Last updated 2 years ago
While climate change is an increasing risk for East Asia today there is no specific community platform supporting initiatives to promote climate resilience into everyday activities
A nature-based solution as adaptation with support for climate-related initiatives built on the Cardano blockchain through a joint collaboration between East Asia Townhall and Cardano4Climate.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano4Climate East Asia.
A nature-based solution as adaptation with support for climate-related initiatives built on the Cardano blockchain through a joint collaboration between East Asia Townhall and Cardano4Climate.
Connected by shared values, the Cardano4Climate and East Asia Townhall communities are active and growing within the Catalyst and Cardano ecosystem.
Making the World Work Better for All People, Animals, & the Planet
Building on the principles of engagement, reliability, and sustainability, Cardano4Climate has grown into a global community of over 300 members.* We have a growing team of core members.
*[270 members on Telegram & 370 members on Discord]
In the past 10 months, C4C has grown around passion and a shared mission. Emerging from our social media channels, weekly meetings, monthly events, website, YouTube channel, & outreach both inside & outside of Catalyst is
a community hub of
an online, global meeting place & time to
to reach the highest in human collaboration to address humanity's greatest challenge: Climate Change
Visit to read more.
By combining the evolving blockchain technology of Cardano with solutions and models for climate change action, we will make the needed impact, now and for decades to come. Together, we have the ability to stop the downhill degradation and harm to the planet and bring about regeneration as the social and economic foundation for current and future generations.
This is a unique opportunity for Cardano to continue to be the blockchain that makes the world work better for all: all people, animals, and the living planet. We will have an essential impact and economic opportunities for onboarding global industries such as agriculture supply chains, green energy, inclusive finance, Carbon markets, circle economy, food tech, and more. These are all crucial initiatives for developing countries. .
Current & Proposed Solution:
Currently, the Asian community is impacted by climate change. Depleted and limited resources are not enough to sustain the growing population. Legacy systems are failing or have failed. A local hub in the local time zone, languages, and cultures is crucial to coordinate and support regenerative and sustainable initiatives, build community teams and enrich the Cardano and Catalyst ecosystems with Asian wisdom.
The Cardano4Climate HUB is motivated by the language of the heart: purpose. The citizens of this culture are localized to the environment & systems in which they live, while being aware of the global impact of Climate Change. It is both the problems creating Climate Change & the ground-up solutions to mitigate it, that have drawn us together into a global community of many tongues, heads, hearts, & hands that reach into every corner of the globe. Cardano4Climate opens a space to speak our heart languages & gives a collective voice to this purpose through our social media channels, meetings, and events.
Target demographic:
The Catalyst community, individuals representing funded proposals and those applying for funding, non-government organizations & Asian communities outside the Cardano network affected by &/or working to mitigate climate change.
While the problems are global the people's activities are local. Cardano4Climate is a global community composed of local hubs & activities that supports local communities and local solutions.
The challenge asks the question: How do we prepare Asia for a future of wide-scale Cardano adoption? How do we continue to seed and grow adoption in 2022 and beyond?
And then continue with why it is important: We need to look at the fundamentals that are preventing Asia from being a Cardano adoption leader, rather than a perpetual follower.
This is exactly why having a local hub will support those objectives. Supporting Dapps for Agriculture supply chains, green energy, and construction, nature conservation efforts, and financial inclusions are all needed. Make sure resources are getting to the ground and having a real measurable impact.
Cardano should be a leading force in working on those issues and having a centralized hub will help to promote internal and external organizations.
The challenge asks the question: How do we prepare Asia for a future of wide-scale Cardano adoption? How do we continue to seed and grow adoption in 2022 and beyond?
To be a leading blockchain in Asia, Cardano must take the lead in developing solutions to problems that threaten the health and well-being of the Asian community: to make the world work better for all. A centralized community hub will connect blockchain Dapps and technology to local agriculture supply chains, green energy, construction, nature conservation, and financial inclusion. Traceability of resources and real, measurable impact will be promoted to both internal and external organizations.
Challenge 1: The problem is so overwhelming we feel powerless and do not know where to begin. Through a local hub we will identify key areas, prioritize them and support them through the global hub
Challenge 2: Asia is large and has diverse cultures, languages and localized issues. We start in the East Asia Townhall where Cardano-related work is already in progress. Our efforts to make the world work better for all people, animals and the planet will be complementary and more effective through collaboration.
This proposal includes several key activities:
Here is a link to treasury guild services
Total budget: $15,400
The team will be supported by the Cardano4Climate global hub but will also have a dedicated team. The East Asia town hall will also support the ongoing operation and coordination.
The local, dedicated team will be supported by the Cardano4Climate global hub and the East Asia town hall.
The initial team leaders include:
Dylan Kreis: Past 12 months, lead in organizing Algae Token. Chemical Engineer and Information Systems specialist, great interest in improving awareness to social impact projects and providing solutions to climate and environmental issues worldwide, active in most Catalyst meetings (C4C, Town Halls, Idea Fest programs).
Blane Edwards: Sustainability Architect - Blane is an Architect and crypto content creator with a passion for environmental conservation.
The hub will operate on a bounty system. As the C4C community grows in Asia, new team leads and core members will arise to take over and work will
be distributed between multiple people.
Yes, Cardano4Climate is an active and growing community within Catalyst & Cardano. We provide value to the community and contribute to the overall growth of the ecosystem. We will return in future funds and to support reshaping the ecosystem to include the Asian community and further advance the mission of Cardano: to Make the world work better for all.
The progress will be measured by the key KPIs suggested in the challenge setting which are very relevant for this hub:
Number of proposals addressing the fundamental issues preventing Cardano adoption in East Asia
Number of proposals offering solutions to infrastructure and education concerns
Number of new East Asian-based users on boarded to Cardano (wallets, platform sign-ups)
Number of new East Asian -based Catalyst members (proposers, voters, CAs)
Number of new East Asian projects seeded in 2022
Number of East Asian developers onboarded in 2022
Number of feedbacks supporting blockchain technology and climate change mitigation/adaptation/resilience
Local impact (measurable through user activity and reach)
Local partnerships formed (size of institution + influence)
In addition, we will measure:
Number of participants in meetings and events
Connections to other Cardano initiatives and communities
Monthly events and weekly meetups are recorded public events listed in the Cardano & Catalyst Community Network Meetup at, Most planning meetings are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube Channel. We are committed to improving the transparency of our process & decisions with increased accessibility of this information to all of our stakeholders. We have initiated a public GitHub repository where all ongoing tasks and actions are tracked regularly. We have begun an incentive and reward initiative in collaboration with Gimbalabs and recorded on Discord Dework.
Join us Cardano4Climate: (local channels coming soon)
On Telegram:
On Discord:
On Twitter:
On YouTube:
Success will be to become a reference hub for the Cardano community in East Asia and in general related to climate change initiatives. In addition, become a reference point also for onboarding new initiatives, impact companies, and impact-driven people to the Cardano ecosystem. Finally supporting the funding and implementation of initiatives to grow the number of users and impact.
Measurement of Success, Key Performance Indicators
A new proposal for East Asia hub, related to Cardano4Climate
Cover SDGs
Connected by shared values, the Cardano4Climate and East Asia Townhall communities are active and growing within the Catalyst and Cardano ecosystem.