[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Funding the next level of support for new and existing Wada hubs across the continent. This will enable us to better collaborate, coordinate, educate and initiate building out local use cases.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
Wada: Skilled team of Cardano Community practitioners and entrepreneurs, located in hubs across Africa and the diaspora.
Wada Hubs:
Established Hubs: Cameroon (DITC), Ghana
First Year Hubs: Nigeria, DRC (2 locations Goma and Kinshasa), Ghana (North)
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
This is a follow up to our Fund 6 successful Proposal: Planting Roots in Africa. We aim for our hubs to be completely self sufficient after 3 years of Wada/Catalyst support. This proposal will provide the next level of support to existing hubs as well as first level of support to newer hubs.
Purpose of the Project Proposal
- As with the Cardano ecosystem in general, in Africa there are parallel threads that need to be working simultaneously. First and foremost among them are the basic infrastructure needs that many in the western world take for granted, but are often things that African localities do not commonly have available at a level that will support the development of such a highly technical ecosystem.
- Internet access that will support inter-hub and international cyber-meetings as well as stake-pool operations is something that must be pursued and acquired. Electrical supply with UPS integration and backup generators (or solar panels) is also something that must be secured as local power companies are often subject to brownouts/blackouts.
- In addition to those basic needs are also the hardware required to support developers, teachers, students and the associated community outreach each hub is planning.
- The following list in details what should be standard equipment and services for our community hubs:
- Facility – (Rental / Maintenance.)
- Power – (Equipment/Installations/Rental/Fuel/Maintenance)
- Internet – (adequate for world communication and stake pool operation)
- Networks – (Equipment/Installations/Rental/Subscription)
- Insurance - (Safety / Fire / Hazards)
- Workstations connected to screens for classes, printers, etc.
- Desks, tables, chairs
- The funds requested for the support of the hubs (investment costs + 6 months recurring costs) will be administered by Wada and will be made available to the individual hubs according to a phased deployment plan . Partner hubs are people with whom we have developed a relationship over the last few months/years and with whom we share the same goals.
Fund 6 Successes:
Here is what we were able to get started with our Fund 6 proposal. We ended up extending the proposed 3 month budget to cover 6 months of necessary expenses and support.
Ghana Hub: (physical hub)
- Office space (covered through June 2022)
- 6 months utilities supported (internet & electricity)
- 6 months Hub lead support
- Computers
- Furniture (tables, chairs)
- Secondary hub in Northern Ghana
Cameroon Hub: (physical hub)
- Office space (covered through June 2022)
- 6 months utilities supported (internet & electricity)
- 6 months Hub lead support
- Computers
- Furniture (tables, chairs, bookshelf, whiteboard)
Nigeria Hub: (virtual hub -> transitioning to physical hub this round)
- 6 months Hub lead supported
- Computer
- 1 event
- Numerous outreach networking to universities
DRC Hub: (physical hub)
- Computers
- Stakepool equipment
Emerging Hubs: (early stage)
For these hubs we have solidified connections on the ground and are still in the phase of finalizing what the hub should look like specifically. However, we were able to provide some support for one-time events.
Senegal + Francophone West Africa Hub - Event
Gambia - Hub partnership being established with existing IT company
Ivory Coast - Stakepool equipment
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
Africa presents immense opportunity for Cardano blockchain adoption however, the continent's well-documented barriers to adoption could hamper the design of cutting edge digital solutions and the growth of Cardano in Africa. This proposal will Grow Cardano by ensuring the best solutions on the ground. We want to highlight Cardano's cutting-edge solutions in the Sub Saharan Africa region. With focus on:
- Infrastructure
- Education
- Outreach
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
As part of our risk assessment process, we identified 3 main areas that require specific attention :
- Legalization: some African administrations are strong in harassing new businesses.
- Coordination/standards.
- Cost over-run.
The possible risk management solutions:
- Obtain a legal document from which the Wada hubs would be operating. With numerous trade agreements overlapping, a copy of this document can be used for operations anywhere.
- Set up new hubs in existing offices or close to a partner developer's office. This would not only give legitimacy in the eyes of potential users, but government officials will not easily distinguish the new business as it will be collaborating with the established one.
- Crypto currencies are unregulated in many countries, WADA will ensure adherence to local regulation to any extent possible
- See seperate proposal in Legal and Financial Implication category to support the legal framework of Wada's network.
- Issue standards common to each partner hubs.
- Hire the services of local lawyers. Laws in many African countries are relatively similar with standards such as OHADA (Organization for the Harmonization of Corporate Law in Africa).
- Identification stickers to put on all material goods so as to establish ownership. A shared logo, paint and color themes can help ensure the motivation of participants who need to not only see themselves as members of one small hub but members of one large network. These standards will be visually visible through video calls.
- The coordinating team must be physically aware of the experience on the ground. At least a visit mid-project to each hub. Ideally, the same person/team would visit all hubs to establish a common assessment.
3. Cost over-runs
- Starting a new business/office has unexpected costs. This needs to be taken into account.
- Additional to forming new hubs, also find an established business dealing with programming and digital products to partner with.
- Actors would need to be compensated. For example, the coordination team. But also, the "lead" of each hub, even if it is a business owner. These costs can be symbolic and need not cover the full extend of their involvement as they are either already interested or employed. This will ensure that they keep their focus on the hub.
