[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Randy - Community Manager of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta, Cardano Community Moderator, Guest Lecturer at Universities around West Java.
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
Co Proposer:
Inti - Developer Lead of Cardano Woman Indonesia member, alumni of MBA ITB Bandung
Additional applicants:
Fanny Wijaya - Project Manager of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta, Cardano Ambassador Meetup Organizer Indonesia, Cardano Woman Indonesia
Xavier - Product Manager for Cardano Community Indonesia, involved with the official knowledge of Gimbalabs and Eastern Town Hall Indonesia.
Ari Azman Hidayat - Senior Developer, Cardano Mini Ambassador Indonesia
This Proposal is the result of Cardano Hub Mini Ambassador Indonesia members, acknowledge by Cardano Hub Surabaya Community and ideation initiative by Cardano Woman Indonesia Community(Cardano Woman Indonesia); the certification distributed by
Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta's project manager only.
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- Give exponential learning Cardano & programming with Bandung Hub Mini Courses
- Translate,Develop IOG Academy to Indonesian
- Setup MBAITB Web to Increase Visibility of Projects, Professionals onboarding.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Project will be fully open source.
Highlighting the previous SDG Goals of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta
- No Poverty will come from how the Cardano Hubs will provide information and new opportunities once the understanding has come to the audience who come to Cardano Hubs.
- Quality Education will be supported by the Cardano Hubs team, and open to new understanding while the audience knows how to have data or use data to make a new use case by presenting themself to CardanoHubs. Partnerships for a better future and further collaboration is able to execute once word of mouth is applied on Cardano Hubs, their aspiration, and vision can make it throughout the Cardano ecosystem(potential directions)Innovation purposes of SDG Goals can happen obviously by encouraging the audience and users to the Cardano Hubs and adopt their conventional way of entrepreneurship or even being the creator and builder on top of the Cardano chain. Sustainable communities establish by having meetings and show a good example of how being a community member collectively depends on community-driven goals. Economic growth for the community on Cardano Hubs will increase by providing adequate education and transparency to each individual’s capacity.
Highlighting the previous SDG Goals of Cardano Woman Indonesia
- No Poverty: Women empowerment will be started on this CWI’s Community, Women in Indonesia nowadays have trend which encourage them to work from home and grow in the circle of community
- Quality Education: The project will have more writings and articles as a literacy which found that Indonesia literacy is still at a minimum level.
- Good Health and Well-being: Mentally stable for Women and having a potential direction to initiatives and comfortable space to talk with transparency and no anxiety vibes.
- Decent Work: Women in Indonesia will get more adaptive yet challenging situations in this community but easier to see the hope that is fruitful through PA,Voters,Initiatives.
- Peace: Women in Indonesia will find its sanctuary to work and digest with a deep dive involvement of Cardano Ecosystem.
- Sustainable cities and Communities: safer working environment and learning a new understanding throughout the echoes of events conducted by CWI.
