[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Felix Christano
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta:
Fanny Wijaya - Cardano Ambassador Indonesia, Project Manager for Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta
Eko - Mini Ambassador Hub Indonesia participant; Web 3 Community Leader Explorecryptopedia Indonesia
Yohannes Indra- Mini Ambassador Hub Indonesia participant; Quality Assurance Developer
Vincent - Mini Ambassador participant for Cardano Hub Surabaya; Digital Marketing;
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- Develop translations contents of Cardano from multiple sources
- FGD utilizing Hub’s features for educational and networking space
- Scan methodology usage for RW’s businesses framework
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Project will be fully open source.
SDG Goals
1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
SDG Subgoals
1.4 - By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG Subgoals
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Clear Outcomes
The existence of a Hub in Surabaya City and comfortable place to sit and learn Cardano chain while the digital equipment and projects perseverance from global ecosystem(project catalyst) will help the audiences while the engagement happening to the workforce of companies, enhanced their skill sets and applied knowledge with or without any obligation to represent as company’s representative; aligned with the goals of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta: Volunteer to Mini Ambassador.
Commitment and Our Perspective
The method of learning will go live with Cardano Courses, Content Creator for Cardano mini Ambassador, and Supply chain on Cardano to the companies with a basis of Scan methods in real world , come by invitation from Cardano Hub Surabaya and daily task for the previous and new member of Cardano Hub Surabaya, as the content creator will produce its awareness, while members will enjoy the exquisite service to do networking and transfer knowledge in the same page, these too, will boost the initiatives of other content creator to have new topic to deliver and broader new viewers.
The problem overview will linger on how to be onboard the business ecosystem and build on top of the ecosystem while satisfying the need of company progress and development locally, self learning and sustainable progress altogether, supporting the government entities to prolong the productivity of the workforce in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Existing Resources to Initial Market
Cardano Hub Surabaya as the first city with a physical building and the achievement of its milestone. Connecting the blocks of community leaders of:
- securities, future exchange and crypto in Surabaya under Explorecryptopedia,
- University of Widya Kartika Vincent,
- University of Christian Petra student Mr. Brooklyn,
- University of Widya Mandala alumni Amelia Loe,
- University of Surabaya alumni Mr Alfan and some references for our mapping solutions or the city region:
- Whatsapp Group : 121 member of Cardano Surabaya
- Instagram awareness for 6 month of the previous project
Proposed Values to Changes Adaptation
Steps to add values to the workforce from Limited Liabilities Company and Small and Medium Enterprise as well as further potential collaboration to escalate the usage of supply chain from Cardano blockchain technology:
- Research use cases from the workforce and what can benefit the company in concept or product assessment
- Apply the knowledge to be acknowledged in or outside the industry ecosystem by coming to Surabaya Hub and joining the offline and online event together.
- Join events in (SME)Small and Medium Enterprise and escalate the after event big picture to reach potential consensus with disclosure to manage the vibes and situation.
Solutions with Short term Plans Impact:
Build relations with Limited Liability Companies and Small and Medium Enterprise will allow adoption and understanding rather than outreach to the Government Company procurements.
Develop a consistent activity to manage and oversee which new LLC and SME has opened up to the blockchain technology.
Deliverables Core Actions:
- Decorate the Cardano Hub space which located in the heart of Surabaya city:
- Networking for Community Reviewer session
- Networking for Proposer session
- Networking for Small and Medium Enterprise session
- Networking for Content Creator session
- Networking for Cardano Supply Chain session
- FGD with screen to enhance the presentation and animated with contents
- Function for Content Creators publication comes from new member attend the Hub space
- Function for presenting point a,b,c,d,e
- Wall Magazine with weekly-monthly update on what’s happening
- Content Creators catch up with weekly/monthly update
- Adding the wall magazine concept to other company
- Mural spaces to initiate the workshop of creativity
- Art students involved in this projects
- Content Creators develop the promotion of this mural space and use it to produce content on designated platforms.
Solutions with Sequence Activities Plans Impact:
Priorities of this project’s proposal will go for several call to action and having its own management system with adequate financial management on feasibility section and non financial impact for the internal activity;
Educating new content creators to indulge at Hub with new features and professional Content Creator meetups to learn about Cardano Blockchain Technology, collaborating the people to be aware of its news and incentivize them with gimmicks and rewards.
Deliverables Core Actions:
- Setup standards of communication, delivering same knowledge and responsibility to answers the questions from community in social media
- Exclusive and inclusive on each proper time to get better alignment with the group of interests from Cardano City Hubs to Cardano [interest] (Open,developer,concept,solution,product).
- Reach out to the company based on our own list, as the result from the previous Funded Proposal; consist of warehouse management companies and similar scale of industrial coverage,
- Open discussion to Trade Shows in Surabaya through our team legit channel and speakers to gather more crowd for the scheduled FGD or classes.
- Translate Cardano Official knowledge based on Indonesian and presentation through media.
