Last updated 2 years ago
Lack of official Tamil content . Thus Tamil speakers cannot learn in their native language. There are 75 million speakers around the world.
Provide translated content taken from official Cardano documentation in the form of Tamil videos about Cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano in Tamil.
Provide translated content taken from official Cardano documentation in the form of Tamil videos about Cardano ecosystem.
1992-1995 Produced programmes at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. Simultaneous translation
+ 1995 to 2022 - 27 years of translations over 100 languages with native speakers.
Muttiah Duraiswamy
Over 30 years experience in Ministry of Languages as Official Languages translator.
Has the problem needing to be solved been identified and articulated?
Lack of official Tamil content for the Cardano Project. Thus Tamil speakers cannot learn in their native language. There are 75 million Tamil speakers in India Sri Lanka and around the world.
Describe your solution to the problem
Provide official Cardano documentation translated and made into videos in Tamil educating the Tamil community in India as well as internationally about Cardano and its ecosystem .
Will the project have a positive impact on Cardano system?
This project will have a positive impact on Cardano system by bringing in a new community. The Tamil speaking community will both enrich the Cardano community with its long history and culture as well as add to the developer skills which the Cardano community needs.
Does this proposal fall within the scope of the challenge brief?
This proposal falls within the scope of the challenge brief because its very important to bring people of India into the Cardano community. South Asians are hard working and have been known to be natural coders and developers. As such bringing them into the community will definitely benefit the community.
Does this proposal show clearly how it will add value to the Cardano System?
This proposal shows clearly how it will add value to the Cardano System by bringing a brand new community into the Catalyst ecosystem since at the moment there are almost no Indians in this ecosystem. There are 75 million Tamil speakers who would definitely benefit by having access to this ecosystem as well as to Blockchain technology and crypto currencies .
Have key metrics and goals of the proposal been stated clearly?
Key metrics and goals of the proposal been stated clearly namely
Number of subscribers to the LanCardano Tamil Youtube Channel
Number of average views per video
Number of comments per video
Number of watching hours
Do the key metrics and goals of the proposal fall within the scope of the challenge?
The key metrics and goals of the proposal fall within the scope of the challenge.
Can the proposal scale to address future challenges?
The proposal can be scaled to address future challenges by bringing in more content
How this proposal meets Fund 9 Objectives
Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem.
This proposal will enable many people who otherwise would not be able to contribute, become empowered to contribute to the ecosystem and participate because they now UNDERSTAND and have resources in the language they are COMFORTABLE in.
Turn Cardano into an open source project & attract more developers..
Bringing information to people in their local language would definitely attract more developers.
Build real-world solutions based on the Cardano blockchain.
Once they understand in their local languages, people become capable and can build real world solutions. Therefore this proposal is very valuable
Improve tooling to support human processes in Catalyst. Accelerate the growth and evolution of developer & app ecosystem.
Understanding Cardano in their own language helps people create tools to support human processes and will definitely accelerate the growth of developers and apps, since they no longer have to learn a foreign language to be able to build processes, and apps.
Challenges and risks relevant to a successful implementation would include another Covid variant causing lockdowns and where Master Translators cannot work for some reason due to illness.
Lack of proper terminology existing in the selected language.
How does the proposer plan to deal with these difficulties?
How we would deal with this challenge is that we would have many alternative Master Translators who can pick up the load of work if someone is unable to do so due to illness.
Our translators are capable of finding or if need be creating suitable terminology for use in the language for these new terms and concepts.
Further Challenges and Contingencies
These would include another Covid variant causing lockdowns and where translators cannot do their work due to illness.
Volatility of ADA may result in our being unable to meet our budgetary expenses due to rapid fall in value of ADA. The value of ADA may go down.
It takes a long time to convert ADA into local currency as its completely dependent on Binance's P2P marketplace. This can cause slowdowns or delays in getting LKR and thereby in the project implementation.
When currency is finally converted, prices of goods and services may be different from what we budgeted because prices have increased.
How does the proposer plan to deal with these difficulties?
We would have many Master translators who can pick up the work if someone is unable to do so due to illness.
One way to overcome this contingency of currency volatility is to add a contingency fund of about 10% on top of the total cost. Another option is to find a trusted network of ADA holders who want to increased their investment in ADA without going through Binance P2P marketplace.
The LanCardano Youtube Channel will be launched with 6 videos and build a following while daily adding new content. At the end of 3 months it will have approx 10-20 videos.
Our aim is output of one translated video every 3 days
We will create our original videos using content taken from Cardano documentation
We will obtain the content for translation from Cardano documentation and channels such as IOHK Youtube channel as well as content from Emurgo and Cardano Foundation Youtube channels, as well as other Cardano related content from various different sources.
How many minutes of video per month does this represent?
Roughly original videos have a pace of 140 words per minute, this means that around 120 minutes (2hs) of content will be published per month.
If additional funding is required to implement the proposal we will apply for it in Fund 10.
The proposal offer a realistic timetable to complete the work which is 3 months. Though the initial learning curve would take a little time, once we get into the project, it will flow smoothly.
The proposal will be implemented by the in house team and our Master Translator team. We have ample resources to complete the project on time and within budget.
This will also be a test case to see how to rapidly and systematically onboard translation projects to the blockchain with established and reputed videos ( IOHK, Emurgo and Cardano Foundation channels).
We will also establsh a blockchain based system to onboard new languages rapidly to onboard the 100 plus languages in the world onto the Cardano blockchain with reputed content
Does the plan describe the resources necessary to implement the proposal?
We have an extensive network of Master Translators for every language as we have been working for over 20 years in the industry.
Is there a a roadmap with milestones and a time horizon for achievement.