The conjoined values and commitment to overcome remaining challenges for Cardano Hub Bandung: Woman Developer Pool
SDG goals:
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
- By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day
- By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
- Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
- Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
- Proportion of the population living below the international poverty line by sex, age, employment status and geographic location (urban/rural)
- Total official development assistance grants from all donors that focus on poverty reduction as a share of the recipient country’s gross national income
- Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age
The following Universal Human Rights Index(es) are applied:
- r) ensure that the promotion of gender equality and sensitization to gender equality issues is an explicit component of, and is fully implemented in, its national development plans and policies, in particular those aimed at poverty alleviation, sustainable development and natural disaster management
- r) pay special attention to the needs of rural women, ensuring that they participate in decision-making processes and have full access to legal aid, education, health services and credit facilities
- r) take appropriate measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women with respect to access to housing and food aid in emergency and natural disaster situations and ensure that women in these situations are adequately protected from violence
- * c) widespread poverty among women and poor socio-economic conditions are among the causes of the violation of women’s human rights and discrimination against women
- c) the situation of rural women, including their lack of access to legal protection, health care and education
- n) the enactment of the 2007 Law on Natural Disaster Management
- c) the situation of women victims of natural disasters and emergencies, including women victims of the Tsunami of 2005
- c) the health, including reproductive health, clothing, housing and safety needs of these women are not being met, and women heads of households suffer discriminatory treatment when attempting to access the housing or food aid provided to male heads of households
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Indonesia is ranked 114 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 93 a rise of 21.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.705 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.672, a difference of 4.68.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.95 is made up of the SDG 9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 2.16 tonnes (indexed value 0.97), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 6.77 tonnes (indexed value 0.94).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data:
https://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2021-22_HDR/HDR21-22_Statistical_Annex_PHDI_Table.xlsx (table 7)
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Direct Intended Outcomes
As the initiative and narrative of Mini Ambassadors across the big cities, Bandung as the sister city of other countries , can get the awareness begin with the activities of Mini Ambassadors in Bandung Creative Hub, where the masses can gather around and it is known for the existence for any kind of startups and new understanding happens.Moreover, we already setup an office full of developers that will participate to learn and teach the material delivery.
Proposed concepts
The movement started with transferring knowledge of Cardano Programming Mini Courses and mediating it to many prestigious universities in Indonesia and Hakka Languages. This activity can be aligned with forum group discussion internally with the campus, involving some key actors such as Mr. Iston; Head of Entrepreneurship from Binus University; ITB university through its Association of MBA ITB Student, where the lecturers bring forth the leads for students in each phase. To summarized the unfulfilled desires of entities:
- ITB University Bandung - Website alignment with Cardano Creative Hub Bandung
- Binus University Bandung - Join series of event with Campus activity
- Unikom - Mini Courses series
- Unpar - onboarding potential Mini Ambassadors as Developer
- UPI - onboarding potential Mini Ambassadors as Developer
- Polban - onboarding Community Reviewers
Will require a schedule to give class for free teaching some basic technique of coding and learning the basic syllabus of Cardano ecosystem from Gimbalabs, the Book, and several IOG Academy videos: Xavier, Fanny and Randy will help the following translation as their related experience will support the statements.
Why Bandung?
The city with a low temperature and a lot of people doing work from home and a community driven system is the potential input to enhance the activities of blockchain, and become well known as the developer pool. Bandung Dev, Google Developer Groups Bandung which acculturates its output to Devfest Bandung 2023.
The projected values from Bandung City
With the existence of potential investors and a city with Investment comes in to Bandung city for IDR 8.5 Trillion , potential market trends of utilizing smart city with the knowledge of Cardano ecosystem is identified earlier.
With the supporting team member Xavier and Fanny Wijaya, previously joined Eastern Town Hall Indonesia growth, the management process will be managed by proper project management, schedule the class to deliver Cardano Programming Language from Basic and Project Catalyst, recruiting more Mini Ambassadors as they participate the Community Reviewer and Proposer in the next Fund.
Cardano Hub Mini Ambassador Indonesia resources:
- Cardano Hub Surabaya : 121 member of Cardano Surabaya outside the other 4 group
- Cardano Hub Indonesia marketing and promotional base
- Big Meetup Indonesia 168 participant from hybrid attendance
- Cardano Woman Indonesia with a total members of 164 people and 17 groups on whatsapp platform.
- inti
Impactful approaches:
- Due diligence of 6 big university and cooperation with Cardano Creative Hub
- Follow up the past collaboration with existing university in Bandung and open the discussion to integrate the class with their activities
- Identify several potential Startups and SME to conduct integration with Developer Community and the team of Cardano Hub Bandung.
- Open discussion with government bodies and possible entities : Bandung Command Center
Actualization of our Approaches:
Hub Meetup Spaces: Cardano Creative Hub Bandung
- Mapping areas of interest of this utilization space for each weekly basis, which company operates in this co- working space.
