[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Fanny Wijaya
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta:
Co Proposer:
Randy - Community Manager of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta, Cardano Community Moderator
Additional applicants:
Irvan Tisnabudi - Community Manager Cardano Hub Jakarta, Mini Ambassador participant for Cardano Workshop Jakarta; Ex Latoken, Ex Coinstore.com Head
Xavier - Cardano Hub Jakarta Moderator, Cardano Community Indonesia Member
Alby - Event Manager Cardano Hub Jakarta, Mini Ambassador participant for Cardano Workshop Jakarta; Utopia Club
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
- Translate & Develop & Convert Cardano Academy:Indonesian version
- Connecting Workshop Spaces(CWS) at Utopia Club Web3 & workforce
- Research And Development Project Catalyst for business entities
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Project will be fully open source.
Highlighting the previous SDG Goals of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta
- No Poverty will come from how the Cardano Hubs will provide information and new opportunities once the understanding has come to the audience who come to Cardano Hubs.Quality Education will be supported by the Cardano Hubs team, and open to new understanding while the audience knows how to have data or use data to make a new use case by presenting themself to CardanoHubs.Partnerships for a better future and further collaboration is able to execute once word of mouth is applied on Cardano Hubs, their aspiration, and vision can make it throughout the Cardano ecosystem(potential directions).Innovation purposes of SDG Goals can happen obviously by encouraging the audience and users to the Cardano Hubs and adopt their conventional way of entrepreneurship or even being the creator and builder on top of the Cardano chain.Sustainable communities establish by having meetings and show a good example of how being a community member collectively depends on community-driven goals.Economic growth for the community on Cardano Hubs will increase by providing adequate education and transparency to each individual’s capacity.
Emerging SDG Goals for Cardano Hub Jakarta (CHJ):
- SDG goals:
* Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
* Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
* Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
* Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
* Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
- SDG subgoals:
* Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
* Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
* Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
The following report is applied for the selected Planetary pressures-adjusted Human Development Index:
Indonesia is ranked 114 (Human Development Index) and when adjusted for the Planetary pressures is ranked 93 a rise of 21.
In 2021 it had a Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.705 that when adjusted for the Planetary pressures-adjusted HDI (PHDI) had a value of 0.672, a difference of 4.68.
The Planetary Pressures adjustment factor of 0.95 is made up of the SDG9.4 Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (production) 2020 of 2.16 tonnes (indexed value 0.97), and the SDG8.4 and 12.2 Material footprint per capita of 6.77 tonnes (indexed value 0.94).
For more information about the details of the PHDI please reference:
The specific SDG targets
Source data:
https://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2021-22_HDR/HDR21-22_Statistical_Annex_PHDI_Table.xlsx (table 7)
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Rationale of the Project: time (t)
Crypto Literacy Month has emerged from last year and this year will be a good momentum to get the existence of Cardano Hub entitlement. Governance issues of every chain having a common phase, and Cardano will benefit its strategic position with its fundamentals covering biased members of online communities scattered all around the region, enhancing its visibility to be unified.
Market perceives as the shortcoming of alternate solutions: quantity & quality
The only one that exists to represent Cardano ecosystem as community driven and the prolonged entity for Cardano Indonesia, its predecessor, which came attractively with the existence of its experts, now, the regeneration has come in terms of mini ambassador as the result of a previously funded proposal. This momentum can be driven into a specific target such as having its legitimate position with:
- Blockchain Association Indonesia license to support the quality
- Utopia Club associate community driven to support the quantity
Differ Offers
- Cardano Workshop Jakarta will create a framework and help people struggle to face the mechanism of Project Catalyst in nature, being created to make decisions on matters of self-compliance, where each country determines its own key resources and tendencies to its own environment.
- Indigenous peoples participated in all the series of meetup spaces (CWS) devoted to discussing the mechanism of Project Catalyst, in particular, they will have access to breakout groups in whatsapp.
- Certain people that had access to discussions in any form, had minimal involvement and supplemented them with the Cardano Academy Indonesian version, triggered the series of online events to evaluate.
- Processing the next step, filtering the inclined situationals to push through the completion of Cardano Academy Indonesian version, they obtain the recognition by mini ambassadors entitlement, this process will be temporarily remembered without any knowledge transferred.
