Last updated 4 months ago
We aim to improve tooling and monitoring for Cardano validators. SubVT is widely used by Polkadot operators, and we will extend its features to meet the specific needs of Cardano’s ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to SubVT (Substrate Validator Toolkit) For Cardano Mainnet, Preview, and Partner Chains.
We will consult Cardano validator operators for their needs, analyze the storage system, extend SubVT’s backend with Cardano-specific components, and integrate Cardano into our iOS and Android apps.
No dependencies.
All of Helikon’s products are fully open-source, distributed under the The GNU General Public License v3.0.
We will follow the steps below to implement our solution:
SubVT aims to enhance the security of Cardano by offering improved tooling for the validator operators. Additionally, it will contribute to the overall user experience through its well-designed UI and UX.
Our proven track record in the Polkadot ecosystem over the past four years demonstrates our capability, trust, and accountability. We have successfully delivered two Web3 Foundation grants and one Kusama treasury grant. Additionally, we are part of the Infrastructure Builders Program (IBP), providing RPC services to nearly 30 blockchain networks. We operate validators under both Kusama and Polkadot Thousand Validators programs. Most recently, our Submerge project proposal successfully passed the community vote, further validating our commitment.
Research and Technical Analysis
Infrastructure Extension
Extend Helikon infrastructure with Cardano mainnet and Preview testnet validators, and Cardano RPC archive nodes.
Demonstration of the running infrastructure.
Backend Implementation
Complete implementation of Cardano-specific components in the SubVT backend.
iOS App Development
Complete implementation of Cardano support inside the iOS application.
SubVT iOS application with Cardano extensions available on AppStore.
Android App Development
Complete implementation of Cardano support inside the Android application.
SubVT Android application with Cardano extensions available on Play Store.
Kutsal Kaan Bilgin: Project Manager, Lead Architect and Developer
Eyüp Gürel: Systems and Mobile Developer
Egor Zmaznev: Design Head and Product Consultant
Daria Kravchenko: Project Management and Product Communications
One Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is calculated at $90 per hour, working 8 hours per day, and 23 days per month, totaling $16,560 per month.
Research and Technical Analysis:
1 month, 1 FTE = $16,560.00
Infrastructure Extension
1 month, 1 FTE = $16,560.00
Backend Implementation
2 months, 1 FTE = $33,120.00
iOS App Development
3 months, 1 FTE = $49,680.00
Android App Development
3 months, 1 FTE = $49,680.00
TOTAL: $165,600.00
SubVT offers strong value for money, under a modest budget, by leveraging our existing infrastructure, backend and application code base, already proven in the Polkadot ecosystem. We aim to contribute to the overall stability and security of the network by providing improved observability for validator operators. Our solution is fully open-source, ensuring both long-term sustainability and community-driven development.