- Module 1 Cardano Course
- Module 2 Cardano Foundation - Supply Chain use case benchmark
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications
- Module 4 Use cases from Real World channels recap with the integration of knowledge from our team present on Github above section.
- Preparing the module of Scan to Track for Industry. Holding an intensive mini class to discuss the benefits of Cardano block chain for scan to track case studies. This class will be broken up into 5 meetings
Solutions with Long run Plans Impact:
Strategically become the place of the traditional workforce to accelerate Content Creator to start producing the social media conversation independently, growing as Hub’s Content Creator in which voluntary existence with support of transfer knowledge from our team as we know that social media and cryptocurrency performance are getting its alignment; research said.
To get them sustained and can be maintained, encourage more workforce to decent employment or additional and substantial labor, we will connect the Hub’s Content Creator to Sociabuzz, as a first step of onboarding their talent and hard evidence of their existence and equivalent platforms possible in Surabaya coverage.
Produce new volunteers to Mini Ambassador with the skill set of Catalyst Community Reviewer, Project Proposer, Voter, and Engage the Cardano Open Ecosystem, Cardano Open Developer Ecosystem, Cardano Concept, Cardano Solution.
Deliverables Core Actions:
Enhanced Content Creator to Hub’s Content Creator:
- Content creator able to raise funds in the future with Cardano technology
- Content creator understand the profitability of their involvement in NFTs
- Pre-Content creator have offer exclusively from Cardano chain
- applicable in mural and
- wall magazine,
- plus making of video tutorial for designated platforms:
- Tiktok
- Youtube, adding their portfolio specifically through blockchain category
- Governance involvement in DAO, as a voter to drive the situational and decisive actions from its content topics, indirectly to the creator’s work.
- Learn and earn royalties through their publication and arts from Cardano Hub Surabaya.
- Deep dive the cardano ecosystem with experienced NFT investor, Felix.
Transfer Knowledge of Workshop Syllabus from Cardano Hub Indonesia(developed version)
- Introduction to Cardano
- Byron Era with modules on research papers
- Cardano as a chain and Cardano as a technology
- How to create a Cardano wallet
- Wallet Function for Cardano Hub in Indonesia
- Daedalus and Yoroi for Indonesia
- How to stake or delegate on Cardano
- What is a betting pool?
- What is staking?
- How to stake?
- Staking pool selection criteria & parameters of a staking pool
- Delegation cycle
- Introduction to Native Tokens & Non-fungible Tokens (NFT)
- Trending NFT 2024
- Use of native tokens & NFTs
- How to check real tokens & cNFT at pool.pm
- Easy way to mint native tokens & cNFTs
- How to buy and sell cNFT
- Project Catalyst (governance on Cardano)
- Introduction to Project Catalyst
- Roles in Project Catalyst (proposer, Community Reviewer, Community Moderator, Voters, and Challenge Team (PoL, MIlestone Reviewer, Proof of Achievement Reviewer)
- Challenges in Project Catalyst
- Idea Scale
- Catalyst Voting App
- How to become a Voter on Catalyst
- Why do you need to be an active voter?
- Reward as a voter?
- Catalyst Voting App
- How to register to vote via the application
- How to select the proposals you want to vote for (vote)
- How to become a Proposer at Catalyst
- What is a proposer?
- Why is it necessary to be a proposer?
- How to request funding through Catalyst
- How to submit a proposal on IdeaScale
- How to write a good proposal
- How to become a Community Reviewer at Catalyst
- An explanation of Project Catalyst & governance on Cardano
- The role of Community Reviewer at Catalyst
- Prize as Community Reviewer
- How to register to become a Community Reviewer through IdeaScale
- Discussion of the details of Community Reviewer duties in each Fund
- Community Reviewer tools for conducting assessments
- How to become a Moderator Reviewer at Catalyst
- The role of Moderator Reviewer in Catalyst
- Rewards as a Moderator Reviewer
- How to become a Moderator Reviewer
- Moderator Reviewer tools for conducting review assessments
- Blockchain Development on Cardano
- Why become a blockchain developer on Cardano
- Resources for developers (Cardano Developer Portal)
- Introduction to Plutus, Haskell, Plutus Playground
- Introduction to Marlow (Haskell, JavaScript, Blockly, Marlowe Playground)
- Introduction to Blockfrost API
- Introduction to cardano cli-js (JavaScript)
- Plutus Pilot Program
- Atala PRISM Pilot Program
- Study Case: Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency
- Warehouse and Supply chain management
- Warehouse function
- Exponential develop to warehouse efficiency
- Type of Warehouse
- Challenges in current SKU management
- Understanding Stock keeping units (SKU)
- Problems encountered with the single SKU system, such as difficulties in stock audits and identification of missing products.
- Why is SKU importance?
- Blockchain Solution for SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- What is blockchain
- Introduction Relationship about blockchain and Stock Transparency
- How blockchain is used in inventory management
- Blockchain for SKU management : a Game changer in inventory control
- Benefits of using blockchain for derivative SKU management, such as security, transparency, and efficiency.
