[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Felix Christanto
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co-proposers and additional applicants
📌Syahvril Aditiya
📌Tutut Indah
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
Comprehensive Bootcamp to generate new developers with moral responsibilities and new mini ambassadors equipped with knowledge.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
Project will be fully open source
[METADATA] Horizons
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
📌General STP ( Segment, Target, and Positioning )
The current market condition is full of gaps and attention toward who will be in charge in a niche market, while bringing the middleman to the arena with some circumstances of selling people’s names. The other ecosystem is on its own. In this Hub, acknowledged by the Cardano Foundation, we keep and hold the value of positioning to add more growth and a learning curve. Since people are busy on normal days (work, school, etc.), we chose weekdays to anticipate the above, so that everyone can get to know more about blockchain, especially Cardano, and how to integrate blockchain to automate business processes.
Link to Syllabus sample lecture and repository
Sample Slide Show : Sample Slide show
Repository and lecture :Repository
📌Grand Timeline:
➥ Cardano Hub Surabaya Boot Camp Syllabus
- Introduction to Cardano:
- Cardano Blockchain Introduction & Insights
- UTXO & eUTXO Explained
- Smart contract implementation overview
- Aiken, Plutus, Marlowe Overview
- Setup development environment
- Introduction to Smart Contract on Cardano aiken
- Aiken language Fundamental
- Writing your first Aiken Smart contract
- Testing and Debuging Smart contract on Aiken Playground
- Introduction to Smart Contract on Cardano Plutus
- Plutus Fundamental Language
- Writing your first plutus contract
- Smart Contract Learning Module
- Smart Contract Structure
- Step By Step on how to build smart contract
- Counter Smart contract your first smart contract on cardano
- Understanding Smart contract
- EUTxO model
- Validaton Module
- Smart contract Testing
5 Smart contract Basic Section (Deploy your First NFT on cardano)
- Introduction to Smart contract NFT
- Data Types on plutus, aiken, and marlowe
- Contract Metadata
- Minting NFT
- Basic NFT Functional
➥ Cardano Hub Surabaya Boot Camp Syllabus 2:
Boot Camp Advanced Section Syllabus:
- Insight into Smart Contracts on Cardano:
- Native Tokens
- Using Native Tokens in Your NFT Marketplace
- Advanced Smart Contract 1: Building an NFT Auction
- Advanced Smart Contract 2: EUTxO and NFT Listings
- Vesting and Cardano Testnet
- How to Optimize Smart Contracts for NFTs
- Insight into Design Patterns on Cardano
- Common Design Patterns for NFT Marketplaces
- Common Patterns for NFT Marketplaces
- Security on Cardano:
- Insight into Security with Plutus
- Insight into Security with Aiken
- Insight into Security with Haskell on Cardano
Advanced Full-Stack DApp
- Advanced Full-Stack DApp 1: Building the NFT Marketplace - Part 1
- Advanced Full-Stack DApp 2: Building the NFT Marketplace - Part 2

[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
📌Campaign Goals & Objectives
- Regenerate the developer team and showing shifting leadership to the next generation
- Set foundation on technical development with sustainable actions.
📌Success Metric:
Number of registrant for Attendees
Number of people that going for AMA
Number of people going to repost activity
Number of people onboard the Cardano Hub Surabaya Developer Ecosystem
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
📌Capability Overview:
Felix Christanto
Experience : Cardano Hub Surabaya Community Leader and Host for Cardano Indonesia Summit
Syahvril Aditiya :linkedin [Lecture]
Experienced :
Hackathon ETHKL2024 , Blockchain Expert .
As Speaker in local event on the application of blockchain in the business world with CEX and tether. Host and event held on 18 September 2024.
Alfino Setiawan: [Lecture and Module creator]
Experience :
Hackaton winner planq network season Developer on Cofinance
Technical moderator Swisstronik and planq network
Brand Ambassador of Swisstronik
Alfin Sugestian: [Lecture]
Experience :
Front end developer Physcia Finance
Participant Hackathon ETHKL2024
Front end developer Cofinance
Tutut Indah: [Design, recording, editor]
Graphic Designer Mentor on FlashcomIndonesia
Documentation on Physica Finance project
[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Daily support for boot camp participants, weekly class meet, and one day meet irl class a week.