- To ensure functionality, cost items must be arranged in order of priority. We do not want to have bought laptops and printers only to find that there is no money for the office. Ideally, the ranking will ensure that the office can maintain some level of functionality.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
Three year path to independence for hubs.
First Phase (1-2 years): emphasis on infrastructure
Infrastructure (physical space, furniture, utilities, generator or solar panel)
Personnel support (hub lead supported by Wada)
Hub equipment (computers, webcam/other recording devices to enable audio/video streaming and conferencing)
Second Phase (2-3 years): emphasis on education (goal--train one developer lead at each hub)
Personnel support: Hub lead and developer lead (to be supported by Wada)
Educational materials: Books, stationary, whiteboard
Support for infrastructure such as utilities, and space rental.
Third Phase (3+ years): emphasis on dApp creation
The hubs will be financially independent from Wada as they will now have the tools and the knowledge to create their own dApps to generate revenue on a local level.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Wada through Planting Roots in Africa and now this proposal are providing the following support to hubs, based on their maturity.
Emerging Hubs: The main focus we will have with emerging hubs is to solidify a relationship with a hub lead on the ground, making sure we share the same vision.
- Events budget
- Hub lead motivation (variable depending on level of commitment)
Deliverable: After 6 months of contact, we will have finalized a hub lead point of contact, and start to talk about the potential for a Wada hub and what it might look like to support them as a New Hub.
Year 1 Hubs
New Hubs: 0-6 Months: Our main focus is supporting the infrastructure of the hubs.
- Infrastructure
- Space rental
- Utilities (electricity, internet, and associated set-up costs)
- Electronics (computer, printer)
- Furniture (minimal)
- Hub lead motivation
Deliverable: Each hub by the end of 6 months needs to:
- Set up physical or virtual Wada Hub providing local access to Wada network resources and events
- Determine a specialization for their hub
- Outline path to independence (start working on a business idea that will make the hub self sustainable within 3 years)
Established Hubs 6+ Months: Still focusing on infrastructure, but now we will be able to asses more specifically each hub's individual needs such as what back up power source is most appropriate, and will add Wada and Cardano branding to the site. I
- Wada + Cardano branding @ physical hubs: $500
- Infrastructure
- Space rental
- Utilities
- Electrical backup (generator/solar panel)
- Furniture
- Electronics
- Hub lead motivation
- Education (some cases)
- Educational materials (books, whiteboard, projector…)
- Trainer motivation
Deliverable: Each hub will produce an official path to independence with a business plan. Additionally, some hubs may have someone ready to act as educational trainer if not we leverage the network of hubs to start training a trainer in Haskell/Plutus.
Year 2-3 Hubs: We will continue to support hubs' basic infrastructure needs (although no more "set-up" costs), but emphasis will shift dramatically towards education. In this phase, we will support a local trainer lead that will be responsible for providing developer support to new developers locally.
- Infrastructure
- Space rental
- Utilities
- Hub lead motivation
- Education
- Educational materials (books, whiteboard, projector…)
- Haskell/Plutus trainer motivation
Deliverable: Each hub will have one lead trainer responsible for education and developer support locally. Also each hub will be implementing their business plans on the path to be self sustainable by the end of year 3.
Detailed budget breakdown => here
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
Financial dispersement and overall hub oversight and coordination will be carried out by:
Mercy Coordination Lead @ Wada
Megan Central Africa + Francophone Regional Hub lead
Afia West Africa Regional Hub Lead
Hub Leads: Responsible for work done on the ground.
Cameroon: Megan & Manfo
DRC - Goma: Paul
DRC - Kinshasa: Dan
Ghana - Accra: Afia
Ghana - North: Jeremiah
Nigeria: Oshoma
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
Yes, given that this proposal will support the next 6 months of our three year plan towards hub independence, we still anticipate returning to Catalyst for more funding.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
Community Engagement
- Wada membership portal activity (track number of users, number of posts per day etc.
- Other Wada social media following and engagement
- Number of events (shared across hubs)
- Attendance at events (in-person and online)
Developer Engagement
- Developer discord activity (number of members, number of posts/day)
- Developers enrolled in Wada's education program
- Developers activity on GitHub
In addition to these measures used to track how many people we are engaging and reaching we will also follow up with each hub's timeline for setting up their physical space and their business plan development.
- Ensure that basic infrastructure planned was secured and adequate
Business plan and specialization
- Follow-up with hubs to determine their specialization and what that will look like
- Follow up and offer support to hubs in developing their business plan
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
- Identified existing developers and businesses willing to create on the Cardano protocol
- New developers recruited and/or for the Cardano ecosystem
- New start-ups willing to join Wada as Hub or Partner and create on the Cardano protocol
- Increase in Cardano protocol transactions originating from Africa
- Degree of public engagement with our marketing and social media plan
- Multiple hubs created on the continent with clear path to independence
Overall we will see significant Cardano market expansion in all current and future Wada-active countries through solutions design/ dApp creation, education & outreach, and continuous capacity/capability building. Wada will have a network of hubs or centers in sub-Saharan Africa connected locally, nationally and globally to Cardano and the digital world economy
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This is a continuation to successful Fund 6 Proposal: Planting Roots in Africa