- Security and data privacy considerations in blockchain.
- Smart Contract for better solution inventory management
- Smart contract for stock transparency
- How blockchain can increase stock transparency
- Smart contract automated agreements on the blockchain
- Smart contract is solution to create Multiple SKU
- Cardano Solution
- Building Dapps On Cardano
- Transparency, Scalability, Flexibility and Visibility in cardano
- Proof of stake concept
- Cardano Smart contracts for asset tokenization
- Five (5) Module main presentation on “Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency
- Module 1 Warehouse and Supply chain management
- Module 2 Challenges in current SKU management
- Module 3 Blockchain Solution for SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Module 4 Smart Contract for better solution inventory management
- Module 5 Cardano Solution
- Sharing and discussion on Intensive mini class workshop Study Case: Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency. Each meeting lasts 1-2 hours
- Meet 1 : Warehouse and Supply chain management
- Meet 2 : Challenges in current SKU management
- Meet 3 : Blockchain Solution for SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
- Meet 4 : Smart Contract for better solution inventory management
- Meet 5 : Cardano Solution
Specifically, this Cardano Hub Surabaya also designated for the onboard of Cardano Ambassador Content Creator, where they will be Mini Ambassador with the focus group on Content Creator beside the core actions above. Scope of interests:
- Translation of [Cardano Sources] and [Workshop Syllabus] into text and
- Develop the text into [content] with on demand platform
- Publish in the Hub ecosystem and possible [external channels]
- Presentation of content through [screen] in the Hub
- Documentation on [Cardano Forum]
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
General Impact: Our long term consequences of building the community in Surabaya city, the 2nd largest city in Indonesia, and making this intervention become a more sustainable project to any other existing entities in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia, and make the role model for any other future Cardano Hub in Indonesia.
This overcomes the remaining challenge of 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Social good Impact: To help people in need of courses along the technical sector and non technical sector throughout project catalyst sources of information and entities abroad. Helping people to generate a source of income and an option to have things to be fruitful. This overcomes the remaining challenge of 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Impact to attribute the Community of Cardano Hub Surabaya:
A journey to facilitate the new building with features, as we already conquered the building, we push forward for a commitment and applicable activities:
Showcase of our new HUB features (Surabaya)
Provide them a nametag with their title on keychain or necklace as Proof of Participation.

Provide a space for networking to help them gather around and mingle time

Provide them a Wall Magazine to readable any time and get to know first what’s happening weekly

Mural space! Get dirty and get to know your value in Art and NFT with the Cardano Hub Surabaya

Screen space

IMPACT to Long term consequences of intervention
Become a role model for any other hub in Indonesia to really onboard the people with traditional activity while learning the blockchain ecosystem specifically with Cardano Ecosystem through “ local taste and local work “, benchmarking with the The Blockchain Hub to give proper certification locally admitted by the entities in Indonesia, with possible universities and LLC/SME existence.
Industrial Impact will be lead to another level of participant in which the representative of the company or the workforce are able to understand the new understanding of:
- Seamless tracking
- Automated record keeping
- Verified supplier data
- Automation using smart contract
- Timestamping and hashing
- Security and audit trail for documents.
- Registered supply chain and logistic components
- Data validation.
Above points are some topics that will be delivered with the support of later sections, in order for directing them to know and understand its potential first growth from Cardano Hub Surabaya. We expect another participation from developers of the companies to learn and do research together, diminishing third parties and applying the decentralized ecosystem well.

Picture: above is the illustration for supply chain roadmap
While Hub’s members are expected to be Cardano Hub Mini Ambassador Content Creator: they can have a great space to produce content and learn from the core of it.
Learn from the best for free with Cardano Lead Surabaya- Felix, and get ready for market competition abroad, conquer the content creator industry in the blockchain category as Content Creators with valid evidence of certification from local prestige.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Capability as Proposer: I am Felix , as the one in charge for Cardano Lead Surabaya for a successful event hybrid which I coordinate myself, assigned task by Fanny Wijaya as the PM on Proposal : Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta; attending people of 80 plus people out of our maximum capacity of the space previously.
By the advice of previous Project Manager, Fanny Wijaya, this proposal was created on 16/04/2024.
Background experience: Being a project based professional and pursuing a career path in Bali, I managed to land myself in Surabaya City, nurture the existing family business for more than 15 years, give sales performance and am passionate in investing in SME and Community building in Crypto communities in East Java. Friends gave me the best impact to show the best of me in recent years.
Related experience: As Content Creator of Paman Kripto previously, I strive for more success with my certified degree on Content Creator, this helps me to connect to each other and having a robust positivism with KOL and Influencer on Crypto and Blockchain side.