- Open discussion by invitation of coffee meetups to onboard speakers and locking their schedules.
- Project Catalyst: Mini Ambassadors onboard with the practice of assessing the previous proposal, maintain the quality of assessment by Randy ( Cardano Community Moderator Indonesia ) experience and lead.
- Potential Syllabus to integrate with the 6 universities
- The collaboration with website development in which the dedicated person will create it with the utilization of Alumni of ITB university ecosystem to enjoy the website created by Inti as the person in charge.
Mini Courses Syllabus as tool to engage multiple target community:
- Provide training space at Bandung Creative Hub and Cardano Creative Hub Bandung
- Setback for Setup knowledge basis from Programmer language to Blockchain Programmer( Cardano chain )
- Acquire trust and healthy relationships with high school students, university students, and alumnus.
- To pursue a genuinity of clear inputs, we acknowledge this section to be our creation, not bandwagon the university's existing subject about blockchain in general. Different situation with tap in or join event material delivery.
Mini Courses Programming Language
- Introduce Fundamental Blockchain System
- Introduction Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
- Introduction about Cardano Lifecycle
- General Knowledge About Blockchain System
- Source : https://www.dicoding.com/academies/92 https://cardanospot.io/ls/cardanoindonesia
- Introduce Fundamental Programming
- Logical Thinking (basic logical about programming : algoritma, database relation)
- Database creation
- Repo Hosting Service (Git , Github, GitLab)
- Output : Peserta dapat mengerti tentang logic pembuatan sistem / aplikasi
- Source : https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-how-to-code/modules/bop-i/cheatsheet
- Haskel Program (IOG Academy)
- Introduction
- Course
Total Duration Mini course:
4 Hours
8 Hours
12 hours
Purpose of learning
Participants can understand how to build a system from 0 that can be connected to the blockchain ecosystem
Subject : Bridging to blockchain ecosystem
Cardano Courses Programming Language
Selected Courses: Haskell Course
Convert to : e-book - handbook, videos
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
Positive impact to the internal Cardano Community
To see the actual result of Cardano Hubs in Indonesia, with differentiation of the size of the hubs and each capabilities, this Fund12 is the first step for everyone in Indonesia to be involved with Cardano Hubs in Indonesia specifically for Project Catalyst, Cardano Mini Ambassador Indonesia, Cardano Woman Indonesia, and Cardano Community Indonesia.
- Existing audience, participant as inputs
Positive impact to external Cardano Community
Differentiation on chain and off chain will be managed by the increased use of wallet as the cooperation between 6 universities with different forms of activity.
The potential individual skills from university and highschool will be accommodated with internal grouping.
- New audience to Cardano Creative Hub Bandung
- Increase wallet users
Sustainability of the Project
As every member across the nation will have more adequate knowledge to use programming language, some pillars must be settled, we decide this Bandung Hub will gather a developer centric pool and be in line with the other hubs, while this City shows its attention to developers.
- Material and keep up to dates of Cardano ecosystem
- The use of our building to maintain and sustain the ecosystem
The relevance of our impacts
Competency of our team members as Guest Lecture for UPI University, Teacher for bachelor candidate, Master degree that gives consultation to students and alumnus, Lecturer of university, professionals.
- Clear message and know what to fulfill the objective toward each university and channels.
Marketing and promotional Eligibility Requirement for
Cardano Open: Ecosystem
IA MBA ITB Website Creation
Combining the resources of web 2 and web 3 as the first thing to make it clear that the existence of Cardano Creative Hub Bandung is exist within the University MBA ITB website and outside the ecosystem, integrate early function to boost actual values to this project, this means is a necessity, more than 3000 people can be accumulate and get them onboard to know the Cardano Programming Language, while this University has its very own unique and bountiful resources, almost everywhere have the alumnus existence, especially big corporation in Indonesia.
