Last updated a year ago
As a full-time Cardano/Catalyst, facing a major challenge in declaring income and managing the reporting process with multi-project engagement.
Analyzing the flow of funds in catalyst and working with accounting and legal services to define an accounting reporting path. Coordinating and supporting others in the process.
This is the total amount allocated to Accounting Reporting France.
Analyzing the flow of funds in catalyst and working with accounting and legal services to define an accounting reporting path. Coordinating and supporting others in the process.
Full-time on catalyst since July 2021, CA, VCA, C4C, CT. Funded proposal in funds 6,7,8. Facing issues to report 2021 income which will significantly increase in 2022.
Also has good knowledge of accounting and legal procedures.
More bout the problem:
In Fund 6 (2021), together with other team members, we got 2 proposals funded, I also got rewards being a CA at that fund.
This situation was a simple use case of an initial relatively small amount of founding. Yet reporting it was quite complex. Here are some of the questions that came when discussing with the accountant:
Each answer above has a different path to follow and also brings more questions such as:
For 2021 reporting the accountet suggested a temporary path which is not very beneficial for me over time and we are aiming to work in Q4 on the path for the reporting of 2022. One major complication of the reporting is the volatility of the market which is obliged to keep track of the exchange rate for reporting while transferring funds between different platforms. I.e. project is $ but we receive ADA, transfer to an exchange, convert ADA to Euro, and send to the bank account.
If 2021 reporting was challenging with initial revenue, 2022 is going to be extremely challenging. As part of the team is working full time on Catalyst, we are grateful to be involved in many exciting funded projects, but this will be very challenging for the 2022 reporting and tax payments.
Here are some examples:
These different proposals provide different scenarios that need to be evaluated.
The Solution:
In France, there are two main types of financial reporting. 1. Reporting as a company, in case you have one 2. Reporting as an individual - is obligatory for every French residence.
The solution will be to work together with my accountant and as needed also engage a lawyer and define the various pathways for the revenue and expenses declaration both as an individual with resilience in France as well as a company registered in France
The solution will include building tools and processes that could apply also for other countries. For example, a process to send funds to a bank account.
We will also reach out to teams working in other countries as well as with IOG and Cardano foundation teams to coordinate best practices. For example, around invoicing.
How can we build effective solutions to explore and provide legal & financial services and support to funded Proposers.
The process I am going through now will be relevant for individuals and companies in France both from an accounting perspective as well as legal. It will also be helpful information for other countries as a basic model that can be adjusted per country.
Providing funded proposals with solutions and services to operate legally in their residing country will open new possibilities and provide peace of mind to the project owners. Many projects will broaden their horizons and increase their impact on the Ecosystem once legal and financial frameworks are explored and established. This will in turn promote adoption and improve product ownership. There is a need to get accountants and lawyers into the Cardano & Catalyst Ecosystem.
The above is defined in the challenge setting, and this is exactly my status and the solution we wish to provide to others.
Risk 1: French regulation regarding crypto - having crypto trading and revenue from work at the same regulation. To mitigate this issue, we will try to work together with the accountant on a pathway and terminology that meet possible processes that are already in practice.
Risk 2: The source of funds is not clear and therefore will make it more complicated to define the process or will categorize the revenue is not an advantageous tax situation. To mitigate it, we will coordinate with CF and IO as well as with other proposals for other countries that are working on the same issue
Risk 3: The French system is complex and we might not cover all the use cases. What we will do is define the status and pathways for the various scenarios so it will be possible to track in case any scenario was not covered.
The timing is perfect, as the results of fund 9 are expected by September and Q4 2022 and Q1 2023 will be the months to coordinate the 2022 reporting.
The road map is as follows:
Going forward - this proposal
Through the process, we will coordinate activities with the Treasury Guild so the information provided regarding the French system could be aligned with other sources as well. The Treasury guild will also use the information to further design their services and automation of transactions and reporting.