Achievements Community Manager of Cardano Hub Surabaya- managing offline event and meetup, educate people to be community reviewer, share knowledge on trading cryptocurrency, especially Cardano ecosystem, giving help to Airdrop community, Cardano Lead Surabaya- Actively giving help to those in need as the workforce in Surabaya remain to hold on to Minimum Wage region standard, Meetup Organizer for Cardano Community Indonesia- Participate in any kind of activity related to the Cardano Hub Surabaya and assist the Cardano Workshop Jakarta by activating hybrid action meetup and coffee meetup each week.
Feasible Approach to the project of the proposal:
Plan For Risk:
Things I will do to mitigate the risk which has been identified:
- scam issue around the community based guideline, crypto community always having its issues on this aspect, the needs of urgency to be created on bias layer, why the chain does not have any actual impact or where is the real utility of the token,
- This will be managed by the standard template of knowledge established by Workshop Syllabus;ACCEPT the risk.
- Person in Charge: Felix
- risk will come from the participation of reward hunters, as the syllabus and the proposed solution going forward for the sustainability of this project will diminish the things by giving quality education.
- This will be answered by the NFT claim as Proof of Attending developed by Cardano Workshop Jakarta Proposal in Fund12.MITIGATE the risk.
- Person in Charge: Eko
- Risk of slacking off will be managed by Trello CRM. TRANSFER the risk.
- Person in Charge: Fanny Wijaya
- Impact and Probability Scoring by Eliminating the narrative outside the knowledge transfer of official cardano such as Cardano Academy before their completion and any other documentation release further on, subject to the Cardano updates.
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1
Cardano Hub Contents Creation:
- Design and construction of Hub’s features (Image on Sections above):
- Mural space and items
- Wall magazine items
- Networking spaces
- Content creator space
- Start publication of content creators about Cardano Hub existence.
- Post on youtube and Tiktok
- Create Website
Translation Deliverables
- Module 1 Cardano Course
- Module 1. Building and running the node
- Module 2. Basic operations
- Module 3. Protocol parameters and configuration files
- Module 4. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking
- Module 5. Creating a stake pool
- Module 6. Monitoring the nodes
- Module 7. Cardano governance
- Module 8. Setting up a local cluster
- Module 9. Simple scripts and Plutus scripts
- Module 10. New tracing system
- Module 11. Running the SMASH server
- Module 12. Running the token metadata server
Operating Team
- Telegram creation of Cardano Hub Indonesia account
- Module delivery through various platforms: Youtube and Tiktok
- Reach out universities and send invitation to Hub Workshop
- Reach out to LLC/SME and send invitations to Cardano Hub events.
- Gather communities database in Surabaya city
- Preparation of assignee team to have proper schedule in Cardano Hub
- In touch with Cardano Community Global
Output to Intended Outcome
- Completed attending 3 events from university.
- Completed attending 3 events from Trade expo/Grand city event/ LLC/SME event.
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report
- Completed with evidence of images for Cardano Hub.
- Completed translating Cardano Course Module 1
Operation Management:
- Integrate translation to Github
- Integrate translation to social media platform
- Google excel for accounting
- Google docs for reach out and canvassing external channels
- Recap each events attended on google docs
- Content creator schedule plan
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia preparation
Milestone 2
Cardano Hub Content Creator Gathering:
- Updates and maintenance of Hub’s features:
- Mural, Wall magazine according to Cardano updates
- Content Creator maturity statements:
- Produce 10 videos on Youtube: Module 1 Cardano Courses
- Produce 10 videos on Tiktok: Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia
- Produce 5 videos on Supply chain knowledge base on Cardano
Translation Deliverables
- Module 2 Cardano Foundation - Supply Chain use case benchmark
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications
- Ouroboros A provably secure POS blockchain protocol
- Byzantine Fault protocol
- A Formal Specification of Cardano Ledger
Operating Team
- Telegram to Whatsapp grouping by demand of entities(LLC/SME/University/areas of interests except : Cardano Open
- Module delivery through reels on Youtube and Tiktok
- Hub Workshop event meetup offline with universities
- Cardano Hub Events with LLC/SME
- Community leaders in Surabaya city Gala Dinner
- Cardano Mini Ambassador Indonesia Onboarding announcement
- Cardano Community Global open discussion and repost their sources for Mini Ambassador content creators Indonesia.
Output to Intended Outcome
- Completed onboarding 100 students from university with google form.
- Completed onboarding 50 people from Trade expo/Grand city event/ LLC/SME event.(Google form)
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report
- Completed with evidence of images for University and LLC event workshops and meetups.
- Completed translating
- Module 2 Cardano Foundation - Supply Chain use case benchmark
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications
- Ouroboros A provably secure POS blockchain protocol
- Ebook convert to produce physical handbook phase 1
- Complete Main Presentation on “Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency
- Focus on development material (Presentation file) for workshop”
- Successfully onboarding content creators to Sociabuzz and equivalent channels such as BintangGo platform.
