Last updated 9 months ago
On the climate change market web3 ReFi, Cardano is not well known because there is no exchange for carbon credits and no digital credits.
This is the total amount allocated to Coffee Carbon credits Sold at NMKR triggers $9 trillion in Climate change finance for Cardano.
The project will start with the sale at NMKR of carbon credits developed from coffee waste using the biochar method; $9 trillion in climate change finance will be committed to Cardano.
No dependencies
SDG Goals
2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG Subgoals
12.3 - By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses
13.3 - Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
3.9 - By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Climate Change Financing, web3 (ReFi) and Cardano
While the web3 market, including NFT, is in a winter period, ReFI is growing because it is linked to social issues. This is due to the importance of climate change financing.
According to the Climate Policy Initiative, global climate finance needs to increase to about $9 trillion annually by 2030 to limit average global temperature rises in line with the Paris Agreement※1. Europe alone requires €800 billion in energy infrastructure investment to meet its 2030 climate targets. The region needs a total of €2.5 trillion needed for the green transition by 2050.In Japan, the GX Promotion Act has also passed a combined public-private investment of 150 trillion yen over 10 years.
This time, as an action to influence the ReFi market in Cardano, we will develop a biochar methodology※2 and develop and sell carbon credits, which will be sold on NMKR to accelerate climate finance in Cardano.
Perceive the problem,reasons,engage
Regeneractive Coffee Way
This project documents the long journey of the Coffee value chain on the theme of regeneration: it consists of three categories and seven actors. The important thing is to get an overall picture of this long journey.
Value chain
Visualisation was completed at Fund9 and will be updated and made available to other companies. here.
Actor:Real world
Actor:Carbon credit(Tech)
Decided from several candidate areas, including Kobe, Fukuoka, Matsumoto, Ashiya and Okinawa
Our impact
Two proof-of-concept experiments were conducted in Kobe last year. In the past two, legal clearance and biochar production were the demonstration objectives and no carbon credits※4 were developed. Therefore, this time the Fund 12 budget will be used to produce 1t of biochar from approximately 250,000 cups of coffee grounds to be used as raw material for the carbon credit methodology.
※Assumes 20g of coffee grounds are produced per cup after extraction
A NMKR studio API will be used to mint it as fractionalize NFT. This creates a new value generated from real-world consumption that will not only connect with ADA holders, but also with new Cardano users.NMKR Studio also leads to increased transactions because of its platform based on the Cardano blockchain.
MVP verification:
Q.Why is it linked to carbon credits?
A.Because carbon credits are positioned as one of the key instruments to combat climate change and it is cheaper to capture the $9 trillion in climate finance.
Q.Why utilize NMKR Studio, why not JPG store?
A.NMKR has API linkage and can be linked to carbon credits. And NFT creation is also possible within NMKR. On the other hand, JPGstore sells digital art that has already been completed. The above cannot be realized.
Q.What kind of NFTs will you sell in NMKR?
A. We will sell NFTs with access to CO2 removal certificates for carbon credits developed from coffee waste.
Q,What are the benefits of utilizing ReFi (Cardano) from the coffee market?
A. Coffee is consumed daily by more than 2 billion people around the world. We have the potential to bring in a large number of Cardano holders by creating contact points from coffee, which is a familiar part of our daily lives.
※1 Paris Agreement: International framework on climate change issues adopted at the 2015 Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and entered into force in 2016 LINK
※2 Biochar method:
A mechanism for reducing carbon dioxide emissions using biochar,
Application of biochar to agricultural land
※3 Carbon Footprint: Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP) is a measure of how much greenhouse gases are produced by a product or service. LINK
※4 Carbon Credit: Carbon Credit is a mechanism to issue and trade credits (emission credits) for the amount of greenhouse gases reduced or absorbed through afforestation or the introduction of energy-saving equipment. LINK
Bring value to the Cardano Community?
This MVP environmental contact with Cardano is created from real coffee consumers.
How to Measurering ?How will you share the outputs ?
Output through actual MVP including the number of visits to the Regenerative Coffee NFT (RCN) sales web and count of purchases.
*Method of ownership.
RCN cannot be distributed secondarily. This is to prevent double counting of carbon credits. Therefore, their value is fixed at the point of purchase by the owner.
Share:Progress direction at the Eastern Hemisphere Meetup.
Up to 250,000 coffee consumers will be accessed to secure raw materials for the production of 1t carbon credits.
1,000 will be sold to.
50 new cardano holders are envisaged.(5%)
Cost effectiveness
A fifty-wallet increase by utilising 170,000ADA funds may not seem cost-effective.
But consider.
Coffee is consumed daily by more than two billion people worldwide. This MVP is a validation of the potential to reach all consumption points of Cardano 's contact, and we are already preparing plans to take this to the next level of scale in producing and consuming countries.
Fund9 Project Achievements
Sustainable coffee challenge
Fund9 final report
Fund9 demo
Project Achievements
Valueway Inc. has been selected for the following public programmes
SDGs challenge( UNOPs,Kobe city,Hyogo prefecture)
TSUBASA JICA((Japan International Cooperation Agency,IDB Lab )
Milestone 1:Jul-Sep 2024 27,113 ADA
【 Specification Definition / 仕様定義】
(carbonization facilities, collection stores, collection companies, agricultural land for application, etc.)
/実施場所の選定(炭化施設・回収店舗・回収業者・施用先の農地 etc)
Milestone 2:Oct-Nov 2024 151,761ADA
【Development and implementation / 開発・実装】
Milestone 3:Dec 2024 37,676ADA
【Certification and Verification / 認証・検証】
Final Milestone: Jan-Feb 2025 8,451ADA
【Sales and Reporting / 販売・報告】
Toshimasa Yagi. Founder CEO / roles:Project Management(tech)
Yuki Nishide. CCO / roles:roles:Project Management(real world)
Yuki Nishide is a professional address hopper who has lived in more than 110 locations throughout Japan. In 2021, he won the individual award in the WORKATION AWARD 2021 from among nearly 500 applicants.
He has initiated and promoted local projects throughout Japan, including Muragacha (Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture) and LOCAL NIGHT PICNIC (Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture).
Total 173,908ADA
Explanation of Return on Investment
NFT sales: 1000ADA(@1ADA✖️1000)
PR : Per capita 0.68ADA
(Up to 250,000 cups ofcoffee consumers will be accessed to secure raw materials for the production of 1t carbon credits.)
Cost effectiveness
A fifty-wallet increase by utilising 170,000ADA funds may not seem cost-effective.
But consider.
Coffee is consumed daily by more than two billion people worldwide. This MVP is a validation of the potential to reach all consumption points of Cardano 's contact, and we are already preparing plans to take this to the next level of scale in producing and consuming countries.
Cost Explanation