[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
A 5 to 8-minute interview with Catalyst TV is the quickest way to approach viewers, provide general insights, boost reputation, and market your proposals to a diverse range of community members
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
Cardano Catalyst TV host, funded proposer, Eastern Townhall Moderator, Interpreter and Translator, Challenge Team member, sub-circle team member, Cardano Passionate
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
This is a continuous proposal that has been funded in Fund7 and 38 videos have been done and more than half of them got funded, seeking for funding to continue growing the channel and support the community
The solution is to have short interviews by Mie Tran and co-host(s) that get directly to the point and ask questions to explore the proposers for why, what, and how. The interviews will bring an element of spontaneity that lets viewers get to know the proposer and help voters decide on the best projects by providing a medium where they can learn about proposals that are presented in the same format.
The interviews will be translated into several languages, English, Vietnamese, Japanese,… Proposers will get global publicity around their projects and on social networks like Youtube, Telegram, and Twitter,...and can increase voter trust and understanding by posting a link to these videos in their projects and on voter tools. Low effort ways to engage voters in assessing proposals and tapping into existing insights.
● Improved trust - meet the proposer in a live one-on-one conversation with Ms. Mie Tran as she asks probing questions to learn what makes him/her tick, why he/she made the proposal, and how it will impact the world. You may be surprised by the answers.
● Improve browsability of Catalyst - No longer do voters have to read proposals in several formats or watch videos of different lengths. Everyone gets 5 - 8 minutes to impress the audience.
● More educated voters - everyone should be able to simplify their proposal into a 5 minutes elevator pitch. If you can't make an impression during the 5 - minute interview, it is a good time to step back and reflect.
● Great recruiting tool - Once a project is voted in, the video will be a great way to communicate with the community especially asking for help.
Detailed Problem Description:
- The proposal audience doesn't have the time to read through dozens of proposals that are incomparable due to the different levels of communication skills and different formats.
- Catalyst TV will be a great place to browse projects and find the ones you like. Then get to know the proposer and learn about the proposals.
- English will also be a big barrier for voters who do not speak English as their first or second language, which makes it hard to understand the proposals and they might vote with the crowd.
- The problem and solution statement will be in the text of the video so the voter, and when the voter finds a proposal interesting, the voter can watch a capsule of the project.
Detailed Solution Description:
- Meet the proposers as they sit down for a 5 - minute spontaneous conversation with Ms. Mie.
- All proposers will be asked similar questions under the same time constraints, and in the same format.
- Voters will be able to review these 5 - minute capsules and get a real feel for the propers and what makes them tick.
- I will conduct a conversation, and ask the hard questions to explore the proposer's why what, and how. The interviews will bring an element of spontaneity that lets viewers get to know the proposer and help voters decide on the best projects by providing a medium where they can learn about proposals that are presented in the same format. This will increase the number of voters and also the proposer's reputation and credibility who use our service
- The content will be translated and subtitled into English, Vietnamese, and Japanese, … to attract voters from Asian countries
- The videos will be posted on our Youtube channel where people can consider them as a resource for "live proposals"
- These videos also aim at connecting proposers and voters in and out of the ecosystem, attracting more engagement and involvement of the community
- These videos will also become a great resource for PA to quickly grasp the insight of the proposals for a better assessment
- The videos can be posted on the voter tool where people can see the proposal brief as well as the proposal shortcut insights
- The videos can be linked directly to the proposal where people can quickly have a look at it and make a decision if this is a good proposal to vote for.
- The video can also be shared on other social networks
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
- The proposals seek to assist Asian proposers for whom English is not their first language, by having their videos translated into other languages to make them feel more comfortable when learning a proposal
- This also applies to those proposers who want to reach out to Asian voters
- The video will also serve as a marketing tool for them, allowing them to easily share their proposals as a video to any social network as a live proposal, allowing people to see their presence behind the proposal and build trust.
