Last updated 5 months ago
The budding Cardano community in Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo, is hindered by a lack of essential infrastructure and limited opportunities for access and engagement
This is the total amount allocated to A Cardano Hub in Nyiragongo to Empower an Underserved Region.
Melisa Kavira
Lareine Musake
Amina Itongwa
Muyisa Kivanzanga
Nelly Uwase
Mérite Shimimana
Amida Musa
Create a centralized space (Hub) where Cardano enthusiasts can gather and facilitate a support offering access to computers, internet connection (6 months), and reliable electricity.
No dependencies
Although it is a non-technical project; we are ready to share our reports with the community so that everyone who wants to use them for beneficial purposes for the development of the ecosystem can use them
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces significant infrastructure challenges, particularly in terms of internet access and electricity.
Internet connectivity in the DRC is among the lowest in the world. A combination of factors contributes to this problem, including limited infrastructure, high costs and geographic barriers. A large portion of the population, especially those in rural and peri-urban areas like Nyiragongo, do not have access to reliable internet services. This lack of connectivity hinders socio-economic development, access to information and the ability to participate in the global digital economy.
The DRC also struggles with electricity shortages and an unreliable power grid. Many regions of the country regularly experience power outages, which have serious consequences on businesses, healthcare facilities, schools and the daily lives of the population. Insufficient investment in the energy sector, inadequate maintenance of electricity infrastructure and a lack of diversification of energy sources contribute to this problem.
Improving Internet access and electricity infrastructure in the DRC is crucial for its development and for reducing the digital divide. Efforts are being made by the government, the private sector and international partners to address these challenges. Initiatives include expanding fiber optic networks, promoting renewable energy sources like solar power, and encouraging public-private partnerships to invest in infrastructure development.
This project aims to bring the benefits of the Cardano ecosystem to the local community, leveraging their existing awareness and interest in Cardano.
Context and rationale
Nyiragongo is a unique place with a population that has already expressed interest in Cardano. Despite limited access to internet connectivity and reliable electricity, local communities have heard about Cardano Via Goma's onboarding program and are excited about its potential. The hub will have its physical location at the Higher Institute of Rural Development of Nyiragongo/ISDR-Nyiragongo.
By creating a Cardano Hub, we aim to bridge the infrastructure gap and empower individuals by providing opportunities to participate in the Cardano ecosystem.
The main objectives of creating a Cardano Hub in Nyiragongo are:
a) Improve Cardano adoption : By providing reliable internet access to the local community, we can ensure equal access to the opportunities presented by Cardano. This will allow individuals to learn, interact, and engage in Cardano-related activities, creating a more inclusive environment and opening Cardano to a new crowd of users.
b) Empower the local economy : Through the Hub's education and training programs, we will equip residents with the knowledge and skills to leverage Cardano's technology, Project Catalyst, etc. This will open avenues for entrepreneurial initiatives, financial services and digital. transactions, ultimately stimulating economic growth in the region.
c) Generate social impact : By incorporating local community members into the Cardano ecosystem, we envision positive social impact in Nyiragongo. Access to decentralized finance and various other applications offered by Cardano will empower individuals and improve their quality of life.
Equipping the Hub with a few computers, electricity and internet availability for 6 months can be a great support for their inclusion in the wider Cardano community. ISDR-Nyiragongo (university) will be our physical host, providing physical space.
Empowering the current Nyiragongo community can have a big impact on the Cardano community through increased adoption and awareness: A hub can play a crucial role in promoting Cardano and raising awareness of its potential benefits. The Hub can host events, workshops and educational programs to engage both current community members and newcomers. By showcasing real-world applications and success stories, the hub can help attract new users, developers and stakeholders to the Cardano ecosystem. (
The success of this project brings considerable value to the Cardano community in the sense that Cardano is less known and little used in the Democratic Republic of Congo in its two cities; Kinshasa and Goma. On the other hand, this project opens another window for the inhabitants of Nyiragongo. This justifies opening a big door for newcomers to learn and invest in Cardano.
This impact will be measured from the achievement of all the milestones we set to execute this project.
The results and opportunities that result from this project will be shared through monthly reports with the Catalyst team; but also through the publication, on social networks, of certain activities carried out.
Our ability to carry out this project is our experience in implementing projects in several fields; but also our expertise in organizing events and training workshops.
What best positions us to carry out this project is that we are among the young people who have played an important role in the Cardano community of the Nyiragongo territory since 2022, but also we have been part of the Token MITHR community for more than two years and we now have a volunteer club from this community within the Nyiragongo territory led by an ambassador of said community and we are involved in education and environmental protection activities, but also in humanitarian aid thanks to the support of Token MITHR (
In addition to this, we have a community organization that works in this territory of Nyiragongo with several activities in the fields of the environment, education, human rights and Web 3. This organization is called UPDCI asbl and it is thanks to this association that we bring together other young people for their supervision; but also we will continue to call on members (facilitators) of all kinds, to the MITHR community (MITHR Token) in terms of DeFi, but also to any other person with the necessary knowledge on the Cardano blockchain provided that we can achieve the objectives pursued and improve learning. Finally, we are currently a partner of the Cardano Confederation ( and a member of Intersect MBO.
Milestone 1:
Identification and registration of students willing to be part of the hub (1 month);
Acceptance criteria:
Milestone 2:
Purchase and installation of different devices for the hub (5 computers, 1 projector, 1 board with accessories, 1 camera, 2 solar panels and 4 batteries, 1 stabilizer, and good internet (1 month)
Acceptance criteria:
Milestone 3:
Official launch of Cardano hub within the higher institute (ISDR-Nyiragongo) and start of continuous weekly meetups (1 month)
Acceptance criteria :
Hub is well installed and equiped, the results will permanantly be shared with the whole community via social media and continous hub activity will be shared.
Acceptance criteria:
Baudouin Muvunga (Project Manager)
Graduated in rural development; in Social Organization option. With 6 years of experience in design, development and project management in local organizations in the Territories of Rutsuru, Lubero, Walikale and Nyiragongo. He received other training on the fundamentals of project management with @DisasterReady and notions on the token business with the support of Token MITHR; he is also a partner member of the Cardano confederation with his organization UPDCI asbl which has its head office in the territory of Nyiragongo and currently a member of Intersect MBO, he is the main ambassador of Token MITHR in the D.R. Congo and representative of the Cardano community of said territory.
Telegram: @BaudMuvunga
Email: and
WhatsApp: +243 975 652 545
Martin Musagara (Coach and DRep pionner program)
Graduate student at ISDR/GL( Martin is a fan and educator of Blockchain, he organizes training for local students at Goma Wada Hub, (project catalyst, CR training), he leads the team marketing of the participation of Goma swimming pool.
The budget is broken as follows:
Purchase of various materials
Semi-total: 22550 ADA
Gen. Tot. : 36 792ADA
The requested funds amount to 36 792ADA, which has been calculated taking into consideration industry standards and local market rates to ensure a fair and reasonable budget. The project team possesses expertise in developing educational content and managing projects, and the costs outlined in the budget reflect their skills and experience.
Contingency Plan: We have allocated 500ADA as a precautionary measure to account for potential unforeseen circumstances. It is always wise to set aside a portion of the budget as contingency planning. Unanticipated events like requirement changes, fluctuations in Ada value, project delays, or unexpected challenges can significantly affect both the project's timeline and budget. By establishing a contingency fund, we can mitigate these risks and ensure that unexpected circumstances are addressed adequately. This allows us to maintain project momentum and ensure the delivery of high-quality outcomes, without compromising on our commitments.