to link power producers who have excess energy to other local users that they may not be aware of, or facilitate new business where there is reliable excess power being produced. Where there are multiple inputs from various power producers there will need to be a decentralised system that can facilitate transactions and administer payment.
This is where NFTs and Cardano come in.
NFTs or tokens will be minted whenever a power producer connects to the SurplusMap platform and provides electricity.
These NFTs of tokens will be stored in a smart contract that will be drawn upon by a power consumer and paid for directly. This will produce a full decentralised and local marketplace, potentially off the main grid. Further these tokens can be traded on secondary markets giving wider access to a solution to a very local problem.
The impact will be huge across Africa. It will enable every landowner or building owner to monetise the excess power that is produced from solar panels or other form of renewable energy.
It will enable small business, schools or new business to utilise locally produced, sustainable energy.
It will create millions of Cardano users.
We have a lot of experience in the industry and are enthusiastic blockchain supporters. One of our team has submitted papers in other industries that have been accepted. We do have a strong developer team in place already.
As with all good products we need to explore the idea further and develop a proof of concept that can generate further funding. This funding could be formally through investors or through the sales of tokens or related cNFTs.
We are already an established company in the space. We need to produce a feasibility study that will take this idea to the next stage.
Not available yet.
Yes, we see this project as a long term engagement that needs to be supported by the community. If we see potential in our proof of concept then we plan to engage with the Cardano user base and raise funds through NFT or token sales.
We are a public limited company and hold regular board meetings. We publish our accounts to the Norwegian authorities where we are based.
The initial part of the project will be a proof of concept extending our idea further.
If the idea takes off then massive scaling of idea across Africa. Morocco for example has the biggest solar power planning the world. The Noor Solar Complex is a 500MW solar park located in the municipality of Ouarzazate in the Agadir district of Morocco.
New idea.
SDG goals:
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
SDG subgoals:
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
SurplusMap is a team of experienced entrepreneurs and business people. We established the company from and have received previous funding from and Equinor Techstars.
You can see the full profiles of the team on our website: