Last updated 5 days ago
Benefits of blockchain are not being used to transfer billions of USD for SDGs. UNDP needs blockchain transparency for grant programmes. This is a pilot with UNDP (MoU) managing USD $1m in grants
This is the total amount allocated to Transparency Impact Grants Platform for United Nations and agencies (porting over from Algorand) - untapped multi-billion development market. 1 out of 5 milestones are completed.
Technical & Business Case Research for Deployment on Cardano
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Oct 2024
Build, Test, Self-Audit, Report
Cost: ₳ 90,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Jan 2025
Outline of UNDP pilot and deployment on Cardano mainnet
Cost: ₳ 50,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Feb 2025
Test in Real World Use Case with UNDP
Cost: ₳ 40,000
Delivery: Month 8 - Apr 2025
Close-out report to community
Cost: ₳ 45,000
Delivery: Month 9 - May 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Teo Petricevic: UNDP IRH AltFinLab. Programme consultancy
Grant management platform pilot for UNDP. Our solution will help the world's largest aid agency with transparency using Cardano smart contracts. Pilot in late 2024 with $1m in grants in 30+ countries
By making the smart contract code of our project open source, we aim to contribute to the global movement of shared knowledge and collaborative problem solving for solutions within aid and development. This approach ensures transparency, promotes the sharing of knowledge, and encourages a collective approach to addressing the challenges associated with the impact sector. Ultimately, we believe that open-sourcing key parts of our project will lead to a more robust, efficient, and impactful solution, thanks to the contributions of the global developer community.
As part of this project, we would like to establish a UN working group to ensure the smart contracts we develop for the UNDP pilot platform can be shared and adapted with other UN agencies who would like similar solutions to bring transparency to their money and transactional flows. A monthly call with UNICEF, UNWFP, UNEP and Switzerland for UNHCR officials will ensure best practices and challenges are swiftly shared and/or solved.
Our platform helps users design grant programmes according to SDGs. In this respect, it supports:
SDG17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Our platform also helps to reduce the funding gap for CSOs in the Global South and
thus contributes to:
SDG10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
More broadly, Innofund’s platforms also use SDG projects and user data to create an SDG algorithm for matchfunding. This promotes and encourages visibility of all 17 SDGs and creates a mechanism for donors to engage more easily with civil society organisations and community leaders .
The problem: Taxpayers, shareholders and the public all demand the same thing from foundations and aid practitioners: proof of impact and transparency. Major INGOs and philanthropic foundations are under extreme pressure to reform and showcase their transparency. There is no one-stop tech tool that can securely deliver transparency. Existing grant platforms do not come with hands-on tailored support to customise their philanthropic dashboard to the needs, for example, of an individual UN agency, a global cancer charity or a grant maker on maternal health. In a nutshell: The benefits of blockchain - transparency and immutability - are not being properly deployed by aid agencies to achieve SDGs.
As stated by UNDP: The process of sending out grants within the existing UN system is very time-consuming and relies heavily on manual work. There are numerous documents and pieces of information that must be verified before funds can be disbursed. Currently, all the back-and-forth communication with the grant recipient is carried out via email whenever information or documentation needs to be provided or altered. Therefore, implementing a blockchain system to automate the process is crucial for reducing costs and facilitating smoother and more effective operations.
Furthermore, since grants are typically disbursed in several instalments, reports are required from the grantees to initiate payments. Verifying all the reports manually consumes a significant amount of time and involves extensive back-and-forth communication with the recipients.
Lastly, due to political constraints, legal frameworks, and banking-related issues, grant recipients face challenges that sometimes result in them not receiving the funds they were granted.
The solution: A grant management platform for aid agencies, institutional donors and civil society organisations to successfully work together and transparently towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Grant relationships between donor and recipient managed with smart contracts. Deploying programmable money with smart contracts on Cardano governed by predefined milestones, co-financing thresholds, and project-specific terms and conditions to meet the needs of modern aid agencies and bring transaction and document trail transparency to international grant-making.
The pilot smart contracts (MVP) will be designed for a Tadamon Food Security Accelerator programme with the UNDP as part of “NGO Empowerment Program” implemented by UNDP and managed by the Islamic Development Bank and funded by Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development. The program is a USD1.5m grants program with potential to put a part of this on chain in USDM. Innofund is a preferred supplier to UNDP for blockchain software solutions, a relationship built over the past three years.
