Last updated 2 years ago
The perceived difficulty in using Cardano blockchain because of the coding language is the main barrier of entry that limits new users choosing Cardano.
We will provide full services (consultations, workshops, project management) specialising in creating Art and Utility NFTs on Cardano for Businesses and Creators.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano NFT Agency.
We will provide full services (consultations, workshops, project management) specialising in creating Art and Utility NFTs on Cardano for Businesses and Creators.
We are a team that collectively have 30+ years creating, running, and growing businesses. We have been in the Cardano Space NFT ecosystem for 9 months now. We have a large network of contacts and businesses in the art, music and tourism.
Cardano is secure, decentralised, scalable, smart contract compatible, self governed and easy to use.
If the above sentence is true why is it so difficult to attract people onto Cardano?
Cardano has an image problem, and a big brother in Ethereum that is the "popular sibling in the school" who overshadows us.
NFTs have proven to be the biggest on-boarding technology for blockchain in recent years, the use cases are numerous and will continue to develop to reach every part of our lives over the next 5-10 years.
While Ethereum has the reputation, liquidity and seniority for NFTs, Cardano is utility KING.
We consider an NFT as a blank canvas to be used to connect in real life network, services and products (such as art, ticketing, merch) to an audience around the world, with no red tape.
We believe blockchain and NFTs are the future of our economic and social systems.
Our vision is to provide the tools and know-how to empower individuals and businesses that we work with to take a concept or an idea and use Cardano's technology to deliver to a global audience.
We will do this by:
Once Self Sustaining (we expect to reach this stage in 3 months) we will be reinvesting in expanding the team with a researcher and community HR.
How will we do it?
Time. We need time.
Our experience has developed the 3 key skills that will be needed to succeed.
Building in uncertain times with real world responsibilities.
We believe 6 months will give us the time to create a self sustaining business focused specifically on onboarding to Cardano
With the Catalyst funds we will receive the necessary time to create a self sustaining and cash positive Cardano NFT agency.
over this period we will deliver:
6 businesses onboarded to Blockchain through Cardano NFTs.
At least 24 In physical artist onboarded to Blockchain through Cardano NFTs.
Our Agency will provide services that completely remove any doubt surrounding using the Cardano blockchain.
For those who don’t know where to start or how to navigate through the blockchain, we offer guidance. We offer traditional creators with the tools and the knowledge to move past ideation to implementation.
The only thing we need from our carefully selected creators/ businesses is the idea and from there, we will demonstrate how to use the Cardano blockchain to create value.
The current economic and Crypto markets and uncertainty about the future markets conditions, are a big challenge to overcome.
Many businesses may feel now just isn't the right time.
The magnifies the real risk of the project being closed because of insufficient cash flow.
In the case that cash flow becomes a problem, we would have to scale back the time invested in this model and our b2c model would be the focus.
Phase 1: Foundation.
Currently: Brand design, website design and business plan design.
July - September: Networking, Workshops and consultations. This time will be used to demonstrate value, we will be focusing on delivering free educational workshops, business consultations and attending as many NFT events as we can to highlight the advantages of Cardano over the most popular blockchains.
Onboard 2 businesses
Onboard 9 artists
Phases 2: Self sustainability.
Oct-Dec: Infrastructure. Cashflow. DAO. This period is where we expand our team to fill key positions in accounting, and marketing. The focus in this phase is generating a positive cashflow and establishing a LLC in real world.
Phase 3: Growth.
Dec - March 2023.
Salary: 24,000
=2,000 USD per month (x 2 persons)
= 4,000 USD per month (x 6 months)
= 24,000 USD
Equipment: 6000 USD
Laptop for high quality digital files for NFT creation.
High Quality Digital Camera for NFT and content creation.
Website and branding: 1500 USD
Total: 24,000 + 6,000 + 1500
= 31,500 USD
Anthony Roberts: Will be handing the B2B aspect of the business. Anthony has spent the last 9 months understanding and investing in NFTs, providing crypto workshops, and helping to deliver the first Cardano NFT event in Barcelona in collaboration with Cardano Hotel and The Art Bankers.
Personally onboarded individuals into Cardano, including helping to create Cardano NFT portfolios based on individual goals.
Has played an advisory role in several projects in the Cardano NFT ecosystem.
Currently onboarding an NFT project from ETH to Cardano.
Twitter: @gtcryptoant
May Grabli: A Palestinian artist born in Jaffa. Being born in Jaffa means that May is a "48 Arab" as she does not hold a Palestinian identity card, but an Israeli one. Being a minority in her country of origin has strongly influenced her work which deals with the struggle of understanding one's identity. May has been working as an artist for the past 9 years and has many connections in the art communities both in Barcelona and Palestine.
While getting her university degree in Interactive Communications and Entrepreneurship, May began working in a ride-sharing start-up company based in Tel Aviv in which she both trained and led a large team of employees.
May will be leading the onboarding of Creators into the Cardano Ecosystem.
Twitter: @TransformingMay
In the Future will add an accountant and Marketing manager to the team.
We also have an ambition of recruiting a young professional from the Plutus pioneer program to join the agency one cash positive.
We will be self sustaining and cash positive within 6 months.
We have no fixed cost at this point apart from our labour.
Number of new artists and creators who create their first NFT through our Agency on Cardano.
Number of new businesses clients we have acquired.
Profit generated in year 1.
Growth of our social media presence.
24 Artists onboarded in 6 months. Created an NFT, Song, poem project etc.
6 B2B Clients actively using Cardano blockchain in their real world business models.
This is an entirely New Proposal.
SDG goals:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG subgoals:
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, employment or training
We are a team that collectively have 30+ years creating, running, and growing businesses. We have been in the Cardano Space NFT ecosystem for 9 months now. We have a large network of contacts and businesses in the art, music and tourism.