Operation Management:
- Integrate translation to Github
- Integrate translation to e- book
- Integrate translation to social media platform on demand
- Google excel for accounting and distributions
- Google docs for reach out and canvassing external channels
- Continue to compile the database of possible networking
- Attend Trade Expo Indonesia events
- Populate existing resources to Telegram/whatsapp groups on the spot
- Recap each events attended on google docs
- Preparation of Supply chain use case workshop syllabus
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia delivery:
- Tiktok video
- Youtube video
Milestone 3
Cardano Hub Content Creator Gathering:
- Updates and maintenance of Hub’s features:
- Mural, Wall magazine according to Cardano updates
- Content Creator maturity statements:
- Produce 10 videos on Youtube: Module 3a Ouroboros A provably secure POS blockchain protocol
- Produce 10 videos on Tiktok: Byzantine Fault Protocol
- Produce 5 videos on A Formal Specification of Cardano Ledger
Translation Deliverables
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications
- Ouroboros A provably secure POS blockchain protocol
- Byzantine Fault protocol
- A Formal Specification of Cardano Ledger
Operating Team
- Telegram to Whatsapp grouping by demand of entities(LLC/SME/University/areas of interests except : Cardano Open
- Open google form to identify ideation, impact, feasibility and value for money section, populate gmail, wallet address
- Module delivery through reels on Youtube and Tiktok
- Integrate the all key actors to the Hub Big Meetup Event consist of :
- Hub Workshop event meetup offline with universities
- Cardano Hub Events with LLC/SME
- Community leaders in Surabaya city Gala Dinner
- Cardano Mini Ambassador Indonesia Onboarding Awards
- Discussion about Cardano Community Global open discussion and repost their sources as Mini Ambassador content creators Indonesia.
Output to Intended Outcome
- Completed onboarding 100 content creators to Cardano Hub .
- Completed onboarding 50 people from Trade expo/Grand city event/ LLC/SME event to whatsapp groups
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report
- Completed with evidence of images for University and LLC event workshops and meetups.
- Completed translating
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications
- Byzantine Fault protocol
- A Formal Specification of Cardano Ledger
- E-book convert to produce physical handbook phase 1, distributed to university, company who involved in the discussion, in which resulting content of the e-book, and content creator sources.
- Complete Main Presentation on Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency
- Intensive: Mini Class Online Series with breakdown above (see Workshop Syllabus)
- Successfully adding content creators from web 2 talent pools in Surabaya
Operation Management:
- Integrate translation to Github
- Integrate translation to website/ e- book
- Integrate translation to social media platform on demand
- Google excel for accounting and distributions
- Google docs for reach out and canvassing external channels
- Continue to compile the database of possible networking
- Attend Trade Expo Indonesia events
- Populate existing resources to Telegram/whatsapp groups on the spot
- Recap each events attended on google docs
- Preparation of Supply chain use case workshop syllabus
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia delivery:
- Tiktok video
- Youtube video
Final Milestone:
- Close out report processed by gathering all documentation from multiple Persons In Charges
- Bulking all Cardano Forum Output
- Create report for Close-Out report according to Catalyst Guideline
- Create video for Close -Out report according to Catalyst Guideline
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Project team
Cardano Hub Surabaya is in need of qualified participants who want to learn more about the developer ecosystem, as the non tech members also want to learn about its product management and IT mind mapping. Therefore, separate coordination and collaboration with key individual and entities will be required:
- https://www.surabaya.go.id/ bodies and entities/ not limited to representative or related.
- https://docs.cardano.org/explore-cardano/cardano-network/
Moreover, we are already preparing some additional lists of the company with aligned and perceived problems as we move ahead to target the market and target community onboard Cardano Hub Surabaya. In order to be beneficial to them, we also try to manage some collaboration, cooperation in several stages according to their needs.
