Last updated 4 months ago
The Cardano community struggles to grasp the concept of on-chain governance and CIP-1694. The ecosystem lacks a comprehensive and easily digestible source of information.
This is the total amount allocated to Governance In Pictures.
The best place to publish the work is CExplorer. The team agrees to collaborate.
A comprehensive, go-to website on governance that covers all related topics, including CIP-1694, treasury, certificates, voting, wallets, the CC, etc. You will find the list of topics below.
CExplorer is a popular destination for reading articles about Cardano and finding on-chain information. I plan to publish my work there.
The result will be text and images that will be publicly available.
The Cardano community struggles to understand on-chain governance and CIP-1694, partly due to the lack of a comprehensive and easily digestible source of information. CIP-1694, in particular, is hard to read, contributing to a low active voting stake.
We need to activate the community to participate in on-chain governance.
As a DRep training leader, I created a presentation that participants found easy to understand. I've also shared many posts on X about governance, using images from the presentation, which received solid engagement and appreciation from the community.
I believe we should create a few new images and provide more easily digestible text related to governance, keeping it permanently available in a well-known place like CExplorer.
This work will be accessible to all community members interested in learning about governance. On average, a few hundred people read articles on CExplorer per month. I believe that pages dedicated to governance can easily reach and even surpass these numbers over time.
What am I going to describe:
There will be a dedicated space providing a comprehensive overview of Cardano governance and all related topics listed above. The benefit is that it will be created by a community member rather than a founding entity. The text will be close to live data in the explorer, so users can easily check the current number of registered DReps, active voting stake, etc.
By educating the community, we can foster a greater interest in governance, which will likely contribute to an increase in the active voting stake and interest in Cardano as a platform having working on-chain governance.
As a DRep training leader, I have extensive experience in educating others on this topic and have received positive feedback from course participants. I've held multiple sessions and continuously improved the presentation based on participant input.
There are already many images available, and I plan to enhance them and create new ones. These images will be accompanied by easily digestible text.
I also intend to prepare a list of topics so that everyone can quickly find exactly what they need.
Milestone outputs: 33,3% of the content is done. These topics will be covered.
Acceptance criteria: 33,3% of the text and images are ready and can be presented in non-public or shared documents.
Evidence of milestone completion: 33,3% of the content is prepared in some form for inclusion into the explorer. The content can be used in other ways - for articles or on other websites.
Milestone outputs: 66,6% of the content is done. These topics will be covered.
Acceptance criteria: 66,6% of the text and images are ready and can be presented in non-public or shared documents.
Evidence of milestone completion: 66,6% of the content is prepared in some form for inclusion into the explorer. The content can be used in other ways - for articles or on other websites.
Milestone outputs: 90% of the content is done. These topics will be covered. The review is in progress.
Acceptance criteria: 90% of the text and images are ready and can be presented in non-public or shared documents.
The explorer is ready for inserting the content.
The review is in progress.
Evidence of milestone completion: 90% of the content is prepared in some form for inclusion into the explorer. The content can be used in other ways - for articles or on other websites. There is a website ready for the inclusion of the text.
Milestone outputs: 100% of the content is done. The review is done. The content is publicly available.
Acceptance criteria: 100% of the text and images are done. The content is reviewed. A website with the content is publicly available and comprehensively covers the topic including many accompanying images.
Evidence of milestone completion: The existence of the website and a solid number of readers (I expect hundreds of readers in the first month after the deployment, thousands in 3-6 months).
As a DRep training leader, I created my presentation, which training participants found easy to understand. I plan to broaden the topic by including other relevant chapters to ensure that governance is thoroughly addressed.
I will work on the presentation myself in cooperation with the CExplorer team. From the CExplorer team, I need to arrange a suitable place on their website and access an interface that allows me to enter my content.
Milestone 1:
Working on the documentation and images. Preparing the website.
Cost: 12,000 ADA (me, Cexplorer team)
Milestone 2:
Working on the documentation and images. Preparing the website.
Cost: 12,000 ADA (me, Cexplorer team)
Milestone 3: Working on the documentation and images. Preparing the website. Asking for a review.
Cost: 16,000 ADA (me, Cexplorer team, reviewer(s))
I can offer 2000 ADA to 2 reviewers or 1000 to 4 reviewers.
Milestone 4: Incorporating proposed changes after the review. Insertion of the documentation to the website.
Cost: 15,000 ADA (me, Cexplorer team)
Cardano deserves a dedicated website detailing on-chain governance, as it is a key feature of its decentralization. This resource could serve both as an educational tool for the community and as training content about Cardano governance.
DRep training leaders received approximately 21,000 ADA for conducting online or offline training sessions for around 20 participants. I plan to expand the scope to include other related but crucial topics, for roughly double that amount (part of the budget will go to the Cexplorer team and reviewers). The final product will be accessible to the entire community.