Last updated 2 months ago
This is the total amount allocated to Beginner to Advance Plutus Mastery in collab with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) utilizing Gimbalabs PPBL, MeshJS and Aiken.
Milestone 1 (consists of February Prepping & March Operations terms)
Cost: ₳ 23,922
Delivery: Month 1 - Apr 2024
Milestone 2 (consists of April & May Operations terms)
Cost: ₳ 23,922
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
Milestone 3 (consists of June & July Operations terms)
Cost: ₳ 11,961
Delivery: Month 4 - Jul 2024
Milestone 4 (consists of August & September Operations terms)
Cost: ₳ 3,987
Delivery: Month 6 - Sep 2024
Milestone 5 (consists of October & November Operations terms)
Cost: ₳ 3,987
Delivery: Month 8 - Nov 2024
Final Milestone
Cost: ₳ 11,961
Delivery: Month 9 - Dec 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Collaboration with
Coordination with
Supported by
No dependencies.
Permissive open source license.
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG Subgoals
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.7 - By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4.7.1 - Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment
4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Perceived Problem
Numerous start-ups (e.g. Bitzenius, Wyndblast), investors and education institutions (e.g. Gadjah Mada University) from Indonesia look to build on and learn Cardano, common blocking factors were lack of devs and structured learning materials.
Lack of devs limits Cardano's adoption and lends existing devs too costly to hire. High human resource expense + limited potential market/userbase deters companies and start-ups to develop on Cardano.
Reasons of Our Approach
Language to build on Cardano is still difficult. Established devs are paid well enough that many choose to not bother learning Cardano. Therefore starting early is crucial, targeting source of these devs, which are educational institution is our goal.
Projects Forecasted Users
Gadjah Mada University (UGM), as the top 3 university in Indonesia and top 56 in Asia, continuously produces top talents. Having already an official syllabus that educates on Bitcoin and Ethereum, UGM now seeks to integrate Cardano.
The following are the initial userbase;
1) UGM Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department students
2) UGM Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department students
3) UGM Computer Science and Electronics Department students
4) Total student from departments above approx. 210 - 300 students per semester
5) Total student from departments above at any given time 1500 - 2000 students annually
Demonstrating Our Impact
Short-term impact;
1) Build trust with UGM allows Cardano access to government blockchain project
2) Initiation of a UGM dev base allows Cardano to have a future stream of new devs
Mid-term impact;
1) Having trust allows Cardano entities to a have a physical office on campus grounds
2) Ready devs allows UGM to frequently participate in government blockchain projects
Long-term impact;
1) UGM recognized as a blockchain base university will influence other top universities
2) Having Cardano as an official UGM syllabus will influence other top universities
3) Further deepening UGM and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Titech)* relationship through Cardano
4) Exploring opportunities UGM to be involved in Titech's Cardano research
5) Exploring influencing Titech ASEAN Student Exchange Program to promote Cardano
*Titech is an official research partner for IOG
Our Solutions
1) Introduction of Cardano Academy
2) Creation and education of Cardano bridging syllabus that fills the education gap between beginner and advance Plutus mastery that covers;
3) Education on Cardano Architecture and Layer 2 integration that covers;
4) Translate Gimbalabs Plutus Project-Based Learning (PPBL) ver. 2.0 into Indonesian
5) Provide subtitles to PPBL ver. 2.0 video tutorials in Indonesian
6) Selected educators will provide workshops for UGM students/lecturers
7) Selected educators will conduct live coding sessions for UGM students/lecturers
8) Students implement learnings through PPBL paid bounties that completes a section of Gimbalabs Learning Management System (LMS), Andamio
9) Selected students implement learnings through developing genesis of UGM NFT Generated Certificates Platform which utilizes Layer 2 Proof-of-Work and Authentication
10) Participation in PPBL ver. 2.0 paid bounties & NFT platform genesis will indicate that students skillset are industry ready
11) Integrate the Beginner to Advance Plutus Mastery as a part of UGM's extracurricular in cross-collaboration with student body entities such as :
12) Provide dedicated Discord/Telegram channels to continuously support and answer questions from the UGM students/lecturers
Systematic & Tangible Data-based Solution
Direct collaboration between Sebastian Pabon from Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall Indonesia, initiated a 5-series Gimbalabs: Train the Trainer workshops to identify future educators for this proposal. Successfully identified 3 (three) individuals.
Devs Resource Stream
Collaborating with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) ensures Cardano a pipeline that produces a stream of new devs that can be harnessed by the larger Cardano community to potentially IOG, Cardano Foundation and Emurgo.
Open Source & Accessible
Gimbalabs Plutus Project Based Learning (PPBL) ver. 2.0 is open-source and accessible for everyone. Now available in 5 (five) languages including Indonesian. Direct result of Gimbalabs: Train the Trainer workshops.
Structured Education
PPBL ver 2.0 progressions are sectioned into a number of modules, the intent is for the learning curve to be gradual and for each module to be updated independently and accordingly to the topic intended to be learnt.
Multiple Dev Libraries Exposure
PPBL ver. 2.0 allows UGM students/lecturers to have access to various open source Cardano dev libraries that allows multiple methods to build dApps on top of Cardano.
Those libraries are:
1) Lucid
2) MeshJS
3) Cardano cli-js
4) Aiken etc.