- Unintended outcomes in these stages of learning, in which they might have unfulfilled interests, will directly lead to Eastern Town Hall Indonesia, the conjoin material learning will risk monetization only for the rest of the projects.
- Covering subjects and their levels of participation will be marked with previous Cardano Mini Ambassador Indonesia certification, push the legitimacy to its acknowledgement by universities memorandum, select certain role models of universities, before the visual acknowledgment stated in the certification itself.
“Connecting Workshops Spaces”
- will boost the retention of meetups where the participants and candidates to be mini ambassadors gather and have a pleasant time with other community groups in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Henceforth, the Cardano Hub Jakarta spaces for meetup and workshops, as the key actor of Utopia willing to onboard the Project Catalyst ecosystem regard his common values, various spaces will be specifically designed and purposely for Cardano Hub Jakarta ecosystem.
- Along with the loyalty program, …enhanced the initial resources of Initial Market Resources
Total of Volunteer to Mini Ambassador participant in Indonesia
- Separate Areas of Interests Groups : 121 member of Cardano Surabaya outside the other 4 group
- Marketing and Promotional platform awareness for 6 month of the previous project and sustained
- Big Meetup Indonesia attendance: 88 + 80 (both online and offline attendance)
Related Operation Management to increase the awareness of existing brand of Utopia
- Cardano Hub Surabaya Community
- Cardano Bandung developer community
- Cardano Workshop Jakarta online community
- Cardano Woman Indonesia community
- Cardano Bali community
Focus Working Group for Business analytic tool
- Key metrics of Research and Development Activity:
- Defining proposal trends with business analytic toward Project Catalyst
- Refine the potential funded proposal
- Adjusting interest and weighted value from proposals
- Contributors point of views as elements of the resources in the proposal boxes times
- Concluding the critical path on each targeted Fund and series of proposals.
- Collecting databases and developing the category challenge and what will suit the best for Indonesian Builder.
- Post and publish initial plans and establish milestones to be open for the public, especially Indonesian.
- Improve initial ideation plan of mini ambassadors in Indonesia
- Adding more opportunities to see key resources from the Cardano ecosystem.
- This effort is meant to catch up with the latest development in Cardano Ecosystem, while the need of urgency to have a healthier ecosystem in blockchain indonesia. Diminishing third party intervention, and scams.
Proposed Values to Mini Ambassadors Indonesia:
Deliverables Core Actions:
- Hub Jakarta establishment Multiple spaces
- Networking spaces to run offline workshops’s presentation
- Developer ecosystem meetup spaces for mingle time
- Cardano Academy evaluation meetup events
Ruuang Connecting

Samsara Connecting

Connecting Fuels

GaraGara Connecting

GaraGara Connecting

Satu Connecting SMESCO

- Connecting Workshop Spaces Activities: Inviting project entities and potential key actors to Connecting Workshop Spaces to give better understanding
- Alby Matthew : Community Lead of Utopia Club, deep knowledge in DeFi
- Nicky Pandelaki : Co Founder Atlas Reality, deep knowledge in AI, VR, Metaverse
- Ditra Komala : Web3 Evangelist,
- Edwin Ardyanto : Web3 Trader
- Aries Yuangga : Web3 Builder
- Ali Akbar : Web3 Evangelist
- Aldio Ogut : Web3 Evangelist
- Jagad Marcelleno : CEO Mindblowon Universe
- Mario Nur Cahyanto : CEO Parallax, web3 developer
- Andreas Tobing : Web3 Evangelist
- Febi Metasari : Web3 Developer
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
Long Term Consequences
Cardano Academy translation and development in Indonesia with Intended Outcome from sources:
- Introduction to Cardano
- (Deliverables:https://academy.cardanofoundation.org/)
- https://www.essentialcardano.io/article/what-is-cardano-cardano-101 This website consists of the first 4 modules to be translated and developed as the remaining challenge in Indonesia still linger on VPN issues and connection time.
- Initial Translation will be changed to Text and develop the script for Youtube video on Cardano Hub Indonesia
- Next step is summarizing the contents and creating a PDF to make it easier to read.
- https://www.ledger.com/academy/what-is-cardano
- and/or https://www.essentialcardano.io/article/what-is-cardano-cardano-101
- What's next? Podcast as output from Cardano Hub Mini Ambassadors Indonesia.
