Last updated 2 years ago
A growing number of Catalyst projects require support, but may not have the funding or requirements for a full-time hire.
+ There is a pool of talent that is currently underserved and underutilized.
Develop and launch an internship program that caters to students and recent graduates in Africa. This program will consist of onboarding, training, then connecting them with Catalyst projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Wada Internships->African Students.
Develop and launch an internship program that caters to students and recent graduates in Africa. This program will consist of onboarding, training, then connecting them with Catalyst projects.
Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. 20+ funded proposals with strong partnerships within the Catalyst ecosystem. A trusted source for both Africa-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.
Main deliverable:
A 3-month internship program for African students and recent graduates at Wada and Wada-affiliated companies.
Project Brief:
According to the African Development Bank, on the continent, 12 million youth seek to enter the workforce each year, while only 3 million formal jobs created in the same time frame.
A portion of this total figure will be university graduates, formally trained and capable of competing on the global stage, given the right opportunity.
In Nigeria alone, there are over 600,000 graduate released each year, with youth unemployment rates amongst the highest in the world.
The Wada Internship program aims to tackle several of the key issues of graduate and youth unemployment in Africa:
Recruitment Model:
Program Outline:
Week 1: Onboarding and Orientation.
Week 2-3: Project-based training and mentoring.
Week 4-11: Assignments, reporting and final presentation.
Week 12: Handover, career advice and feedback.
Challenge Description and KPIs:
Proposals offering solutions to infrastructure and education concerns (Medium)
Number of new Africa-based users onboarded onto Cardano: (High)
Number of new Africa-based Catalyst members: (High)
Risk Management:
Program Completion: The recruitment process will be such that only the most committed of students will be accepted onto the program. Limiting the initial batch of students to the single digits allows for the program to be run as a pilot initially, reducing the impact and likelihood of drop-offs.
Program Quality: Wada will leverage its educational resources and partnerships in order to deliver a program that is high value for both it's training and career development.
Financial Sustainability: For Wada to deliver these programs, from enrollment, assessment, training and program management, there are costs involved each step of the way. In order to maintain the program beyond this fund, Wada will need to:
First 30 Days:
3 months:
6 months:
12 months:
Workload Management:
Wada runs several projects in parallel, aided by it's network and partners to deliver on multiple proposals. A new approach to managing proposal completion is to institute a new project manager for each funded proposal, and ensure that each project manager does not have more than 3 funded proposals to deliver on at any time.
Total Budget: $42,500
Proposed Budget: $26,500
Funding Gap: In order to deliver a full program to the quality that we expect, a total budget has been provided. However, due to the limitations of the challenge budget available, cutbacks have to be made. We are reducing total remunerations as well as marketing and outreach efforts in order to be more aligned with the challenge overall.
Core Team & Roles
Josh F - Project Lead + Global Lead @ Wada
An active Catalyst member since Fund 2, 6x challenge setter, stakepool operator and funded proposer. Josh will be overseeing the successful implementation of this project.
Megan Hess - Education & Events Lead @ Wada, Central Africa Regional Lead @ Wada, Math & Physics teacher, bilingual (French & English).
Frédéric Samvura (Genty) - Business Initiatives Lead @ Wada, DRC Coordinator @ Wada, Core Contributor @ Gimbalabs.
M.A in Economics, experienced in banking and public policy. Completed the Plutus Pioneer and Atala Prism Pioneer Programs. Haskell and Plutus trainer in Wada and Gimbalabs Education programs, Smart Contract Developer and entrepreneur.
+ Wada network and advisors -
Additional Talent:
Wada will be sourcing an additional program lead for this project, who can act as both project manager and enrollment officer for the duration of its implementation.
Repeat funding will depend on whether Wada is able to identify, then acquire a reliable funding source beyond Catalyst for this program. A deeper market analysis into the youth employment industry will be done, as well as connecting with organizations that typically fund this work.
Key Metrics:
The two key metrics to measure will be:
Success for this proposal would be an over 80% approval rating for the Wada internship program, by its participants.
Wada interns will be equipped with the skills to join other Catalyst projects in a range of functions. Marketing, editing, translation, administration, community building and many more.
We will also consider it a success if more than half of all program participants receive paid work within the following year after the program. This is in direct contrast to many regions where youth unemployment can reach above 50%.
This is a new proposal, not directly attached to any previous ones, but existing within the network of Wada proposals.
Affiliated Fund 9 Proposals:
Cardano-based community network of 25+ professionals focused on connecting the world to Africa using blockchain and AI. 20+ funded proposals with strong partnerships within the Catalyst ecosystem. A trusted source for both Africa-based projects and wider ecosystem contributions.