Last updated 2 years ago
Japan uses the most pesticides in the world, but these chemicals are used to increase the profits of the petrochemical industry. And the health hazards of these chemicals have not been disclosed.
By activating microorganisms in the soil, organic agricultural products can be grown without using chemicals. And by utilizing the blockchain, the traceability of foodstuffs can be guaranteed.
This is the total amount allocated to Quality Assurance of Organic Foods.
By activating microorganisms in the soil, organic agricultural products can be grown without using chemicals. And by utilizing the blockchain, the traceability of foodstuffs can be guaranteed.
The proposer, Norihiko Hirayama, is a former nuclear plant engineer and has experience in treating exposed bodies with a diet. The team includes a university professor of microbiological research, a physician, a cook, and a Cardano ambassador who supports Catalyst's proposal.
『Problems of Japanese agriculture』
According to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2016, Japan is the country with the highest amount of pesticides in the world.
( /sizai/noyaku/attach/pdf/index-1.pdf)
However, these pesticides are not used to protect food from insects and diseases, but to profit from chemical derivatives produced from petroleum. Furthermore, the accumulation of these pesticides in the body increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as allergies and carcinogenesis, but these risks are not made public to consumers. (Medical expenditure in Japan exceeds 40 trillion yen)
The cause is the Japanese agricultural system. In Japan, apart from the Ministry of Agriculture, there is an organization called JA: the Agricultural Cooperative Association (Approximately 10 million farmers have joined). Farmers who are members of JA are required to use pesticides and chemical fertilizers that are sold through JA in order to get financial support and sales channels for their businesses. And, in order to pursue their own profits, JA has stopped helping farmers who oppose the use of pesticides and has not fully explained the risks of pesticides to consumers.
In addition, many retailers that mediate JA sell food while hiding the use of pesticides. The cause of such fraud is that the scope of regulation of pesticides in Japan is ambiguous and the information management system that can guarantee the traceability of food is not in place.
『Solutions utilizing soil microorganisms and blockchain』
In order to solve the above problems, we propose to popularize "soil microbial activation agriculture" that does not use pesticides and to utilize "Cardano blockchain" to guarantee the traceability of foodstuffs.
Since the microorganisms in the soil can freely generate and provide the nutrients required by the vegetables in the soil, the autoimmune power in the vegetables can be enhanced. Therefore, by regularly feeding soil microorganisms with manure from plants and livestock, it is possible to stably produce vegetables without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers. In addition, by feeding these vegetables to livestock as feed, not only can higher quality meat be produced, but also manure excreted from the livestock can be reused as feed for microorganisms. This is sustainable.
Then, by measuring the weak electric potential from such vegetables, it is possible to measure how fertile the soil environment in which the vegetable was grown(=Whether there are many soil microorganisms). By proving the authenticity of such information on the blockchain, organic farmers will be able to sell the foods they grow at high prices with peace of mind. And we aim to create an environment where consumers can access the traceability of those foods at any time.
『Specific project plan』
① Gather new farmers who will cooperate with the plan (from 10 people)
→ Hold seminars and workshops to explain soil microbial activation agriculture
→ Guidance on new farming methods while utilizing the subsidy system for new farmers issued by the government
(New farmers for existing farming methods can receive a $ 15,000 annual subsidy from the government for five years)
② Grow organic foods using a farming method that activates soil microorganisms (6 to 12 months)
→ Cultivate mainly sweet potatoes that are used as feed for livestock
→ Sweet potatoes are wholesaled to pig farmers, and other vegetables are sold using the existing distribution system.
(Growed organic foods will be sold preferentially to ADA holders. ADA payment will be introduced if possible)
③ Record traceability in Atala PRISM
→ Record information such as producer name and quality of soil microorganisms to guarantee authenticity
→ We plan to submit the next proposal after we have secured the Atala PRISM documentation and developers.
④ Apply for a large-scale agricultural subsidy system provided by the government
→ After completing the above three items, we will apply for a subsidy and loan system (Super L fund loan limit of $ 10 million or more) provided by the Ministry of Agriculture.
→ Collaboration with local banks and consulting companies necessary for application cooperation is under negotiation.
『Uniqueness of this solution』
Many Japanese farmers find it difficult to continue their business without the support of JA. In particular, organic farmers who avoid the use of pesticides and fertilizers sold by JA need more support because they are persecuted by JA. So if a DAO community like Cardano sponsors them, we can provide farmers with technology that can guarantee the quality of food and customers who want genuine organic ingredients. No JA support is needed there. Supporting the primary industry that fundamentally supports the human body with the power of blockchain technology and the community, is a very epoch-making attempt in the world.
In East Asia, especially in Japan, most people have the image that blockchain is a cryptocurrency technology. Therefore, creating application examples for organic farming will lead to understanding how blockchain can be applied to the real world, developing Japanese agriculture, and improving the quality of life of people.
