Last updated 4 months ago
Cardano lacks localized Swahili content as Cardano has the potential to be widely used in East Africa but it needs more content and education in Swahili.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Swahili Content For Social Media, Onboarding & Education.
Create educating but easy to consume content in Swahili, with a focus on East African people to educate and onboard the next generation to Cardano and Project Catalyst.
No dependencies
Everything made by this proposal will be fully open source and free to use by everyone.
Statistics have shown that the younger generation are much more interested in shorter contents.
This is evident with IG stories, Tiktok and Snapchat, as the younger generation use them much more frequently than traditional media like print, television or radio.
The genz age bracket are not interested in watching a 20-minute video or even reading a 10-minute article.
By resorting to short videos and posts which are informative and entertaining, we believe it will drive higher views and engagement, meaning more young people will learn about Cardano.
These videos will be made in a creative, fun and informative way.
How we aim to achieve this:
We will be creating short, 2 minute videos on these topics in Swahili
Blockchain/Crypto: What is blockchain and cryptocurrency? This portion will be focused for the total beginner.
Explaining basic concepts so people can become more familiar and interested in the industry as a whole.
What is Cardano: What are its strengths and what sets it apart from other blockchain technology.
Development updates: Create posts and content discussing recent developments in the ecosystem.
Posts, stories, and reels that teach and explain what project Catalyst is in Swahili.
Announcements of upcoming Project Catalyst rounds to keep people informed of when they can participate, vote, submit, etc.
Information on getting more involved with Catalyst, from joining the town halls to participating as a Community Assessor.
The impact of this proposal will be very much pronounced as we will be able to reach a more localized audience.
The population of Swahili speaking people is almost 100 million. This is almost 1% of the total world population. Credit card use is super low here as most payments are done using Mpesa (Mobile Money) which has it insanely high fees. Other modes of exchanging value is greatly becoming necessary.
This is the perfect use case for crypto and Cardano adoption.
The majority of the content that we create and share will be in the Swahili language and tailored specifically to East Africans. We believe that this is a very important yet overlooked market for crypto adoption and so creating educational and informational content and materials for it is important.
Despite the fact that this is my First Catalyst Proposal, i believe that i can deliver on this proposal and have produce quality content exactly as promised and always on schedule.
I am not afraid of hard work and will do everything it takes to get the job done.
It is an opportunity to onboard new people into the Cardano ecosystem.
The budget will be well managed and in an efficient manner and i will keep an Excel document documenting the hours and days worked, as well as evidence to prove it.
Each Milestone will take two months, so total of 3 milestones.
First Milestone: Create All Cardano Swahili Social Media Accounts | Drafting Of Content Calendar & Creating First 4 Posts On Tiktok & Meta
All new social media accounts will be set up and ready to go:
A: Milestone output: Cardano Swahili Social Media Accounts created and ready to go
Facebook & Instagram Pages - Create 4 posts
Tiktok - Create 4 videos
B: Acceptance criteria: A document file listing the social media accounts created
Facebook - Posts should be made on Facebook in Swahili and related to Cardano/Crypto.
TikTok - Should be in Swahili and related to Cardano/Crypto.
C: Evidence of milestone completion: Links of the social media created and the completed content calendar & Links to the created posts
Milestone outputs:
Facebook & Instagram Pages - Create 4 posts
Tiktok - Create 4 videos
Acceptance criteria
Facebook - Posts should be made on Facebook in Swahili and related to Cardano/Crypto.
TikTok - Should be in Swahili and related to Cardano/Crypto.
Evidence of milestone completion: Links to the created posts
The final milestone is the closing out of the project.
Milestone outputs:
Facebook & Instagram Pages - Create 4 posts
Tiktok - Create 4 videos
Acceptance criteria
Facebook - Posts should be made on Facebook in Swahili and related to Cardano/Crypto.
TikTok - Should be in Swahili and related to Cardano/Crypto.
Evidence of milestone completion: Links to the created posts.
The final milestone is the successful completion of the project.
I will submit the final project completion report and video when the proposal is complete and all the above content has been delivered.
I am Faith Ngomuo, a product marketer with years of experience managing products.
A motivated and hardworking individual with a strong passion for solving complex problems. I thrive in challenging environments, where my ability to think critically and creatively allows me to identify effective solutions. My dedication to continuous improvement drives me to approach each task with a strategic mindset, ensuring that I not only meet but exceed expectations.
Got into Cardano couple of months ago and i noticed that most contents are in english which is a huge barrier to people in Eastern Africa where most people speak Swahili as their Primary language.
Find me on linkedin:
Our goal is to meet all deadlines in a timely manner and we are budgeting 32 hours per month for these tasks.
Total of 24 Videos & 192 hours for the total 6 month proposal.
We estimate each video takes about 8 hours to write the material, shoot the video, edit it & post it. Our concept is to focus on short and direct contents.
Total hours per month = 32
Hourly Rate = 36 dollars per hour
Total requested for hours = 1152 dollars per month. 6,912 dollars total
I believe that this proposal will be providing a great deal of value and content for the money that is being requested.
After scanning through many other proposals this round, we believe that this rate is extremely competitive and provides a great value for what we will provide.
The maximum amount anyone can request for this challenge is 150.000. Therefore, we have seen that many people are requesting this amount or right around this amount.
The amount needed for the proposal was calculated exactly and we think this is fair because it allows more projects to get funding in this category and we are not being wasteful or requesting anything more than we might need.