Website design to connect on event

Connect to wallet (soon)

Roadmap for enhance the business proposition of MBA ITB with Cardano HUB Bandung:
- Building Website IA MBA
- Promoting Website
- Gathering Alumnus User
- Cross promotion with another stakeholder & other business
Landing page
Connection IA MBA ITB website with our promotion landing page.

How to utilize these as potential resources and push the outputs?
The ITB MBA alumni website will provide an opportunity for all other alumni and ITB students to be able to work together in promoting their respective businesses with a special system or auction, so that with this website a rigid digital business ecosystem will be created including being able to be used as official promotional media for upcoming cardano programs and bring everyone to use cardano wallet .
Impact to attribute the Community of Cardano Hub Bandung :
Bandung Creative Hub

Coding Class space

Bandung Hub Arcamanik

ITB website collaboration to push the future ideation preference from Indonesia
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Capability as Proposer in this project: Randy as the proposer and Project Manager
To verify my existence, people can find me at Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta as community manager. This conjoin initiative supports a good intention of both parties, in which very core development on developer education.
Background experience before : Master of Business Administration, ex Coinstore.com
Related experience with Cardano ecosystem: I am a community moderator on Ideascale, multiple times become speaker for Community Reviewer in Indonesia, giving more chances to those in need, multiple times become speaker for online Cardano events in Indonesia, Manage multiple entities that are willing to onboard Project Catalyst and stand independently.
Our Validation will be support with:
Project Management Tools:
- Compile documentation to Cardano Forum
- Compile google docs for reference of Close out Report
- Use of telegram for gathering new members
- Create new Telegram for MBA ITB Alumnus
- Use of whatsapp for breakout room of developers
- Accounting and distribution of task and rewards
- Assisted Github by developer team member
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1: 3 month
Time Box and Priorities of building and development
- Preparation of Hub’s feature
- Preparing Hub’s Location
- Preparing Speakers
- Preparation of Website development for IA MBA ITB
- Preparing website design.
- Preparing website development
- Testing Website
- Deployment Website
- Release Website
- Preparation of Documentation such as:
- Github : https://github.com/intishar/CHB.git
- Cardano Forum template writings
- Preparing Syllabus for Programming Mini Courses
- Preparing Syllabus for Cardano Mini Courses: Project Catalyst
- Connect to Guest speakers in Bandung city
- Lecture at Unikom
- Programming Developer Grab Singapore & Indonesia
- Re-connect and meeting with 6 university
- Schedule plan
- Reach out Bandung Creative Hub spots
- Venue
- Refreshment
- Handbook
- Connect to Cardano Ecosystem
- Research for Connect Cardano Ecosystem
- Design Plan for Connect Cardano Ecosystem
- Hub evidence of readiness to open for cardano community member
- Website evidence with framework of marketing and promotional in it
- Hard evidence of Github (developed)
- Hard evidence of Syllabus for Programming Mini Courses on PPT to share
- And subtitled 4 short videos upload that align with the mini courses (subject to cardano forum sources)
- Completed times Mini Courses
- Introduction to Blockchain System Fundamentals
- • Introduction to Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
- • Introduction about Cardano Lifecycle
- • General Knowledge About Blockchain Systems
- Completed 4 times Project Catalyst session
- Reviewer
- Proposer
- Voter
- Guest speakers lock date to milestone 2
Sufficiency criteria
- Shortlisted Guest Speakers from Business owner, entity, government
- Compile the programming mini courses consist of date time and Unikom(University)
- Mini Courses to Youtube videos (developed) Cardano Hub Indonesia Youtube
- Project Catalyst Session to Cardano Hub Indonesia Youtube
- Mini Courses purpose of learning conclude: students can understand and fill the acknowledgement test for blockchain mini courses
- Cardano Mini Courses : Project Catalyst to Binus University ecosystem
- Website development ready to promote and use by user
Milestone 2 : 3 month
