Last updated 4 months ago
The Cardano Circus will be the world's first circus to promote Cardano blockchain technology. The shows will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tickets will be free for anyone with 1 ADA.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Circus.
Perform 32 Cardano Circus shows in Brazil - Rio sponsored by Project Catalyst to raise awareness of blockchain technology and engage new users. Offer free tickets to holders of 1 Ada in their wallet.
No dependencies.
Cardano Circus tickets will be managed by, an open-source ticketing platform.
While the ticketing system is open-source, some Cardano Circus information will be confidential, such as artist contracts, information regarding the setup of the circus tent, and the intricacies of the artists' performances.
Offering free tickets to anyone with 1 Ada in their wallet and 50% discounts on products sold within Cardano Circus with ADA, also encouraging the use and adoption of the ADA cryptocurrency. In addition, holding fun games and promoting the Cardano ecosystem during the circus shows.
We will be expanding the reach and visibility of the community, attracting a large number of new users to the Cardano blockchain.
The impact of all actions will be measured by reporting on and tracking the wallets that will be used to consume products on Cardano Circus
With this, we will contribute to strengthening and expanding the Cardano Community.
The company Circo De La Costa Empreendimentos LTDA was awarded in Rio de Janeiro by the Ministry of Culture in 2020. Operating since 2010, the company is dedicated to circus activities with a focus on sustainability and technology.
The company's CEO is Roberto De La Costa, a circus specialist who graduated from the National Circus School of Brazil in 1994. He has represented Brazil on four continents and worked as a circus performance showman in China in 2010. In addition to his circus skills, Roberto is a renowned speaker, addressing topics such as entrepreneurship, sustainability and technology. Roberto received a special participation award at the 9th Wuqia International Circus Festival in China in 2003, and has several other international experiences, including performances at Six Flags Park New Jersey in 2002, on the Silja Line Cruise Ship in Finland and Sweden in 2004, at Europa Park in Germany, France and Switzerland in 2005 and 2006, at Furuvik Park in Sweden in 2007, as well as at The Venetian Macau Hotel Casino and Sands Casino in 2009 and at the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in China in 2010.
With a diverse international career, Roberto has accumulated experience in the Americas, Europe and Asia.
Project Processes
Step 1. Financial Transparency: A detailed plan of how sponsorship funds will be managed and distributed for each project milestone will be presented below.
Step 2. Pre-Production: Formal contracts and written agreements will be signed with suppliers, artists and other stakeholders, clearly establishing the responsibilities of each party and the agreed terms.
Step 3. Production: 32 Cardano Circus shows will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from Tuesdays to Sundays, with 8 weekly performances over 4 weeks, totaling 32 performances.
Step 4. Accountability: We will provide regular reports on the use of funds, clearly and transparently demonstrating how the money is being spent at each project milestone.
Milestone 1 - Budget - 30% - 1 month duration
- Hiring legal, accounting and communications advisors.
- Hiring social media.
- Hiring jugglers, acrobats, clowns, musicians, sound and lighting technicians, costume designers and other professionals needed for production.
- Contacting suppliers.
- Hiring the technical team.
- Renting the circus tent and the land for setting up the circus.
- Sending documentation to the Fire Department and the police.
- Notifying the city hall about the event.
- Defining the narrative and the elements that will be presented in the Cardano Circus show.
- Beginning of rehearsals for the show.
- Beginning of photographic records and filming of the project.
- Providing a report to Project Catalyst.
Milestone 2 - Budget - 30% - 1 month duration
- Start of the project's promotion and marketing, highlighting the union between circus and blockchain and exploring the show's narrative as a unique experience that combines entertainment and technological innovation.
- Logistical planning and creation of a rehearsal schedule.
- Creation and rehearsal of the circus acts that will be part of the show.
- Composition of songs.
- Acquisition of uniforms for the team.
- Continuation of the project's photographic records and filming.
- Creation of costumes and props.
- Development of the set and lighting design.
- Publicization of Cardano Circus in the Brazilian press.
- Provision of a report to Project Catalyst.
