Last updated 5 months ago
Businesses: Soaring Personal Information Security Costs
Consumers: limited portability of data to prove self and scope of proof
A distributed ID solution can solve that problem.
We will present a business model and system for mass adoption to a few giant Japanese companies with which we are currently negotiating a project.
This is the total amount allocated to For the Enterprise Domain, Decentralized Identity Solution Implementation. 1 out of 6 milestones are completed.
Requirement definition
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
System and Mobile App Building
Cost: ₳ 293,000
Delivery: Month 7 - May 2024
Operation testing
Cost: ₳ 207,000
Delivery: Month 8 - Jun 2024
Bug Fixes
Cost: ₳ 207,000
Delivery: Month 9 - Jul 2024
Completion and delivery of bug fixes
Cost: ₳ 49,000
Delivery: Month 10 - Aug 2024
Project Completed
Cost: ₳ 147,000
Delivery: Month 11 - Sep 2024
Yoshinao Miyokawa
Kotaro Motoshima
It’s ProofSpace DID/VC system.
Last year, we had a history of tie-up and participation in a national project in Japan.
After that, we are currently in talks with a large Japanese company with tens of thousands of employees for an enterprise implementation.
In the process, they need a flexible interaction design and schema design for ProofSpace.
We will build a localized model of this for the Japanese version.
In principle, it will not be open source.
After development, open source will be considered for areas of our own products while watching the development of the PMF.
1.In order to make this happen, it is necessary to advocate a new business model and involve various business stakeholder
In this regard, we have already involved a target company with several tens of thousands of employees.Due to the NDA, we cannot provide details, but here is a summary of the giant companies currently in business meetings.
Printing and advertising companies and others
・Consolidation of personal information management companies
General education company
・Overseas expansion of education services and improvement of portability of education records
System development company
・Utilization in the area of EC x tourism
2.Confirmation of compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law and governance design
As described in 1. above, since this is a new operational model for personal information, it is essential to confirm legal compliance. In addition, new governance rulemaking will be required to ensure smooth operation.
The case will be supervised by team member Kotaro Kong, an attorney with one of the largest law firms in Japan. He can also make policy recommendations to the government, so if there are flaws in the current law, we can include the option of amending the law.
3.After the model is proposed, a system is required to enable PoC implementation in a shorter period of time and at a lower cos
The details are as follows
・Different interaction VC schemas need to be set up among various stakeholders.
・The system needs to be a model that can be implemented as an add-on to an existing system using a SaaS model.
ProofSpace's solution is the best solution to solve these problems, and we will work with EKOIOS to localize it for Japan in this project.
ProofSpace has cooperated with us on a Japanese government project last year.
Why us
As described in 1~3, we have already made progress on some of the more difficult issues that we have identified as challenges. We have also selected services that we believe are optimal for the project and have formed a team. The companies participating in the project and the members of the team have excellent track records.
How impact
Even if only one of these companies were to take on the project, the impact would be extremely high.
They have hundreds to thousands of clients, including major corporations, and a strong presence there. The hurdles for participating in Verifier's rolls will be lowered.
In addition, by creating an example of this large-scale implementation, it can be used as a model for exporting to other countries, and it is also expected to be disseminated in the context of Data Free Flow with Trust, which Japan is leading at the G7.
Through our past activities, we have begun to build a network with major companies, and we are in a situation where we can immediately enter into business negotiations with them.
With the distributed ID solution we are developing in this localized version, we aim to lower the barriers to the introduction of the SSI ecosystem and create use cases for AtalaPRISM in the enterprise.
After creating model cases, the company intends to link data with other countries and export the model to other countries.
In Japan, the Japanese government has made Web 3.0 a national policy, and in the field of distributed ID, the Government Digital Agency has launched the TrustedWeb project, which is attracting attention from major companies in the context of DFFT, the slogan of the G7.
Privacy Laws
When trying to build a new SSI ecosystem, there is a high possibility of running afoul of laws surrounding personal information. We will coordinate legal interpretations and judgments of validity with the lawyers on our team members and reflect them in our products.
If we cannot avoid such a situation, we will submit a proposal for the amendment of the law to the Diet members through DAO, to which we belong.
We believe that Cardano will contribute to the expansion of the ecosystem based on Cardano by increasing its presence and transactions.
The process of building the SSI business model and forming a consortium involving actual companies will be accumulated.
1.Launch of localized model in Japan
2.Number of companies that have adopted the project
3.Number of companies in business meeting
What are your plans to spread the project’s outputs over a reasonable timescale?
For Community
・Monthly and Final Reports
・Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall
・Press Releases
For Enterprise
・Press Release
・BlockCahinEXPO (scheduled for October)
・Various events
How do you plan to use the results of the project for further R&D activities?
・We will use the results of the project as a PoC for companies that have new business opportunities, and accumulate knowledge of SSI's business model and governance model.
・We will continue to refine the service by conducting additional development when new specific issues arise.
・Use it as a model for discussions with new experts to accumulate knowledge.