Legitimate Cardano Creative Hub Bandung position as developer pool from diverse universities
- Website development for IA MBA ITB
- Activity based to collect database of IA MBA ITB
- Utilize Previous Syllabus to UNPAR with development and adjustment
- Utilize Previous Syllabus to UPI with development and adjustment
- Prepare onboarding students from UNPAR
- Prepare onboarding students from UPI
- Delegate the task to gather alumni for ideations in Project Catalyst
- Complete achieving 200 user from IA MBA ITB alumnus
- Complete onboarding 200 students to be Mini Ambassador developer to website signup from:
- Syllabus development for UNPAR and UPI:
- Introduction to Programming Fundamentals
- • Logical Thinking (basic logical about programming:
- algorithms,
- database relations)
- • Database creation
- • Repo Hosting Service
- (Git,
- Github,
- GitLab)
- Intended Outcomes: Participants can understand the logic of creating a system/application
- Completed 4 times Project Catalyst session
- Reviewer
- Proposer
- Voter
- Offline event with Guest Speakers and Binus Ecosystem
Sufficiency criteria
- Offline event in Bandung Creative Hub
- Onboarding Project Catalyst session to Cardano Hub Indonesia Telegram and
- Separate Whatsapp Groups
- Proof of learning will be on Learning Video (4 Video) & Video Activity
Milestone 3 (3 month)
Bridging to Cardano Chain
- Compile 4 month completion of teaching with new consideration for further mini courses online:
- Blockchain Knowledge (Decentralization)
- Plutus
- Cardano Core Concepts
- CardanoCLI
- Demeter. run
- Gimbalabs PPBL
- Participants get to know each block chain system
- Level : simple blockchain creation
- Adding new material delivery to specific target of MBA ITB members:
- Objective: Learning about the technicalities of blockchain programming
- Month 10
- a. MeshJS Web3 Library (Wallet Hooks, transactions, minting & burning tokens / NFT)
- b. Blockfrost API
- c. IPFS
- Strategic education to bridge scatter developer to Project Catalyst:
- Smart Contracts as a topic discussion with universities
- Security System as a topic discussion with universities
- Next bridging to Next phase of programming language with Cardano
- Successfully convert 4 month completion of teaching with new consideration for further mini courses online:
- - f to handbook or e-book for Indonesian reader
- Successfully delivered a- e for a series of events with MBA ITB members.
- Create report from topic discussion with universities to Cardano Forum
Sufficiency Criteria
- Mini Courses conducted with acknowledgement of university bodies
- Mini Courses deliverables using previous and developed syllabus from milestone 1&2
- Translated to Indonesian version.
Final Milestone (Month 10)
- Close out Report process:
- Compile all documentations of translation materia;l course
- Compile all documentationsof Connecting Mini Course events
- Compile all documentations of Cardano Forum updates
- Compile all documentations of Mini course databae
- Compile all Telegram Group and Whatsapp Groups
- Close out Video ReportFindings and recommendations to the Catalyst for explorer
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Roles& Responsibilities
Main applicant:
as Project Manager of Cardano Creative Hub Bandung and Proposer
Responsibility for defining the scope of each cooperation with universities, who to reach out when to talk and how it will be done. This term will be focused on getting all 6 entities to our schedule plan. Internal communication is managed by monitoring the post event of each mini course or single event. Leading team to keep the information well served to the audience and get the feedback delegate to team members.
Additional applicant:
Fanny Wijaya
Will be present as Community Manager and Accounting Advisor, she will help the accounting and distribution reward, not focus on working hours only but outputs to be considered as fulfillment of the statement of milestone. She has been a spokesperson type of leading cardano woman indonesia and cardano ambassador meetup organizer indonesia. She will write notions and meetings results, scheduling on excel documentation, and re-populate the new candidate of mini ambassadors developer to onboard the working groups in whatsapp groups.
Will be Developer Lead of Cardano Creative Hub Bandung, lead the mini courses and gather audience from multiple developers community in Bandung area, take almost the whole part of sequence activity: teaching programming courses.