- Podcast contents and scripting:
- Cardano: Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake
- Delegating your ADA to Stake Pool
- What Cardano Wallet Should You Choose
- How to pick stake pool
- How to become a Stake Pool
- Project Catalyst at a Glance
- Where does the Fund Come from?
- How to be involved in Project Catalyst?
- NFT in Cardano at a Glance
- DeFi in Cardano at a Glance
- Aligned source of education
- https://forum.cardano.org/c/bahasa-indonesia/179
- Channels availability to onboard :
- Spotify https://open.spotify.com/intl-id
- Noice https://open.noice.id/
- Castboxhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.castbox.audiobook.radio.podcast&pli=1
- Sponsoring channels
- Alby Matthew : Community Lead of Utopia Club, deep knowledge in DeFi
- Nicky Pandelaki : Co Founder AtlasGo, deep knowledge in AI, VR, Metaverse
- Ditra Komala : Web3 Evangelist,
- Edwin Ardyanto : Web3 Trader
- Aries Yuangga : Web3 Builder
- Ali Akbar : Web3 Evangelist
- Aldio Ogut : Web3 Evangelist
- Jagad Marcelleno : CEO Mindblowon Universe
- Mario Nur Cahyanto : CEO Parallax, web3 developer
- Andreas Tobing : Web3 Evangelist
- Febi Metasari : Web3 Developer
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Project Accountability:
Fanny Wijaya as proposer with the help of her partner, Randy as Community Manager Cardano Hub Jakarta has managed successfully educating people in need, helping people in need, onboarding hundreds of assessors and ideations triggered, to develop the Cardano Hubs in Indonesia, this movement is needed.
As I got the support and love from the Cardano ecosystem, I became Cardano Ambassador Meetup Organizer Indonesia. Other than that:
- Core Team for Cardano Indonesia & Team member Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall
- General Secretary of the Bandung Institute of Technology Alumni Association for The Master of Business and Administration study program
- Expertise: Business Development and Financial Specialist in W2 and Web3 Industry and Community Engagement.
Hypothetical Angles:
Disparity among interests are good, and I am here to share code of conducts, not precisely but developed, to have more sustain existence for Cardano Hubs in Indonesia, and engage the citizen of Cardano which I called Cardano Hub Mini Ambassadors, to be actively participate the source where everyone can enjoy their time to have friends in web 3 and engage the official government and projects to learn more about it, as the momentum comes, I got this ideas of What ifs: people can learn more about developer ecosystem for non tech people, and learn more about business ideation and integrate it with Cardano ecosystem, no hustle, no third party, accessible resources open with no limitation for those who need it. Best with the community driven, actualization of certain moves for foundation purposes:
- Cardano Woman Indonesia Whatsapp Community Group 7
- Cardano Woman Indonesia Instagram 1
- Cardano Woman Indonesia Cardano Forum
- Cardano Woman IndonesiaTwitter -X
- Cardano Woman Indonesia Youtube
Validation and Affirmations
Feasible enough for Cardano Hubs in Indonesia to have its post and secure place to hangout and work together, as the applicant from Mini Ambassadors finds out that people are divided by regions, therefore as Project Manager of Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta, I mapping several potential places to have its own autonomous governance, diminish the authoritarian affection in terms of healthy procurement, involving research and development of reputable and accountable university, ITB. Benefiting the Web 3 community in Jakarta while involving them to be our friend.
I am also an alumni of MBA ITB with the highest GPA, and became the secretary for Alumni relations for MBA ITB till now. Several connections with ITB parties established independently, will use my expertise for accounting and project management.