Milestone 3 - Budget - 30% - 1 month duration
- Holding 32 shows by Cardano Circus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from Tuesday to Sunday, with 8 weekly performances over 4 weeks, totaling 32 performances of 1 hour and 30 minutes each.
- Free admission for anyone with 1 Ada in their wallet.
- Products sold in Ada will have a 50% discount.
- Distribution of 50 Adas per show for people who participate in games during the show.
- Playful and accessible explanation of how blockchain technology works, highlighting its security, transparency and potential for transformation in various sectors.
- Offering workshops and interactive activities before and during the show to allow the audience to experience blockchain concepts in practice.
- Production of digital content relating the show to the Cardano Blockchain.
- Provision of a report to Project Catalyst.
Final Milestone - Budget 10% - 1 month duration
- Dismantling of the circus and transportation of structures.
- Return of rented materials and finalization of contracts.
- Gathering feedback from the audience, artists and team involved.
- Evaluation of results.
- Editing of audiovisual material for the show, highlighting the presence and importance of Cardano blockchain technology.
- Production of a detailed report on the results of the show, including audience data, engagement, feedback and perception of the Cardano Circus project message.
- Development of a follow-up strategy to maintain audience engagement after the end of the project.
- Planning future actions for Cardano Circus.
- Providing a report to Project Catalyst.
The Cardano Circus will be produced by the company CIRCO DE LA COSTA EMPREENDIMENTOS LTDA, which will have the services of the companies MUNDO DE LA COSTA LTDA and LA FORCE PRODUCTIONS LTDA. We will work with 3 companies specialized in national and international circus productions.
The company Circo De La Costa Empreendimentos LTDA completes 14 years of operation in Brazil, celebrating an international trajectory. In 2016, it received the Solar Socioenvironmental Certificate, for meeting the criteria established by the Ideal Institute, with the installation of the photovoltaic system at the traveling circus station.
It has a recognized patent for sustainable adaptations in traveling circuses, was awarded by the Rio de Janeiro Department of Culture in 2020 and its CEO has been working in circus arts for over 30 years.
You will assemble your team and be responsible for hiring legal, accounting and communications advisors, renting the circus tent and the land for setting up the circus, holding 32 Cardano Circus shows in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from Tuesday to Sunday, with 8 weekly performances over 4 weeks, totaling 32 1 hour and 30 minute performances, supervising and distributing free tickets to anyone with 1 Ada in their wallet, distributing 100 Adas per show to people who participate in games during the show, offering playful and accessible explanations about how blockchain technology works, highlighting its security, transparency and potential for transformation in various sectors, workshops and interactive activities before and during the show to allow the audience to experience blockchain concepts in practice, dismantling the circus and transporting the structures, returning rented materials and finalizing contracts, developing a follow-up strategy to maintain audience engagement after the end of the project, planning future actions by Cardano Circus and providing a report to Project Catalyst.
Here is the link to the company Circo De La Costa Empreendimentos LTDA
MUNDO DE LA COSTA LTDA – CNPJ: 27.143.688/0001-15
Mundo De La Costa is a sister company of Circo De La Costa Empreendimentos LTDA, focusing on cultural and sustainable projects, traveling throughout the country with educational and environmental activities for children.
You will assemble your team and be responsible for hiring social media, contacting suppliers, photographing and filming the project, promoting and marketing the project, highlighting the union between circus and blockchain and exploring the narrative of the show as a unique experience that combines entertainment and technological innovation, purchasing uniforms for the team, promoting Cardano Circus in the Brazilian press, producing digital content relating the show to the Cardano Blockchain, producing a detailed report on the results of the show, including audience data, engagement, feedback and perception of the Cardano Circus project message, evaluating the project's results, editing audiovisual material for the show, highlighting the presence and importance of Cardano blockchain technology and collecting feedback from the audience, artists and team involved.
Here is the link to the company Mundo De La Costa Ltda:
LA FORCE PRODUCTIONS LTDA – CNPJ: 23.834.189/0001-13
La Force Productions Ltda is a company focused on the world of show business, creating, producing and promoting shows, fairs, cruises, festivals, television genres, among other high-standard and quality projects recognized by the entire artistic market. Present in the international market and valuing excellence and richness of detail in the shows.
