Last updated 5 months ago
The birth of an applied technology entity in Cardano Hub Indonesia outputs will make it easier for companies to adopt and onboard Cardano technology.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Oracle DAO.
Co Proposers:
Randy - Managing Director for Marketing and Front End
Additional Applicant:
Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source. MIT License 3 will be recognized as our benchmarking to show transparency and visibility toward this project.
Rationale of the Project:
The urgency to create the groundbreaking integrated entity between Cardano Hub Indonesia and Oracle DAO has come. In order to get a real value proposition from both sides and fulfill the blank page of the web 2 industry in Indonesia, waiting to enhance the business model and technology from Cardano ecosystem.
What is Oracle DAO:
Oracle DAO is a decentralized Data Aggregator to help, facilitate, and integrate web2 and web3. Also as a provider of data trustworthiness, also data customization for implementation and support migration from web2 to web3.
Also as an infrastructure for web3 and or web2 as a decentralized data storage for the transition from old technology (Centralized database) to new technology (Blockchain / Decentralized).
Main Utility as it is integrated with Cardano ecosystem
A. Our utility as a decentralized oracle platform provider as DAO to collect, validate, and as a bridge for off-chain data needed for the application and implementation and also rewarding Staker DAO members.
B. Facilitating the implementation of blockchain (Cardano) as a place to store data
C. Helping developers, entities, and or organizations to implement, and or integrate cardano as a replacement for their database/data storage
D. implementation of data customization for the needs of entities, organizations and or developers as needed
E. as an infrastructure provider of data needs that can be used to store, validate, and maintain the integrity and security of data
F. Enable the community to have rights for voting
G. Front End visualization examples
Kindly check the link below:
Deliverables to Impact outputs:
Marketing Utility in this project
Impact of the project:
Acceptance criteria parameters in term of quantity:
“As a team that has been formed, and has some experience in the field of blockchain/ crypto/ dapps developers, we strongly believe in the platform we created. We also created this platform as a bridge and infrastructure for our development of Dapps in the next project.”- Oracle DAO Founder -
Standards we will use in this project:
Globalization of Plutus contract development standards, Audit Code Internally/Externally.
Development requires in this project:
Oracle DAO has been running on EVM chain as infrastructure and hackathon winner Planq Network, our development needs are cardano implementation as new chain/blockchain for data integration. Core contract development uses plutus for integration and SDK will use TS and Js as backend bridge and interface, necessary to research the best interface suit for business to business.
Supporting actions eligible in this project:
Marketing support is very helpful for our team, and also introduction to other Communities, organizations, and developers for the implementation and migration of their centralized database into the cardano ecosystem using our platform. In return we make it easy for developers to get data that is always available and SDK tools and implementation documentation.
Therefore we need more capital in order to make this project running and give impact to the Cardano treasury, Cardano Hub Indonesia, and Companies.
To support the lifespan of this project, we decide to combined the contents to be keep updated by the action of Cardano Hub Indonesia team members.
Cardano Hub Indonesia
The joint effort will produce strategic marketing campaign s to engage businesses and also train more developers from company and internally. This will benefit the project to generate a revenue stream and not end up to be a dead project. Many resources not being utilized as this DAO can see a better perspective toward the Indonesian and neighboring companies.
Timeline: Milestone 1 (Month 1 and 2)
Description: Contract migration from EVM to Cardano & Design Phase, Implementation of Front end Interface
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of milestone completion:
Timeline: Milestone 2 - (Month 3)
Description: Development and integration of Governance token and SDK
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Milestone Completion:
Timeline: Milestone 3 - (Month 4 and5)
Description: Completed SDK, and internally audit
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of milestone completion:
Timeline: Milestone 4 - (Month 6)
Description: Fully launch product and connected infra to next DApps
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of milestone completion:
Final Milestone:
Acceptance Criteria
Evidence of milestone Completion:
Project Accountability:
Fanny Wijaya as Proposer
The idea developed into this proposal, Fanny showing dedication toward growth of Cardano Hub in Indonesia, as well as being a Cardano Ambassador Indonesia. Fanny will act as project manager and ensure the financial accounting proper with her budgeting model.
Randy Cardano Hub Indonesia Community Manager as Managing Front-end
Future value taker, showing opportunity toward the Oracle Dao by building infrastructure and ecosystem on Cardano. Randy acts as director for segmentation, targeting and positioning toward web 2 Industry in Indonesia. He will be in charge heavily on milestone 4.
Felix as Surabaya Lead and Host for Cardano Summit 2024
An agile movement of Cardano Community led in Surabaya city, the person showed endless support toward fair conditions. He will be in charge for Milestone 1 and 3
Alfino as Tech Lead for Cardano Developer Enthusiast and Oracle DAO owner.
His milestone to get strategic positioning on ETHglobal event in Singapore recently has made up his mind to join Cardano Hub Indonesia ecosystem. Alfino will be in charge for the 1st milestone till the 3rd milestone.
Syahvril as Backend team for Cardano Oracle DAO.
The supporting team of Oracle DAO, an active person toward Hackathon globally and show product management ideation and plans.
Cardano Oracle DAO: Detailed Budget Breakdown
Development Cost + Project Management Cost = Total Budget
A 58,750.00 +A 41,000.00 = A 99,750.00
Predecessor values conversion
Cardano Hub Indonesia and Oracle DAO become one for long term sustainable action. The effort of in person activities in Surabaya city resulted in interest, training, and unification of several industries, both web 2 and standalone web 3 projects that are in demand to be part of Cardano Hub Indonesia.
Budget represent value of money
$0.4017 ADA as our initial benchmark and $0.38 supporting trendline for the moment. We have shown an ADA budgeting model to show our beliefs toward the market price action.
Efficiency to Effectiveness of the project proposal
With our existence combined, we will get ahead of our partnership with future collaboration among companies and enterprises in Indonesia and neighboring countries. To make a sustainable and responsible ecosystem, this amount of requested funds is divided into initiation plan till marketing plan, which we believe will encourage more cardano blockchain utilization toward business actors.
Weighted Values to the project’s ratio in ADA
The community building will be visible on social media and showing marketing programs toward industries by utilizing the website application and making direct engagement to entities. Notably this effort will impact several types of reactions and responses that benefit both actors. Each person in this project will have strategic positions and roles to bring an agile project and responsibility foundation toward the community and clients.