ID: # | Status:
Not approved | A Digital Magazine To Showcase Artists, Developers and Builders on Cardano and in the Wider Web-3 Industry


Artists, developers and builders in our industry lack a formal outlet to showcase the work they're doing which leads to much of it being overlooked.


I want to provide a formal platform (digital magazine) for artists, developers and builders, both from our community, and the wider web-3 industry, to showcase their work, their goals and their ideas.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to | A Digital Magazine To Showcase Artists, Developers and Builders on Cardano and in the Wider Web-3 Industry.

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Funding for CMAG will primarily allow for the time to build it, in addition to paying specialists hired to ensure the project is built on a solid foundation. In other words, if received, this funding will be used to help kick-start this project and get it to a point where it can financially rely on itself.

Currently, I am the sole member of this team, specialists will be brought on if funding is received. Thankfully, with the tools we have at our disposal in this community, I believe this is very doable.

Specialists I'm in talks with:

  • Financial Advisor
  • Marketing Specialist

I also plan to bring on additional content creators/writers over time.