Fully well reviewed, easy to understand, and well known haskel teacher and module.
Meeting team for arrangement module, marketing phase and first AMA for showcasing our module at the end of phase milestone 1 to attract boot camp participants.
➥ Milestone 1 Output:
- Fully accessible, publish and easy access roadmap og bootcamp
- Boot Camp Sample Practice sample
- Boot Camp Training Materials: Presentation Slide, Useful Resources, and Relevant Tools
- First 2 Pre-Recorded Lectures Ready for Week 1 Launch
- First AMA and showcasing Boot Camp Materials
- Dedicated Discord Channel for Engagement, Support, Mentorship, and AMA Sessions
- Registration Forms with Market Surveying Questions for Future Developments & Improvements
- Entire Campaign Marketing Timeline (Includes: Boot Camp, Hackathon, Demo & Developer Meetup Day)
- Marketing Theme, and Visual Direction
- Marketing Posting Templates
- Detailed Partnership & Collaboration Plan for Boot Camp Phase
- Media & Community Partner Tracking Channel
➥ Milestone 1 Acceptance Criteria:
- Bootcamp module preparation basic and advanced .
- Sample lecture video Template on Links
- Get minimum 15 participant bootcamp
- HQ assurance by project manager, post on Youtube- as Pending section
- Stated on Budgeting Milestones
- Appoint 1- 2 Community Manager
- Get Names,emails, and phone number
- WBS provided on spreadsheet
- Marketing effort progress compiled
➥ Milestone 1 Evidence of Completion:
- The boot camp syllabus and course outline are fully presented with the videos and content for the first week of the boot camp ready for launch.
- Publish sample Course video
- Bootcamp report to Cardano Forum
📌Milestone 2 - Boot Camp Basic Section (6 weeks ) Completion + Prepare for Hackathon and Demo Day
After completing Phase 1's preparatory work, we'll transition to Phase 2, which features an 6-week developer boot camp split into 2 Milestones: one after the Basic Section and the other after the Advanced Section. phase one and phase 2 would be paused / break for 2 weeks to gather feedback next will start milestones 3, marketing phase and review the understanding of basic knowledge about basic cardano.
- Education & Academic Team: The education program will involve developing engaging content and lecture videos that align with the curriculum design, delivering one lecture session per week. These sessions will cover essential topics for participants to understand and become proficient in Web3 development on Cardano. Additionally, the education team will host weekly Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions following each lecture, providing opportunities for participants to ask questions. The program will include both basic and advanced phases.
- Marketing Team: Implement and execute the comprehensive marketing strategy as developed in the preparation phase for Milestone 1. The marketing implementation plan should encompass a variety of marketing tactics and promotional activities, including but not limited to social media marketing, email marketing, and partnerships with relevant industry influencers, KOLs, and/or institutions. Throughout the campaign, the marketing team will also monitor and analyze key performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of their efforts and make necessary adjustments to optimize the campaign’s reach and exposure.
➥ Milestone 2 Output:
- Completion of the Basic Section of the Entire Boot Camp with All Materials & Videos Uploaded Online (Google Drive, Bootcamp Discord, and youtube)
- Detailed Report of the Basic Section of the Boot Camp Including Qualitative & Quantitative Results & Analysis
- Detailed Marketing Report & Statistics of the Basic Section of the Boot Camp Program
- List of All Social Media Posts from Distribution Partners (E.g., Media Partners, Community Partners, etc.) for the Basic Section of the Boot Camp Program
- Participants who successfully screen user bootcamp can join our team.
➥ Milestone 2 Acceptance Criteria:
- Review and report of Boot Camp participant to community
- Get at least 75% boot camp participant know and fully understanding how to create smart contract on cardano
- Video of lecture can be accessed by public,
- 2 hours recording of lecture and picture and or video of lecture in class irl
- User feedback and experience on the irl lecture send to community
➥ Milestone 2 Evidence of Completion:
- Video completions of basic modules lecture and irl class picture
- All materials must be uploaded without technical issues, organized logically, and accessible to participants.
