Last updated 2 years ago
Funded proposers have difficulty managing their budgets effectively and documenting their transactions transparently. There is no project management support available. This impacts proposal delivery.
Treasury Guild advisory service will manage budgets & document transactions so that everything is accessible and transparent. We will also provide Project Management support to ease proposal delivery
This is the total amount allocated to Treasury Guild Advisory Service.
Treasury Guild advisory service will manage budgets & document transactions so that everything is accessible and transparent. We will also provide Project Management support to ease proposal delivery
A team with a combined 70 years experience in accounting, blockchain governance, software development, consultancy, test & project management, social enterprise, investment banking, telecoms, local government, small business operations, financial management and human resources.
In the next 8 months, this proposal will provide 3 projects (Funded Catalyst Proposals) with treasury project management services.
This will include
For these services we are requesting less than 10% of the Challenge budget.
Any surplus from projects completing earlier than 8 months will be recycled into further commissions.
In the next 8 months, Treasury Guild Advisory Guild will seek 3 projects to assist with their treasury project management.
We will then arrange a setup meeting where we meet the proposal team and work on a draft plan for their treasury project management. And ascertain viability and fit of our respective teams.
The Setup Meeting
(Andre, Miro, Stephen, Felix)
Prior to the setup meeting we will send out preparatory advice in an email.
The setup meeting will determine :
Responsibilities - To identify who is responsible for what. That is, the person(s) responsible for the funded project. This is to clearly identify the project team to workshop or to meet with.
Deliverables - Deliverables will be identified and broken down into separate budget lines.
Commitments - Commitments will be established and assigned to project participants. So it is clear who is doing what and who should be paid for what tasks.
Fixed Costs - Fixed Costs will be identified so that a schedule of regular payments may be drafted (incl. subscriptions etc).
This initial meeting will take about an hour. It will provide an informal introduction and ideation. And it will decide whether we move forward together.
The Formal Agreement Meeting
(Andre, Miro, Stephen, Felix)
Prior to the Formal Agreement meeting we will send out preparatory advice in an email.
This will be an in-person meeting or conducted async
Agreement on scope of treasury project management (Treasury Project Plan) including : responsibilities, deliverables, meetings, resource commitments and fixed costs
Project Managing funded proposal budgets
(Andre, Miro, Stephen, Felix)
Our solution is to manage funded proposal budgets by -
Project management - Stephen, Felix
Setting up a project board and creating and assigning the following items on the board:
Once we have that set up we can predetermine payouts based on the monthly allocations received from IOG and avoid the risk of losing value caused by volatile markets by doing the payouts on the same day the funds are received.
Manage wallets - Andre, Miro
Ideally Treasury Guild should be the owner of the wallet, but since these projects have already provided IOG with wallet addresses the team would have to share the recovery phrases with Treasury Guild. We will manage the wallets and execution of transactions. Transactions made will carry metadata with them to help identify exactly what the transaction was for.
Create and maintain documentation of work and transactions - Andre, Miro, Stephen
Every time we make a payment the transaction gets documented in GitHub and Gitbook. It also gets sent to a Discord channel to inform the project team of the transaction. All the completed tasks of the project can be viewed in GitHub
Treasury analysis - Andre, Miro
Most projects on Catalyst evolve as they execute their deliverables. As these changes happen we also need to adapt and update the treasury project plan. Monthly reports will be generated and presented to the project team to open up any changes to the original plan and agree on the updated plan. Any updates to the monthly payments will be decided based on the monthly report. We will then prepare the information for the upcoming payments in Google sheets and on the day IOG releases the funds we will make all the agreed upon payments.
This proposal addresses the challenge by providing a free service to funded proposers. A service that will assist them with financial issues. This service can be provided to projects all over the world given it is in English. And this service benefits the funded proposal, the service providers and Project Catalyst.
Trouble finding projects to service.
We are already doing work in lots of communities and if we can’t find any new funded projects to manage we can reach out to all the communities we are a part of.
Projects don’t meet the 8 month objective
If a project finishes before the 8 month period we will look for another project to service. If a project will take longer than 8 months to service we will use any surplus funds to fund the continued support provided to the project.
September 2022
In September 2022 we will know whether we have been funded. And after onboarding into Catalyst we will begin preparations for our first setup meetings. At a Town Hall or After Town Hall meeting we will present our services offerings and seek commissions.
Deliverables / KPIs : Completed preparation, Town Hall presentation
October 2022
In October 2022 we will have our first setup and agreement meeting. And we will start managing budgets and consulting on projects.