Devs & dApps Growth
Completion of this proposal will:
1) increase the growth of Cardano devs
2) further increase the growth of dApps and participation in Catalyst funding
3) increase opportunities of graduating devs either through consistent Catalyst funding or being identified as qualified devs
Industry Ready Devs
Participating devs to implement learnings by completing a section of Andamio and developing genesis of UGM NFT Generated Certificates Platform. Andamio is a dApps by Gimbalabs that connects devs with industry needs. More about Andamio here
Copy+Paste Education Syllabus
A tried and tested syllabus that integrates Cardano Foundation's Cardano Academy + Cardano bridging syllabus + Gimbalabs PPBL ver 2.0 + Andamio, which can then be an option to simply "copy+paste" and present to universities worldwide.
Existing Capabilities
1) Educators and benefactors consist of:
2) The students involved must have 4 (four) out of 5 (five) traits:
3) Indonesian Cardano community involved must have:
4) Further verification in the "Project Team and Role" section
Funds Management Processes
1) Create separate wallets for each major expenditure
2) Convert received ADA into stablecoin (DJED) to mitigate price fluctuation
3) Trello account that mirrors proposal's budget usage and KPI's to assist PoA
4) Google Sheets to monitor proposal's budget usage and KPI's to assist internal reporting
5) Project manager also acts as accountant and only distributes funds per KPI's achieved
6) Will not distribute funds for KPI's not achieved for each month
7) Correlating funds that are interconnected with pending KPI's will be set aside
8) Set aside funds will not be absorbed by the ongoing operations till completed
Preparation (2 weeks) - March to April 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Develop Gimbalabs Plutus Project Based Learning (PPBL) ver. 2.0 front-end
2) Translate Module 100 - 103 into Indonesian
3) Provide Module 100 - 103 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
4) Prepare materials for workshop in April 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
April 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 2 (two) Cardano Academy and Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
3) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
4) Develop Module 201 - 202 front-end
5) Translate Module 201 - 202 into Indonesian
6) Provide Module 201 - 202 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
7) Prepare materials for workshop in May 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
May 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Develop Module 203 - 204 front-end
4) Translate Module 203 - 204 into Indonesian
5) Provide Module 203 - 204 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
6) Prepare materials for workshop in June 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
June 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Develop Module 301 - 302 front-end
4) Translate Module 301 - 302 into Indonesian
5) Provide Module 301 - 302 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
6) Prepare materials for workshop in July 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
July 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Develop Module 303 - 304 front-end
4) Translate Module 303 - 304 into Indonesian
5) Provide Module 303 - 305 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
6) Prepare materials for workshop in August 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
August 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Develop Module 305 - 306 front-end
4) Translate Module 305 - 306 into Indonesian
5) Provide Module 305 - 306 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
6) Prepare materials for workshop in September 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
September 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Develop Module 307 - 401 front-end
4) Translate Module 307 - 401 into Indonesian
5) Provide Module 307 - 401 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
6) Prepare materials for workshop in October 2024
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
October 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Develop Module 307 - 401 front-end
4) Translate Module 307 - 401 into Indonesian
5) Provide Module 307 - 401 video tutorials with Indonesian subtitles
6) Prepare materials for workshop in November 2024
7) Selected students implement learnings by participating in the genesis of UGM indigenous minting platform
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
November 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Material Delivery:
1) Give 4 (four) Cardano bridging syllabus sessions
2) Give 2 (two) Gimbalabs and Cardano Architecture + Layer 2 integration sessions
3) Students implement learning by completing a section of Andamio
4) Selected students implement learnings by participating in the genesis of UGM indigenous minting platform
5) Develop additional module front-end (if any)
6) Translate corresponding module (if any)
7) Provide corresponding module with subtitle (if any)
8) Produce 10 junior blockchain developer
1) Twitter updates on Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall (ETH) accounts
2) Dedicated Discord/Telegram at Gimbalabs and ETH channels
3) Upload workshops and live coding sessions to Gimbalabs and ETH YouTube
University Supervision:
Project Management:
1) Populate GitHub report for detailed Project Management
2) Populate Trello report for Proof-of-Achievement cross-checking
3) Populate Google Docs for students activity
4) Google Excel Sheet for budget and accounting
5) Attend Catalyst project coordinator meeting
6) Submit monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
7) Workshop meet-up recap in Cardano Forum
Closing reports (2 weeks) - November/December 2024 (subject to Catalyst updates)
Team Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
Giga Hidjrika Aura Adkhy LinkedIn Profile
Deren Tanaphan LinkedIn Profile
Fajar Ramadhan LinkedIn Profile
Team Gimbalabs
James Dunseith LinkedIn Profile
Team Cardano Indonesia Community
Sonny Dhamayana Rochman Fenix Profile
Budget breakdown
Material Delivery
= (9 months X $258)X 2 individuals
= USD $4.644
= ((9 months X $807)X 1 individual) + ((9 months X $100)X 1 individual)
= USD $7.263
= (9 months X $150)X 1 individual) + (9 months X $50)X 1 individual)
= USD $1.800
= 16 modules X $300
= USD $4.800
= 16 module X $100
= USD $1.600
Students Devs Learning Incentives
= USD $1.000
Students Bounties
= USD $1.000
= USD $1.000
Community Communications
= (9 months X $100)X 1 individual
= USD $900
University Coordination
= (8 months X $161)X 2 individuals
= USD $2.576
= (8 months X $161)X 2 individuals
= USD $2.576
Project Management
= 18 session X $25
= USD $450
= $50 X 8 months
= USD $400
= $100 X 1 individual
= USD $100
= $50 X 9 months
= USD $450
Project Tools
= USD $185 (approx.)
= USD $375 (approx.)
Miscellaneous/Risk Management
= USD $777
Grand Total:
= USD $31.896
= ₳70.880 (current ADA conversion rate 0.45)
= ₳79.740 (anticipative ADA conversion rate 0.40)
Value for Money Justification