She will prepare the development of the mini courses as well, integrating the website of IA MBA ITB with landing page of our Mini Courses, interactive and ready to digest source and manage the marketing and promotional areas where the workforce from IA MBA ITB( Master degree alumnus) will join in the Cardano ecosystem.
Will be Product Manager for Cardano Creative Hub Bandung, in charge of translation and understanding for Cardano IT product areas of interest. Leading the scatter aspiration to onboard the Project Catalyst. And Converting the documents of translation, making youtube videos, developing on demand master maps for programming in the mini courses.
Ari Azman Hidayat
Will be Senior Developer for Cardano Creative Hub Bandung, he is the alpha for Cardano Creative Hub bandung, keeping the pace of the team in Cardano Creative Hub Bandung and stay on guard to welcome volunteer, mini ambassador candidate, and teaching various programming language for the preparation of Project Catalyst readiness.
Additional Expert:
Felix Christanto:
We need him to do content monitoring as the Cardano Hubs in Indonesia acknowledged each other positioning for Java island and Bali only. As Surabaya Lead, he will assist posting and moderate the social media for the better environment.
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Milestone 1 (Month 1-3 ) A 36,391.01
- Time Box and Priorities of building and development : A 6,359.55
Preparation of Workshop’s feature
- Scheduling Team Preparation, Execution and Evaluation per month A 449.44
- Finance and Accounting reporting & Distribution payment for team A 449.44
- Completed with evidence of outputs to be considered as fulfillment of the statement of milestone A 67.42
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) A 269.66
- Telegram Cardano Hub Indonesia, Handle or gathering new New member A 269.66
- WhatsApp Breakout room for MBA ITB Alumnus for preparation for Project Catalyst A 269.66
- 4 short videos upload that align with the mini courses (subject to cardano forum sources) A 1,348.31
- Compile the programming mini courses consist of date time and Unikom(University)A 202.25
- Cardano Mini Courses : Project Catalyst to Binus University ecosystem A 202.25
- Internal meeting Schedule twice a month for 5 people & Speaker A 674.16
- Internal communication is managed by monitoring the post event of each mini course or single event: A 539.33
- Leading team to keep the information well served to the audience and get the feedback delegate to team members A 539.33
- Re-populate the new candidate of mini ambassadors developer to onboard the working groups in whatsapp groups. A 539.33
- Leading the scatter aspiration to onboard the Project Catalyst A 539.33
- Preparation of Website development for IA MBA ITBA 5,038.20
- Setting Serve for 1 years A 701.12
- Preparing website design. A 280.90
- Preparing website development A 280.90
- Design Framework of marketing and promotional in it A 561.80
- Testing Website A 1,404.49
- Deployment Website A 1,123.60
- Release Website A 337.08
- Part of Cardano Hub Indonesia A 280.90
- Recap Progress Website IA <> Cardano Hub Indonesia A 67.42
- Preparation of Documentation such as: A 2,539.33
- Assist Github : https://github.com/intishar/CHB.git A 449.44
- Cardano Forum template writings A 0.00
- Preparing Syllabus for Programming Mini Courses A 224.72
- Preparing Syllabus for Cardano Mini Courses: Project Catalyst A 337.08
- Developing on demand master maps for programming in the mini courses. A 539.33
- Digital Promotional Activity for mini course A 988.76
- Connect to Guest speakers in Bandung city A 2,292.13
- Connect to Guest speakers in Bandung city A 2,292.13
- Programming Developer Grab Singapore & Indonesia A 1,011.24
- Shortlisted Guest Speakers from Business owner, entity, government A 1,213.48
- Recap Progress Reachout Entities in Bandung A 67.42
- Re-connect and meeting with 6 university A 3,101.12
- Reaching out to University and set meeting for Collaboration A 539.33
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 1 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 2 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 3 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 4 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 5 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 6 A 404.49