Deliverables / KPIs : A setup meeting and a formal agreement meeting
November 2022
Project 2 - Setup meeting, formal agreement meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Project 2 - Start managing funded proposal budgets - (Miro/Andre)
Project 2 - Start Project Management - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A setup meeting and a formal agreement meeting
December 2022
Project 3 - Setup meeting, formal agreement meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Project 3 - Start managing funded proposal budgets - (Miro/Andre)
Project 3 - Start Project Management - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A setup meeting and a formal agreement meeting
January 2023
We may provide services to an additional project using surplus funds from January 2022
Surplus Project - Setup meeting, formal agreement meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Surplus Project - Start managing funded proposal budgets - (Miro/Andre)
Surplus Project - Start Project Management - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A setup meeting and a formal agreement meeting
May 2023
Project 1 - Close out meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Project 1 - Contribute Treasury information into final report - (Miro/Andre)
Project 1 - Contribute Project Management information into final report - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A close out meeting. Treasury and Project Management contribution into Project 1 final report.
June 2023
Project 2 - Close out meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Project 2 - Contribute Treasury information into final report - (Miro/Andre)
Project 2 - Contribute Project Management information into final report - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A close out meeting. Treasury and Project Management contribution into Project 2 final report.
July 2023
Project 3 - Close out meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Project 3 - Contribute Treasury information into final report - (Miro/Andre)
Project 3 - Contribute Project Management information into final report - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A close out meeting. Treasury and Project Management contribution into Project 3 final report.
August 2023
Surplus Project - Close out meeting - (Miro/Andre/Stephen/Felix)
Surplus Project - Contribute Treasury information into final report - (Miro/Andre)
Surplus Project - Contribute Project Management information into final report - (Stephen/Felix)
Deliverables / KPIs : A close out meeting. Treasury and Project Management contribution into Surplus Project final report.
September 2023
Treasury Guild Advisory Service Close out report
1 Commissioning
Offer Treasury Guild Advisory Services
Setup Meetings $3000 X 3 = $ 9000
: Agreement Meetings $ 2000 X 3 = $ 6000
Output - Agree a projects treasury management plan
Sub Total $15000
2 Manage funded proposal budgets
Andre, Miro, Stephen, Felix
Project 1 - $ 7000 USD - 4 months - 8 months
$ 3500 USD - Project Management (Felix/Stephen)
$ 3500 USD - Treasury Management (Miro/Andre)
Project 2 - 10600 ADA - 4 months - 8 months
$ 5300 - Project Management (Felix/Stephen)
$ 5300 - Treasury Management (Miro/Andre)
Project 3 - 12400 ADA - 4 months - 8 months (Active in F10)
$ 6200 - Project Management (Felix/Stephen)
$ 6200 - Treasury Management (Miro/Andre)
Projects 2 and 3 will be more complex projects to manage, hence the price increase.
Sub Total : $ 30 000
3 Fixed Costs
Software purchases, subscriptions. (eg. GitBook, Zoom, Google workspace, Office 365)
Sub Total : $ 3000
Total : $ 48,000
Stephen Whitenstall
Co Founder of Quality-Assurance DAO, Stephen has provided project management consultancy for many Catalyst governance projects since Fund 4 including Catalyst Circle, Audit Circle, Community Governance Oversight, Training & Automation (with Treasury Guild) and Swarm. A Circle V2 representative for funded proposers. He has 30 years experience in development, test management, project management, social enterprises in Investment Banking, Telecoms and Local Government. A philosophy honours graduate with an interest in Blockchain governance.
Services : Project management, documentation, tracking, training, research and ideation.
Felix Weber
Co Founder & Somehow leader at the Catalyst Swarm. Recruited the participating members as Treasurers, Facilitators & Secretaries to the Catalyst Circle in CCv1, since then, supporting & advising the Team on its way forward. Fulltime Cardano & Catalyst Community Member since Fund 3, CCv1, CCv3 Member
André Diamond
has experience in small business operation and accounting. Joined the Catalyst Circle Admin team as treasurer in Nov 2021 and has expanded this role by starting the Treasury Guild alongside Miroslav to support projects in the Catalyst community as well. Currently using and documenting GitHub Actions to help automate some of the tasks in Catalyst Circle and treasury work.
Miroslav Rajh
has 20 years of experience in managing finances and organizing the business of NGOs and the University. He also worked as a Human Resources Manager (HRM). Joined the Catalyst Circle Admin team together with Andre as treasurer in Nov 2021. Currently he is recording, documenting and managing all transactions for CC Admin Team, Swarm, Cardano4Climate, Community Governance and Bridge Builders.
If our other work starts generating enough income for Treasury Guild to become sustainable we won't have to submit this proposal in future funds. If Treasury Guild needs help we will propose this again when this proposal has completed.
Onboarding the first project in October, the second in November and the third in December.
Complete the first project in May 2023, the second in June 2023 and the third in July 2023
We can use the following to measure the progress of the project.
Successfully onboarding projects and setting up an effective treasury project management plan.
Successfully completed projects with efficiently allocated payments.
Complete transparency on the usage of Catalyst funds for these onboarded projects.
We can use the following to measure the success of the project.
This is new one proposal
A team with a combined 70 years experience in accounting, blockchain governance, software development, consultancy, test & project management, social enterprise, investment banking, telecoms, local government, small business operations, financial management and human resources.