Warehouse Management System potential collaboration topic discussion:
- PT Surabaya Logistics Solution
- CV Gudang Makmur Surabaya
- PT WMS Surabaya
- CV Gudang Sejahtera Surabaya
- PT Surabaya Warehouse Management
- CV Gudang Bersama Surabaya
- PT Surabaya Warehousing Services
- CV Gudang Terpadu Surabaya
- PT Surabaya Warehouse Solutions
- CV Gudang Prima Surabaya
- PT Jasa Angkutan Surabaya
- PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS)
- PT Pelindo III (Persero) - Cabang Surabaya
- PT Angkasa Pura Logistics - Surabaya Branch
- PT Yusen Logistics Indonesia - Surabaya Branch
- PT Karyamas Aditama - Surabaya Branch
- PT Indologika Citra Samudra - Surabaya Branch
- PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk - Surabaya Branch
- PT Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines - Surabaya Branch
Main applicant: Felix
- Roles in the proposal as Project Manager
- Responsibility in project milestones
- Delegating tasks per month
- Distribute the reward,
- Mentoring people in Hub and outside Hub
- Conduct Meeting offline and online
- Decision Making on Risks items
- Oversee the construction of Hub’s Features
- Public speaking and welcoming the people at Hub
- Person in Charge for milestone 1 Hub’s Creation
- Person in charge for Content creator onboarding
Additional applicant:
- Fanny Wijaya
- Roles in the proposal as Project Advisor
- Responsibility in project milestones
- Scheduled plan
- Prepare gantt chart
- Research and development
- Reach out company and database
- Call to action for follow up the community member
- Presentation on deliverables
- Preparing content and syllabus
- Delegating tasks
- Submit Proof of Achievement
- Create close out report
- Summary Module 1,2,3,4
- Vincent
- Roles in the proposal as Mini Ambassadors Lead
- Responsibility in project milestones
- Preparing any sequences event offline and online
- Listing the database of companies and follow ups
- Community usher and Hub’s keeper
- Responsible for any hardware and utility on physical building
- Reporting Proof of Achievement data to Project Advisor
- Eko
- Roles in the proposal as Event Manager
- Responsibility in project milestones
- Help preparing the community leaders from web 2 and web 3
- Create and fulfill the deliverables items
- Get new member around the potential company ecosystem
- Get new member around the universities mentioned above
- Gather crowd to the Hub by invitation
- Managing upcoming event related to the project
- Preparing the design for the event promotions
- Attend the LLC/SME/ Trade expo events in Surabaya
- Person in charge to populate the documents
- Supporting team on milestone 1 considers potential content for content creators.
- Connecting the Hub with content creator communities.
- Yohannes Indra
- Roles in the proposal as IT Product Manager
- Responsibility in project milestones
- Engage the follow ups of team member toward Industry lists
- Create online session for breakdown structure of use case
- Apply the Scan to track developed in Surabaya
- Visit Surabaya Hub to meet and greet the representatives of LLC or SME labor to learn together about tracking in the blockchain industry
- Website establishment and adding the output to the website, github.
- Conduct mini class on milestone 2
- Conduct 5 other class on milestone 3
- One on one session with company representative to seek same purpose, future proposal on the next Fund13, Fund14
- Recap point f,g,h on Cardano Forum,github, and website.
- Translation for all Module 1,2,3,4
Team Accountability Management:
- Compiling Google drive to integrate the report of Proof of Achievement
- Utilize Asana report to track and monitor Deliverables until Activities
- Excel to present the Accounting management system
- Cardano Forum report to achieve genuine works
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Budgeting for Milestone 1-4
Total Request A 79,975.281
Milestone 1 ( Month 1-2 ) A 19,444.944
- Cardano Hub Contents Creation: A 6,797.753
- Design and construction of Hub’s features: (Design layout Cardano Hub, Construction Supplies (Drawing Pencil, Paint, Sticker, Spray paint, Brush, Floor Cleaner etc), Chairs for Hub 15 pcs (Interior Item),Table 2 pcs (Interior Item), Whiteboard 1 pcs (Interior Item), Projector 1 pcs (Interior Item), AC 2 pcs (Interior Item), Renting space, Stationery 1 pack, Mural Working Hours, Wall magazine Supplies (Pencil, marker, Sticker, paper & glue etc), Wall magazine l Working Hours, Networking spaces (working hours),Content creator space (working hours), Internet & Monthly Fee,) 131 hours
- Start publication of content creators about Cardano Hub existence: (Produce Content on Youtube : 2 Video for Announcement & Produce Content on Tiktok : 2 Video for Announcement). 20 Hours
- Translation Deliverables A 1,752.809
- Module 1 Cardano Course (Module 1 -12) : 39 Hours x A 44.944 = A1,752.809
- Operating Team A 5,348.315
- Telegram creation of Cardano Hub Indonesia account (Handle) : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Module delivery through various platforms: Youtube and Tiktok (Content Plan): 1 people x 2 hours/day x 2 days x A 33.708 = A 269.663
- Reach out universities and send invitation to Hub Workshop : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Reach out to LLC/SME and send invitations to Cardano Hub events : 1 people x 2 hours/day x3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Gather communities database in Surabaya city : 1 people x 2 hours/day x3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Preparation of assignee team to have proper schedule in Cardano Hub : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 5 days x A 11.236 = A 224.719
- In touch with Cardano Cube Community Members : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks x A 11.236 = A 539.326
- Output to Intended Outcome A 2,426.97
- Completed attending 3 events from university = A 404.494
- Giveaway/merchandise for Students & Lecture = A 56.180
- Completed attending 3 events from Trade expo/Grand city event/ LLC/SME event = A 404.494
- Giveaway/merchandise forSME/LLC=A 56.180
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) = A 269.663
- Completed with evidence of images for Cardano Hub= A 67.416
