Last updated 4 months ago
The Fida community in its mission to support decentralised insurance agencies across the entire crypto landscape cannot do so, unless our contracts interact with other systems on other blockchains.
This is the total amount allocated to FIDA: Etherisk contracts on Cardano.
By allowing Cardano wallets to interact with etherisc contracts on EVM chains, Fida is able to offer insurance agencies on those platforms through its collaboration with etherisc.
This project is a collaboration between Fida Finance and Etherisc to make collateral locked on Cardano (through Fida Finance) work. In the development of this solution we will need to coordinate potential bridging of assets
The smart contract code on both sides Cardano + EVM required to have this feature work will be on Fida's github repo
We will write code enabling etherisc opportunities to show up for Fida investors on our platform.
This is a strong first step in Fida's chain agnositc mission of closing the insurance protection gap through decentralised products and it is with a community sharing the same ideals of decentralised insurance.
We will map an etheric insurance pools to a Fida policy and allow investors to purchase cards in support of this pool. The capacity supplied by this sale will find its way back to the etherisc pool and premium benefits will be delivered to the Fida capacity card holders as per Fida's mechanism.
It is proof of two projects collaborating across chain boundaries, with the potential to introduce ethereum users to the security of Cardano. Additionally, it opens up for providing capacity in the opposite direction later on.
It will be a huge step in the development of the insurance ecosystem within the Cardano nation.
Both Fida and Etherisc have working systems and code. You can find on chain evidence for both our efforts. The harder part will be the cross-chain communication, which may simply be cross-chain message signing, but the funds are required in order to dedicate time into building this.
Here's Etherisk's work with Lemonade Crypto Climate Coaltion:
Milestone Output:
Establish simple contract interaction between Cardano and EVM chains
Acceptance Criteria:
A proof of concept smart contract execution done by a Cardano wallet on an EVM chain.
Evidence of Completion:
On chain transactions highlighting the execution of the smart contracts and the roundtrip execution demonstrating the state transfer.
Milestone Output:
Adapting the existing Fida smart contracts to support the process
Acceptance Criteria:
Fida risk transfer can register and signal the etherisk gif on a selected chain
Evidence of Completion:
On chain transactions highlighting the execution of the smart contracts and the roundtrip execution demonstrating the state transfer.
Milestone Output:
Adapting the existing Etherisk smart contracts to support the process
Acceptance Criteria:
Etherisk can receive and output signals in such a way Fida can supply the appropriate payloads to the on-chain smart contract code to finish the loop.
Evidence of Completion:
On chain transactions highlighting the execution of the smart contracts and the roundtrip execution demonstrating the state transfer.
Milestone Output:
Establish payout to a Cardano addresses
Acceptance Criteria:
Now the Fida - Etherisk interaction is fully enabled, and Capacity provided on Cardano gets paid out a wallet on Cardano triggered by the Eherisk system.
Evidence of Completion:
On chain transactions highlighting the execution of the smart contracts and the roundtrip execution culminating in the transfer to the registered policy holder of the ehterisk.
Milestone Output:
Establish payout to an EVM addresses
Acceptance Criteria:
Now the Fida - Etherisk interaction is fully enabled, and Capacity provided on Cardano gets paid out a wallet on the Etherisk chain triggered by the Eherisk system.
Evidence of Completion:
On chain transactions highlighting the execution of the smart contracts and the roundtrip execution culminating in the transfer to the registered policy holder of the ehterisk.
Milestone Output:
Produce report and show integrated website
Acceptance Criteria:
Fida investors can provide capacity for Etherisk contracts.
Evidence of Completion:
Users can go to our testnet and run through the entire system.
Rodolfo Hansen - Co-Founder, CEO
Sławomir Śledź - Co-Founder, CTO
The rest of the Fida team and community
The monthly costs for this project by role is:
Over the 8 month period, these costs settle to:
For a total of $165,986.00 which is (at the time of writing) ₳490,733.20 slightly above the requested funds. All additional costs will be handled as needed out of pocket e.g. server costs, online service fees for products like gitbook, github, and google workspace, our own time, incidentals, etc.
This breakdown is in the interest of both simplicity and transparency for the community.
This is a great proof of achievement and chain interoperability for Cardano
The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways: