[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Tangent aims to develop an open-source and contributable, Ethereum to Cardano dictionary that provides definitions & explanations for various Cardano specific terminology.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
The team have been involved in blockchain for 5+ years and have created their own NFT platform before on an alternative chain and have vast experience in the development and implementation of blockchain & NFT related projects since 2019.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
Historically, the Cardano ecosystem has been blessed with having bountiful documentation and an abundance of resources to aid understanding on how the chain works. For those migrating from Ethereum or other chains, this may still pose a challenge because of the struggle to find the exact information, in one place at any given time.
Our proposed solution tackles three different issues at one time:
- It will add to the documentation resources of the chain by providing a robust dictionary full of Cardano terminology and helpful definitions explaining their meaning in an easy to understand, yet technically required manner.
- It will simultaneously provide a resource for those coming from other chains, most notably Ethereum by matching definitions side by side with terminology utilized within Ethereum, thus giving parallels to the two chains.
- An open-source, contributable platform for knowledgeable developer to suggest further terminology that they feel should be added to the dictionary
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
The Great Migration (from Ethereum) is a lofty yet challenging goal. Even once developers and entrepreneurs begin to fully understand how incredibly powerful and useful the Cardano chain is, there still needs to be a sizable amount of education and knowledge provided so that developers can shift away from an Ethereum-based thinking to a high level of Cardano-based understanding.
Our dictionary will solve this issue by providing a comprehensive resource that explains, in detail, Cardano terminology and concepts that are easy to read and comprehend for both developer and user. Similarly, the terminology will be compared to Ethereum's version of the same meaning with concepts, so builders coming from Ethereum may easily digest the similarities & differences that exist between the two chains.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
A dictionary is only as good as its size and accuracy. One individual, nor one team, is adequate to encapsulate all the perspectives needed to fill the dictionary with the relevant and desired information, whilst maintaining the highest standards and up-to-date accuracy for definitions. This is a challenge we are humbly aware of. For this reason, we plan on making this dictionary open-source from the very start. Consequently, anyone in the community will be able to view and give comments on the dictionaries content, while also having the capability of editing, amending, and adding to it after community & team vetting.
With this in mind, the dictionary is sure to be robust and accurate.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
2022 Q2:
- Apply for Catalyst funding (done)
2022 Q3:
- Finalization of terminology to be used in V1. dictionary launch (doing)
- Webpage domain and branding
- Development of online dictionary platform (internal & external)
- Marketing campaign launch across social media push 1
2022 Q4:
- Soft launch of online dictionary with a focus on developer terminology
- Community consultation and feedback
2023 Q1:
- Development of open collaboration and public editing system
- Full launch of online dictionary with acceptance of community contributions to entries
- Marketing campaign launch across social media push #2 (focused on attracting Ethereum developers to Cardano)
Tangent Press Announcements:
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Cardano dictionary branding = $500
Cardano dictionary website creation for builders (Internal & External) = $4,500
Development of open collaboration and public editing system = $7,000
Marketing to target Ethereum developers = $4,000
16,000 USD
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
Clint Alexander // Co-founder, Head of Development
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/clint-alexander-049742233/
- calexander@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: overview / decision making / development / basic coding
- Serial entrepreneur & cryptocurrency enthusiast since 2013
- Miner
- Investor
- Digital asset fund manager
- Solidity back end smart contract development
- CEO & manufacturer of Bitcoin SHA256 ASIC miners and other electronic hardware
- Worked alongside Bitcoin mining hardware companies such as Bitmain, Rockminer and Gekkoscience
Ben Gordon // Co-founder, Visionaire & Marketing Technologist
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ben-gordon-352b37232/
- bgordon@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: overview / decision making / marketing / development
- Cryptocurrency enthusiast since 2017
- Previous freelance marketing executive for a number of leading international educational establishments in Asia
- Transitioned to blockchain project development in 2017
- A knowledge of all stages from brand creation, overall strategy, research, analysis, law and token creation.
- Freelanced on a number of blockchain projects including Northern Lights before creating Tangent in 2021
Benjamin Grabow // Senior Software Engineer
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-grabow/
- bgrabow@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: staking contract / front-end development / coding
- Previous Senior Software Engineer at Dcentralab, NFTChain, Relive
- Previous Team Lead at the Bloomtech institute
- Javascript, React, React Native, Next.js Node, Three.js Express, AWS, Netlify, Heroku, Docker, Kubernetes, Truffle, Hardhat, Remix, Web3, Ether.js, Solidity, Notion, Trello, Jira, Figma.