This project will be a joint project between "Infinect", "ProofSpace", and "ekoios".
Infinect, Inc.
This is a joint project of three companies, Infinect, ProofSpace, and EKOIOS, which was adopted as a national project in Japan and provided development support.
The project has been adopted as a national project in Japan, and Infinect has provided development support.
A lawyer specializing in personal information is a member of the team. As one of the DAO's activities, it also makes policy proposals to the national government through Diet members and the Diet Members Caucus. The Nomad Visa has already been included in the Japanese government's policy policy for FY2023.
ProofPace, Inc.
ProofPace has already developed and launched a DID/VC solution.
Partnerships with UNDP, WHO, MicroSoft, etc.
ProofPace is a Japanese national project with Infinect's Kuniaki.
ekoios, Inc.
ekoios has developed many products in the Web 3.0 area. They have developed many products in the Web 3.0 area, including a crypto asset exchange system, Wallet GameFi, and an NFT marketplace.
They have experience in developing web2.0 institutional systems.
We would like you to make a comprehensive judgment on these.
The steps or processes that demonstrate that you can be trusted to manage funds properly.
Open a dedicated Wallet account and provide proof of transaction to each party
Main Goals
1.Launch a Japanese localization model for ProofSpace products
2.Establishment of SSI business model, formation of consortiums in Japan, and creation of enterprise case studies
3.Collaboration projects between Japan and other countries, or exporting successful Japanese models to other countries
Verification Method
1.Confirmation of completion of product development
2.Monitoring of Infinect's business negotiations with Japanese companies and organization.
If your goals cannot be quantified numerically, please be sure to include a clear description of how you believe the goals of your project should be measured and considered.
The KGI for this project is the development of the solution, with the objective of completing its launch. On the other hand, the specific numerical targets for the project, including the project implementation in a large company, stakeholder involvement, consortium building, and governance framework building, are highly uncertain, so we decided to avoid setting them as KPIs. However, since it is inevitable to take such an approach toward implementation, we will submit a report on the transition as much as possible.
How you intend to implement your approach?
"ProofSpace" and "ekoios" will collaborate on the development of the system, which will be coordinated by Infinect. Infinect will play a central role in the development of the system, providing input on business negotiations with Japanese companies, defining requirements, and conducting marketing and lobbying.
M1: ~1st Month
Define system requirements
Infinect construction requirements were shared between ProofSpace and EKOIOS, and system development requirements were defined by both companies.
M2: 2nd~3rd Month
Front-end construction, API construction with ProofSpace, API construction with AtalaPRIMS
Based on the requirement definition created in step 1, ProofSpace and EKOIOS will develop the system.
M3: 3rd~4th Month
Operation testing
Operation testing of the system developed in step 2 is conducted by the three companies. Check for bugs, etc.
M4: 4rd~5th Month
Bug fixes
Bugs found in 3 are fixed by ProofSpace and EKOIOS.
M5: 5th~6th Month
Acceptance inspection
Acceptance and acceptance inspection at Infinect
A summary report showing the progress of each phase of the project. The final deliverable is planned to be a demo video created and delivered after the system is completed.
We also plan to report on trends in the companies with which we have business negotiations, trends in consortium formation, etc., through these products to the extent that we are able to report on them.
M1: ~1st Month
Define system requirements
Outcome:Requirements statement
M2: 2nd~3rd Month
Front-end construction, API construction with ProofSpace, API construction with AtalaPRIMS
Outcome:Reports on Developments by Function
M3: 3rd~4th Month
Operation testing
Outcome:Test Results, Report of revisions
M4: 4rd~5th Month
Bug fixes
Outcome: Report of revisions
M5: 5th~6th Month
Acceptance inspection
Outcome:Demo Movie
※For each output, results at each milestone may be partially undisclosed or not presented if confidential information is involved.
Work and Role
1.Post-adoption reporting (video creation and reporting)
2.Liaison with each business
3.Evangelist activities for consortium formation
4.Coordination of each company
5.Governance formulation
6.Lawyer investigation of laws and regulations surrounding and conforming to the Personal Information Protection Act
・Director and Marketer: 65.2USD/h* 960h= 62,600USD
・Engineer Advisor: 145USD/h* 48h= 6,960USD
・Lawyer Advisor: 217USD/h* 24h= 5,217USD
Work and Role
1.System development
2.Requirement definition, UI, API
3.Development of individual libraries
Work and Role
1.Cooperation in the development of a Japanese localized system based on the ProofSpace system
・approx 28k words at $0.15 each
・variable design and dev fees of up to $5k (e.g. $150/hr * 30 hrs)
M1: ~1st Month
Define system requirements
Outcome:Requirements statement
21,000USD( 75,000ADA )
M2: 2nd~3rd Month
Front-end construction, API construction with ProofSpace, API construction with AtalaPRIMS
Outcome:Reports on Developments by Function
83,000USD( 298,000ADA )
M3: 3rd~4th Month
Operation testing
Outcome:Test Results
58,000USD( 207,000ADA )
M4: 4rd~5th Month
Bug fixes
Outcome: Report of revisions
58,000USD( 207,000ADA )
M5: 5th~6th Month
Acceptance inspection
Outcome:Demo Movie
53,000USD( 191,000ADA )
・Link for Supplemental Correction
It has the potential to dramatically increase the recognition and presence of Cardano and AtalaPRISM in the Japanese enterprise. In addition, the creation of a new business model is expected to bring its benefits on a global scale through exports to other countries.
