Last updated a month ago
News and knowledge about Cardano are constantly updated, the Cardano Vietnam community needs a channel to quickly and accurately update this ecosystem while still saving time.
This is the total amount allocated to [FIMI] Podcast Cardano on Telegram for Vietnamese. 2 out of 3 milestones are completed.
Milestone 1: from August 1 to November 31, 2024
Cost: ₳ 17,145
Delivery: Month 1 - Sep 2024
Milestone 2: from December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025
Cost: ₳ 17,145
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
Milestone 3: from April 1, 2025 to August 30, 2025
Cost: ₳ 22,860
Delivery: Month 3 - Nov 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Creating a Podcast channel about Cardano in Vietnamese on Telegram helps the Vietnamese Cardano community access easily and quickly anytime, anywhere.
No dependencies.
Our comprehensive plan is to share the output and results of the proposal for free. A Plan to share the output and results of the Cardano Blockchain Podcast for Vietnamese people includes creating quality content, building a network broadcast network, cross-platform distribution, social media promotion, engagement with the Cardano community, and performance measurement. Project results can be shared within the Cardano community, supporting research and development, and building brand and reputation.
Goal 4: Ensure quality, open and equitable education and enhance lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and open societies for sustainable development, achieve justice for all and build effective, accountable and open institutions at all levels.
Goal 17: Strengthen implementation and revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development.
I. Reasons for approaching the problem
The Cardano Vietnam community is growing and has potential. However, accessing News and knowledge about Cardano & Blockchain is still difficult, English proficiency, communication methods (reading materials, watching videos) are not attractive enough, lack of intimacy and cannot be resolved problem for people who lack time, especially those who are visually impaired, they hardly have the opportunity to access the Cardano Blockchain). Requires a method to help save time and make it possible for people with visual impairments to participate.
Furthermore, the Cardano ecosystem is in a period of strong development, information, documents and new technologies are updated every day, the Cardano Vietnam community needs to be updated regularly and quickly.
Podcast communication is growing strongly in Vietnam and has great appeal to all ages, especially the information access habits of busy people.
Podcasts are a powerful format that help people convey information and knowledge through their voices and stimulate the imagination while creating a deep connection with listeners. Forming the habit of listening to podcasts in the community, creating a more intimate space helps listeners feel attached, thereby creating trust for listeners
II. Audience-oriented recommendations
Vietnam Cardano community in general and busy people in particular. With the current Cardano community, there will be additional forms for easy and attractive access; Busy people can still regularly update knowledge and news about Cardano through passively listening to Podacst. They can listen to it over and over again.
For visually impaired people, the Podcast channel will help them gain information about the platform and development process of the Cardano Blockchain, increase their imagination and integration into the general community, and be able to participate and contribute to the development of the Cardano Blockchain. Sustainable development of Cardano.
For those who do not know Cardano, through the Podcast channel on the social networking application, you can have the opportunity to know and participate in the Cardano community.
III. Unique point of the solution
This will be one of the first and only podcast channels about Cardano in Vietnamese, creating uniqueness and special interest from the Vietnamese community.
Content will be provided in Vietnamese, helping Vietnamese users access and better understand Cardano easily and conveniently.
The podcast channel will provide reliable information, in-depth analysis and fast news about Cardano, giving listeners a multi-dimensional and up-to-date view of Cardano and blockchain.
The solution is of great humanity when caring for and targeting the community of visually impaired people in Vietnam.
IV - Implementation process:
Set goals: Determine the goals and purposes of the podcast, such as providing information, education, creating community, or building knowledge.
Determine the topic and content for each podcast episode. Plan production and release schedules.
Prepare content: Research and translate related documents. Review the translation. Create Audio files with AI (
Audio editor: Collect and process all Audio files. Cut, edit, and improve sound quality. Add background music and sound effects to create a professional feel.
Publish and distribute: Create audio files in podcast format (MP3) and publish them to Telegram groups as quickly as possible. Share each podcast episode on Facabook, website
Track and interact: Track listens, reviews and feedback from listeners. Engage with the community by answering questions, having discussions, and creating other interactive channels to increase engagement and engagement.
