[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Viet Cardano Community team
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
• We want to continue to maintain current platform operations.
• Continue to develop the Cardano community in Vietnam.
• Train and support the community to build teams like us.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
- Our websites: Activities results will be shared in the form of articles on our 2 websites (vcoincheck.io and cardanolibrary.net)
- Social platforms: We share activities, project information through social networking platforms twitter, telegram, facebook.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/vcoincheck
- Training results will be shared on youtube.
[METADATA] Horizons
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution
Context and problem
Knowledge is always very important to everyone. Everyone knows knowledge is essential in blockchain or crypto. But where to learn knowledge, how to learn? That's the question we always get from our community.
There is a lot of knowledge related to Cardano, blockchain, or the crypto market, so which knowledge is necessary? Whether the knowledge-sharing projects have brought to the community the necessary and sufficient knowledge according to each person's needs.
- How can a website or blockchain knowledge-sharing project be evaluated?
- How does a knowledge education project or product retain its community?
- An educational product that is a knowledge-heavy course or training course is enough to reach all parts of the community and spread strongly enough?
- A knowledge-sharing platform that has diversified in all forms?
All of the above issues have been basically built by Vcoincheck.io from the beginning of 2022 until now with the sponsorship of the Catalyst fund (Please read our annual report file in the attached link.

However, the problem with all community development projects or teams is the lack of funding until it can be self-sustainable.
- Most such projects after a period of time have to reduce the scale of activities, and the quality of information and knowledge is reduced because there is not enough time to do it well.
- And then when the old team stops working, there are new teams that appear to do the same things but at a much greater cost.
The point above is not intended to discourage teams from creating new community-building projects.
The viewpoint here is how to maintain the old projects with the most cost-effective.
Here our solution
1. To expand the Cardano community in Vietnam and share Cardano knowledge with the world community,
- We implement the plan to build and develop the communities we are the managers like
a. Cardano ADA Vietnam Facebook group – 46k members (maintain)
b. Telegram group - 550 members (expand)
c. Youtube, Twitter (expand)
- Share our knowledge of Cardano on official Cardano sources like forum.cardano.org, essentialcardano.io
2. We will keep maintaining the products we built like
- Crypto project review page: website vcoincheck.io
- Blockchain knowledge library, Cardano, Catalyst (https://vcoincheck.io/library and https://cardanolibrary.net/en/category/library-en/)
3. Continue to do the training, support, and form teams like us
- This work will be done through opening training courses, and blockchain knowledge with the following model:
- Format of a training course (1 month, 1 session per week, 3 hours per session) :
a. Instructor: Primary is a person who has good knowledge of blockchain, Cardano, and professional project evaluation skills.
b. To evaluate crypto projects for someone who has no blockchain knowledge, we choose the easiest approach for students learn how to evaluate Dapp layer's projects and specifically Defi projects (Because they are projects with the lowest of technology content and most widely available information, most accessible to everyone)
c. In each tutorial session, each student will choose a project for self-assessment through the instructor's advice and guidance. After that, all students will exchange and critique to improve their own knowledge. The instructor is responsible for answering all questions and omissions in the student's research paper.
d. After 4 training sessions, students will have enough basic skills to evaluate 1 scam project, 1 bad project, and 1 investable project. There is a certain amount of basic knowledge to be able to participate in the translation of technical articles.
e. During the training course, the instructor also supports 24/7 knowledge answering for students via the group's own telegram channel.
Reference source: Youtube Vcoincheck training course No2

