Last updated 2 years ago
Community leaders like Pike, an environmental warrior from Malawi, can be funded through the Cardano ecosystem but knowledge barriers prevent them from using blockchains and Cardano.
A How-To for onboarding individuals to the Cardano Ecosystem in their native language. Simple How-To, helps people create wallets, send/receive ADA, transfer funds to local exchanges and use ADA-Fiat.
This is the total amount allocated to Onboarding Pikes Malawi Community.
A How-To for onboarding individuals to the Cardano Ecosystem in their native language. Simple How-To, helps people create wallets, send/receive ADA, transfer funds to local exchanges and use ADA-Fiat.
Littlefish Foundation, Sustainable ADA, and OpenLitterMap collectively have years of experience operating in the blockchain space. Pike and his crew know the on-the-ground problems. Together we have both the technical knowledge and the user need to solve the problem.
This is a joint proposal from Littlefish Foundation (LFF), Sustainable ADA, Littercoin, and Pike’s Litter Crew.
Pike and his group are passionate young individuals of about 60 in Malawi dedicated to fighting plastics from towns, rivers, schools, markets and other contaminated passages.
See here for more on the crew’s work.
Pike Sums up the Challenges They Face:
We can’t help with all of these problems, but a good start is getting Pike and his crew funding. Here, we stumble into a general problem.
The Problem:
Inhabitants living in disadvantaged parts of the world suffer from great barriers to entry into the Cardano ecosystem. There are many challenges to overcome:
The Solution:
We want to provide Pike and his crew with the ability to transact confidently in ADA, and be able to convert it to their local currency without issue, allowing them to pursue their environmental activism with global funding.
In onboarding these environmental warriors to Cardano, we will get them the funding they need.
Easy to liquidate, easy to integrate.
The plan to get them there is:
1 - Prepare a packet of existing documentation on blockchain fundamentals
2 - Pike and crew implement the docs
3 - Iterate docs
4 - Translate docs to Malawi
5 - Create a template and guideline for others
Once we solve the issue for Pike, we can generalize our solution. We will:
Who will benefit?
Pike and his crew will be the primary beneficiaries, having been initiated into the Cardano ecosystem, and able to get funding from a global network to continue the good fight against climate change. Others who use our templates and guidelines to solve similar problems will benefit as well.
The initial outcome is a blockchain-enabled crew of environmental activists. With ripple effects it is a blockchain aware and using Malawi and Africa.
From the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano Challenge Brief:
Key Metrics to measure
This proposal addresses all of these!
Why is it important?
This is so important because this step into the blockchain space can act as a barrier to enter Cardano and the entire crypto space as a whole. Because the fundamentals of creating a wallet, and finding an exchange to turn crypto into your own currency are lacking. Which a majority because of minimal education, or access to proper tools/guides. Our solution will help us overcome this hurdle. This will allow communities in Africa like ‘Pikes Litter Crew’ better use the blockchain and even turn donations into their own currency. From this first ripple, the users will be able to spread these messages to friends and other communities around them to create a greater ripple effect and we can assist them with the proper resources for greater success.
Language, Technical, and Literacy barriers:
Only a small portion of Pike’s crew know English, those that do are faintly familiar with blockchains, and some aren’t literate.
We are aware of the problems. Our plan is to overcome them step by step, through working with English speaking members of Pike’s crew, understanding the challenges, then translating resources to Malawi for the rest of the crew.
Desire and Motivation to use ADA:
The success of the proposal depends on the effectiveness of our work in onboarding Pike’s crew to Cardano and Catalyst. This is a big unknown for them, there will be an inherent motivation to stay using what is familiar.
We’re in contact with several other groups like (eg. Climate Neutral Cardano, Wada, Waya Collective) who are working on solving similar problems. We’ll collaborate with them to address such issues as they arise.
Availability of enabling technologies:
Pike’s crew will be asked to record their progress using cameras. These equipment might not be widely available. To mitigate this risk we set aside an equipment budget .
1 month priori + 3 months
We plan to onboard Pike and crew to Cardano in four phases. Phases 1,2, and 3 consists of these tasks:
In phase 4 we merge all the work into a complete template and guideline for others to replicate the project.
Phase 1: Week 1 - 4
Phase 2: Week 4 - 8
Phase 3: Week 8 - 12
Phase 4: Week 12 - 16
Starting with phase 1, we’ll validate the learning for individual members of Pike’s crew by transferring part of the funds to members who have learned the topics. We’ll make sure they can transfer the funding, first to Binance, and then to their bank accounts, where they can cash out. We’ll validate their learning through going through this process for each member of Pike’s crew.
Long term vision:
A blueprint for onboarding individuals from underdeveloped parts of the world onto the Cardano ecosystem.
Managing workload:
This Fund 9 will be the first time our Littlefish Foundation, Sustainable ADA and Open LitterMap/Litter Coin teams will collaboratively propose in Catalyst. Our teams will have multiple proposals submitted this Fund, across categories.
As we have a globally decentralized, experienced, multi skilled and diverse team, working across timezones, and connected to various networks and communities, we can tap into our multiple connections and resources, to ensure we have a sustainable approach to managing our workload if we are to receive funding from Catalyst.
