Last updated 9 months ago
How do we get the interest of artists & developers planning to release NFT projects on ETH and onboard them smoothly to Cardano?
One-on-one consultancy & onboarding sessions for new & in-development ETH NFT projects supported by a series of comprehensive & appealing visual guides.
This is the total amount allocated to Attract ETH NFT Projects & Talent.
One-on-one consultancy & onboarding sessions for new & in-development ETH NFT projects supported by a series of comprehensive & appealing visual guides.
Artists and entrepreneurs, in the CNFT space since day 1, creators of the Trybbles & Icons Cardano NFT projects.
Involved in Project Catalyst since F3.
Members of various Cardano initiatives & communities.
Core members of the Cardano NFT-Guild.
The planned solution has two components and deliverables.
From experience, we have found that this is by far the most effective way to attract & onboard.
The sessions will be 2 hours in length each, and cover a range of topics, starting from subjects from the guides, but adapting and evolving them according to the needs of each project.
Over the course of the last year, we have already offered consultancy sessions to artists and projects, either preparing to launch on Cardano or entirely new to the ecosystem, successfully onboarding them.
The role of the guides that we plan to produce in tandem with the consultancy sessions is twofold:
Just a few examples of subjects and themes to be covered by the guides:
The consultancy sessions will be on-demand and free of charge for interested projects. Each project will be able to book up to a maximum of 5 sessions over the course of its development.
We expect, on average, each project to book 2-3 sessions, our aim is to offer consultancy to 20-25 projects.
Our solution addresses the challenge’s definition of success directly:
Projects who were either planning to or did launch on an EVM-based blockchain deploy in the Cardano ecosystem and can do so easily.
This is exactly what our main objective is with this proposal.
Our main focus will be on trying to attract yet unreleased, in development projects from ETH to Cardano. However, this will not mean that they will be our only target audience. As part of the initiative, we will also look to present the advantages of Cardano to already existent projects in the hopes that they will either look into bridging their existing NFT projects to Cardano when that becomes a technical possibility or choose to launch upcoming projects, spin-offs, or sequels on Cardano. (Imagine “BAYC 2” or “Punks Extended” on Cardano).
A lack of interest from projects to engage in exploring and considering Cardano as a viable blockchain to launch on.
We plan to address any such concerns or reservations that creators might have by approaching them, and generally the issue, in an authentic, honest and relatable way. By simply presenting that we too are artists and creators, who have found success on Cardano, the way we have achieved that success and that there is a long list of reasons why we see Cardano as being a superior platform in the long run.
Unlike other similar projects, we won’t have hidden agendas when consulting artists. For instance, we won’t be trying to onboard them to our specific marketplace. We’ll relate artist to artist.
We plan to start work on the project shortly after successful funding.
Creating the guides and the initial marketing phase will take about a month, a month and a half.
It’s impossible to predict with accuracy the timeframe over which the consultancy sessions will take place, given their on-demand nature, but our estimate is between 2-3 months.
The implementation plan is as follows:
Deliverables for other Fund 9 and previous funds proposals.
Fund 9:
We are the project managers and market researchers for Phase 2 of the NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates project
As estimated in the detailed plan for that project, we foresee our commitment to be of around 12hrs/week/person for the duration of the project, including Phase 1, which we estimate to complete by the end of 2022. As such if this project is funded there will only be a partial overlap.
NFT Film Distribution Dapp & Showcase
If funded we will take on a project management and oversight role in the initiative and conduct the hiring process.
We estimate a required commitment of 5-7hrs/week/person.
Trybbles NFT AR Pets project divided into 3 proposals.
Prototyping & Tokenomics
World Building - Art & Assets
If funded we will take on a project management and oversight role in the initiative and conduct the hiring process.
We estimate a required commitment of 10hrs/week/person.
If all the projects that we have applied for in Fund 9 get funded, the timeframes for the other projects will only partially overlap with this project. We estimate the time commitment for the other projects for the periods of overlap to be around 25hrs/week/person, giving us ample time to execute on the deliverables of this project.
Previous Funds:
As core members of the NFT Guild we are involved in finalising the deliverables for the NFT Guild Fund 7 proposal . However this will have very little impact on our ability to deliver on this project, as the scope of the proposal is complete and the only deliverable left is the project close-out report.
The NFT Guild has several standards proposals funded in F8:
NFT-Guild: Standard for verification of NFTs
NFT-Guild: NFT Royalty Standards
The workload associated with the deliverables of these projects is distributed amongst the members of the NFT guild, and the time commitment required for us is of just several hours/week.
We are also the project managers and market researchers of the NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates project, the first phase of which was funded in Catalyst Fund 8 .
Personnel Budget:
Guides Writing - 80 hours x $55/h
Guides Design - 60 hours x $55/h
Marketing - 40 hours x $70/h
Consultancy - [50 x 2 hour sessions x 2 consultants/presenters] x $75/h
Results Analysis Compilation and Publication - 20 hours x $55/h
After Campaign Marketing (presentation of successful results) - 20 hours x $70/h
Total Personnel Budget: $28000
Fixed Costs:
Domain name, Web Hosting, Software - $600 Business subscription - $79/month (monthly billing) x 3
Fixed Costs Total: $837
Total: $28837
Award-winning filmmakers, film and animation directors, app and game developers.
In 2021 they moved into the web3 economy granting new life to one of their projects in the form of an NFT collection on Cardano.
Anamaria Kövesdi
Rares Kövesdi
There is an entire range of reasons why we think that we are uniquely qualified to execute this project, support and onboard NFT projects and creators to Cardano:
As a result of all these factors and events, we have amassed a considerable amount of knowledge and experience about the Cardano NFT space, and the NFT ecosystem in general, which we are now ready to pass on and help attract and onboard new artists and projects from ETH to Cardano.
As mentioned we are core members of the NFT Guild ( ), please consider checking out the guild’s other proposals:
NFT Community & Ecosystem (Fund 10 Challenge Setting)
NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates 2 (F9: Dapps, Products and Integrations)
If the project is successful and produces the desired results, we may return to Catalyst to fund more consultancy sessions.
We will be measuring 3 main KPIs for the project:
Each deliverable, as detailed above will be recorded and submitted via the Catalyst Monthly Reporting form.
Success after 3 months:
Between 10 -15 projects show an interest in launching on Cardano and book free consultancy sessions to find out more about the process.
The guides reach an audience of several hundred readers.
Success after 6 months:
Between 20 - 25 projects show an interest in launching on Cardano and book free consultancy sessions to find out more about the process.
Between 5-10 different NFT projects and/or creators are successfully onboarded onto Cardano by either choosing to migrate to the platform or launching directly on Cardano.
The guides reach an audience of several thousand.
The Fund 8 version of this proposal was ranked third in the F8: The Great Migration (from Ethereum) challenge by CAs, with 7 CAs awarding it an average score of 4.62.
The proposal was also highly approved by voters, an overwhelming majority of wallets that voted on the proposal, voted for it. Unfortunately the proposal missed being funded because of being slightly over the category budget (the first not to be funded).
This is a resubmission of the proposal, adjusted for Fund 9.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Artists and entrepreneurs, in the CNFT space since day 1, creators of the Trybbles & Icons Cardano NFT projects.
Involved in Project Catalyst since F3.
Members of various Cardano initiatives & communities.
Core members of the Cardano NFT-Guild.