1. For the Cardano ecosystem: The ecosystem is in the process of development and needs to attract a large community, the Podcast channel will be a tool to promote the Cardano ecosystem, expanding its ability to attract the Vietnamese community Come to Cardano. Attract more investors and developers in Vietnam to Cardano.
The podcast channel will help increase education and awareness about Cardano in the Vietnamese community. Vietnamese users will have the opportunity to better understand blockchain technology and its applications, especially Cardano. This could create momentum for users to access and use Cardano-based services and applications in the future.
Proposing a Vietnamese podcast channel about Cardano can attract and retain a significant number of users. Within a reasonable time frame, the project can reach thousands of listeners and create a vibrant community, contributing to the expansion and development of the Cardano ecosystem.
2. For the Challenge: create a channel to disseminate Technical Documentation and educational resources on how to use diverse tools and libraries in the ecosystem.
In short, creating a Vietnamese podcast channel about Cardano on Telegram not only helps solve the challenge of lacking Vietnamese information about blockchain but also brings many benefits to the Cardano ecosystem such as expanding the community and developing community groups. community, increase education and awareness, as well as attract Vietnamese users.
1. We are the largest group providing information about the Cardano project in Vietnam. We have a Telegram group of over 2700 quality members, a Youtube Channel about Cardano, Information synthesis website
2. We have experience participating in Catalyst and have been funded in fund 7, fund 9 and fund 10 and 03 proposed fund 11. Therefore, that is the basis for us to continue to have further proposals to contributing to the development of the Cardano ecosystem in Vietnam.
3. We have experience in community development in Vietnam, especially about Cardano Blockchain. This is shown from 2019 to this moment, we have built the largest and highest quality Cardano Vietnam community with nearly 3,000 regularly interacting members.
4. Since July 2022, we have created a Podcast channel about Blockchain Cardano in Vietnamese with nearly 300 Podcasts (equivalent to 3263 minutes) and are well received and appreciated by the community.
5. We have been researching and learning about blockchain technology, including Cardano since 2017. I understand the basic concepts of blockchain, the structure of Cardano, and how Cardano is built to be superior. how. This allows us to master the content and share accurate and trustworthy information in the podcast channel.
6. We have good communication skills and creative writing abilities, able to convey information clearly and understandably in podcast episodes. In particular, we also have the ability to create attractive and quality content, from choosing topics, creating scripts, to editing content.
7. We have the ability to deeply research Cardano and related technologies, and can access and analyze reliable information sources to provide the latest and accurate information in podcast episodes. Additionally, We have the ability to evaluate and analyze the developments, applications and potential of Cardano.
8. We have participated in building the largest and highest quality Cardano Vietnam community, and are the biggest contributors to the Cardano Vietnam community on Facebook.
9. We have experience in effective time management and organizing work responsibly. We can build work plans, schedule production of podcast episodes, and adhere to set goals and schedules.
However, during the process of implementing the proposal, we also identified risks: The number of documents and news about Cardano exploded. Solution: We select important content, increase the number of Podcasts compared to the plan.
Milestone 1: from August 1, 2024 to November 31, 2024
- Complete the Podcast channel on Telegram.
- Plan in detail the Podcast production process.
- Publish at least 80 Podcasts (at least 1200 minutes) on Cardano ecosystem news and knowledge.
- Guaranteed 300 views/podcast after 1 week of sharing.
Total cost of milestone 1: 18000 ADA = 31,5% Total budget
Milestone 2: from December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025
- Publish at least 80 Podcasts (at least 1200 minutes) on Cardano ecosystem news and knowledge.
- Guaranteed 300 views/podcast after 1 week of sharing.
Total cost of milestone 1: 19500 ADA = 34,1% Total budget
Milestone 3: from April 1, 2025 to August 30, 2025
- Publish at least 90 Podcasts (at least 1210 minutes) on Cardano ecosystem news and knowledge.
