ID: # | Status:
Not approved

The CardanoVerse Metaverse 3D World created in Fortnite – We’ll continue development on Unreal Engine of published “Central City” & build multiple island HUBS for continents, specific activities & projects, also to develop the “Open World” Version


A specific Metaverse 3D World focused on promoting Cardano and all the projects, Tokens & Cardano NFT’s in the Cardano ecosystem did not exist:.., until now!


“The CardanoVerse” Metaverse called “Central City” is already published promoting the Cardano ecosystem, with 33+ activities. Multiple new Hubs & an open world version is now being developed.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to The CardanoVerse Metaverse 3D World created in Fortnite – We’ll continue development on Unreal Engine of published “Central City” & build multiple island HUBS for continents, specific activities & projects, also to develop the “Open World” Version.

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


This project, as others, will be managed by Carl Henry of Carl Henry global, I have extensive experience over 25 years of bringing together exactly the skills required to deliver on intentions. As I mentioned earlier we have delivered on numerous funded projects including creating software for the Coti payment system.

For further information:

Carl Henry Global
Carl Henry Global