You will assemble your team and will be responsible for selecting and hiring jugglers, acrobats, clowns, musicians, sound technicians, lighting technicians, costume designers and other professionals needed for the production, preparing the set and lighting design, hiring the technical team, sending documentation to the fire department and the police, communicating with the city hall about the event, defining the narrative and the elements that will be presented in the Cardano Circus show, coordinating the show's rehearsals, logistical planning and creating a rehearsal schedule, composing music, creating and rehearsing the circus acts that will be part of the shows and creating the costumes and props.
Here is the link to the company La Force Productions Ltda:
Budget - 30% - 1 month duration
• Producer: 2,000 ADAS
• Director: 2,000 ADAS
• Production assistant: 1,000 ADAS
• Legal advice: 500 ADAS
• Accounting: 500 ADAS
• Communications advice: 1,500 ADAS
• Social media hiring: 1,000 ADAS
• Artists: 8,000 ADAS
• Sound technicians: 1,000 ADAS
• Lighting technician: 1,000 ADAS
• Costume designer: 1,000 ADAS
• Circus tent rental: 3,500 ADAS
• Land for circus setup: 0 ADAS
• Photography and filming of the project: 1,000 ADAS
• Providing a report to Project Catalyst: 0 ADAS
• 5% for unforeseen services: 1,500 ADAS
• Brazilian rate 15%: 4,500 ADAS
• Total: 30,000 ADAS
Budget - 30% - 1 month duration
• Producer: 2,000 ADAS
• Director: 2,000 ADAS
• Production assistant: 1,000 ADAS
• Legal advice: 500 ADAS
• Accounting: 500 ADAS
• Communications advice: 1,500 ADAS
• Social media hiring: 1,000 ADAS
• Artists: 8,000 ADAS
• Sound technicians: 1,000 ADAS
• Lighting technician: 1,000 ADAS
• Costume designers: 1,000 ADAS
• Circus tent rental: 3,500 ADAS
• Land for circus setup: 0 ADAS
• Photography and filming of the project: 1,000 ADAS
• Provision of report to Project Catalyst: 0 ADAS
• 5% for unforeseen services: 1,500 ADAS
• Brazilian tax 15%: 4,500 ADAS
• Total: 30,000 ADAS
Budget - 30% - 1 month duration
• Producer: 2,000 ADAS
• Production assistant: 1,000 ADAS
• Legal advice: 500 ADAS
• Accounting: 500 ADAS
• Communications consultancy: 1,500 ADAS
• Social media hiring: 1,400 ADAS
• Artists: 8,000 ADAS
• Sound technicians: 1,000 ADAS
• Lighting technician: 1,000 ADAS
• Circus tent rental: 4,500 ADAS
• Photography and filming of the project: 1,000 ADAS
• Provision of report to Project Catalyst: 0 ADAS
• 1,600 ADAS for distribution during the 32 shows: 1,600 ADAS
• 5% for unforeseen services: 1,500 ADAS
• Brazilian rate 15%: 4,500 ADAS
• Total: 30,000 ADAS
Budget 10% - 1 month duration
• Legal advice: 500 ADAS
• Accounting: 500 ADAS
• Social media hiring: 1,000 ADAS
• Dismantling of the circus: 4,000 ADAS
• Editing of audiovisual material: 2,000 ADAS
• Reporting to Project Catalyst: 0 ADAS
• 5% for unforeseen services: 500 ADAS
• Brazilian tax 15%: 1,500 ADAS
• Total: 10,000 ADAS
We believe that the cost of the project is below the value that we will deliver to the Cardano community.
Cardano Circus uses the ancient art of circus that, over thousands of years, has proven to be capable of attracting audiences to its performances. Our audience will learn in practice how to use a wallet, whether buying popcorn, cotton candy, toys or souvenirs before, during or after the shows.
Our project aims to spread the Cardano Blockchain throughout the world, starting in Brazil.
Cardano Circus can be as big as Cirque du Soleil, Ringling Circus, or the biggest circus you have ever visited, for that we only need confidence in our proposal.