- Responsible for Full-Stack related tasks
- NFT focused: https://www.citrus.app/ NFT gallery for creators and collectors - Twitter: https://twitter.com/citrusdisplay (Responsibility: Fullstack Blockchain Developmen
- NFT gallery platform with a specific focus on Backend where we index all users NFTs, track all changes etc. )
- NFT focused: https://www.nftchain.tech/: Developed a full-stack production-ready fully decentralized NFT marketplace with NFT minter that stores files on the IPFS protocol on ETH & MATIC Testnet, MATIC Mainnet (Smart contract -, Backend -, Frontend - Development)
- DeFi focused: https://play.hord.app/: Developed a full-stack production-ready ETF platform on ETH & BSC Testnet & Mainnet (Smart contract -, Backend -, Frontend - Development)
- DeFi focused:https://play-dex.hord.app/: Developed a full-stack production-ready DEX on ETH & BSC Testnet & Mainnet (Smart contract -, Backend -, Frontend - Development)
- https://www.chainport.io/: Worked with Chainport developers utilizing their chain indexer for the DEX from Hord.app
- NFT focused: https://fourteenthcenturyseries.com/ Fourteenth Century Series NFT collection / mint site - from famous artist Reuben Wu https://twitter.com/Reuben_Wu (Backend -, Frontend - Development)
Sydney Bright // Plutus Pioneer / Cardano Coder
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/sydneysbright/
- sbright@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: staking contract / front-end development / coding
- Plutus Pioneer Program - IOG
- Cardano Developer Associate - Emurgo
- Complete Python Developer in 2022 - Zero To Mastery
- Cardano Developer Professional Program - Emurgo (enrolled)
Shahabaj Dange // Front-End Developer
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/dshahabaj/?originalSubdomain=in
- sdange@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: front-end development / website upgrades / website connectivity / website design
- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering
- Diploma in Information Technology from MSBTE
- Full-Stack Development, Front-end Development and Responsive Web Design
- 6 years of high level experience working with a variety of blockchain companies
Roman Gor // UI / UX
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/roman-garp/?originalSubdomain=uk
- rgor@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: UI/UX / front-end development / applications
- UX/UI designer for Web and Mobile applications
- Enterprise software and SaaS web applications
- A focus on complex technical solutions related to unique and innovative technologies.
- Competent in Web App Design, Sketch App (design), Axure (prototyping/wireframe), Principle, Flinto, Motion 5 (animation), Xmind (mind map/structure), Zeplin, Avocode (transfer source programmers), Invision, Trello, Active Collab, Jira & Redmine
Alexis Golding // Legal Compliance Advisor
- agolding@tangent.art
- Responsibilities within Tangent: compliance / regulatory / contracts / general legal matters
- Specialist financial services lawyer
- Admitted to the Law Society of England and Wales in September 2009
- Held various Head of Legal and Compliance roles in different global regions
- Acted as a regulator-approved Authorized Individual (Senior Manager Co & MLRO) for the past 8 years
- MA Hons from Oxford University
- Law degree from BPP London
- Advanced ICA qualifications (distinction) in both Compliance and AML
- Women's leadership advocate
Henry (Kwrtz Artist) // Digital Artist
- Japanese Bohemian Artist
- Based in the Japanese Alps
- https://kwrtz.com
- https://twitter.com/_kwrtz_
- Specializing in digital art through NFTs including in 3D
+another 2 programmers for staking platform development
Further team information can be found here: https://tangent.art/team
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
Our team was fortunate enough to learn about the Catalyst programme a number of weeks ago and have been immersing ourselves within the community since. Town Hall has been a highly beneficial, weekly addition to our team in regards to knowledge building and networking, most notably within the breakout rooms post meet. Furthermore we plan to host a number of breakout rooms ourselves in the near future, if possible. We have set our budget accordingly, meaning return requests for further funding for these specific tasks is unlikely. However as Tangent develops and more ideas arise, we would consider applying again for funding in later rounds.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
A dictionary of this scope is a living document. Dictionaries are constantly being refined, and new terms and definitions are added as the need arises. Progress is measured by the size of the dictionary, and how much clarity it provides to the Cardano ecosystem. Being open-source, progress will also be determined by how much of the community chooses to volunteer to grow and expand the project. The use and traffic this project sees on Github will be a valuable metric to determine its success.
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
Tangent will consider this project a success if we see traction in the number of community members and builders who not only utilize the dictionary, but begin to take an active role in contribution and vetting. The more activity and traffic the dictionary receives on Github, the more successful it will be. We aspire to have the dictionary acting as a useful resource for anyone wishing to learn more about Cardano prior to building. Even if our dictionary plays a small role in the grander scope of available resources, we will consider that a success itself.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This is the first Catalyst fund Tangent is participating in.