- Completed translating Cardano Course Module 1 : Summary Module for Handbook= A 44.944
- Ebook convert to produce physical handbook phase 1 50 pcs = A 1,123.596
- Operation Management: A 3,119.101
- Integrate translation to Github : A 539.326
- Integrate translation to website/ e-book : A 539.326
- Integrate translation to social media platform : A 377.528
- Google excel for accounting : A 539.326
- Google docs for reach out and canvassing external channels : A 359.551
- Recap each events attended on google docs : A 134.831
- Content creator schedule plan : A 359.551
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia preparation : A 269.663
Milestone 2 (Month 3-5 ) A 29,642.697
- Cardano Hub Contents Creation: A 9,696.629
- Updates and maintenance of Hub’s features:(Design layout Cardano Hub, Mural, Wall magazine according to Cardano updates, Renting space, Stationery 1 pack, Mural Working Hours, Wall magazine Supplies (Pencil, marker, Sticker, paper & glue etc), Wall magazine l Working Hours, Networking spaces (working hours),Content creator space (working hours), Internet & Monthly Fee)
- Start publication of content creators about Cardano Hub existence: Produce 10 videos on Youtube: Module 1 Cardano Courses, Produce 10 videos on Tiktok: Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia, Produce 5 videos learning on Supply chain knowledge base on Cardano, Produce 5 videos on Supply chain knowledge base on Cardano)
- Translation Deliverables A 2,876.404
- Module 2 Cardano Foundation - Supply Chain use case benchmark : 4 hours x A 44.944 = A 179.775
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications : 60 hours x A 44.944 = A 2,696.629
- Operating Team A 8,130.337
- Hub Workshop event meetup offline with universities : 3 times
- Cardano Hub Events with LLC/SME : 3 times
- Community leaders in Surabaya city Gala Dinner : 3 times
- Telegram creation of Cardano Hub Indonesia account (Handle) : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Module delivery through various platforms: Youtube and Tiktok (Content Plan): 1 people x 2 hours/day x 2 days x A 33.708 = A 269.663
- Reach out universities and send invitation to Hub Workshop : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Reach out to LLC/SME and send invitations to Cardano Hub events : 1 people x 2 hours/day x3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Gather communities database in Surabaya city : 1 people x 2 hours/day x3 days x 4 weeks x A 22.472 = A 1,078.652
- Preparation of assignee team to have proper schedule in Cardano Hub : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 5 days x A 11.236 = A 224.719
- In touch with Cardano Cube Community Members : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks x A 11.236 = A 539.326
- Output to Intended Outcome A 741.573
- Completed onboarding 100 students from university.
- Completed onboarding 50 people from Trade expo/Grand city event/ LLC/SME event.
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA)
- Completed with evidence of images for University and LLC event workshops and meetups.
- Completed translating A 2,606.742
- Completed translating Module 2 Cardano Foundation - Supply Chain use case benchmark (Summary Module for Handbook) A 89.888
- Completed translating Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications (Summary Module for Handbook) A 898.876
- Ebook convert to produce physical handbook phase 2 A 1,123.596
- Complete Main Presentation on Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency (LLC/SME) A 134.831
- Focus on development material (Presentation file) for workshop (University & Gala dinner) A 179.775
- Successfully onboarding content creators to Sociabuzz and equivalent channels. A 179.775
- Operation Management: A 5,591.011
- Integrate translation to Github : A 539.326
- Integrate translation to website/ e-book : A 539.326
- Integrate translation to social media platform : A 377.528
- Google excel for accounting : A 539.326
- Google docs for reach out and canvassing external channels : A 359.551
- Recap each events attended on google docs : A 134.831
- Content creator schedule plan : A 359.551
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia preparation : A 269.663
- Preparation of Supply chain use case workshop syllabus A 337.079
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia delivery: Tiktok video Supply Chain A 1,123.596
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia delivery: Youtube video Supply Chain A 1,123.596
Milestone 3 (Month 6-9) A 28,775.281
- Cardano Hub Contents Creation: A 9,696.629
- Updates and maintenance of Hub’s features: (Design layout Cardano Hub, Mural, Wall magazine according to Cardano updates, Renting space, Stationery 1 pack, Mural Working Hours, Wall magazine Supplies (Pencil, marker, Sticker, paper & glue etc), Wall magazine l Working Hours, Networking spaces (working hours),Content creator space (working hours), Internet & Monthly Fee)
- Start publication of content creators about Cardano Hub existence: Produce 10 videos on Youtube: Module 1 Cardano Courses, Produce 10 videos on Tiktok: Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia, Produce 5 videos learning on Supply chain knowledge base on Cardano, Produce 5 videos on Supply chain knowledge base on Cardano)
- Translation Deliverables A 2,876.404
- Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications
- Byzantine Fault protocol
- A Formal Specification of Cardano Ledger
- Operating Team A 8,130.337
- Telegram to Whatsapp grouping by demand of Entities (LLC/SME/University/areas of interests except : Cardano Open A 26.966
- Open google form to identify ideation, impact, feasibility and value for money section, populate gmail, wallet address A 134.831
- Module delivery through reels on Youtube and Tiktok A 359.551
- Integrate the all key actors to the Hub Big Meetup Event consist of : Hub Workshop event meetup offline with universities, Cardano Hub Events with LLC/SME &Cardano Mini Ambassador Indonesia Onboarding Awards A 4,696.629
- Discussion about Cardano Cube Community Members open discussion and repost their sources as Mini Ambassador content creators Indonesia.A 539.326
- Output to Intended Outcome A 741.573
- Completed onboarding 100 students from university.