Follows with the recent activities that I contribute to the previous ecosystem:
ITB University’s event with alumnus:
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Actualization of solutions above:
Translate & Develop & Convert Cardano Academy:Indonesian version
Connecting Workshop Spaces(CWS) at Utopia Club Web3 & workforce
Deploy analytic tool: Research And Development Project Catalyst
Milestone 1 (2 months)
Boxes Time Evidences:
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 1 to Text Format
- Completed Start Cardano Hub Jakarta space preparation items
- Completed Conduct meeting with Mini Ambassadors Jakarta
- Completed Podcast preparation tools and scripts
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers
Clique Focus Groups:
- Project Manager Start business analytic framework
- Community Manager 1 start listing potential project entities invitation about Project Catalyst
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS)
- Dedicated team from Mini Ambassadors Jakarta onboarding to several FGD with Web 2 and web 3 Hubs
- Project Manager reach out potential speakers
Critical Paths:
- Give bi monthly Cardano ecosystem updates
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out potential speakers
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out potential projects entities
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly
Milestone 2 (2 month)
Boxes Time Evidences:
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 2 to Text Format
- Completed 4 CWS event spaces
- Completed report on R&D of Project Catalyst with PDF phase 1
- Completed 6 Podcast audio and integrate with Spotify, Noice
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers
Clique Focus Groups:
- Project Manager Present the business analytic of Project Catalyst, share to Mini Ambassadors Jakarta event.
- Community Manager 1 populate potential 10 project entity on Whatsapp Groups
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS)
- Add more Dedicated team member from Mini Ambassadors Jakarta onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team
- Project Manager attend the event of potential speakers
Critical Paths:
- Give bi monthly Cardano ecosystem updates
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out volunteer to Mini Ambassadors Jakarta
- Create Cardano Forum update on Podcast reports
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly
Milestone 3 ( 2 month )
Boxes Time Evidences:
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 3&4 to Text Format
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 1&2 to Video Format
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 3&4 to Video Format
- Completed 1 Final CWS event spaces
- Completed report on R&D of Project Catalyst with PDF phase 2
- Completed 3 Podcast audio and integrate with Spotify, Noice
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers
Clique Focus Groups:
- Project Managers onboarding 300 audience from CWS as Mini Ambassadors candidate
- Community Manager 1 populate potential 10 new project entity on Whatsapp Groups
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS)
Critical Paths:
- Give bi monthly Cardano ecosystem updates
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times
- Create Cardano Forum updates
- Create Cardano Forum update on Podcast reports
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly by online gathering
Milestone 4 (Month 7 -9)
Boxes Time Evidences:
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 4 to Text Format
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 4 to Video Format
- Completed report on R&D of Project Catalyst with PDF phase 2
- Completed record 5 Podcast audio and integrate with Spotify, Noice
- Mixing audio and prepare to editing Voice and upload To Spotify & Noice
Clique Focus Groups:
- Project Managers onboarding 100 alumni from SBM Club as Mini Ambassadors candidate
- Community Manager 1 populate potential 10 new project entity on Whatsapp Groups
- FGD Working group project entities : 10 Session
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS)
- Associate with ASOMBA ITB, mirroring the contents occurred to their ecosystem as an education Hubs of ITB Indonesia.
- Project Manager attended ASOMBA ITB event, onboarding students consecutively for 2 months.
Critical Paths:
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA)
- Recap each events attended on google docs
- Give Bi Weekly Cardano ecosystem updates
- Complete Presentation for Cardano Academy Module 4 for working group session: 3 times
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times (Module 4)
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out Mini Ambassadors from SBM ITB Club- ITB university
- Create Cardano Forum update on Podcast reports
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly by online gathering
Final Milestone (1 month)
Close out Report process:
- Compile documentations of translation
- Compile documentations of podcast
- Compile documentations of Connecting Workshops Spaces events
- Compile documentations of Cardano Forum updates
- Compile documentations of R&D dedicated team and publish to Cardano Forum
- Compile Telegram Group and Whatsapp Groups
Close out Video Report
Findings and recommendations to the Catalyst
Published detailed on Statement of Milestones : Schedule date & time
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Project team:
- Proposer: Fanny Wijaya
- Will act as Project Manager for Cardano Workshop Jakarta
- Managing team for accounting, distributing, and oversee the project
- Proof of life Verificator,
- Here’s a glimpse about me:
- Fanny Wijaya Linkedin
- Cardano Ambassador Indonesia
- Cardano Woman Indonesia
- Co Proposer: Randy
- Will act as Community Manager Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta
- Planning and writing the material delivery, meetings and trigger the ideation and participation from external channels and dedicated channels.
