Last updated 2 years ago
The major lightweight wallets for Cardano are missing Japanese language support
We will provide Japanese translations for Nami and Eternl wallets, and update the Japanese translations we previously implemented for Flint and Yoroi wallet.
This is the total amount allocated to Japanese support for wallets.
We will provide Japanese translations for Nami and Eternl wallets, and update the Japanese translations we previously implemented for Flint and Yoroi wallet.
Our team has previously translated Yoroi Wallet and Flint Wallet into Japanese. We are technical writers and translators with years of prior experience making contributions to the Cardano ecosystem.
We will provide Japanese translations for all text strings in the Nami, Eternl, Flint, and Yoroi light wallets. We will also coordinate with the first party developers of each wallet to assist with implementation of the translated text.
Japanese users currently have little choice regarding which wallets they can use, and even those wallets that offer Japanese translations often have numerous incorrect or missing strings. Adding full Japanese language support to more wallets will provide the Japanese Cardano userbase with more alternatives for how to manage their Cardano assets.
Liaising with each of the first-party wallet developers will be necessary. Our team has experience creating Japanese translations for Cardano light wallets, so we are not likely to need to submit any queries about the text itself. But cooperation will be needed to obtain the English strings and get the Japanese text actually implemented in each wallet.
However, we have planned ahead for this by contacting each of these parties ahead of time explaining our intensions, and as we have worked closely with some of these teams in the past (and edited text files directly in their respective GitHub repositories where relevant), no roadblocks are expected along these lines.
In the worst case, if one or more of the first parties is unable or unwilling to quickly implement the Japanese text and there is no option for us to directly apply the text to their Github repository, then we will use the translated text to create a localized Japanese guide document that users can refer to while using the English interface. This document would be hosted by us and no action from the first party would be required.
Step 1: Reach out to each first party for meetings to explain the process and obtain a list of strings. If none is provided, compile a list of strings manually by extracting them from the wallet UI.
-- Deadline: 2 weeks after task start
Step 2: Translate all of the strings for each target wallet.
-- Deadline: 9 weeks after task start
Step 3: Deliver the translated text and coordinate with each first party to get the text implemented. There are free tools that assist with this step and we can provide assistance using them as needed. In the case of Flint wallet and Yoroi wallet, text translations are handled on GitHub and CrowdIn (using a system that we previously implemented) so there will already be a system in place to plug in the translated text directly. This system can also serve as a model for the other bridges, if they wish to use it.
-- Deadline: 12 weeks after task start
Step 4: Review the translated text and apply any necessary fixes
-- Deadline: 13 weeks after task start
Estimating the amount of text in each of the target wallets and allowing a buffer for additions, changes, etc., we estimate a cost of $3700 for full English-to-Japanese translation of Eternl and Nami as well as completion, revision, and updating of the English-to-Japanese translations for Flint and Yoroi. The time and work required to coordinate and assist each of the first parties in getting the text implemented, followed by testing and LQA will amount to an additional $1500. This will be the total cost to get all of the text translated and provide all of the necessary support to get the text online in all 4 target light wallets.
L10NMODE is a team of translators and writers who have worked within the Cardano ecosystem for more than 5 years. It is headed by Leo King, who translated and supported Yoroi Wallet as localization manager and customer support lead at EMURGO, then translated Flint Wallet and supported Milkomeda while creating documentation for users and developers as technical writer and global content lead at dcSpark.
Yes. As these wallets are updated we will need to update the translations, and other wallets may also need to be translated. Depending on the state of Japanese support in the upcoming Lace light wallet, we may submit a proposal for that wallet as well.
At each of the milestones listed above, we will post an update on our website tracking the progress of this task.
Each of the 4 target light wallets has complete and accurate Japanese support, and the wallets are actually downloaded and used by the Japanese community.
This is a new proposal.
Our team has previously translated Yoroi Wallet and Flint Wallet into Japanese. We are technical writers and translators with years of prior experience making contributions to the Cardano ecosystem.