- Onboarding Asian roles on Catalyst such as proposers, PA, and voters as they have language-friendly resources
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
- Time management for each video is necessary because proposers may pitch their project for longer than the time limit, causing the video to be longer than expected.
=> Giving them advanced questions and a time limit to better prepare their answers
- Interviews will take place four weeks before the voting stage, allowing proposers to use the videos for marketing purposes. We have a limitation of time to reach the major proposers
=> Form a team with processes in place so that we can conduct as many videos as possible.
- Technical proposals may make it hard for the team to fully understand the insight and have it translated correctly
=> Having a more in-depth discussion with the proposers to learn more about their project
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
The fund released will be used for fund9 and fund10 with the following phrases:
Fund 9:
- Conduct at least 8 videos per week until the voting round => approximately 40 videos
- Each video will have a complete translation: Japanese, Vietnamese, and English
- Each video will be promoted on YouTube, Twitter, the Eastern Townhall landing page, the voter tool, Ideascale, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
- Send invitations to proposers who want to meet with the host.
- Arrange time and documents.
- Within 15 minutes, conduct the 5-minute interview.
- Editing and Translation
- Subtitle Editing
- Marketing through video posting
Fund 10:
- Conduct at least 8 videos per week until the voting round => approximately 40 videos
- Each video will have a complete translation: Japanese, Vietnamese, and English
- Each video will be promoted on YouTube, Twitter, the Eastern Townhall landing page, the voter tool, Ideascale, Facebook, and other social media platforms.
- Send invitations to proposers who want to meet with the host.
- Arrange time and documents.
- Within 15 minutes, conduct the 5-minute interview.
- Editing and Translation
- Subtitle Editing
- Marketing through video posting
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Budget: $19020
- Interviewer: $30/ each video
- Video editor subscription: $200/ a year
- Content Creator: $30/ each video
- Video Production: $30/each
- Landing page management: $10/each video
- Social network management: $10/each video
- Otter subcription: $110/ a year
- Translation fee for Vietnamese, English, and Japanese
- Video size S: 3 - 5 minutes: $30/each language
- Video size M: >5 - 8 minutes: $40/each language
=> $230/each videos * 40 videos = $ 9200
=> Total budget for 1 fund $ 9510
=>Total budget for 2 fund9 and fund 10: $9510*2 = $19020
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
Mie Tran: Cardano Catalyst TV host, funded proposer, Eastern Townhall Moderator, Interpreter and Translator, Challenge Team member, sub-circle team member, Cardano Passionate
Social Link:
- Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ngocmytranle0407/
- Telegram: @mietran0407
Hieu Bui Trung: Japanese Translator, N2 Certificate
Content and Video Editing will be done by https://gadiac.asia/ - a Marketing Agency
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
If I am funded, I will return to Catalyst in a later round for additional funding, as Catalyst TV currently makes no profit and only serves to spread Catalyst to a larger portion of the community. More services will be added in the future to assist in raising funds to expand the channel.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
The video will be published and easy to track on Youtube, Twitter, Voter tool, Telegram, Eastern Townhall landing page
https://www.youtube.com/embed/4manqItGo3o?start=&t=7s- Twitter: https://twitter.com/cardano_tv
- Eastern Townhall Landing Page: https://easterntownhall.com/catalysttv/
Measures of Success, Key Performance Indicators:
- Number of funded proposals using Catalyst TV to Marketing
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
The project's success would be:
- Successfully uploading 40 videos to each funding round, with the hope of receiving at least 100 views on each video, allowing them to reach more voters and have their project funded.
- The translated content successfully reached local members and assisted them in understanding the proposal insight.
- Helped marketing proposal project successfully and increased their presence in most social channels
- Adding another Asian member to the Catalyst project
- Increasing the bond between proposers and voters
- Creating and collaborating with more Cardano Ecosystem available channels
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This proposal is a continuation of a fund7 funded proposal with the same name