- Guaranteed 300 views/podcast after 1 week of sharing.
Total cost of milestone 1: 19650 ADA = 34,4% Total budget
Total budget for phase 1 + 2 + 3 = 57150 ADA
- Capacity: Master of finance. Project management. Managing the Cardano Vietnam community. Blockchain research since 2015. Plutus Pioneer. Programmer. Influence and inspire coaches. Main lecturer of FIMI courses. Is the person who directly translated many videos of Charles Hoskinson, IOG and documents related to the Haskell, Plutus, Marlowe programming languages; Project management funded in fund 7, fund 9, fund 10 and 03 proposals in fund 11.
- Duties: Project management. Build a video translation process. budget management and allocation. Review translations.
- Capacity: Master - High school teacher. Researching Blockchain since 2017. Have CBCA certificate (Certificate ID: 6491554124aef68319023c7e). Community Developer, Cardano Vietnam Community Manager. Content creator and video producer. Co-manage projects funded in fund 7, fund 9, fund 10 and 03 proposals in fund 11.
- Duties: Project co-management. Choose the original videos that need to be translated, have direct translators, and control the work progress, read translators, publish Vietnamese voice-over videos, manage Youtube channels, and report on progress results. Cardano Vietnam reviews High. Many of them have taken or are still taking the Plutus Pioneer course organized by IOG.
- Task: Will propose translated videos and register for translation, or assigned by the Project manager. Participate in reading the translation.
1. Milestone 1 (From August 1, 2024 to November 31, 2024)
Translation: 10 ADA/Minute * 1100 minutes = 11000 ADA
Rent AI account: 1000 ADA
Podcast production: 5 ADA/minute * 1200 = 6000 ADA
Total cost of milestone 1: 18000 ADA = 31,5% Total budget
2. Milestone 2 (From December 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025)
Translation: 10 ADA/Minute * 1250 minutes = 12500 ADA
Rent AI account: 1000 ADA
Podcast production: 5 ADA/minute * 1200 = 6000 ADA
Total cost of milestone 1: 19500 ADA = 34,1% Total budget
3. Milestone 3 (From April 1, 2025 to August 30, 2025)
Translation: 10 ADA/Minute * 1260 minutes = 12100 ADA
Rent AI account: 1000 ADA
Podcast production: 5 ADA/minute * 1210 = 6050 ADA
Total cost of milestone 1: 19650 ADA = 34,4% Total budget
Total budget for phase 1 + 2 + 3 = 57150 ADA
My project includes main tasks and specific budget allocation as follows:
Translation: 10 ADA/minute
Buy AI account: 3000 ADA (3 milestones)
Podcast production: 5ADA/minute
Product Marketing: 3000 ADA (3 milestones)
To provide costs for each task and job, I rely on Decree 38/2022/ND-CP regulating the current regional minimum wage in Vietnam. Therefore, I evaluate the above budget request as modest.
To use appropriate capital for the project, I have a specific plan:
1. Take advantage of available resources: Use resources in the Cardano community such as experts, user communities and related resources to reduce costs (I already have a youtube channel, Cardano Vietnam community). Combining and taking advantage of the community will help save resources and at the same time build an independent and community-driven podcast channel.
2. Marketing and promotion costs: Use effective digital marketing channels such as social networks, websites and Telegram groups to promote the project. Using these digital media can help reduce traditional marketing costs and increase reach to the Cardano community.
Evaluate costs by industry: Research and compare average costs in the podcast production and marketing industry to ensure project costs are reasonable and competitive. Looking at average salaries, media costs for Podcast production, advertising and other industry factors will help ensure capital is used appropriately and effectively.
Detailed financial planning: Create a detailed financial plan for the project, including key milestones. This plan will help identify and track costs over time, while also providing transparency about the use of funds.
By applying my methods and available capabilities and conditions, the project to build a Cardano blockchain podcast channel in Vietnamese can ensure reasonableness and efficiency in the use of allocated capital and help The Cardano community develops strongly and sustainably.