① 計画に協力してくれる新規就農者を集める(10人〜)
② 土壌微生物を活性化させる農法で有機食材を育てる(6ヶ月〜12ヶ月)
③ トレーサビリティをAtalaPRISMに記録する
④ 行政が提供する大規模な農業助成金制度に申請する
『Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano』
Japan's natural farming method from the imperial era to the Meiji era, which focused on the soil environment, was epoch-making in the world, and its technology was exported to many Asian countries. Attempts to revive these ancient farming methods are an important antithesis against modern farming methods, which are also mainstream in East Asia. And these decentralized ideas against the pursuit of profits by some companies and organizations are in line with the ideas of the Cardano community. (In fact, Yokoyama of the team participated as an advisor in a banana plantation in the Philippines that was damaged by excessive use of pesticides, and has experience in improving the environment of these plantations by soil microbial activation farming.)
『Risks assumed for this project』
① Subsidies are not provided to new farmers.
In the first place, the subsidy system for new farmers was only for conventional farming, that is, farmers who practice modern farming using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. However, in April of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture passed a bill that included support for organic farmers called the "Green Food System Strategy." Therefore, the subsidy system become to include organic farmers too. However, it is still unclear whether the conditions for applying for subsidies will change soon, as the bill has just been passed.
② The project is crushed by the pressure from JA.
As mentioned earlier, JA is attacking organic farmers who are not willing to use pesticides and fertilizers sold through JA. As a result, this project may also be disturbed along the way, making it impossible to continue the project itself (there were similar cases in the past).
③ Local banks and consulting companies can't cooperate with our project.
→ In order to apply for a large-scale agricultural subsidy system(called Super L fund), which is the final stage of the project, the sponsorship of local banks and consulting companies that can handle agricultural funds is indispensable. That's because it deals over $ 10 million. However, many of the financial sectors involved in the agricultural industry are already monopolized by JA, which may make negotiations difficult.
① 新規就農者への補助金が降りない可能性がある
② JAからの圧力で、プロジェクトが潰される可能性がある
③ 地方銀行やコンサル企業がこのプロジェクトに協力してくれない可能性がある
In this proposal, we will work on ① of the above project plan. The period is 4 months.
・ 1st month = Held an online seminar to attract new farmers (5 times)
・ 2nd to 3rd months = Hold a workshop for practical use with applicants and experts (10 times / inviting an outside lecturer)
・ 4th month = Applicants jointly proceed with subsidy application procedures to the government
After these are completed, proceed to ② of the project plan.
『Budget breakdown』
・Hirayama's business trip expenses: $ 2000 x 4 months = $ 8000
・Incentives for external lecturers in the workshop: $ 200 x 10 times = $ 2000
・Zoom Pro License Fee: $ 200
・Zoom's 100G cloud rental fee (recording management): $ 54 x 3 months = $ 162
・Purchase a webcam and microphone speaker for meetings: $ 100
Total: $ 10,462
『Team members』
・ Norihiko Hirayama (former nuclear plant engineer / microbial activation agricultural management)
・ Mitsuhiro Hirayama (Water Treatment Engineer)
・ Kazunari Yokoyama (Professor, Development of Global Environmental Sciences, Rissho University / Former Microbial Researcher, NARO: National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)
・ Shunsuke Moriyama (Professor, Development of Marine Biosciences, Kitasato University)
・ Akiko Matsumoto (Internal Medicine / Health Coaching)
・ Satomi Sugisaki (cook/medicinal food adjuster)
・ Ichikawa Issa (Waseda University 3rd year / Cardano Ambassador / Catalyst Fund 6,8 fundraiser)
・市川一茶(早稲田大学3年/Cardanoアンバサダー/Catalyst Fund6,8資金調達者)
『Application for continuation in the future Fund』
Yes. This is because we have to continue activities that are not covered by the subsidy for several years, such as hiring new farmer instructors, making connections with project partners, and developing on Atala PRISM.
『KPI of project plan ① 』
・ Number of online seminars held and number of participants
・ Number of work shocks held and number of participants
・ Number of new farmers decided to cooperate
・ Successful subsidy application
『What kind of results can you expect?』
If this proposal is successful, it could trigger the introduction of blockchain for food traceability for the first time in Japan, such as the beef chain in Wyoming.
『Relevance to SDGs』
Yes. Natural farming that makes good use of plant and livestock manure as a feed for soil microorganisms is undoubtedly sustainable.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The proposer, Norihiko Hirayama, is a former nuclear plant engineer and has experience in treating exposed bodies with a diet. The team includes a university professor of microbiological research, a physician, a cook, and a Cardano ambassador who supports Catalyst's proposal.