The impact
- The support to keep vcoincheck.io active will be proof of the community and Catalyst's support for community development projects. It will create inspiration as well as motivation for projects to continue operating and building community.
- The information and knowledge built on the Vcoincheck platform are selected and edited very carefully by the team themselves. So it can be used to share with other communities and projects.
- The knowledge articles of vcoincheck only have a rate of <30% copied from Cardano's sources. This saves costs and resources of community funds.
- The number of community members that our team is managing is in the tens of thousands, so information and knowledge about Cardano can reach a lot of people.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community
Value to the Cardano
If this proposal is approved, it will have the following benefits:
- Maintain and expand Cardano's presence in Vietnam on social media channels.
- Saving Catalyst budget: With more than 1 year of project implementation and operation experience as well as 2 years of community management and support. We have experience in maintaining and operating it in the most cost-effective manner.
- The world Cardano community continues to have a source to refer to information and standard knowledge about Cardano. (Most of the content on our Website is available in 3 languages English, Japanese, and Vietnamese)
- The existence of the project will also be a source of inspiration and lessons for the projects that can be developed.
Common benefits for the community when the Vcoincheck ecosystem continues to develop.
- Knowledge: People can contribute their own knowledge in return for the knowledge of others.
- Vcoincheck point: Vcoincheck point is the point system of the Vcoincheck platform, it can be used for the exchange of services, information, and jobs that have been and will be available on Vcoincheck.
- Money: Vcoincheck will have times to encourage the community to contribute or do jobs that the community is willing to pay for.
- Reputation: In the Vcoincheck ecosystem, all contributions will be converted into Vcoincheck points, this is the point to evaluate the reputation of individuals who have contributed a lot to the community. And we have always understood that a simple thing with a reputation is to be able to earn many things.
Our key metric and main goal
The success of the proposal is measured by the following parameters:
- Number of members growing in media or social channels
- Number of news articles, and knowledge are posted daily.
- Number of interactions with our website.
- Number of trainees trained through training courses.
- Number of articles shared on official Cardano sources
Goal 1: The increase in the number of members of social networking channels after 6 months.
- Facebook: increase 5% (currently 48k members)
- Telegram: over 2000 members (currently 1500 members)
- Twitter: 100 followers
- Youtube: 200 subscribers
Goal 2: Number of interactions with products, as well as social media channels after 6 months.
This goal is determined by views, likes, feedback on social media channels, community telegram groups through posts related to our products.
- Social networks: 1000 interactions.
Goal 3: Number of people trained through the training course.
- Number of courses: 2
- Number of trainees: 12-16
Note: the number of people will not be high because the goal of the course is to create people with knowledge and skills to be experts who can share knowledge or train others.
Goal 4: Number of articles and news published on websites and social media channels (After 6 months)
- Website: 180 posts.
- Facebook: 180 posts.
- Twitter: 360 tweets
- Cardano official source: 60 articles.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Since the beginning of 2023 we have been planning and rebuilding the communication channels and social networks that we manage. After half a year, we have also achieved the following achievements.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge9AVXy6TrQLargest Cardano VietNam FB group

Our telegram group
Besides, we continue to support and share knowledge with other Cardano communities and groups in Vietnam.

Essential Cardano articles

Cardanospot.io articles
The core-team:
- We manage the largest Cardano ADA Vietnam group on Facebook, fostering strong community engagement.
- Our team has successfully completed six funded proposals in Funds 7, 8, and 9 under the Vcoincheck project. (Source: lidonation, Vcoincheck Annual report 2023)
- As Constitutional Delegate in Vietnam, we represent the voice of the Vietnamese Cardano community to help finalize Cardano's Constitution, giving us a deep understanding of Cardano's governance and the desires of ADA holders within our community.

Achievements Vcoincheck.io project has achieved since its operation:
- List and evaluate more than 280 crypto projects (60% of which are projects in the Cardano ecosystem). Currently, there are more than 2000 reviews done by vcoincheck team and community
- More than 180 articles on basic knowledge about blockchain, Cardano, and catalyst posted on 2 websites vcoincheck.io and cardanolibrary.net in 3 languages Vietnam, Japan, English
- Conducted 3 online training courses on Cardano knowledge for the community and trained 20 people.
- Conducted more than 20 live streams to share knowledge and information about Cardano (Youtube ...)
Here is our annual report: Vcoincheck annual report

