Last updated 5 months ago
New users are often overwhelmed by the amount of steps involved to getting started in the Cardano ecosystem. How can we make it easy to onboard users to Cardano by simplifying the onboarding process?
This is the total amount allocated to Kaizen Crypto - Proof of Onboarding Cards To Grow Ecosystem Participation.
Proof of Onboarding cards are an easy way to give new users a step-by-step process to create a Cardano wallet and even claim free Cardano native assets. A helpful addition to networking events.
No dependencies
While the proposal may not be considered open-source, the outputs produced in this proposal are free for everyone to use and share in the Cardano community.
Our proposed solution is to design physical cards that can be distributed at in-person events to onboard new users into the Cardano ecosystem. Each card will feature a QR code that directs users to a simple process for creating a Cardano wallet and claiming free native tokens. This approach provides an easy and tangible entry point into the blockchain, offering users a hands-on experience while promoting further exploration of Cardano's ecosystem. The cards aim to increase adoption by lowering the barrier to entry and providing immediate value to users.
Success for this proposal will be measured by tracking the number of new wallets created using the QR codes, tokens claimed, and user engagement through direct feedback. The value for the Cardano community lies in making the ecosystem more accessible by offering an easy, tangible entry point for newcomers, while incentivizing exploration through free tokens. This approach will drive broader adoption, and foster community growth.
Our project is being managed the Kaizen Crypto team, a well-established brand with the Cardano ecosystem. We aim for transparency in our progress and aim to share our outputs with the Cardano community.
Our team has been previously funded in Catalyst funding rounds, and we continue to find new solutions to existing problems. Our efforts to build on Cardano demonstrate a strong desire to continue pushing the ecosystem forward.
Milestone 1: Card Design and Development
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Completion:
Milestone 2: Community Token Collection and QR Code Implementation
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Completion:
Final Milestone: Printing and Distribution
Acceptance Criteria:
Evidence of Completion:
Pritesh Gosai - Kaizen Crypto
Pritesh is a long-time Cardano community member who has been contributing to the ecosystem since 2017. He began creating educational content for the Cardano ecosystem in 2019 and has operated Kaizen stakepools since the Incentivized Testnet. Since then, he has gone on to create one of the most well established brands in the Cardano community with a Youtube channel that has over 1M views and 30k subscribers. He operates several stakepools and contributes to charity in India and Sri Lanka with operator rewards from Krishna stakepool. The Kaizen Crypto brand is now supported by several community members who span across the entire globe to continue the ethos of continuous improvement for Cardano. The Kaizen Crypto team has previously been funded through Catalyst for Lovelace Saga, Cardano Calendar, and the Cardano 101 Course.
The funding requested is needed to pay for the card printing costs, as well as the token allocations and minimum utxo ada amounts sent to each new wallet created.
Proposed Budget For Team Salary:
Card Printing Budget - 20,000 ADA
Token + ADA Budget - 10,000 ADA
Design Creation Budget - 10,000 ADA
ADA Valuation Contingency (Savings) - 10,000 ADA
Total Cost: 50,000 ADA
The cost of this project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem due to our team's commitment to ecosystem growth and ability to deliver useful products for the community.
The budget has been determined considering the costs for printing, graphic design, and applying ADA and Cardano tokens to each claim by a new wallet.
Completion of the project will help to provide an easy way to onboard new users to the Cardano ecosystem.