[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Tre Viet's Telegram channel has long been a trusted address of the Vietnamese community in supporting project information on the Cardano ecosystem.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
Team of IT engineer, developers, investors, community managers with 4-5 years experience on the Cardano platform
Telegram channel has been operating for 5+ months, a total of nearly 600 users, a total of more than 23k messages, an average of 140 messages a day.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
Tre Viet channel is the place to update information
- Up to date information regarding Cardano and projects on the Cardano platform
- Analyze and evaluate information about potential projects and share them with the community
- Discuss Cardano and projects on the Cardano platform
The Tre Viet canal is a place for technical assistance
- Wallets, Decentralized exchanges
- Show how to take steps to participate in projects or get rewards from projects
Tre Viet channel is the place to share:
- Experience in investing in projects on the Cardano platform
- Security Knowledge
Tre Viet Channel provides free tools to the community:
- The bot fluctuates the balance of the wallet
- Bot look up information about the price of tokens, ISPO programs
- ADA price volatility bot
- Bot reports fluctuations of the Exchange wallets, whale wallets
We will also build a website to aggregate information of each project, making it easy for users to search and look up information.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
- The Tre Viet Channel helps to grow the Cardano community in Vietnam, by giving active support to the community, helping to remove technical barriers for newbies.
- By focusing on projects on the Cardano platform, Tre Viet channel helps develop the Cardano community in terms of quality. There is more and more valuable sharing and analysis on the channel.
- We will build a website to aggregate information about projects and other valuable shares such as wallet and security, for easy search by community.
- Tre Viet channel is trusted by the community, so more and more donations are received from the community (total amount of ADA donated to Tre Viet wallet: 666 ADA)
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Challenge: compete with other information channels like Facebook or other Telegram or Discord groups.
Solution: Tre Viet Channel provides more quality information, closer to the community, led by the self-research team, with a team of community care workers continuously supporting, giving prompt and timely feedback..
Challenge: channel spam bot, user giving untested information
Solution: the team of admin and moderators regularly administer and remove spam information, information not related to Cardano and projects on the Cardano platform. All information posted on the Telegram channel should be clearly analyzed.
Challenge: Due to the nature of Telegram, the amount of messages will be very much, important information may be difficult to find. The community may miss important information because they cannot read all the messages.
Solution: Build a website to synthesize important information. Everybody can easily check the important information of projects.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
Master plan of the project: Build Tre Viet Telegram channel to become the largest Vietnamese Cardano community channel in terms of quantity and quality.
Total implementation time for this proposal: 3 months
Below is the detailed plan and milestones to achieve
1st month:
- Announcing support staff for Telegram channel and in-depth research team.
- Carry out a marketing campaign to promote Tre Viet channel to the broader Cardano Vietnam community through Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and Discord platforms.
- Continue updating information and take care of the community.
- Publish 3 in-depth research articles on Cardano or projects on the Cardano platform.
2nd month:
- Building a website to update Cardano projects' information
- Update the bots to look up information on the channel
- Growing number of bot users reporting account balance fluctuations in personal wallets
- Continue to maintain updated information and take care of the community.
- Publish 3 in-depth research articles on Cardano or projects on the Cardano platform.
Month 3:
- Carry out a Marketing campaign to promote Tre Viet channel, give gifts to members with positive contributions from the community
- Continue to maintain updated information and take care of the community.
- Publish 3 in-depth research articles on Cardano or projects on the Cardano platform.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
- 1 Admin for operating and managing the of the channel: 400$/month x 3months= 1200$
- 1 Moderator to support the admin: 300$/month x 3months = 900$
- Marketing expense: 2 x 1000$/campaign x 2 campaigns = 2000$
- Cost of hosting, server, domain for bots: 500$
- Website construction fee: 1500$
- Cost of writing bot, building tools to serve the community: 1500$ (DONE)
- Cost of research and publication of in-depth articles: 150$/article x 9 articles = 1350$
- Contingency cost: 1000$
- Total: 9950$
We have a provision of $ 1000 for expenses that may be incurred beyond the team's initial calculation. For the reserve fund, if it is not used up and the ADA is donated by the community, it will be accumulated to continue developing the channel in the next time.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
Project Manager: Mr. Chau Do, programmer, Community manager, 2 years + experience on Cardano Ecosystem.
- Programing: C#, ASP.net, html, css.
- Experienced in building and operating Telegram Bot of projects, such as: @trevietbot (for a community 600 people), @GeniusISPObot (update update saturation, number of ADA for Genius Yield project), @empowa_vn_bot (information bot, Q&A for the project), balance variable ADA with @biendongtaikhoan_bot
- Manage a community group dedicated to researching and discussing the Cardano ecosystem with 600 members at: https://t.me/Cardano_ECO_VN
- Team Leader of Tre Viet Team, a team to research and evaluate blockchain projects, focus on Cardano Genius Yield Ambassador - A Decentralized Exchange and Yield Optimizer on Cardano Community Manager of Empowa Vietnam group at: https://t.me/empowa_io_vietnamese_official
Telegram: https://t.me/ducchau18
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DucChauB
Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ch%C3%A2u-%C4%91%E1%BB%A9c-68523099/
github: https://github.com/chaudoduckt
Project Executive: Mr. Lam Nguyen, Community manager, Community Advisor since Catalyst Fund 8
- Team member of Fimi translation team
- Manage a community group dedicated to researching and discussing the Cardano ecosystem with 600 members at: https://t.me/Cardano_ECO_VN
- Team member of Tre Viet Team, a team to research and evaluate blockchain projects, focus on Cardano.
Telegram: https://t.me/Tunglam09
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lamvoi6
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
If we receive the Fund, we will continue to return to Catalyst to apply for funds in the next rounds to develop the constantly growing Cardano Vietnam community. For the Contingency cost, if it is not used up and the ADA is donated by the community, they will be accumulated to continue developing the channel in the next Fund.
If we cannot get funding from Catalyst, we will continue to implement our project as we are doing. The cost for hosts and servers to maintain the channel's free bots for the community are partly supported by the community donating to the project after receiving valuable shares
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
To measure the progress of the project, everyone can easily follow by visiting our Telegram channel and viewing weekly reports of project progress. Once done, all important milestones will be widely announced to the community.
In addition, the team also uses the following criteria to evaluate the quality of project implementation
- Number of users on Telegram channel
- Number of messages on channel
- Number of in-depth analysis published to community & number of positive reactions
- Number of donations & number of ADA donations by the community
- Number of bot uses
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
The project can be considered a success if the team completes all the tasks above. We also define the success of the project in numbers as follows:
Number of people joining Telegram channel
- Increase from 600 people to 1000 after 3 months
- Increase from 1000 people to 1500 after 6 months
- Increased from 1500 to 2500 after 12 months
Number of messages on channel
- 200 messages / day after 3 months
- 250 messages / day after 6 months
- 350 messages / day after 12 months
Number of bot users: 150 times / month
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This is a new project.