[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Quang Daniel
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
A Cardano - Bitcoin - Ethereum Collaboration Community. This community will share information about all 3 blockchains on a daily basis. The main goal is to create as many collaborations as possible.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Fully open
[METADATA] Horizons
Connected Community
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
The Problems:
In the blockchain field today, there are hundreds of different blockchain ecosystems. Most blockchains are not technically interconnected. This leads to a lack of unity among the communities. Blockchain communities are all trying to turn themselves into "ETH killers" or "BTC killers". Therefore, the communities of different blockchains are making the blockchain field not develop strongly.
Cardano's development goal is to become a blockchain that connects all blockchains together. Therefore, community cooperation with other blockchains is extremely necessary.
The Solution:
We will create a Cardano - Bitcoin - Ethereum Collaboration Community on Facebook where all the largest blockchain communities will share information with each other. This will help the entire blockchain industry avoid unnecessary FUD from individuals and organizations that want to harm the blockchain industry. In addition, this community will also promote collaboration between blockchain platforms in many aspects:
- Community: Blockchain communities can combine to create collaboration events between blockchains
- Education: Information and knowledge of different blockchains will be shared, discussed and connected so that different communities can understand each other.
- Technology: This community helps projects and developers on different blockchain platforms to collaborate to develop projects on multiple blockchain platforms. It can create cross-chain products to serve all users in the blockchain field
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
- Increase users: This community will help connect the Cardano community with the largest blockchain communities in the world. It will significantly increase the number of users for the Cardano ecosystem
- Reduce FUD: Most of the current FUD on Cardano comes from other blockchain communities. The reason may be because they do not have enough information and complete knowledge about Cardano. This community can provide them with full information
- Connect projects on other blockchain platforms: Multi-chain projects are always the products that all users on Cardano always want. Each blockchain will have its own strengths. From there, it can help projects serve users best.
- Increase the number of developers: The difficulty in accessing the Plutus programming language for developers can be solved with the programming knowledge provided in our community
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
We have successfully completed 4 funded proposals in fund 8 and 9:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEwg4p3yry4&list=PL6XMhpnl2Hg-gH0fxll273J0sWcAb_Wa3- Haskell Course for Developers: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/63880
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8EXjyX5gZs&list=PL6XMhpnl2Hg_f7N-pj3_eU5QMw8QXWuOv&index=1&t=1sWe also have 2 funded proposals in fund 11:
- The decentralized e-commerce platform utilizes Smart Contracts on Cardano: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/113059
- Live-Coding Haskell: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/112982
Fund 12:
- Bring Ebay to Cardano: Decentralized Real Product Auction Platform: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/121774:
We are one of the greatest team in Developer Ecosystem Challenge in fund 8 & 9

We are admins of these groups on Facebook:
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone outputs: 120 articles, 10 videos, 2 meetings (2 months)
Acceptance criteria:
- News: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Education: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Technology: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Projects: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- News:
- Analysis: 5 videos
- FUD explanation: 5 videos
- Meeting: Discussing the issues and future of all 3 ecosystems Cardano - Ethereum - Bitcoin: 2 meetings
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Links to posts on Facebook (Articles)
- Links to videos on Youtube (Videos + Meetings)
Milestone outputs: 120 articles, 10 videos, 2 meetings (3 months)
Acceptance criteria:
- News: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Education: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Technology: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Projects: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- News:
- Analysis: 5 videos
- FUD explanation: 5 videos
- Meeting: Discussing the issues and future of all 3 ecosystems Cardano - Ethereum - Bitcoin: 2 meetings
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Links to posts on Facebook (Articles)
- Links to videos on Youtube (Videos + Meetings)
Milestone outputs: 120 articles, 10 videos, 2 meetings (3 months)
Acceptance criteria:
- News: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Education: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Technology: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- Projects: Cardano: 20, Bitcoin: 5, Ethereum: 5
- News:
- Analysis: 5 videos
- FUD explanation: 5 videos
- Meeting: Discussing the issues and future of all 3 ecosystems Cardano - Ethereum - Bitcoin: 2 meetings
Evidence of milestone completion:
- Links to posts on Facebook (Articles)
- Links to videos on Youtube (Videos + Meetings)
Output 1: Project close-out report
Acceptance criteria:
- List of project KPIs and how the project addressed them
- Key achievements
- Key learnings
- Next steps for the product or service developed
- Final thoughts/comments
- Links to other relevant project sources or documents.
- Link to Close out video
Evidence: Project close-out report (PDF)
Output 2: Project close-out video
Acceptance criteria:
- The problems and our solutions
- Demonstration of the project outputs
- KPI that we've achieved
- The issues when we doing this proposal
- What have we learn after doing this proposal
- What next? (after we complete this proposal)
Evidence: Project close-out video (link youtube)
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Mr. Quang Daniel: Cardano Content Creator
- Admin of Vietnamese Cardano Communities
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet/ (48,000 members)
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/ada.holder/ (5,800 members)
- https://t.me/ADA_VIET (1,000 members)
- One year experience in operating a stake pool (SPO)
- Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2017
- Blockchain product and market research specialist
- Cardano Summit Speaker in 2022, 2023 and 2024
- Constitutional delegate representing the Cardano community in Vietnam
- Telegram: https://t.me/quang_daniel
Mr. Sandeep Nimoria: Bitcoin Content Creator
- Admin of Bitcoin Community Global (113.2k members)
- PhD in Economics from Massey University in 2015.
- Works at the School of Aviation, Massey University.
- Expertise in efficiency and productivity analysis in various sectors, including banking, finance, agriculture, and transportation economics.
- Editorial Board member for the International Journal of Financial Studies.
Mr. Abraham Adeseye: Ethereum Content Creator
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Writing Article
Work to do:
- Information synthesis: 5 hours
- Writing: 5 hours
Numer of Article: 360 articles
Total Working time: 3,600 hours
Cost/h: 15$
Subtotal Cost: 54,000$
Video Creations
Work to do:
- Make content for video (content + media): 10 hours
- Record video: 2 hours
- Edit video: 6 hours
Numer of Video: 10 videos
Total Working time: 180 hours
Cost/h: 30$
Subtotal Cost: 5,400$
Work to do:
- Idea Generation: 5 hours
- Finding guess and Sending the emails to invite guess: 2 hours
- Schedule the meeting: 2 hours
- Meeting record: 2 hours
Numer of Article: 2 meetings
Total Working time: 22 hours
Cost/h: 30$
Subtotal Cost: 660$
Total Cost: 60,060$
ADA rate: 1 ADA = 0.35$
Total Cost in ADA: 171,600 ADA
Total request of this proposal in this fund: 85,800 ADA (50% total cost)
Why do we only need 50% of the total cost?
To ensure the requirements of the proposal in this Category
Our members have successfully built many blockchain communities. We can find (economic) benefits in the process of building this community. These (economic) benefits can completely help us solve the problem of remaining costs
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Our proposal has the potential to bring a lot of users to the ecosystem. Our goal is to create a community of more than 50 thousand members in 9 months. Every day we provide a lot of information and knowledge about all 3 ecosystems Cardano, Ethereum and Bitcoin.
A lot of users on Bitcoin and Ethereum will be able to get closer to Cardano. They will receive more accurate information about Cardano.
This proposal also helps the development of the entire blockchain industry by helping to improve cooperation between different blockchains.
We only ask for 50% of the cost to implement this proposal. Because we have experience in building and operating communities on Facebook. We can completely operate and develop this community even if we do not continue to receive funding from Catalyst in the future.
Limiting FUD about Cardano for other communities will also help Cardano gain better sympathy from other communities in the blockchain field