Beyond that, we expect to see increased transaction volume, increased liquidity, and the development of smart contracts and add-ons for payment and financial services.
Cost Calculation Background
Setting the price for an expert workforce to deal with a huge company.
ekoios, ProofSpace
Comply with the quotation of the request
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Kuniaki Abe
Founder, CEO from Infinect. inc
Project management, communication between ProofSpace and ekoios, business meetings with major companies, business development, Catalyst reports
Back Ground
2006:Genetic research on oil palm at Institute for Molecular Biology, University of Tokyo (FY2003 Industrial Technology Research Grant Program)
2007:General medical equipment vendor (senior position at headquarters: forecasting, business planning, marketing, product management)
2022:Independent to focus on distributed ID solutions business
2022:Selected by the Japanese government for a DID/VC project as a joint venture with a leading Japanese company
2023:Founded Infinect. Inc
2023:Negotiations are underway with a few giant Japanese company to launch a project using distributed IDs.
Past Adopted Projects
・In Catalyst
Fund6:DID Solutions for Local Governments
Fund7:Atala Japanese Translation & CNFT
Fund8:AtalaPRISM hackathon with devillage
・In Japanese Nation Project
TrustedWeb: National projects in the area of advanced technology (DID/VC) in Japan.
Nominated to candidate speaker at Cardano summit2022.
・AtalaPRISM Pioneer(1st)
Yoshinao Miyokawa(Technical Advisor)
Engineering Team Management
Back Ground
experience in the Japan-APAC region spanning various sectors from construction, environmental protection, blockchain, and logistics.
Born in a locksmith shop, he started using PCs at the age of 8 and became the youngest self-taught computer engineer at the time to obtain certification.
He has been involved in creating a fusion of existing systems and IT applications since the pioneering days of IT introduction into society.
He has been involved in the creation of new business that integrates existing systems and IT applications since the early days of IT adoption in society. He has also strengthened his knowledge of network security and has been active as a
He is an engineer with knowledge of the industry as a whole, covering all aspects of human security.
As CTO of the publishing company Apollo Communication, he is responsible for media launch, event organization, magazine editing system, printing and bookbinding factory.
Since then, he has been involved in several blockchain projects as well as working as an expert in building entire systems.
He is currently an advisor to the system working group of the Daini Tokyo Bar Association.
Since then, he has been involved in several blockchain projects as well as working as an expert in building entire systems.
He is currently an advisor to the system working group of the Daini Tokyo Bar Association.
Kotaro Motoshima
Attorney at Law
Mori Hamada & Matsumoto, one of the largest law firms in Japan
Governance making when implementing distributed identity solutions, and designing business flow and UI/UX designs that are legally compliant based on an understanding of personal information laws and regulations.
2017: Graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law and entered the University of Tokyo Law School in the same year.
2019: Withdrew from the same law school and founded zingzing, a general incorporated association.
2020: Registered as a lawyer and joined Mori Hamada & Matsumoto. Also begins working as a social coordinator.
2022: Seconded to Daiichi Sankyo Co.
2023: RuleMakersDAO core member
He has experience in startups, technology (FinTech, web3, metaverse, data/personal information/AI, medical/pharmaceutical/biotech, R&D in general, etc.), and China, from both the startup/researcher side and the VC/larger company side, and has been a business consultant and a member of the board of RuleMakersDAO. He provides legal support from both the startup/research side and the VC/larger company side, drawing on his own entrepreneurial experience and experience in managing entrepreneurial communities, and incorporating a business consulting perspective. In addition, he is also involved in children's rights (including on line counseling by lawyers), refugees, and legal education.
Other Activities
He has been involved in the RuleMakersDAO, which provides policy proposals on social issues from a legal perspective, through the Diet Members' Caucus. Nomad visa'' was included in the basic policy of the government in 2023.
Writings, Articles, etc.
"Legal Q&A on Health Tech (2nd Edition" (Shojihomu, 2022)
"The Revised Personal Information Protection Law: An Ultra-Introduction" (Shojihomu, 2022)
"The Six Laws of the Chinese Economy, 2022 Supplemented Edition" (Japan Council for the Promotion of International Trade, 2022) (in Japanese).
"Overview of the Revised Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act and Its Impact on Practice: Focusing on Venture Support, Business Restructuring Facilitation, and Making the Regulatory Sandbox Permanent" (Business Homu, 2021)
"The Latest Legal Situation in China (240): Revision of the Personal Information Security Code" (Kokusai Shoji Homu, 2020) (in Japanese).