- Recap Progress Reachout University Collaboration A 134.83
- Reach out Bandung Creative Hub spots A 16,161.80
- Mini Course Venue for 150 Student A 1,260.67
- Mini Course Refreshment for 150 Student A 3,303.37
- Mini Course Hard Handbook for 150 Student A 4,044.94
- Preparation Presentation for Mini Course Module 1 For Mini Course Program A 337.08
- Preparation Presentation for Project Catalyst Update For Mini Course Program A 337.08
- Speaker Mini Course A 3,134.83
- Speaker Project Catalyst A 674.16
- Video Equipment set A 1,051.69
- Promotional tools (Banner & Printing) A 280.90
- Liaison officer A 950.56
- Stationary for event A 449.44
- Transportation Team A 202.25
- Recap each events attended on google docs A 134.83
- Connect to Cardano Ecosystem A 898.88
- Research for Connect Cardano Ecosystem A 449.44
- Design Plan for Connect Cardano Ecosystem A 449.44
Milestone 2 (Month 4-6 ) A 20,824.72
- Time Box and Priorities of building and development A 5,730.34
- Preparation of Workshop’s feature
- Scheduling Team Preparation, Execution and Evaluation per month A 449.44
- Finance and Accounting reporting & Distribution payment for team A 449.44
- Completed with evidence of outputs to be considered as fulfillment of the statement of milestone A 67.42
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) A 269.66
- Telegram Cardano Hub Indonesia, Handle or gathering new New member A 269.66
- WhatsApp Breakout room for MBA ITB Alumnus for preparation for Project Catalyst A 269.66
- 4 short videos upload that align with the mini courses (subject to cardano forum sources about Project catalyst) A 1,123.60
- Internal meeting Schedule twice a month for 5 people & Speaker A 674.16
- Internal communication is managed by monitoring the post event of each mini course or single event. A 539.33
- Leading team to keep the information well served to the audience and get the feedback delegate to team members. A 539.33
- Re-populate the new candidate of mini ambassadors developer to onboard the working groups in whatsapp groups. A 539.33
- Leading the scatter aspiration to onboard the Project Catalyst A 539.33
- Preparation of Website development for IA MBA ITB A 573.03
- Maintaining Utilities of Website IA MBA ITB <> Cardano Hub Indonesia A 224.72
- Finalize Part of Cardano Hub Indonesia A 280.90
- Recap Progress Website A 67.42
- Preparation of Documentation such as: A 876.40
- Assist Github : https://github.com/intishar/CHB.git A 539.33
- Preparing Syllabus for Cardano Mini Courses: Project Catalyst A 337.08
- Connect to Guest speakers in Bandung city A 2,494.38
- Programming Developer Grab Singapore & Indonesia A 1,213.48
- Shortlisted Guest Speakers from Business owner, entity, government A 1,213.48
- Recap Progress Reachout Entities in Bandung A 67.42
- A 0.00
- Re-connect and meeting with 6 university A 3,370.79
- Utilize Previous Syllabus to UNPAR with development and adjustment A 808.99
- Utilize Previous Syllabus to UPI with development and adjustment A 606.74
- Prepare onboarding students from UNPAR A 606.74
- Prepare onboarding students from UPI A 606.74
- Delegate the task to gather alumni for ideations in Project Catalyst A 606.74
- Recap Progress Reachout University Collaboration A 134.83
- Reach out Bandung Creative Hub spots A 6,701.12
- Preparation Presentation for Mini Course Module 2 For Mini Course Program A 337.08
- Speaker Mini Course A 3,134.83
- Speaker Project Catalyst A 404.49
- Liaison officer A 950.56
- Editor Content Recap all Mini course A 1,402.25
- Preparation Presentation for Project Catalyst Update For Mini Course Program A 337.08
- Recap each events attended on google docs A 134.83
- Connect to Cardano Ecosystem A 1,078.65
- Research for Connect Cardano Wallet A 539.33
- Design Plan for Connect Cardano Wallet A 539.33
Milestone 3 (Month 7-9 ) A 11,382.02
- Time Box and Priorities of building and development : A 6,022.47
- Preparation of Workshop’s feature
- Scheduling Team Preparation, Execution and Evaluation per month A 337.08
- Finance and Accounting reporting & Distribution payment for team A 449.44
- Completed with evidence of outputs to be considered as fulfillment of the statement of milestone A 67.42