Multistakeholder (varying permissions), multicurrency (fiat and USDM stablecoin), data-heavy (payment tracking etc). Brings together all ecosystem users under one hood and offers flexible management solutions. Stakeholder voting optional.
Benefits to Cardano community
The whole project is a 7-month commitment to plan, test, deploy, use, and report on four key milestones:
Milestone 1
Title: Technical & Business Case Research for Deployment on Cardano
Milestone 1 includes the following key activities:
Acceptance criteria
The technical and business implementation report is finalised and published on Notion. It is accessible for community review. The report includes the following content:
Evidence of Milestone completion
Community members can access the report on Notion to find the following content:
Expected timeline for the delivery
2 months
Milestone 2
Title: Build, Test, Self-Audit, Report
Milestone 2 includes the following key activities:
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of Milestone Completion
Community members can access the report on Notion to find the following content:
The MVP is finalised and live on testnet. It is accessible to the community for review.
Expected timeline for the delivery
2 months
Milestone 3
Title: Deploy on Mainnet and test in Real World Use Case with UNDP
Outputs and deliverables
Milestone 3 includes the following key activities:
Acceptance criteria
Evidence of Milestone Completion
Expected timeline for the delivery
3 months
Final Milestone
Title: Close-out report to community
Final Milestone involves the following key activities:
These steps will produce the following deliverables:
Acceptance criteria
Available for the community to review:
Evidence of Milestone completion
Expected timeline for the delivery
1 month
Gabriel von Roda, Strategy, Business/Tech Development
Gabriel is co-founder of Innofund and brings two decades of experience working for startups on business development in Europe, the USA, South America and East Asia.
Alex Macbeth, Strategy, Project Manager
Alex is the co-founder of Innofund and brings 15 years of experience working for aid agencies, media outlets and startups across five continents. He speaks seven languages.
Teo Petricevic: UNDP IRH AltFinLab. Programme consultancy
Teo Petricevic has worked in innovation and startups for more than two decades. He works with UNDP’s Innovation team and AltFinLab in Istanbul. Teo will provide consultancy and feedback all along the process.
Heazry is an econometric-statistician and PhD in Finance based in Singapore. He brings 15 years of experience in financial modelling for start-ups and international companies.
Dan Shephard, CTO
Dan came across computers in the 1980s. He was soon dismantling and reassembling them and studied computer science. In the last 30 years he has focused on software, working as a senior developer for medical institutes, messenger apps and augmented reality art projects.
Chahat Bhateja, Chief Smart Contract Engineer
Chahat is a smart contract engineer with experience working in half a dozen blockchain ecosystems, including Algorand and Cardano.
Vikash Saini, Head of UI/UX
Vikash brings a decade of experience working on apps and frontend development. He is currently the lead designer with Webmob Solutions.
Amit Walia, Senior Full Tech Stack Developer
Amit has overseen dozens of small and large projects in the tech space as a senior developer and project manager
Yiorgo Polenakis, Head of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL)
Yiorgo brings 30+ years experience evaluating international aid and country-level projects, including authoring various reports for the UN’s Evaluation Group and the World Bank.
*Note: the project is taking into account an ADA cost of 0.5 USD with a 10% buffer for price going down. If the price goes up we will aim to add additional services.
Milestone 1: 75,000 ADA
UNDP need identification and partnership scoping with in-person meetings with travel, project initiation and activation:
Product planning and drafting of architecture and Figma design with key-user feedback / tech team salaries: ADA35,000
Reporting and management team salaries:
Milestone 2: 125,000 ADA
MVP development (ready for testnet) - tech team salaries (frontend, backend, blockchain):
Test, Q&A, audit and report, bug bounty rewards / management team salaries:
UNDP product feedback solicitation and report and final tech revisions and additions:
ADA 20,000
Milestone 3: 75,000 ADA
Deployment on Mainnet and maintenance fees (server, hosting, dev salaries):
Pilot project with UNDP (partner travel, stakeholder assessment, and CSO on-boarding cycle):
Industry promotion & marketing and outreach event attendance (Travel & admin & materials):
Reporting and management team salaries:
Final Milestone: 25,000 ADA
Reporting and final video production (travel & management salaries):
Marketing materials:
Maintenance fees (server, hosting, salaries etc):
PR agency and press:
TOTAL: 300,000 ADA
*Note: the project is taking into account an ADA cost of 0.5 USD with a 10% buffer for price going down. If the price goes up we will aim to add additional services.
Learn more about Cashdillo
Current Cashdillo grant management demo.
Try Cashdillo here (current MVP requires Pera Wallet)