Last updated 2 years ago
Currently Funded Proposals need the advise about the legal and finance & accounting. However, there is lacking of financial and legal experts who have knowledge and practical experience on blockchain.
We will creating the education courses on pro-bono basis for financial and legal expert to understand the issues facing by blockchain start-up as well as the legal & financial advisory services.
This is the total amount allocated to Legal & Financial Consulting Hub.
We will creating the education courses on pro-bono basis for financial and legal expert to understand the issues facing by blockchain start-up as well as the legal & financial advisory services.
Our team consist blockchain educator, Funded Proposal Owners, financial & legal expert who are working in blockchain start-ups in Vietnam.
We will organise the online courses attracting legal and financial employees of Funded Proposals as well as the financial and legal experts who are interested in blockchain. The course contents will cover basis of blockchain technology and Cardano Blockchain, overall of financial and legal framework for blockchain, challenges and issues facing by blokchain start-up as well as the solutions for such challenges and issues.
Details of course and timeline are as the attached link
We also provice the financial and legal advisory retainer services for Catalyst Funded Proposal on pro-bono basis. Which our current capacity, we can commit 32 hours a month for financial and legal retainer services. This will be increase if we got more professional who join the online course above.
This proposal will help Funded Proposers deal with financial and legal issues to scale their solution into business which will create greater impact as the purpose of Catalyst.
The solution are totally fix with the challenge setting, we provide financial and legal advisory services to Funded Proposals.
To be scale up, we also focus on educating the financial & legal experts who are working in other industries then there are more and more financal and legal experts joining into blockchain industry.
We are all Vietnamese, although we will use English in training materials as well as provide English subtitles in course videos, we also can speak English well but the langage barrier will not easy to overcome as well as there are other funded proposal teams may not very fluent in English.
For this phase (Fund 9), we will focus on advising for Vietnamese Funded Proposals and educating Vietnamese financial and legal experts to creating Vietnamese Financial & Legal Consulting Hub.
In the next phase (Fund 10) we will collaborate with our colleagues in other countries to create the Global Financial & Legal Consulting Hub then we have more capacity (time commited as well as the understanding on each country legal framework)
We will also bare the risk that the ADA price will go down on the day we receipt the fund, although we try to cash out into stable coin immediately but it's dificult to predict the time that the fund were transferred (normaly at night), we have experienced the down of 5% in ADA price in the past.
So we would like to add 5% on top of the proposed budget for the reserve fund to avoid the price fluctuation risk.
Fund 9: (from the funded date)
Fund need:
Project team, communication: $ 40,320. Please see the detail at LINK
Risk management (see above): $ 2,016
1 .Project Manager: Mr. Brit Nguyen: Managing the whole project progress and KPI,\
2.. Ms Julie Vo - Legal Counsel
With 10 years experience in legal services, Julie practices in an immerse range of industries such as consulting services, immigration, real estates and technology. She is also strong at partnership and business development.
Currently, Julie runs J&A Consulting, a boutique consulting firm specializes in licensing and corporate secretarial services for startups. In addition, she is a Global Partnership Manager for Realcoin, a blockchain project.
Linked in:
3.. Ms Phuong Pham - Financial expert
+10 years of experiences in working as finance & accounting of multinational companies.
Currently Finance Director of Creatory Vietnam a Trans-Media & Spatial Web (Web 3) Brand Solution.
Creatory is building the metaverse project
Telegram: @phamphuong2510
The Project Manager - Mr Quoc Nguyen is also Project Manager of two other proposals:
Cardano Forest -
Cardano Incredible Race 202:
He involved all the projects with the role of overall project management (time allocated are about 4 hours a week for each project). With his long-term of experience in managing so many projects, he can allocate time and focus to successfully manage all the proposals.
We will oursource the filming services, marketing and design part to agencies to focus on the course content and advisory services.
As mentioned in the RISK MAMAGEMENT part, we will scale up to create a Vietnamese Legal & Financial Consulting Hub as well as global Legal Financial Consuting Hub dedicated on supporting Catalyst Funded Proposals to help them scalling up. Therefore, we will need to continue raise fund in later rounds.
We will measure level of interest in our videos. We will measure it by YouTube views, dwell time, number of comments, and number of subscribers; and by comparing these metrics each month. This will show that people are watching and enjoying our video content, and will indicate whether interest is growing, declining, or staying the same.
We will measure numbers of people attending out telegram room each week and their interacting activities. This will show whether participants are interest in the course.
This is the new proposal.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Our team consist blockchain educator, Funded Proposal Owners, financial & legal expert who are working in blockchain start-ups in Vietnam.