- Github repository from bootcamp participant which is can be review, and publish to community
- Reports are provided with insightful charts, graphs, or tables presenting quantitative data, along with quotes or testimonials providing qualitative feedback.
Milestone 3 - Boot Camp Advanced Section (6 weeks) Completion and Demo Day:
Similar to phase 2 phase 3 will be created offline class and online class which is held in 6 weeks in with 2 hours lecture, in week days for advance module and boot camp participant try to create dapps (NFT Marketplace) on cardano in the end of phase
- Education & Academic Team: continue develop lecture online, record of bootcamp..
- Review and support bootcamp participant question, final project submit repository.
- Marketing Team: Continue to implement and execute the marketing strategy as developed in the preparation phase for Milestone 1. The marketing implementation plan should encompass a variety of marketing tactics and promotional activities and continuously monitor and analyze key performance metrics for analysis.
➥ Milestone 3 Output:
- Completion of the Entire Boot Camp (Basic + Advanced) with All Materials & Videos Uploaded Online
- Detailed Report of the Entire Boot Camp (Basic + Advance) Including Qualitative & Quantitative Results & Analysis
- Detailed Marketing Report & Statistics of the Entire Boot Camp (Basic + Advance)
- List of All Social Media Posts & Distribution Partners (E.g., Media Partners, Community Partners, etc.) for the Entire Boot Camp (Basic + Advanced) Program
- Repository of bootcamp participant in advance section moduls
➥ Milestone 3 Acceptance Criteria:
- Completeness: Are all the modules and topics within the Advanced Section covered and uploaded online for participants to see?
- Quality Assurance: Are the videos of high quality, and professionally edited, and do they provide a great learning experience for the developers?
- Performance: get at least 20% of bootcamp participant can create fully working DApps on cardano
- Detail & Specificity: Are the reports insightful and useful, with clear qualitative and quantitative metrics reflecting the Advanced Section of the boot camp?
➥ Milestone 3 Evidence of Completion:
- Completion of all modules and topics within the Advanced Section, with all instructional materials and videos uploaded online.
- All materials must be uploaded without technical issues, organized logically, and accessible to participants.
- Reports are provided with insightful charts, graphs, or tables presenting quantitative data, along with quotes or testimonials providing qualitative feedback.
- Repository of NFT Market every Bootcamp participant.
📌Milestone 4 - Final phase
After Completion of Advance module we will create Home work for bootcamp participant to Inovate, explore, create, or advancing the market place and or create DApps MVP wich is 6 weeks timeline.
➥ Milestone 4 Output:
- 2-3 minimum DApps development repository link
- 2-3 minimum user who understand, create,and innovate to cardano blockchain Dapps
- Advance Sessions Completed & Recordings Uploaded on Youtube and
➥ Milestone 4 Acceptance Criteria:
- Fully working and Publish concept and repository from bootcamp participant
- Fully reviewed, comment github repository participant
➥ Milestone 4 Evidence of Completion:
- Link to public repository
- Link to youtube class media
Final Milestone (1 month)
Close out Report process:
- Compile Github
- Compile documentations of photos and videos
- Compile Community Groups
- Compile marketing progress spreadsheet
Close out Video Report
- Findings and recommendations to the Catalyst
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
Felix :
- Title & Experience:
- Host Cardano Summit Indonesia and Cardano Lead
- Contact Point:
- Twitter:
- LinkedIn:
Syahvril Aditya (Proposer):
Alfin Sugestian:
📌Alfino Setiawan:
📌Tutut Indah Retnosari:
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
- Predefined Values at Cardano Hub Surabaya
- Fostering Weighted Values distributed to the active community members
- Onboarding and Job creation triggers on Surabaya City
- Value of money present the Future Value (FV) at the moment till the process deliverables
- Diminished the third party or so wanna called social media helper from outside the Cardano Indonesia ecosystem
- We will use the ADA value according to market price and use ADA as our main conversion to show trust to the ecosystem. (rate $ 0,35)