[PROJECT MILESTONES] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1:
- Detailed planning
- Upgrade and maintain website
- Forming a team.
- Perform work as committed on all sources.
Acceptance criteria
- The document describes details planning.
- Websites work as it should
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweets
- Articles/news: 30
- Post articles on Cardano sources: 10
- Detailed implementation plan (public shared doc)
- Post/news on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Post/news on Twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Post articles/news: websites https://vcoincheck.io/vn/event/news and https://cardanolibrary.net
- Post on Cardano source: Forum.cardano.org, essencial.cardano.com
Intend outcome:
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweet
- Articles/news: 30
- Post on Cardano sources: 10
Timeline: month 1
Est Cost: 7200 ADA
Milestone 2:
- Perform work as committed on all sources.
- Processing training course number 1
Acceptance criteria
- Training course 1 record video.
- websites work as it should
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweets
- Articles/news: 30
- Post articles on Cardano sources: 10
- Processing training course 1: Video walkthrough
- Post/news on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Post/news on Twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Post articles/news: websites https://vcoincheck.io/vn/event/news and https://cardanolibrary.net
- Post on Cardano source: Forum.cardano.org, essencial.cardano.com
Intend outcome:
- Video: 1
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweet
- Articles/news: 30
- Post on Cardano sources: 10
Timeline: month 2
Est Cost: 6200 ADA
Milestone 3:
- Perform work as committed on all sources.
- Complete training course number 1
- Support to form a team for students of course 1
- Recruiting trainees for training course No. 2
Acceptance criteria
- Training course 1 record video: 4 videos
- Websites work as it should
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweets
- Articles/news: 30
- Post articles on Cardano sources: 10
- Completing training course 1: Video walkthrough
- Recruiting training course 2: Video walkthrough
- Post/news on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Post/news on twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Post articles/news: websites https://vcoincheck.io/vn/event/news and https://cardanolibrary.net
- Post on Cardano source: Forum.cardano.org, essencial.cardano.com
Intend outcome:
- Video: 1
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweet
- Articles/news: 30
- Post on Cardano sources: 10
Timeline: month 3
Est Cost: 11000 ADA
Milestone 4:
- Perform work as committed on all sources.
- Processing training course number 2
Acceptance criteria
- Training course 1 record video: 4 videos
- Websites work as it should
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweets
- Articles/news: 30
- Post articles on Cardano sources: 10
- Processing training course 2: Video walkthrough
- Post/news on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Post/news on twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Post articles/news: websites https://vcoincheck.io/vn/event/news and https://cardanolibrary.net
- Post on Cardano source: Forum.cardano.org, essencial.cardano.com
Intend outcome:
- Video: 1
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweet
- Articles/news: 30
- Post on Cardano sources: 10
Timeline: month 4
Est Cost: 6200 ADA
Milestone 5:
- Perform work as committed on all sources.
- Complete training course number 2
- Support to form a team for students of course 2
Acceptance criteria
- Training course 1 record video: 4 videos
- The websites works as it should
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweets
- Articles/news: 30
- Post articles on Cardano sources: 10
- Completing training course 2: Video walkthrough
- Post/news on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Post/news on twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Post articles/news: websites https://vcoincheck.io/vn/event/news and https: cardanolibrary.net
- Post on Cardano source: Forum.cardano.org, essencial.cardano.com
Intend outcome:
- Video: 1
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweet
- Articles/news: 30
- Post on Cardano sources: 10
Timeline: month 5
Est Cost: 11000 ADA
Final Milestone:
- Perform work as committed on all sources.
- Performance evaluation after 6 months
- Make project reports and share project results with the community
Acceptance criteria
- 6 month report document
- The websites works as it should
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweets
- Articles/news: 30
- Post articles on Cardano sources: 10
- Project report: public shared doc
- Post/news on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Post/news on twitter: https://twitter.com/VCoinCheck
- Post articles/news: websites https://vcoincheck.io/vn/event/news and https: cardanolibrary.net
- Post on Cardano source: Forum.cardano.org, essencial.cardano.com
Intend outcome:
- Report: 1 document
- Facebook: 30 posts
- Twitter: 60 tweet
- Articles/news: 30
- Post on Cardano sources: 10
Timeline: month 6
Est Cost: 6200 ADA
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
1.Sang Nguyen - Project Leader
- DRep Trainer, DRep Pioneer Training Program.

- Speaker at Cardano Monthly Meetup Ho Chi Minh.

- Member of Constitutional Delegate in Vietnam.
- Admin of Viet Cardano Community - The largest Cardano community in Vietnam -
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet (over 47k followers)
- and Telegram group: https://t.me/ADA_VIET (over 1,100 members)
- Join Catalyst as PA from Fund 7 to 12.
- Certified in CBCA (issued by Cardano Foundation), Cardano Haskell Developer Course (issued by Emurgo)

2.Jimmy Lee - Project Admin

3.Mr. Vu Do - Project admin
- Funded proposer (fund 8)
- Experience in research on blockchain ecosystems, especially on the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
- Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vu-do-4ba0a2109/
- Telegram: https://t.me/VuDo2312
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources
Total budget: 47000 ADA
Milestone 1: 7200 ADA
Buy website hosting (1 year): 1000 ADA
Website maintenance fee: 200ADA (200ADA per months)
Admin fee: 6000 ADA (3 pax)
Milestone 2: 6200 ADA
Website maintenance fee: 200ADA
Admin fee: 6000ADA (3 pax)
Milestone 3: 11000 ADA
Website maintenance fee: 200ADA
Admin fee: 6000ADA (3 pax)
Training course 1: 4800ADA
Milestone 4: 6200 ADA
Website maintenance fee: 200ADA
Admin fee: 6000ADA (3 pax)
Milestone 5: 11000 ADA
Website maintenance fee: 200ADA
Admin fee: 6000ADA (3 pax)
Training course 2: 4800ADA
Milestone 6: 6200 ADA
Website maintenance fee: 200ADA
Admin fee: 6000ADA (3 pax)
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
- Website maintenance: 200 ADA/month
- Website hosting: ~ 334 ADA/month
- Admin fee: ~ 17 ADA/hour (person)
- We already have a community with tens of thousands of members, and a website with 500 accounts, so marketing costs are reduced to the maximum.
- We just buy hosting and maintain the https://vcoincheck.io website. The https://cardanolibrary.net has 0 operation fee
- Since our team is doing daily community management work, admin fees will only be charged for work directly related to the project. And it has been minimalist at the lowest cost.
Admin workload: (1month), working hour ~ 360h
- Post/news on Facebook: 1 post/day
- Post/Twitter news: 2 tweets/day.
- Posting articles/news: website 1 articles/day
- Post on Cardano source: 10 articles/month
- Interact, support telegram: 12h/day
It is the work our team processes every day so We know how to maximize cost savings while creating the best efficiency