Last updated a year ago
Services & dapps relying on live "hot wallets" are vulnerable to private key theft, enabling adversaries to sign fraudulent transactions. Existing hardware wallets cannot be used autonomously.
A secure-hardware "hot wallet" can prevent wallet keys from becoming compromised while enabling autonomous transaction signing capabilities required by live services.
This is the total amount allocated to Hardware-Secured Hot Wallets for Live Services (Dexes, Bridges, Side-Chains, Dapps, & more).
Dylan Crocker, PhD
Milestone 3 of our project will entail partnering with a project within the community to demonstrate the capabilities of our developed prototype. Since our solution has wide applicability within the Cardano ecosystem, we expect the likelihood of a successful partnership to be high.
Project will be fully open source.
Cryptocurrency projects often require the use of "hot wallets'' to sign wallet transactions necessary for live services, making them vulnerable to private key theft and fraudulent activities by attackers. Traditional hardware wallet devices cannot be used for these purposes, as they require a human-in-the-loop to manually approve and authenticate every transaction. To address this issue, we propose the development of a hardware-based hot wallet that ensures enhanced security and autonomy for cryptocurrency projects, such as cross-chain bridges, side-chains, dexes, and token mints.
Existing hot wallets pose a significant security risk, as their private keys can be compromised, leading to fraudulent transactions and theft of funds. Protecting the integrity of autonomous transactions is crucial for the success and trustworthiness of cryptocurrency services.
Our solution is to develop a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based hardware device that leverages physical unclonable function (PUF) technology and deliberate electrical interface restrictions to prevent attackers from extracting private keys from the device. The hardware hot wallet will differ from traditional hardware wallets by providing continuous and automatic transaction signing once the device owner unlocks it with an authentication code.
A PUF utilizes unique physical properties of a hardware device to generate a one-of-a-kind response to a challenge. In the context of our solution, the PUF is leveraged to securely store a wallet’s key within the device. The primary advantage of using a PUF is that it makes it virtually impossible for an attacker to retrieve the private key from the device, even through sophisticated attacks. By utilizing this unclonable and tamper-resistant mechanism, our solution would ensure a high level of security and protection for the private key, safeguarding it against unauthorized access and potential theft.
In addition to leveraging the PUF for securing the private key, our solution implements an additional layer of security by restricting access to the device itself. To ensure maximum protection, we will employ a restricted UART interface for communication between the hardware device and a host computer. This deliberate choice eliminates any potential vulnerabilities that could arise from complex and exploitable communication protocols, such as Ethernet. The device’s software will only accept a very limited communication protocol and will not allow shell access to the device. By utilizing this basic interface, we effectively minimize the attack surface and make it virtually impossible for an attacker to gain remote access to the hardware.
In this project, we are committed to an open-source hardware approach rather than relying on a closed-source secure element for security. By embracing open-source principles, we ensure transparency, collaboration, and community involvement in the development and security of our hardware-based hot wallet. This approach allows for peer review, audits, and contributions from a diverse group of experts, which enhances the overall robustness and trustworthiness of our solution. By utilizing open-source hardware, we promote accessibility, encourage innovation, and foster an ecosystem where the broader community can contribute to and benefit from advancements in hardware-based security for cryptocurrency projects.
Key benefits:
Our solution is applicable to a variety of services throughout the Cardano ecosystem. By providing a hardware wallet solution for live services, our solution could greatly enhance the security of projects running on Cardano, strengthening the overall trust and reliability of the Cardano ecosystem, and attracting more developers and users to build and engage with the blockchain.
The hardware hot wallet automates transaction signing without compromising the security of private keys, streamlining and simplifying live wallet operation for service developers building on Cardano. This enhancement in security enables developers to focus on building and scaling their applications, making it easier and more efficient to develop on Cardano.
Success will be measured through several key metrics, primarily focusing on the adoption and integration of our solution into services running on the Cardano blockchain. By the end of our 12-month project, we aim to achieve the following milestones:
We plan to open source the hardware specifications, software repository, and project documentation developed throughout the course of this project.
The Viper Science team has been an active contributor to the Cardano community for over four years. In addition to operating stake pools since the Incentivized Testnet, we have developed several open source tools for Cardano developers and SPOs. Three of these projects have been successfully funded through Catalyst in the past:
A complete list of our contributions can be found at Additionally, our team has specific domain expertise to develop the FPGA-based hardware and accompanying firmware required to make this project successful. Details about the team members’ technical backgrounds are included below.
The main goal of this project is to develop a functional prototype that showcases the feasibility and effectiveness of utilizing a hardware device to enhance the security of a live service’s hot wallet. By successfully demonstrating the capabilities of our hardware-based solution, we aim to provide tangible evidence of how such a device can significantly mitigate the risks associated with hot wallets – private key theft and fraudulent transactions. Through this prototype, we seek to establish the viability of our approach and lay the foundation for future advancements in hardware-based security solutions for live cryptocurrency services.
Milestone 1 - Prevent remote attacks on the hardware hot wallet keys [20 weeks, 49,842 ada]
Sign transactions on the hardware device. The wallet’s private key will be generated offline and stored encrypted on the device. The electrical interface between the PC running the live Cardano node and the hardware device will be intentionally limited to a heavily restricted UART interface that only accepts binary transaction packets. This will prevent remote attackers from exploiting software vulnerabilities to access the private key, e.g. by gaining remote network/shell access to the hardware device from the host PC.
Milestone 2 - Harden the hardware hot wallet to local side-channel attacks [22 weeks, 38,346 ada]
Implement a PUF on the SoC’s FPGA to encrypt/decrypt a private key generated on the device. This makes the device resilient to physical side-channel attacks.
Milestone 3 - Demonstrate capabilities with a live Cardano project [10 weeks, 32,447 ada]
Partner with a member of the Cardano community to utilize our prototype to protect their service’s hot wallet keys (this will likely be done on the testnet)
Milestone 1
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
The project team consists of engineers with advanced degrees, each with over ten years of professional experience developing and building complex systems in research & development environments. As a baseline labor rate, we are using a relatively conservative rate of $63.91, which is the mean hourly wage for software developers in the US according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Budget breakdown:
Assumed ada exchange rate: $0.26/ada
Total project cost: 120,635 ada
The cost of the project represents excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem for four key reasons:
The Viper Science team members are:
Dylan Crocker, PhD: Engineer & developer (
Dylan is an Electrical Engineer with experience in antenna and radar system design as well as software development. He earned a PhD in Electrical Engineering, with a minor in Computer Science, from Georgia Tech. His PhD research focused on ultra-wideband antenna design. Dylan got started building in the Cardano ecosystem when running a stake pool during the Incentivized Testnet in 2019. His most recent work includes an open source implementation of Cardano primitives written in modern C++.
Willie Marchetto: Engineer & developer (
Willie is a computer & astronautical engineer experienced in designing, developing, integrating, & deploying electronics and software for satellites, embedded devices, and traditional compute systems. His technical contributions span the areas of high-performance computing, web application development, DevOps system administration, satellite electronics design, embedded systems software/firmware, and machine learning algorithm development. Willie has been an active Cardano developer and stake pool operator since 2019 and is currently the chief engineer for research & development at an aerospace engineering contracting company.