- Community Manager: Irvan Tisnabudi
- Actively produce podcast with relevant content for project entities and
- Approach project entities to know better about Project Catalyst
- Related experience exceed the vision of our Mini Ambassador Indonesia with milestones:
- National news coverage on Digital Asset
- Paradigm on Blockchain article
- WeRent CEO
- Tutor Applicant: Xavier
- Actively produce podcast with relevant knowledge base of Cardano Academy and his involvement with Cardano Community indonesia
- Engage the potential speaker to be shortlisted for bi-monthly meeting
- Contributor of Cardano Hub Jakarta
- https://forum.cardano.org/t/cardano-hub-jakarta-meetup-diskusi-mengenai-ekosistem-cardano-november-2023/124597
- https://forum.cardano.org/t/cardano-hub-jakarta-meetup-menyimpan-cardano-ada-anda-dengan-aman-30-oktober-2022/109905
- Contributor and Event Manager : Alby
- Actively preparing all activity offline and rundown of events, populating the event with NFT claims and his diverse networking of web 2 business entities and
- Share his thoughts on CWS(Connecting Workshops Spaces) offline and online
- Background experience :
- https://utopianft.club/
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Budgeting for Milestone
Total Request A 89,352.12
Milestone 1 (Month 1-2 ) A 33,912.12
- Boxes Time Evidences: A 20,512.12
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 1 to Text Format: 7 hours/Module x A 55.56 = A 388.89
- Completed Start Cardano Hub Jakarta space preparation items:
- T-shirt & Sticker 100 pcs x A 22.22 = A 2,222.22
- Banner Printed : 6 pcs x A 44.44 = A 177.78
- Stationery Pack : 1 pack xA 55.56 x 6 month = A 333.33
- Zoom subscriptions 1 Years : A 222.22
- Meetup Organizer subscriptions 1 Years : A 222.22
- Completed Conduct meeting with SBM Club core team : 2 people x 3 hours/session x 3 Session =A 33.33 =A 800.00
- Completed Podcast preparation tools and scripts
- Podcast equipment Complete A 1,212.12
- (4 pcs Microphone LGT-240 TaffStudio,4pcs Shockproof Mount,- 4 pcs Stand Meja,- 4 pcs Kabel XLR Male to XLR Female (Low Noise 3 Meter),1 pcs MIXER 8 CHANNEL MICROVERB ELECTION 8, 2 pcs Adapter, 1 pcs Kabel 3.5 ke 6.5, 1 pcs Headphone Amplifier, 4 Headphone Studio Pro DJ Onedio, 1 pcs Kabel Data USB, 1 KABEL RCA TO 3.5MM & SPLITTER )
- Scheduling Team Preparation, Execution and Evaluation per month : 2 hours/day x 5 days x A 11.11 = A 222.22
- Finance and Accounting reporting & Distribution payment for team : 1 people x 2 hours/day x 3 days x 4 weeks A 22.22 = A 533.33
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers 4 event x A 1,711.11 = A 6,844.44 (Venus, refreshment, crowd permission, marketing tools (lanyard, name sticker,voucher, scan QR Code printed, printed books, brochure)
- Guest Speaker from outside Ecosystem or Governance (4 speaker x A 444.44 = A 1,777.78)
- License for Community Cardano Hub Indonesia on Blockchain Association in Indonesia= A 4,444.44
- Giveaway event : 12 event x A 92,5= A 1,111.11
- Clique Focus Groups: A 10,100.00
- Project Manager Start business analytic framework: 72 Hours = A 3,200.00
- Community Manager 1 start listing potential project entities invitation about Project Catalyst: 48 Hours = A 1,066.67
- FGD Working group project entities (10 Session) = A 3,333.33
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS) : 15 Hours = A 500.00
- Dedicated team from SBM Club onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : 24 Hours = A 800.00
- Project Manager reach out potential speakers: 36 hours =A 1,200.00
- Critical Paths: A 3,300.00
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) : 4 hours/month x A 33.33 A = 266.67
- Recap each events attended on google docs: 6 hours/month xA 11.11= A 66.67
- Give Bi Weekly Cardano ecosystem updates: 36 hours/month xA 22.22 = A 800.00
- Complete Presentation for Cardano Academy Module 1 for working group session: 3 times >> 3 module x 3 module x A 33.33 A 300.00
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times (Module 1) 36 hours/month x A 44.44 = A 800.00
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out potential speakers 1 people x 2 hours/recap x A 11.11 = A 133.33
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out potential projects entities1 people x 2 hours/recap x A 11.11 = A 133.33
