Last updated a year ago
Gen Z and Gen Alpha will make up web3’s majority of users and builders. We need to prepare these students for the digital economy and to lead web3 development for economic, social and UX disruptions
This is the total amount allocated to Blockchain na Escola | Cardano Curriculum for High Schools.
Alan Silva
Tassiane Almeida
Verber Souza
Develop a course to provide skills to the web3 job market, successfully participate in communities, and promote fluency in technical English to enable understanding and use of essential Web3 terms.
no dependencies
All education materials will be publicly available for the Cardano community. Course completion certificates will be minted on-chain and their code will be open-source.
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Brazil is ranked 87 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 82 a rise of 5.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.754 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.676, a difference of 10.34.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.90 is made up of the SDG9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 2.20 tonnes (indexed value 0.97), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 18.87 tonnes (indexed value 0.82).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data: (table 7)
With 7% of the Brazilian population (15 million people) owning crypto-assets, Brazil stands as the 6th country in terms of crypto ownership. Blockchain adoption has also been accelerating in the public sector (e.g., the Universal Health System (SUS) vaccine database (ConecteSUS), the imminent CBDC launch (Real Digital aka DREX)).
However, there’s currently no official blockchain curriculum for high schools. We believe these students will play a pivotal role in using and building the next generation of dApps while ensuring safe use of web3 for their families.
We focus on public schools so we can bring this opportunity for students coming from underserved communities. We believe this will unlock new opportunities for income generation that can bootstrap a cycle of prosperity.
Through the course of this grant, we’ll improve and apply our current 12-week web3 curriculum across 3 public schools – comprising 12 classrooms throughout 2024 with the goal to achieve 100 graduated students by the end of the year. Our ultimate intent is battle-testing our methodology to pursue institutionalization with the Ministry of Education from the Bahia state.
Our course aims to provide the necessary skills to guide students towards the web3 job market, develop interpersonal skills for successfully participating in communities, and promote fluency in technical English to overcome the language barrier and enable students to understand and use essential Web3 terms.
The curriculum comprises topics such as blockchain fundamentals, web3 usage and decentralized governance. Our methodology combines theoretical classes, hands-on workshops, case studies and group assignments.
There are currently no projects that focus on this target audience (at least to our knowledge). That poses a risk of excluding students from peripheral communities from the biggest wealth generation opportunity in human history.
We measure and prove impact through pictures from students (social proof), NFT certificates for students that complete the program (minted on-chain) and student surveys for course feedback and continuous improvement.
Hence, Cardano would benefit from this proposal in the following ways: early career training across multiple professions, foster D&I in the Cardano ecosystem, access to underserved communities, preparing teenagers to navigate the complexities of web3, and marketing from our social media channels.
Supplemental docs:
Our proposal provides a solution to the challenge’s main objective: “The goal of the Cardano Open: Ecosystem (non-technical) category is to drive ecosystem growth, foster education and community initiatives, expand Cardano’s global footprint and onboard more Cardano users.”
The answers above also allow us to contemplate the following areas of interest:
KPIs that will gauge the value we’re providing to the Cardano community:
Ariel Leite is the project’s co-founder. He’s an Economist and Senior Product Manager with 6+ years of experience and an extensive track record in reputable tech companies like Amazon and QuintoAndar. He led the BnE team through 2023, impacting 500+ students with an NPS of 59 (summary of results below).
Alan Silva is our Coordinator. With an Education PhD, specializing in technology education for underserved communities, he has 20+ years experience in third sector educational projects and has been leading BnE’s educational activities.
Tassiane Almeida is our Financial Analyst. She has 6+ years of experience as an Accountant, Financial Consultant and Analyst. Specialized in audits and controllership (ISO 9001).
Verber is our Legal. He’s a lawyer focused on high-complexity humanitarian crises in socioenvironmental matters and Web3 regen since 2016.
Go-to market / product development approach:
Approaching schools – we already have established relationships with 5 schools across 2023. We know for a fact there are a lot of students interested in the content and teachers/principals willing to make room for us to bring web3 to the classroom.
Ministry of Education – we have already started conversations to institutionalize our program. In 2H2023, we were also included in the Educa+ Bahia program, which is a state program focused on providing technical and innovation education for public schools.
Continuous improvement – Ariel and Alan’s combination of PM and Education skills have allowed us to develop methodologies to make the content easy to understand for the target audience. We have also put in place student feedback methodologies to find opportunities for continuous course improvement.
1) Develop a 12 week blockchain program for high schools
Expected completion time: 45 days
When: Jan-2024
Deliverable: Course published in Cardano governance
2) Enroll 3 institutions for program application throughout 2024
Expected completion time: 30 days
When: Feb-2024
Deliverables: Picture of the signed contracts + picture with the institution’s signer (eg principal)
3) Certify at least 50 students that completed the program
Expected completion time: 90 days (that’s the current duration of the course)
When: Jun-2024
Deliverables: Student’s final project submitted; On-chain certification minted; Student feedback collected (online survey)
4) Certify at least 50 students that completed the program
Expected completion time: 90 days (that’s the current duration of the course)
When: Oct-2024
Deliverables: Student’s final project submitted; On-chain certification minted; Student feedback collected (online survey)
5) Final Report + Video
Expected completion time: 30 days
When: Nov-24
Deliverables: Final report + video with team and students’ testimony posted in Cardano governance
The outlined team is already up and running.
To be hired:
One additional teacher to support Alan in schools (we have 3 candidates and are waiting for funding to move forward with their application).
The cost of the workforce for this type of project matches the local market budget.
Apart from the Educational Coordinator (which is not a common role, but highly strategic for our project), costs are below average compared to Brazilian tech companies. Teacher costs are slightly above average for public school teachers, but that make it easier to attract talent.
These are the payment amounts we have used throughout 2023.
Value for the money: we believe $30k USD is a small amount for the value we’re bringing to the Cardano ecosystem, including: 1) Web3 curriculum for high schools, 2) Exposure to students from peripheral communities in Brazil, 3) Social media marketing through our channels, and 4) Opportunity to lead blockchain education in the state of Bahia in partnership with the Ministry of Education.