Treasury Guild: offers a 1 to 1 accounting and treasury service to projects within the Catalyst ecosystem. Setting up and managing Project Wallets and the distribution of funds. Keeping track of all budget items and the exchange rate at which the funds were released to ensure that the budget is spent correctly. Including metadata in the transactions enables future dapps to pull data and create dynamic tailor-made dashboards & templates.
For additional information visit:
Accountant fee: Q4 2022 X 6 two hours meetings, Q1 2023 3 X 2 hours meeting = 18 hours X $200 per hour = $3600
Accountant research: $1000
Team time participation in accountant meeting: 18 hours x $50 per hour = $900
Team time dedicated to documentation and preparation of materials including final report: 2 hours per week for 24 weeks x $50 per hour = $2200
Weekly office hours to support other community members in their process: 20 weeks (Q1-Q2 2023)x $50 = $1000
Treasury guild support and collaboration: $50 for 30 hours = $1500
Extra for admin fee, a second opinion if needed, and legal if needed: estimated $1000
Total budget $ 11,200
Yoram Ben Zvi:
Impact Entrepreneur and mentor with the international board, operations, and startup experience. F6 CA, F7 CA-VCA, F8 CA-VCA, Funded Proposer, Community co-host at Cardano4Climate. F8 New member onboarding challenge team. Full-time with Catalyst.
Yoram is already involved in initiatives related to supporting the funded proposals and is active in acceleration and mentorship catalyst groups. Here is one example:
Mentors & accelerators board: is a small and private boutique accounting firm that I am working with for the last 5 years and will support me in the process.
Benjamin Ben Zvi :
Young International student, studying at the Grenoble management school,, involved in Cardano and in the Catalyst community. Working as a coordinator for two fund 8 funded proposers where we will also collaborate with
Cole & Raz from
United Caricature:
As I am presenting multiple proposals in this fund as well as in previous funds here is a link for an explanation of the workload management.
This specific proposal is a need I face (and risk for being part of Catalyst) while dedicating full time to Catalyst and the results will serve many others.
The Treasury Guild team
has 20 years of experience in managing finances and organising the business of NGOs and the University. He also worked as a Human Resources Manager (HRM). Joined the Catalyst Circle Admin team together with Andre as treasurer in Nov 2021. Currently he is recording, documenting and managing all transactions for CC Admin Team, Swarm, Cardano4Climate, Community Governance and Bridge Builders. LInkedin
has experience in small business operation and accounting. Joined the Catalyst Circle Admin team as treasurer in Nov 2021 and has expanded this role by starting the Treasury Guild alongside Miroslav to support projects in the Catalyst community as well. Currently using and documenting GitHub Actions to help automate some of the tasks in Catalyst Circle and treasury work. Linkedin
We do not expect that this specific proposal will need any additional funding.
Key deliverables :
We will measure how helpful the process and tools for the annual reporting needs and how useful is the information for other members in France and in other territories. We will also try and measure how many people are using the forms we developed and even as a base for adjustments and further developments.
A dedicated google drive will be opened and available for the community to use and follow up on the progress.
We will also collaborate and share the information with CF, IOG and community initiatives such as Treasury Guild, Bridge builders, the Cardano Smart business hub initiatives and others, so the information will be available for the community and aligned resources.
The challenge states: A direct access to solutions that provide financial and legal services, support, and guidance to emerging Projects in the Catalyst Ecosystem
Being able to develop a framework that will be helpful for individuals as well as companies registered in France. As mentioned above there are two types of reporting and this proposal will cover both based on a concrete personal use case. Having a young student scenario gives additional perspective to the solution as there are some special tax rules for young students.
Success will also be when we evaluate that the solution is reasonable and acceptable for the authorized in France reducing the risk of business for working on Catalyst & Cardano and therefore more accessible.
Finally, our work will be considered a success by having other community members use the materials for their tax reporting.
The shared information will be base for ongoing improvements as the regulation and use cases around Cardano and Crypto evolve.
A new one
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Full-time on catalyst since July 2021, CA, VCA, C4C, CT. Funded proposal in funds 6,7,8. Facing issues to report 2021 income which will significantly increase in 2022.
Also has good knowledge of accounting and legal procedures.