Last updated 4 months ago
Urban tree planting in home gardens, schools, and parks lacks direct monetary incentives, resulting in unquantified sequestration of carbon which is overlooked and underutilised by investors.
This is the total amount allocated to Plant-to-earn: Incentivizing Urban Tree Planting Through Carbon Measurement and Decentralised Investment.
Leverage investor capital to provide rewards for community tree planting and ongoing carbon sequestration monitoring, enabling investors to yield carbon credits from verifiable, crowd-sourced data.
No dependencies.
Smart Contracts
All smart contracts developed as part of this project will be open source and publicly available throughout the entire project lifecycle. We intend to use the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0) for the smart contract code. This license ensures that the code remains free and open, while also requiring that any modifications or derivative works are also released under the same open source terms. The smart contract code will be hosted in a public GitHub repository, allowing for transparency, community review, and potential contributions. This approach aligns with blockchain best practices and fosters trust in the underlying protocol.
User Interface
The user interface (UI) components of the project will remain closed source. This decision is based on several factors:
We believe this hybrid approach strikes a balance between openness and protecting our project's interests. It allows for scrutiny and trust in the core blockchain interactions while maintaining control over the user-facing aspects of the application.
Trees planted outside of forests play a crucial role in enhancing our environment, offering numerous benefits such as improved air quality, carbon sequestration, shade, heat absorption through evapotranspiration, enhanced groundwater recharge, and more aesthetically pleasing landscapes.
Globally, individuals face a lack of direct monetary incentives to plant trees in urban environments such as home gardens, schools and parks to create greener spaces.
While carbon credit schemes have provided financial motivation for large-scale reforestation projects, these programs are typically too rigid and exclusive to allow individual participation. This absence of incentives is further exacerbated by the significant costs associated with purchasing seedling trees from traditional retailers and transportation costs. As a result, the potential for widespread tree planting by individuals remains largely untapped, despite the considerable environmental advantages it could offer.
The Cardano ecosystem offers a robust platform for incentivizing tree planting through various innovative mechanisms. By facilitating a decentralised network, we devise a system which connects seed producers directly with tree planters, streamlining the supply chain. This system will empower tree planters to become seed producers themselves, creating a positive feedback loop which will increase seedling availability over time.
Through the use of smart contracts, our ecosystem will enable all participants to measure the carbon stored in their trees and earn carbon offsets, providing a tangible financial benefit. Cardano's smart contract technology will enable investors to supply money into community tree funds, attracting individuals from those regions to plant trees and receive immediate cash flow rewards. This ecosystem will provide businesses and governments seeking to increase tree cover and offset their emissions the ability to fund and purchase traceable and verifiable carbon credit tokens, ensuring transparency and accountability in the carbon market.
This project will increase adoption within the Cardano ecosystem by enhancing the real-world utility of the network. By attracting more users and projects to the platform, this initiative will foster a vibrant community which will engage with various other decentralized applications (dApps) and services.
Furthermore, the project focusing on the accessible community activity of tree planting allows non-technical individuals to begin interacting with the Cardano community as their first introduction to blockchain.
Critically, this project will bring more liquidity into the Cardano ecosystem through attracting institutional investment into community tree funds. Increased liquidity is vital for any blockchain ecosystem as it enhances trading opportunities and stabilizes asset prices, thereby encouraging further participation.
Moreover, this project will further legitimize the Cardano network as a facilitator of transparent and verifiable environmental restoration projects. By focusing on sustainability and environmental impact, it will position Cardano as a responsible and ethical player in the blockchain space. This not only enhances its reputation but also aligns with global efforts toward environmental conservation, making it an attractive option for socially conscious investors.
Finally, with the cost of carbon emissions expected to grow rapidly in the near future, this project has the potential to redistribute wealth from some of the world's largest polluters to Cardano users who are actively restoring the environment. Establishing such protocols now will establish the Cardano ecosystem as the premier marketplace for trading carbon globally.
The capability to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability is rooted in the extensive experience and expertise of the team involved. The team has a proven track record in the forestry and soil carbon capture industry, having successfully developed complex Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) solutions through the platform. This platform enables precise determination of soil organic carbon, showcasing the team's technical proficiency and commitment to delivering reliable results.
Composed of engineers with experience ranging from three to twenty five years, the team possesses a diverse skill set across regulated and voluntary carbon markets, software, and carbon MRV that is essential for navigating the complexities of this project. This collective expertise not only enhances our ability to execute the project effectively but also fosters a culture of accountability where each member understands their role and responsibilities.
To maintain transparency and keep the community informed about progress, the project will include periodic video updates. These updates will serve as a platform for sharing milestones and gathering feedback from stakeholders, reinforcing a collaborative approach to project development. This commitment to open communication is crucial for building trust within the community.
Furthermore, specific components related to carbon accounting will undergo accreditation through organisations such as the Clean Energy Regulator in Australia, Verra or Carbon Standards International. This external validation is a critical step in ensuring that the project's methodologies and outcomes are credible and trustworthy.
NFTree generation smart contract
Budget: 83k ADA = $41,500 AUD
Duration: 2 months
DApp Development
Budget: 183k ADA = $92,000 AUD
Duration: 4 months
Community Pooling of NFTrees
Budget: 50k ADA = $25,000 AUD
Duration: 1 months.
Net Abatement Calculations
Budget: 70k ADA = $35,000 AUD
Duration: 2 months
Seed supply
Budget: 113k ADA = $56,500 AUD
Duration: 3 months
See for our team member descriptions.
Milestone 1: NFTree Generation Smart Contract
Milestone 2: User Interface Development
Milestone 3: Community Pooling of NFTrees
Milestone 4: Net Abatement Calculations
Final Milestone: Seed Supply
Total Budget
This project requires specialized expertise in forestry carbon methodologies and practical experience in tree planting. A solid understanding of relevant software and scientific principles is crucial for effective carbon accounting, making this a niche skill set due to the industry's early stage.
To address these needs, the budget allocates competitive salaries to ensure fair compensation for our team's expertise. This strategy not only retains top talent but also cultivates a dedicated team capable of delivering high-quality results for the Cardano community.
The project will serve as a high-integrity, environmentally positive gateway for individuals engaging with the Cardano community. Its positive impact will enhance goodwill towards the community, generating additional value for all stakeholders.