[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Build a rewarding mechanism to encourage members to find out the news, documents of Cardano, then present them to the community.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
We are one of the largest groups of Cardano investors in Vietnam that has researched and analyzed blockchain projects for many years. Over the years, our core teams have continuously shared the knowledge of Cardano and its ecosystem we have analyzed for the community.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
- The rapidly increasing community size requires that Cardano documents and news be presented in a more timely and understandable way.
- Technical information needs to be presented more interesting.
- Translating documents is also difficult because technical documents about Cardano and blockchain contain many technical words that are difficult to understand for newcomers. Even translators with a high degree of proficiency in English have a hard time achieving fluency, intelligibility, and closeness in their translations.
- The number of documents and news sometimes increases dramatically (due to news related to government policies, Beartrap markets, Bulltrap markets, crash markets...) so a small number of full-time translators is not enough to meet the need.
- Although all documents have been translated and presented in text format, there is still a large number of members of the community who wish to hear the verbal presentation with visual stimulation and possibly ask their questions and answers.
Build a rewarding mechanism to encourage elite members of the community to dig deep into Cardano and then present it to the community to make it easier for busy people and newbies to grasp new information about Cardano.
The talkshow will be organized every week in the evening time via Meeting Zoom, lasting 2 hours.
All the meetings will be recored and upload on the FIMI youtube channel.
We currently have 4 core teams and will develop a few more.
- Every week, any members of the community will propose a list of priority topics that they are interested in and want to know.
- Each core team will take on a topic on the list. Then, they will go together to find out information and analyze those topics.
- The core team that has the best prepared with the most information will be selected to present to the community through a meeting via Zoom.
- There is a base reward for the Good presentation and an extra reward for the Excellent presentation.
Topics to present, here are some of the examples:
- Technical documents (Hydra, sharding, smart contract, UTXO...)
- Cardano update (Cardano 360, Hoskinson's livestream video...)
- Market news
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
The Fimi Cardano talk show is take impact:
- For Fimi community members:
- ADA holders will better understand the advantages of Cardano blockchain technology to help them clearly see the VALUE of an asset they are investing in, instead of just seeing the UP-DOWN in price like other coins.
- ADA holders are kept up to date with the technological progressions made by the team of developers and the miraculous growth of the Catalyst development ecosystem, thereby helping them to have a strengthened belief in the future of Cardano.
- For this Challenge: Similar to Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea... Vietnam is a country in the Eastern half of Asia. So this proposal is suitable the challenge.
- Growing the Cardano community in East Asia. The population of Vietnam is approximately 100 million people.
- For the Cardano community:
- Cardano blockchain technology will be more widely promoted to potential users in the Vietnam community.
- Gets more Developers involved in the ecosystem.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
- Risk: Slippage of ADA price. Sometimes, the price of ADA reduces suddenly, we cant not sell ADA to get USD or VND in time. This might make us not have enough budget to rewarding for presenters and stakeholders.
Solution: Request an additional ($2.000) budget to reserve out of this.
- Risk: Too many topics were requested from the community members.
Solution: Select some of the most important topics only.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
In the first month after approval
- Recruiting and training for the core team to present in the meetings.
- First presentation
After the first month
The following process will be repeated every week in 6 months after approval.
- Community members request their topic.
- The topics will be assigned to the core teams
- The best presentation for each topic will be choice to be present in weekly meeting.
- Question and answer in the meeting.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Estimate the cost in 6 months
- $2.500 Training for new core team
- $1.200 Editing video (50$ per weekly video in 6 months)
- $3.000 Support community members (500$ x 1 supporters each month)
- $4.800 Reward for presenters (200$ per week)
- $1.500 Consultant fee
- $2.000 Reserve to watch out of flippage ADA price
Total request: $15.000
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
đDo Manh Hung
- Master of financial
- Community manager
- Plutus Pioneer
- Influence and inspire trainer
- Main lecturer of Fimi's course
Telegram: Hung Do Manh
đFIMI's Community
Founded by Mr. Do Manh Hung (master of finance) in 2016, we focus on training the community to know and change their mind in financial and investment management. When the crypto market emerged in 2017, we realized that blockchain and crypto are the future trends of human beings, so we focused on finding investment opportunities in the blockchain field. Luckily, we found a great project, which is Cardano.
During the last 6 years, we have built a youtube channel dedicated to Cardano. As of June 20, 2022, the channel has achieved:
- More than 150 Cardano and Blockchain videos published
- More than 15.800 subscribers
- More than 635.000 views
- More than 148,000 hours of watch
đFIMI's Analyst Core-team
These are groups of Fimi's trainees that focus on learning about blockchain technology and its adoption. Each group has about 10 to 20 members, who have a thirst for knowledge about blockchain technology and have strong beliefs in the adoption of blockchain to the real world in the future.
- Jaguar core-team (BĂĄo Äá»m)
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
After Cardano talk launches in the first half year, we will optimize the process then continue to submit proposals in the next funds for implementation in the new version.
We need to answer a few questions:
- Is the current reward system enough to attract people whose posts are interesting to the community?
- Can we implement other ways to get more people involved in the Cardano community?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
- Number of attendees to the meeting Zoom every week. This metric means whether the talks are attractive to many people. We will write down the total number of people who attended the talks and compare it with previous talks.
- Number of topics were be presented and discussed. This metric means that the amount of work that we have completed.
- Number of questions during the meeting. This metric allows us to measure community response to topics.
- Number of views for the talk's video that uploaded on the Youtube. This metric means whether the topics we have covered in previous talks have attracted to the rest of the community. We will consider to select topics with high views to prioritize in future talks.
All the above metrics will be upload on the Funded report file.
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
- Cardano Vietnam community has one more reliable, fast, and timely information channel.
- Community presenters get an extra income from the rewards for their presentation.
- The Youtube channel reached the milestone of 100,000 subscribers.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This proposal is continuation of previously funded proposal:
Reward for Community Translators. You can check here or F7 Voting Result
For the received fund, we made a list of videos to report and updating each day. See more here.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Rating
Not at all