Last updated 2 years ago
Most young female youth are not aware of the Cardano blockchain technology and its opportunity in Africa.
Organize educational events in universities in Ghana and invite speakers to educate ladies on the Cardano blockchain and its benefits.
This is the total amount allocated to Inspiring Ladies Colloquim.
Organize educational events in universities in Ghana and invite speakers to educate ladies on the Cardano blockchain and its benefits.
We are a team of educators and Non-Profit Management and marketers with more than 10 years of experience.
On average, the poverty rate (67%) among women in Ghana is higher than that of men according to the Ghana Living Standard Survey (2020). The poverty situation has a strong cultural reason as our patrilineal society starting from the extended family unit allocates land to only the male head. Also, in some communities, women could not purchase land all by themselves as custom requires a woman to be accompanied by a man. Even if it is a nine-year-old boy, it is seen as if she is with a man. The situation worsens in the Northern part of Ghana as women cannot start a business without the permission of their husbands.
This backdrop has contributed greatly to deepening women's poverty and derailing the property right of women. They are also significantly less likely than men to be wealthy – only 6% of the richest people in Ghana are women.
Nearly a third of the poorest children in the Northern Region has never been to school, compared to just 5% of the wealthiest. Girls, in particular, are losing out on a chance of a better life, with the poorest girls from the most marginalized regions facing the greatest challenges.
In economies where women face less discrimination under the law, greater progress has been made in closing the gender gap and allowing women to live a desirable life. The most economically free countries are also the ones with the most equitable treatment of men and women under the law.
Therefore Inspiring Ladies Colloquium will be an event to educate, create awareness and sensitize ladies on the Opportunities available on the blockchain ecosystem
We will have an educational segment, followed by keynote speakers who will educate ladies on Opportunities in the Cardano ecosystem, followed by networking among attendees with refreshments. There will be incentives for those who wish to attend our networking events. Attendees will be onboarded to the African town hall to further learn more about Project Catalyst and how they can advance their unique talent in the ecosystem, have them create an ADA wallet for rewards, and a raffle for those who attend could win payment in ADA.
Hosting educational events will increase interest in Cardano among young Ladies in Ghana and onboard new potential to project catalyst. These events would bring new minds to adopt the Cardano Blockchain and innovate to have a better and prosperous Ghana and Africa as a whole.
Issues that may arise would be finding space to host events on Campus. However, due to having an expansive networking connection, we would be able to get around these issues by making an advanced approach for venue space on the university campus.
We will host one-time events within 2 months. This will begin in the month of funding. We would measure our deliverables with a ledger that would keep track of the following after Funding:
1st week - Venue Search & Securing
2nd to 3rd week- Planning Event
3rd to 4th week - Team Meeting
4th to 5th week - Invitation of Speakers
5th to 6th week - Logistics Arrangement
6th to 7th week - Team Meeting
7th to 8th week - Event Day
3 Keynote speaker: $600 per event
Venue: $553 per event
Refreshments: $275 per event
Marketing: $200 per event
ADA Rewards: $100 per event
Team fees: $500 per event
$ 2,228 per month x 2 Months = $4,456
Total: $4,456
Gertrude Addotey: Gertrude is a student offering her BSc. Information Technology at Ghana Communication Technology University. She has a colossal knowledge in events management (light touch training center), and she is part of a Blockchain community. Gertrude has worked with McBranon travels doing entries and is currently exploring other useful fields which could aid in combating climate change and its effects.
Richmond Oppong: Richmond is a graphic designer with over 10 years of experience in logo designs, print and poster designs, business card designs, 3D signage, and advertising and marketing. He holds a Higher National Diploma in Graphic Design from Takoradi Polytechnic, Takoradi-Ghana. Richmond is a blockchain enthusiast and is actively part of the Cardano project catalyst community. He was a Community Advisor in Catalyst funds 5, 6, and 7, also was a Veteran community Advisor in fund 7, and a Catalyst Challenge Team member for ‘Scale-UP Cardano’s Community Hubs’ challenge settings for fund 8
Awura Adjoa: Awura is a student at the University of Ghana studying Bsc. Accounting and an entrepreneur with 3 years of experience. She is actively part of the Cardano Project Catalyst Community and was a Community Advisor for Fund 6, 7, and 8. She was also a Veteran Community Advisor in Funds 7 and 8 and a Catalyst Challenge Team member for ‘Grow Africa, Grow Cardano’ challenge setting for Fund 8
Angela Okai-Nartey: Angela Okai-Nartey is the Executive Director of the Ladies Network for Economic Freedom. She has 3 years of experience in Think Tank Development, Non-Profit Management, and Digital Marketing.
She holds a BSC in Information Technology from Ghana Communication Technology University. She also holds a Think Tank Foundations Certificate from Atlas Network Academy and a Digital Marketing Certificate from Google Digital Workshop. Angela is a blockchain enthusiast, She has been a Community Advisor since Fund 7. A challenge team member for Scale-UP Cardano’s Community Hubs in Fund 8.
In the Short Term, No. Because we would like to concentrate on the implementation of the project and see the impact it will have on the society.
Video recording
Recordings of the event, speakers' speeches, and PowerPoints will be recorded to reach more participants when uploaded to our Youtube channel.
Success would be measured by the number of attendees. Our goals for the first few events would be to have over 100 ladies with most of them creating project catalyst accounts. Ideally, many future project catalyst proposals will have been submitted by onboarded attendees at these events.
This project is an entirely new proposal
Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, complete, and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries.
We are a team of educators and Non-Profit Management and marketers with more than 10 years of experience.