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) A 269.66
- Telegram Cardano Hub Indonesia, Handle or gathering new New member A 269.66
- WhatsApp Breakout room for MBA ITB Alumnus for preparation for Project Catalyst A 269.66
- Adding new material delivery to specific target of MBA ITB members: A 1,123.60
- Compile 4 month completion of teaching with new consideration for further mini courses online: A 202.25
- Strategic education to bridge scatter developer to Project Catalyst: A 202.25
- Internal meeting Schedule twice a month for 5 people & Speaker A 674.16
- Internal communication is managed by monitoring the post event of each mini course or single event. A 539.33
- Leading team to keep the information well served to the audience and get the feedback delegate to team members. A 539.33
- Re-populate the new candidate of mini ambassadors developer to onboard the working groups in whatsapp groups. A 539.33
- Leading the scatter aspiration to onboard the Project Catalyst A 539.33
- Preparation of Website development for IA MBA ITB A 67.42
- Maintaining Utilities of Website IA MBA ITB <> Cardano Hub Indonesia A 224.72
- Recap Progress Website A 67.42
- Preparation of Documentation such as: A 606.74
- Assist Github : https://github.com/intishar/CHB.git A 539.33
- Cardano Forum template writings A 0.00
- Create report from topic discussion with universities to Cardano Forum A 67.42
- Connect to Guest speakers in Bandung city A 1,280.90
- - f to handbook or e-book for Indonesian reader A 1,213.48
- Recap Progress Reachout Entities in Bandung A 67.42
- Re-connect and meeting with 6 university A 1,348.31
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 1 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 2 A 404.49
- Handle member from University onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : University 3 A 404.49
- Recap Progress Reachout University Collaboration A 134.83
- Reach out Bandung Creative Hub spots A 2,056.18
- Handle small group discussion 10 best student from mini course (Tech Session) A 808.99
- Handle small group discussion 10 best student from mini course (Non Tech Session) A 404.49
- SMG Refreshment at Cardano hub Bandung A 707.87
- Recap each events attended on google docs A 134.83
Final Milestone (Month 10)
Close out Report process:
- Compile all documentations of translation materia;l course A 134.83
- Compile all documentation of Connecting Mini Course events A 134.83
- Compile all documentations of Cardano Forum updates A 404.49
- Compile all documentations of Mini course database A 404.49
- Compile all Telegram Group and Whatsapp Groups A 134.83
- Close out Video Report A 224.72
- Findings and recommendations to the Catalyst for explorer A 179.78
Total Budget : A 70,215.73
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Money Justification
Using the rate of ADA : $ 0.4550 and the support line near this critical market price, this halving period has been a good performance for Cardano to break the weekly trend to the $ 0.5000.
The effectiveness of this project comes from a legit cooperation between university and the person in charge already being a friend with the Project Manager and already open discussion while Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta, the common value with Hub at Ujungberung and Bandung Creative Hub agreement to utilize the building and space. Lessen the risk of dependency in progress.
The efficiency of this project comes from fund management process usage and having the project manager with accountant experiences. This project will impact several key actors in Bandung city to be well known by Developer communities and Government bodies alignment.
Weighted Values for this projects outputs:
- Number of Students willing to learn coding and programming
- Number of highschool student interest in Cardano Developer Ecosystem
- Number of Proposal being made in the next Fund
- Number of Company involved in Bandung Creative Hub
- Number of Government Bodies and entities in Bandung joined event
- Number of projected values from IA MBA ITB website in quantity
- Number of quality project from Bandung hub
- Number of quantity proposal for category challenge concept and solution