All published video materials can be checked through the Youtube channels. We will publish transcriptions of each video in the Cardano Forum.
Roadmap would be
Month 1 Commence translations. Get the In house team together with partners to do the video translation dubbing and publishing.
Month 2 Work on Translations . Commence video production
Month 3
Production team will do the video production and launch of channel .Social media campaign will continue.
Are there clearly defined Metrics/KPIs that define the success of the proposal?
The metrics are
Number of followers to the LanCardano Youtube Channel
Number of average views per video
Number of watching hours
Number of comments
Number of shares
Number of downloads
If we are considering translation projects, each language pair (e.g English to Hindi ) has one or two Master Translators and one or two Proofreaders. The Master Translators are native speakers and experienced in the translation field They would do the translation and its given to the proofreader for quality checking. Any modifications are given back to the Master Translator who then amends the text and finalizes the text. If the workload is large we would use two Master Translators and two proofreaders instead of one.
As such , since each language pair has a dedicated team we are able to concurrently do 1, 2 5 10 or 100 language pairs at the same time. NO team is working on multiple projects. Each is dedicated to their project.
Same applies to dev projects. We have teams working on each project or app. No one is overstretched for time or energy. Therefore we can confidently undertake multiple projects at the same time
Budget is based on 15k transcripted words per month, during a three month period, any published quantity above that will not increase the required budget.
Budget per word is $0.15 (this includes transcription, dubbing, editing, publishing)
Monthly: 15k words x $0.15 = $2250
x 3 months = $6650
Social Media Campaign $2500
Contingency Fee 2000
Total 11150 USD
Please provide details of your team members required to complete the project.
Dimitri Fernando
Active member of Catalyst Community - Former General ADA holder in Catalyst Circle V3, Community Advisor in Fund 6, 7 and 8, Veteran Community Advisor in Fund 7 and 8, VCA in Flash Assessment in Fund 7, Cardano4Climate, Cardano Creatives, Founder of South Asian Town Hall, Active in Eastern Town Hall, Pacific Town Hall, European Town hall, , Gimbalabs Playground
Serial Entrepreneur, INFJ, Marketer by profession, Creative by passion, Strategist, Writer, Poet, Storyteller Has background in multiple sectors and has run several companies with groundbreaking technologies in Sri Lanka.
+ 1992-1995 Voiced and Produced multiple programmes at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation in numerous Services including Simultaneous translation on a Trilingual Stereo broadcast every day called City FM.
+ 1995 to present - Over 27 years running a translation agency handling translations in over 100 languages with native speaking Master Translators all over the world.
Muttiah Duraiswamy
Muthiah Duraiswamy has over 30 years of experience handling translations in the Ministry of Languages. He is an Official Languages translator having obtained his certification. He has also been a contributor to the Mahawamsa the 4000 year old historical Chronicle of Sri Lanka which is updated every year. He handles personally Tamil and Sinhala and overlooks South Asian Language Projects.
Rishantha Welikadage
RIshantha has been involved in multiple business sectors including State Government in Minnesota USA as a Hardware Technician and Entrepreneur. He has also worked in software development in the logistics industry. Being involved from the inception of a freight logistics company he grew it from 2 employees to over 30 and developed a proprietary system which was better than ready built systems available for a UK logistics and courier company.
He has obtained his MBA in Business Management from Australia and has also been involved in many Social Service organizations such as the Lions Club.
Cyrus Viccajee
Cyrus Viccaji is a specialist in developing highly curated communication films for the development sector. He draws on a broad skillset that includes reporting, cinematography, video editing, music production and theater.
This informs 12 years of experience leading teams and personally engaging with diverse stakeholders to develop genuine and persuasive original content that drives engagement and participation for his clients.
He has personally conducted close to 500 interviews of various stakeholders, from chief ministers and educational leadership to teachers, students and community members in Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pahtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan in his work for GEO News, the BBC, British Council Pakistan, Adam Smith International and Cambridge International.
The number of people required to complete this task has been calculated.
We will be using our inhouse resources as well as obtain our Master Translator Partner network to handle overflow of work to ensure that our deliverables remain on track. They would be brought on board as and when needed and budget would include their costs. Each project has two Master Translators , one will do Translating and one will do Proofreading.
Yes we will need more funding to develop more content. We cannot expect monetization of videos to happen until we have 1000 subscribers.
Is there a a roadmap with milestones and a time horizon for achievement.
All published video materials can be checked through the Youtube channels. We will publish transcriptions of each video in the Cardano Forum.
Roadmap would be
Month 1 Complete trranslations. Get the In house team together with partners to do the video translation dubbing and publishing.
Month 2
Commence video production.
Month 3
Production team will continue to output video and launch the channel this month.Social media campaign will commence.
Are there clearly defined Metrics/KPIs that define the success of the proposal?
The metrics are
Number of followers to the LanCardano Youtube Channel
Number of average views per video
Number of watching hours
Number of comments
Number of shares
Number of downloads
Create awareness and interest in the Tamil speaking community. To become more aware of the Cardano Project and to build a developer pool. To bring in new proposers and new members to the community. We will continue to build this channel in future funds, as we grow and need more funding.
We will obtain the content for translation from IOHK Youtube channel as well as content from Cardano Documentation. Youtube channels, as well as other Cardano related content from various different sources.
This is a new proposal
SDG goals:
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
1.a Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
2.a Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development and plant and livestock gene banks in order to enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries
8.10 Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
8.9 By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
2.1.2 Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
2.1.1 Prevalence of undernourishment
1992-1995 Produced programmes at Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. Simultaneous translation
+ 1995 to 2022 - 27 years of translations over 100 languages with native speakers.
Muttiah Duraiswamy
Over 30 years experience in Ministry of Languages as Official Languages translator.