- Completed onboarding 50 people from Trade expo/Grand city event/ LLC/SME event.
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA)
- Completed with evidence of images for University and LLC event workshops and meetups.
- Completed translating A 2,606.742
- Completed translating Module 2 Cardano Foundation - Supply Chain use case benchmark (Summary Module for Handbook) A 89.888
- Completed translating Module 3 Byron era Focus: research papers and relevant specifications (Summary Module for Handbook) A 898.876
- Ebook convert to produce physical handbook phase 2 A 1,123.596
- Complete Main Presentation on Utilization of Blockchain for Stock Transparency (LLC/SME) A 134.831
- Focus on development material (Presentation file) for workshop (University & Gala dinner) A 179.775
- Successfully onboarding content creators to Sociabuzz and equivalent channels. A 179.775
- Operation Management: A 5,591.011
- Integrate translation to Github : A 539.326
- Integrate translation to website/ e-book : A 539.326
- Integrate translation to social media platform : A 377.528
- Google excel for accounting : A 539.326
- Google docs for reach out and canvassing external channels : A 359.551
- Recap each events attended on google docs : A 134.831
- Content creator schedule plan : A 359.551
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia preparation : A 269.663
- Preparation of Supply chain use case workshop syllabus A 337.079
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia delivery: Tiktok video Supply Chain A 1,123.596
- Workshop Syllabus Cardano Hub Indonesia delivery: Youtube video Supply Chain A 1,123.596
Final Milestone (Month 10) A 2,112.360
- Close out report processed by gathering all documentation from multiple Persons In Charges: 1 people x 4 hours/month x A 33.708 = A 134.831
- Bulking all Cardano Forum Output : 2 people x 4 hours/month x A 33.708 = A 539.326
- Create report for Close-Out report according to Catalyst Guideline: 2 people x 4 hours/month x A 44.944 = A 719.101
- Create video for Close -Out report according to Catalyst Guideline: 2 people x 4 hours/month x A 44.944 = A 719.101
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Pre- condition of values within
The rising values on ADA from $ 0.3 to $ 0.8 has resulted in the fierce movement of the previous member of Cardano Hub Surabaya; Fanny, Felix, Randy to escalate the volunteer to be mini ambassador and created more proposals in each city in Indonesia.
The cost of this sustain project will be present as the number of people who joined as technical apprentices can help the non technical members from Surabaya and Jakarta.
Budget to treasury consideration
This project’s proposal will require below 2% of the category challenge, which means the growth of the ADA economy will have more implications in the next 10 months with the existence of a prestigious and the first Hub in Indonesia; it follows the Cardano Workshop Jakarta.
Efficiency to Impact consideration
The International Labor Organization stated that Collective bargaining can be a means to fix minimum wages. However there are only a few countries that rely exclusively on collective bargaining for wage fixing. The recent condition of the past Fund10 and Fund11 has attracted new participants and members to get involved in the Cardano ecosystem. Especially small medium enterprise has sound as well as the association alliteration by the government admittance. ILO Wages Minimum.
Effectiveness to Impact- intended outcome
As we have sequence activity to approach the company and SME, this will give feedback and output first in order to drive them independently as decentralized values want. An independent person with a mini ambassador movement and staying alive in any place they live in and any circumstances. Key metrics:
- Transfer knowledge of Workshop Syllabus, Module 1,2,3,4 for fundamental resources and handbook display on Hub, University showcase as content, and support on demand topics from companies(e-book and book form) to the existing Hub members and new members. (Responsible : Felix)
- Transfer knowledge of supply chain by applicable concept scan to track (Accountable : Yohannes Indra)
- Providing Content creator focus group with open knowledge about Cardano ecosystem
- Potentially produce articles/ video/ short video/ audio sharing knowledge.
- Potential of company with LLC or SME scales to onboard the Cardano ecosystem (Responsible: Eko )
- Opportunity to reach out possible government bodies and universities to Hub and engage the creativity space with Mural and wall Magazine (Consulted: Fanny Wijaya)
- Show the regeneration result in new proposal as mini ambassador from previous funded proposal (Informed: Fanny Wijaya)
- Igniting potential students and their involvement with Hub’s features and push forward the university’s engagement ( Responsible: Vincent )
Weighted Values to the project’s ratio in ADA
This project initially using the rate of ADA/USDT: $ 0.4450 (18/04/2024; 17:49 Indonesian Time)
To consider the lowest price before halving and the new support line before the $ 0.3000 support in 2023. Using ADA as currency is our priority to believe in honest work. We still do not need to categorize things to be more fixed cost in USD, as we are hoping to grow with Cardano globally.