Here is a link explaining how Sustainable ADA, who are actively working on previously funded proposals and supporting this proposal, shall manage their workload:
Workload Management at the Littlefish Foundation:
As LFF, Sustainable ADA, and Littercoin, we demand no funding to deliver on our parts of the proposal. The budget is designed to get Pike and his crew funding for their environmental activism, so a large percentage goes to them for their work.
Total Budget: $13500
The total pot is 500,000 USD so we are asking for 2.7% of the pot, with a ROI that can have a far larger positive multiplier effect.
Pike Ng'oma - from Malawi Africa, am an environmental activist who is very passionate about nature and it's creation.
We are a group of young individuals of about 60 in Malawi dedicated to fight plastics from towns , rivers, schools, markets and other contaminated passages.
Our work is to pick all thin plastics and bottles from the mentioned sites to save and serve our collapsing planet. We understand plastics fuels climate crisis.
So far we have collected tonnes and tonnes of plastics as a group which started in 2020. We are operating from lilongwe as a capital city of Malawi and the team is divided into 5 groups of 65.
Cem Karaca - 20+ years experience of Software Development, hardware and network infrastructure. Fintech Data Center owner, Cyber Security startup founder. Electrical & Electrınics Engineer Ms.
ChaKhan - 3+ years experience as a Backend Developer. Python, REST, Postgres, data modeling. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Major. Working on an MBA Thesis on the Littlefish Foundation. Learning within the Catalyst/Cardano ecosystem for 7+ months. Focusing on organization building, governance, token engineering with long term interest in economics, game theory, behavioral psychology, and political science.
Cole Bartlett - Is a recent UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate, a recent graduate in Economics & Sustainability, Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor for Positive Blockchains, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, & Social Entrepreneur, Ecoquest Education Foundation - Sustainability Research, B Impact Clinic part of UNH's Changemaker Collaborative - Kikori, Sustainability Splash Program Organizer, Bronze UNH Sustainability Award Winner
Razali Samsudin:
14 years of experience as an interdisciplinary Educator from early years settings to postgraduate level, with a background in social sciences, humanities, and sustainability. Freelance Writer, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain, Sustainability and Impact Measurements Researcher (#Blockchain4Good, #Cardano4Good, #NFT4Good), Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor.
Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA, Contributor at Cardano AIM, PositiveBlockchain, Cardano4Climate, Catalyst School and Adatruth.
Seán Lynch: Founder, CEO, CTO, CFO Open Litter Map
Spent 15 years working on the development of openlittermap since the pre-iPhone era, did x2 masters to develop an open source academic approach, got first funding from catalyst, pioneering Littercoin, many more plans for citizen science if the funding for OpenLitterMap is successful.
Newman: is an independent, interdisciplinary thinker and facilitator with a varied background in sustainable agriculture, design, humanities, and leadership. He brings an enthusiasm for decentralization, communication, and collaboration to this project. His focus is on documentation and knowledge management.
This proposal is a pilot project aiming to create a replicable template that may be used to onboard participants from Africa to blockchain and the Cardano ecosystem.
A future proposal may be given to scale the project to more people, by us or others, to maximize the impact of our work.
The indicator of our progress is the number of participants from Pike’s crew who:
Pike and his crew will self report on these topics. We’ll prepare reports and publish this information on LFF and Sustainable ADA communication channels.
At the end of the proposal, we’ll prepare the closing video where we summarize the
experience and steps it took to complete this proposal and the process in developing the materials. We also will be including a deep overview of the pain points in this process for the locals in Malawi and focus on how they over came any hurdles during the process. This will be a key part of the projects success. Showcasing the impact it has on the communities in Malawi and will be an important resource allowing anyone to replicate the process.
According to the Challenge Brief, success looks like:
“Practical innovations offered on tackling the unique challenges faced by the continent. A clear roadmap that points to increased adoption.”
In line with this vision, we are taking an approach of working collaboratively in the Cardano community and with field teams who understand the issues intimately, in communities that are currently external to Cardano, and with the support of Catalyst and the Cardano community are equipped, enabled and empowered to solve the problems they face, in Malawi. This positive ripple effect can move outwards, and inwardly, having a multiplier effect across the continent and beyond.
Specific to the proposal, this translates into a blockchain enabled group of environmental warriors operating from Malawi, able to continue their great work with additional funding from Catalyst, and a shining example of how Cardano can facilitate environmental activism on a global scale.
What does success look like?
We will reach success by creating a practical innovation with our educational tools and final pain point /success video to help Pikes Litter Crew tackle this unique challenge that is a big one and faced by a good portion of the continent.
We will be creating a clear roadmap that points to how with our model we can increase adoption and create long lasting ripple effects from this one proposal.
This is an entirely new proposal but it is related to the LFF, originating from this funded proposal:
At LFF, our origins are in building technologies to enable funding the Actions of on the ground activists like Pike. This is a pilot project to start work in creating a LFF colony that solves problems such on-the-ground activists face.
SDG goals:
SDG subgoals:
Littlefish Foundation, Sustainable ADA, and OpenLitterMap collectively have years of experience operating in the blockchain space. Pike and his crew know the on-the-ground problems. Together we have both the technical knowledge and the user need to solve the problem.