Last updated 2 years ago
Financial security for East Asian artists can be incredibly challenging, especially at the beginning of their career and often they lack material and technical support to pursue their artistic goals
Our solution is to create an artistic grant program that exclusively supports East Asian artists with sponsorships (financial, technical or material support) to mint NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to East Asia Artistic Grant Proposal.
Our solution is to create an artistic grant program that exclusively supports East Asian artists with sponsorships (financial, technical or material support) to mint NFTs on the Cardano blockchain.
Tangent is a radical art & finance project built on the Cardano network. Our team is made up of developers from Ethereum and Plutus pioneers building on Cardano and we are passionate about art, cardano and knowledgeable about minting nfts (see to github link).
Blockchain technologies open up a world of possibilities for human potential. At the moment, those who benefit the most financially from the industry are investors, traders, and software developers. Even though there are some opportunities for artists given the rise of the NFT markets, there is a strong barrier from a technical side. Additionally, the creation of fine art takes time, and the process can be spoiled by the need for a quick buck to make ends meet.
Tangent is very passionate about art, and appreciates the role art has in promoting a rich East Asian culture in the Cardano ecosystem. We propose a grant system for East Asian artists so that they have the capital required to dedicate themselves to generating art that the rest of us can enjoy. We think this is particularly important for East Asian artists with niche styles as it allows them to gain natural exposure to Cardano while simultaneously sharing this niche art with the rest of the world. Often niche artists have the hardest time making money, because they do not fit standard styles. At the same time, it is this form of art that displays the truest, most raw, form of their creativity, making it the most valuable and rich with beauty. East Asian artists deserve support and a platform, and the Cardano blockchain is an incredible technology that can enable just that.
Creating a grant system is a relatively easy task that can be created with little start-up costs, if the grant system were to be solely handled by the Tangent team. However, our goal is to create a system that is decentralized and handled by the community. It is our vision that this system will coincide with the creation of our Tangent DAO. Therefore, we are seeking Catalyst funding to help propel the infrastructure forward in creating a decentralized artist grant funding DAO that can be sustainable and eventually owned by the community
Raising the awareness levels of artists in East Asia about Cardano network and how they can mint clean (sustainable, low energy intensive POS) NFTs should be a priority for the Catalyst community. Tangent’s East Asian artistic grant proposal aims to address the challenge by creating an engaging dapp that will attract talented aspiring East Asian artists to Cardano and then sponsor them with attractive support packages such as material support, tooling, education, financial support and community recognition.
Many can empathize with the financial struggles of an artist, and even more can appreciate the value that East Asian artists could gain by being sponsored and learning how to mint eco-friendly NFTs on Cardano. We would create a specialized dapp that provides the Cardano community the ability to vote for who receives grant funding, and the candidates would be selected East Asia exclusively. The chosen East Asian artists would receive materials, finance, or simply technical training so that they could create digital art on the Cardano blockchain.
Providing funding to support someone in their career or venture can be risky. Similar to Catalyst, giving out funding does not guarantee success or that the money will be used wisely. Even though grants will be sent to artists, there is no guarantee that the artists will use the funds to successfully kick-start their artistic career, nor provide the Cardano ecosystem with amazing art. However, with high risk comes high reward, and this is a challenge we are willing to accept. Also we think that sponsorship does not have to necessarily mean financial support only. The support could come in many forms such as materials (laptop to create digital art or brushes and paint to create non digital art that is later digitized), training or simply community spirit and recognition. Another challenge is that we do not have any East Asian team members (yet) so we would be hiring a project manager to work on this project with us from the East Asian Cardano community. However the East Asian Cardano community is very diverse and growing everyday so we do not foresee this being an obstacle for long.
The solution to this challenge is diligence and care in choosing who the grants will be given to. In the beginning, it will be the responsibility of the Tangent team and the community manager to make these decisions. Eventually, it will be up to the Cardano community to propose and choose Artists.
022 Q2:
2022 Q3:
2022 Q4:
(winners selected by Tangent core team initially)
2023 Q1:
2023 Q2
2023 Q3
East Asian Artistic Grant Dashboard Development x 3 months (Internal & External) = $15,000
Front End Development x 3 months (Internal & External) = $8,000
Marketing = $5,000
Artistic Platform Interface / Graphics x 2 months (Internal & External) = $5000
Clint Alexander // Co-founder, Head of Development
Ben Gordon // Co-founder, Visionaire & Marketing Technologist
Benjamin Grabow // Senior Software Engineer
Sydney Bright // Plutus Pioneer / Cardano Coder
Shahabaj Dange // Front-End Developer
Roman Gor // UI / UX
Alexis Golding // Legal Compliance Advisor
Henry (Kwrtz Artist) // Digital Artist
+another 2 programmers for staking platform development
Further team information can be found here:
Our team was fortunate enough to learn about the Catalyst programme a number of weeks ago and have been immersing ourselves within the community since. Town Hall has been a highly beneficial, weekly addition to our team in regards to knowledge building and networking, most notably within the breakout rooms post meet. Furthermore we plan to host a number of breakout rooms ourselves in the near future, if possible. We have set our budget so we are funded for the next 6 months of development as shown in the timeline (up to full completion of 2022). After that to create the community owned DAO we will reassess and evaluate the funding requirements again at that stage. Regardless, if we do not have any further funding, we believe the Artistic Grant Dashboard created will be usable for a long time to come and could be easily modified to utilize open source Cardano DAO developer tools currently under construction or be incorporated into our own TangentDAO that is also underdevelopment.
There are a few important metrics regarding this project. The first important metric that will measure success is the number of East Asian artists who apply for the grant. Also whether we can create a buzz online within East Asian communities and get the Artist sponsorship programme trending on social media. The more artists apply to the grant, the more the community will invite talented artists to contribute to the Cardano ecosystem. Similarly, success will be measured by the success of the artists and their projects following grant funding.
Lastly, and perhaps the most important metric, is the success and participation within the decentralized East Asian artistic grant platform. This project will not live up to expectations if there is not active participation on part of the community to vote for, and select, grants for funding. The more vibrant and active the community is once the decentralized platform has been launched, the better.
Success in this project involves engaging East Asian artists to apply for grants, grant funds being successfully used to help these talented artists flourish, and then creating a strong East Asian artist scene and community on the Cardano blockchain.
This is the first Catalyst fund Tangent is participating in.
SDG goals:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
8.9 By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
12.5.1 National recycling rate, tons of material recycled
Tangent is a radical art & finance project built on the Cardano network. Our team is made up of developers from Ethereum and Plutus pioneers building on Cardano and we are passionate about art, cardano and knowledgeable about minting nfts (see to github link).