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly >>3 people x 3 hours /session x 2 event/month x A 22.22 = A 800.00
Milestone 2 (Month 3-4) A 21,486.67
- Boxes Time Evidences: A 10,122.22
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 2 to Text Format : 7 hours/Module x A 55.56 = A 388.89
- Completed report on R&D of Project Catalyst with PDF phase 1 : 4 hours/month x A 33.33= A 266.67
- Completed record 5 Podcast audio and integrate with Spotify, Noice : 2 people x 2 hours/session x 5 session =A 33.33 = A 666.67
- Mixing audio and prepare to editing Voice and upload To Spotify & Noice : 4 hours/Podcast x 5 podcast = A 22.22 A 444.44
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers 4 event x A 1,711.11 = A 6,844.44 (Venus, refreshment, crowd permission, marketing tools (lanyard, name sticker,voucher, scan QR Code printed, printed books, brochure)
- Guest Speaker from outside Ecosystem or Governance (4 speaker x A 444.44 = A 1,777.78)
- Clique Focus Groups: A 7,833.33
- Project Manager Present the business analytic of Project Catalyst, share to SBM Club Circle event : A 800.00
- Community Manager 1 populate potential 10 project entity on Whatsapp Groups : A 1,066.67
- FGD Working group project entities : 10 Session : A 3,333.33
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS): A 500.00
- Add more Dedicated team member from SBM Club onboarding to several FGD with Hub Jakarta Core team : A 800.00
- Project Manager attend the event of potential speakers : 10 event = A 1,333.33
- Critical Paths: A 3,531.11
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) : 4 hours/month x A 33.33 A = 266.67
- Recap each events attended on google docs: 6 hours/month xA 11.11= A 66.67
- Give Bi Weekly Cardano ecosystem updates: 36 hours/month xA 22.22 = A 800.00
- Complete Presentation for Cardano Academy Module 2 for working group session: 3 times A 33.33 A 300.00
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times (Module 2) A 55.56 A 1,000.00
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out Mini Ambassadors from SBM ITB Club- ITB university 1 people x 2 hours/recap x 6 event = A 15.56= A 186.67
- Create Cardano Forum update on Podcast reports 1 people x 2 hours/recap x A11.11 = A 133.33
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly >>3 people x 3 hours /session x 2 event/month x A 22.22 = A 800.00
Milestone 3 (Month 5-6 ) A 21,420.00
- Boxes Time Evidences: A 12,000.00
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 3 to Text Format: 10 hours/Module x A 55.56 = A 55.56= A 555.56
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 1 to Video Format: 9 hours/Video x A 66.67 = A 600.00
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 2 to Video Format : 9 hours/Video x A 66.67 A 600.00
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 3 to Video Format: 9 hours/Video x A 77.78 A 777.78
- Completed report on R&D of Project Catalyst with PDF phase 1 : 4 hours/month x A 33.33= A 266.67
- Completed record 5 Podcast audio and integrate with Spotify, Noice A 33.33 A 400.00
- Mixing audio and prepare to editing Voice and upload To Spotify & Noice A 22.22 A 444.44
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers A 1,711.11 A 6,844.44
- Completed 4 time event with CWS and speakers 4 event x A 1,711.11 = A 6,844.44 (Venus, refreshment, crowd permission, marketing tools (lanyard, name sticker,voucher, scan QR Code printed, printed books, brochure)
- Guest Speaker from outside Ecosystem or Governance (4 speaker x A 444.44 = A 1,777.78)
- Clique Focus Groups: A 0.00 A 5,933.33
- Project Managers onboarding 100 alumni from SBM Club as Mini Ambassadors candidate A 33.33 A 600.00
- Community Manager 1 populate potential 10 new project entity on Whatsapp Groups A 22.22 A 1,066.67
- FGD Working group project entities : 10 Session A 55.56 A 3,333.33
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS) A 22.22 A 133.33
- Associate with ASOMBA ITB, mirroring the contents occurred to their ecosystem as an education Hubs of ITB Indonesia. A 0.00 A 0.00
- Project Manager attended ASOMBA ITB event, onboarding students consecutively for 2 months. : 3 event A 44.44 A 800.00
- Critical Paths: A 3,486.67
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) : 4 hours/month x A 33.33 A = 266.67
- Recap each events attended on google docs: 6 hours/month xA 11.11= A 66.67
- Give Bi Weekly Cardano ecosystem updates: 36 hours/month xA 22.22 = A 800.00
