Last updated 2 years ago
Lack of legal support to Funded proposals and Cardano ecosystem in Tanzania.
By laying out an amicable solution to help through established NGO to attract professionals to it, and help grow the accessibility of the legal support and support to Cardano ecosystem in Tanzania.
This is the total amount allocated to Tanzania Cardano Think Tank.
By laying out an amicable solution to help through established NGO to attract professionals to it, and help grow the accessibility of the legal support and support to Cardano ecosystem in Tanzania.
To establish a center in Tanzania to help aid the mainstream engagement within the public policy space by shaping legislation and providing innovative policy alternatives for adoption of Cardano and blockchain at large.
This center will also serve as a hub for facilitation of Cardano Ecosystem awareness campaigns and bridge for collaboration between local entities and the Cardano Ecosystem.
It will also to help provide the general public, mainstream media and engage stakeholders directly to build support and momentum for policy solutions for favorable legislation, reduce tax, and free-market environment that advances individuals' creativity and innovation in building on the Cardano Ecosystem.
The NGO by an amicable way to intertwine with the challenge is innovative because it not only provides help to individually but also to all business entities through the right channels BRELA ( ), Capital Markets ( ), TRA ( ), which are the entities where companies in Tanzania are legally registered and constituted.
The main risk would be the educational aspect, there has to be a way of convincing the legal and financial professionals that the projects are not just “scam” rather that they are real, in a way that motivates them to comply with said management and day to day activities concerned.
The best way to achieve such a risk is for there to be an educational outreach through 1 to 1 meetings or seminars, website, media outlets like social media platform, videos and audios.
The Project will be of the duration of 1 year whereas:
· It will be conducted by the main proponent of said project
· The first 3 months, an extensive legal and financial study will be made to the project
· The second 3 months an extensive research on acquiring the necessary documentation and necessities of an establishment of project
· The other 3 months undertaken, legal studies concerning regulation, protections and encouragement for innovation concerning crypto currencies.
· The last 3 months will be to initiate open Forum with Media, Policy Makers, and Regulatory Institutions press Release and Media Engagement
· Throughout the year the center will serve as a Cardano hub that facilitate other ecosystem sustainable goals.
The Budget breakdown is as follows:
a) marketing materials like brochures, printouts, flyers, posters ads
1)The target is to get as much professionals to join the Cardano ecosystem estimated 30 lawyers and 20 accountants
a) Appreciation and participation certificates for members that participated in the outreach
@ month 200 USD
b)catering estimated 50+ members @ 217USD
a) Transportation, Contingencies
Total budget = 35000 USD
Yes, If funded I will return to catalyst not necessarily on the same issue, it could be continuation of the project after it has been delivered in a year with great impact in order tackle some other issues that arise to continue building the Cardano ecosystem
In this project, the progress will be evaluated each month according to the fulfillment of the schedule and the legal studies that will be done each month according to the work plan and the metrics to measure them will be:
a) make a document (legal study),
b) the document or legal study was done in a maximum of 30 days?
We define success as our ability to build a strong advocacy center that is able to mobilize public support and influence policies and legislations for adoption, a world or workspace in which projects can easily ensure they are setting out on a safe endeavor legally and financially speaking. Where the stress of compliance doesn't stop the growth potential Cardano Ecosystem has.
This is an entirely new proposal.
1.No poverty. As the project will provide employment opportunities
4.Quality education enhanced by the legal study conducted through the project
5.Gender equality
8.Decent work and economic growth through the impact of the project implimentation.
9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10.Reduce inquality through the ecosystem Cardano offer when the project put a solid legal foundation