- Complete Presentation for Cardano Academy Module 3 for working group session: 3 times A 33.33 A 300.00
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times (Module 3) A 55.56 A 1,000.00
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out Mini Ambassadors from SBM ITB Club- ITB university = A 186.67
- Create Cardano Forum update on Podcast reports A 11.11 A 66.67
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly >>3 people x 3 hours /session x 2 event/month x A 22.22 = A 800.00
Milestone 4 (Month 7 -9) A 10,488.89
- Boxes Time Evidences: A 0.00 A 1,011.11
- Completed Translate Cardano Academy Module 4 to Text Format 5 hours/Module x A 55.56 = A 277.78
- Complete Development of Cardano Academy Module 4 to Video Format : 9 hours/Video x A 77.78= A 466.67
- Clique Focus Groups: A 5,933.33
- Project Managers onboarding 100 alumni from SBM Club as Mini Ambassadors candidate : A 600.00
- Community Manager 1 populate potential 10 new project entity on Whatsapp Groups : A 1,066.67
- FGD Working group project entities : 10 Session : A 3,333.33
- Co Proposer Start preparing the presentation material for Connecting Workshop Spaces (CWS) : A 133.33
- Project Manager attended ASOMBA ITB event, onboarding students consecutively for 2 months: A 800.00
- Critical Paths: A 0.00 A 3,544.44
- Completed populating all documentations preparation for close out report (POA) : 4 hours/month x A 33.33 A = 266.67
- Recap each events attended on google docs: 6 hours/month xA 11.11= A 66.67
- Give Bi Weekly Cardano ecosystem updates: 36 hours/month xA 22.22 = A 800.00
- Complete Presentation for Cardano Academy Module 4 for working group session: 3 times= A 300.00
- Give Cardano Academy translation working group session: 3 times (Module 4) = A 1,000.00
- Create Cardano Forum update on reaching out Mini Ambassadors from SBM ITB Club- ITB university = A 186.67
- Create Cardano Forum update on Podcast reports = A 124.44
- Share Presentation CWS to audience: bi-monthly >>3 people x 3 hours /session x 2 event/month x A 22.22 = A 800.00
Final Milestone (Month 10) A 1,777.78
- Close out Report process: A 0.00 A 0.00
- Compile documentations of translation : A 133.33
- Compile documentations of podcast : A 177.78
- Compile documentations of Connecting Workshops Spaces events : A 133.33
- Compile documentations of Cardano Forum updates: A 400.00
- Compile documentations of R&D dedicated team and publish to Cardano Forum : A 400.00
- Compile Telegram Group and Whatsapp Groups : A 133.33
- Close out Video Report: A 222.22
- Findings and recommendations to the Catalyst: A 177.78
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Predecessor values
When the momentum comes, mini ambassadors in Indonesia from Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta took the chance to establish a more vivid position in Jakarta, capital city of Indonesia, an upcoming country to welcome blockchain and cryptocurrency as the nature of technology adoption.
Budget represent value
$0.4500 benchmark as the initial request fund to aggregate the resources and mitigate certain risks that might occur, this running price will have its balance position through bollinger band (mid) based on Daily time frame chart.
Efficiency to Effectiveness of the project proposal
Supporting the initiatives of local Jakarta citizen, and enhanced their visibility toward project Catalyst, while not forgetting the broad audience of existing web 3 communities in the capital city through:
- education entity in Jakarta
- alumni entities in ITB University
- meetup spaces establishment for Cardano Hub Jakarta
- number of alumni of ITB Jakarta University
- number of onboarding mini ambassadors,
- number of onboarding project entities from other chain and local projects, with a supplement efforts of:
- Cardano Academy Indonesia as based knowledge
- Cardano Podcast Indonesia on multiple channels
Weighted Values to the project’s ratio in ADA
The metrics above not completed without any further priorities of:
Completing various documentation of operating team members according to the Research and Development of this team’s effort, dedicated team with Cardano Workshop Jakarta team members to pursue more category challenges in the next fund to have quality proposals on : Cardano Concept, Cardano Solution, Cardano MVP, Cardano Product.